The Reunion Ch. 01

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The 20 year reunion of a Blanke-Schande graduating class.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/12/2017
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This is a work of fiction. All characters are at least 18 years of age.


The Invitation

When Dad come in from work, Mom handed him the elaborately embossed envelope that had come in the mail.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Well, read it."

Dad kinda mumbled "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sussman, Blanke Schande University's 20th Reunion Committee cordially invites you and your family to a reunion to be held April 19-22 in the Convention Center and Hotel on the campus of Blanke Schande University".

Dad looked up and said, "Well, that ought to be interesting, I'm sure you want to go and catch up with all of our old friends and classmates."

"But what are we going to do with Sara? Even though she's 18 and we've left her here by herself before, it's usually been for no more than overnight. I don't think we can leave her here 4 days." Suddenly I had an interest in the conversation.

"We'll take her with us. It says 'you and your family' are invited."

Mom looked agitated. "I don't think she is ready for that. I don't think I'm ready for that."

What was there to be "ready" for? I really wasn't looking forward to spending 4 days at some boring 20th year reunion, but something in Mom's demeanor suggested something was going on that they didn't want me to be a part of. That just ratcheted up my interest in being included.

Mom objected, "No, I really thing we should ask Ted and Alice if Sara can stay with Kaley that weekend. I'm sure she would enjoy that much more than some silly college reunion."

"Oh, Mom, why don't you want me to join you? You're always complained about our not spending enough 'quality time' together. I know you've never been happy with my decision not to go to college after graduation. Maybe this will change my mind after I experience the college environment."

Yea, right, no chance of that happening, but I had to find some hook to change Mom's mind. "She's right," said Dad. "This may spark an interest in her to decide to go to college."

"Well, let's think this through. We can discuss this later." A couple of days went by and "we" did not discuss this later, but apparently Mom and Dad did.

That weekend at supper Dad asked me, "Are you sure you want to spend 4 days at some stuffy college reunion?" I assured Dad I was sure and it was agreed we would all attend. Mom still didn't look too happy.

Day One

Things moved along uneventfully until the week of the reunion arrived. All the arrangements were made. We would be sharing a room since there were limited rooms available at the Center, but that was no big deal. On Thursday we flew into San Francisco and caught a commuter flight to the town where the University is located. The small plane held 18 people and Mom and Dad recognized a couple of the other people and started renewing old acquaintances.

When we debarked the plane, we were met by the luggage rack by a driver holding up a sign saying "Blanke Schande Reunion". He led us to a bus and we drove to a beautiful campus and entered through the main gate. I was startled to see, or I thought I saw, a naked woman sitting on the grass. I didn't say anything, but then I saw two other naked women walking. I couldn't contain myself, "Mom, those women are all naked!"

"I know, Sweetheart. That's what I was hesitant about you discovering. At Blanke Schande all the women, students, faculty, staff, are naked."

Then it hit me like a thunderbolt. "Do you mean to tell me you spent 4 years with your tits and ass hanging out?" I couldn't believe I just blurted that out, but that's how I felt. "I can't believe you went to college at a nudist colony."

"It wasn't like that at all, Sweetheart. Blanke Schande was founded 50 years ago and put into practice the result of extensive studies by two very famous psychologists and educators. They believed that for college-aged students, there were too many distractions. If a lot of normal sexual curiosity and tension could be eliminated, their education would be improved. They tried various models and finally determined that the model that worked best was for the women all to be completely naked while males were to remain fully clothed. No only female students, but all staff, faculty and administration, should be naked. If you can see what a woman looks like naked, then you won't be distracted by wondering what she looks like naked. You don't have to mentally undress her. Women, on the other hand, aren't nearly as preoccupied as men with these distractions."

"Dad, do you mean that you spent 4 years here under these rules?"

"Yes, I did, Pumpkin."

"Did you have a perpetual hard on for 4 years?" I can't believe I blurted that out again.

"Not for 4 years; maybe for 4 days. It was a little distracting the first few days, but it very quickly became second nature and it really improved my concentration on my studies."

The reunion was being held at a combination hotel and convention center on campus. I found out later it was built by the college as a training ground for its School of Hospitality and Management. We arrived at the convention center and several people helped us out of the van and escorted us to the registration area. Every woman was naked, from their ages I guessed some were students helping out but others looked like they were probably employees, probably staff members. We were checked in by a very attractive woman, probably in her early 30's, completely naked, of course.

While in line, a woman, clothed, came up to Mom and asked, "Susan, is that you? And Frank?"

My parents acknowledged the greeting, "Lisa, you look great."

"Susan, Frank, this is my husband and my daughter, Katy. Katy will be enrolling here in the Fall. She is really looking forward to it. Susan, Ingrid Johansen and Marta Ramirez have already checked in and we are all going to get together for the cocktail hour at 6:00. Oh, and Susan, we are all going to be, uh, dressed in our school uniform. I hope you will join us."

"I notice the invitation and agenda listed suggested attire," Mom interjected, "but I never saw anything about clothing optional."

"Oh, I think we figured that out on our own. The administration didn't want to apply any undue influence on us and just allowed us to figure it out by ourselves."

"Frank?" Mom glanced at Dad as if to get his input.

"Whatever you want, Dear."

"Wait a minute. What about me?" I asked. Do you expect me to spend four days with my mother running around with her tits and ass hanging out all over the place?"

"Could you be a little more respectful, Sara? I'm not going to be running around with my 'tits and ass hanging out' as you so contemptuously refer to it. We will be engaging in free expression, a founding principle of Blanke Schande that we all hold so dearly."

"Sara, you really should embrace the situation", Lisa said to me. "Even though Katy doesn't enroll until September and hasn't gone through the Disrobing Ritual she will be joining us all in our, uh, freedom this weekend. Wouldn't you like to participate with us?"

I politely just contemptuously rolled my eyes and ignored here invitation.

"Well, we're going to run along now to get, uh, dressed for cocktails. Hope to see more of you, and you, too, Sara."

We were taken to our room by a "hostess", completely naked, and what appeared to be a male student, fully clothed, carrying our luggage. There wasn't enough to require a luggage cart. They showed us our room and showed us how to deploy the sofa bed. There weren't enough rooms available this weekend so that I could have my own room, but that didn't bother me. At least it didn't until I realized I was probably going to witness my mother parading around the room completely naked all weekend. Or would she be? I didn't bother to ask.

We freshened up and were getting ready to make out way to the conference room for the cocktail hour. And then my mother came out of the bathroom — completely naked. Nudity had not been a part of our family lifestyle. In fact, I don't think I had seen my mother completely naked since I was maybe 8 or 9. I was raised very modestly, and similarly I don't think my mother ever saw me naked after she stopped dressing me when I went to elementary school.

She was wearing a pair of earrings with an abstract 3-dimensional elongated teardrop shape. Then she applied some blush with a makeup brush to her areolas. She then attached another pair of "earrings" with a thin pliable wire to her nipples. The two matching dangles were about 2 inches long and no more than 1/2 inch wide. I had always liked those earrings and sometimes wore them whenever I dressed up. I don't know how long Mom has had the nipple jewelry or if she had ever worn it before. Mom also wore a gold necklace. "Let's go; I'm ready," said Mom. I was speechless; I couldn't collect my thoughts. After a quick inventory of her breasts, still nicely shaped despite her age, 42, and one childbirth, my eyes instinctively wandered to her pussy. It was neatly trimmed with a rectangular strip less than an inch wide covering her pussy lips. I wondered fleetingly if she always kept it trimmed that way of if she had just done this for the weekend.

I got up to go down to the reception. I was wearing short denim shorts and a tank top without a bra. "You're not going dressed like that, are you?" Mom said.

"You're not going dressed like that, are you?" I asked Mom.

Dad chuckled and took my side. "She's got you on that one, Susan."

The next thing I knew we were walking out the door of the room, down the hall to the elevator. We got out on the ground floor. Mom and Dad walked hand in hand, Mom barefooted, and I made sure I walked about 6 feet behind them, trying to distance myself from that spectacle in some way. She wore nothing else except a badge hanging from a lanyard everyone on campus wore in part for identification and in part for security.

We walked past the check-in table where three women were sitting naked to answer any questions from the guests. We entered the ballroom and I saw perhaps 5 naked girls who looked like they were part of the waitstaff. There were two other naked women about my mother's age who I assumed were classmates. Mom greeted them, but she did have to glance at their ID badges. They caressed and I thought it looked like a scene out of a bad porn movie.

During the cocktail hour — I didn't know how high I would be able to get on Mountain Dew — I wandered down one of the hallways outside the ballroom. There were twenty photographic portraits on the wall, ten men on one side of the hall and ten women across on the other side. The orientation of the pictures was "portrait", the men were dressed in business suits (7 of them), two were in military uniforms and one particularly handsome man was wearing a casual suit with open shirt collar. Nine of the women's pictures were portrait orientation. Six of them looked just like a high school or college senior yearbook picture except that you could not see the top of the dress in the picture. These six pictures all were strategically cropped so that the top of the breasts were exposed. They may all have been naked, but there was no way of knowing for sure. Three of the pictures featured women obviously naked, one was wearing a judicial robe open at the front exposing her body except for a law book modestly covering her pussy. Another was a woman wearing a military jacket, again open to reveal most of her breasts, and nothing else. Her completely shaved pussy was in plain sight. My mind wandered to a picture of her imaginary court martial for disgracing a military uniform. The tenth picture was the only one with a landscape orientation; it featured a completely naked woman lying on a bear-skin rug. Her fingers were inserted in her pussy.

I was studying the pictures, especially the most "provocative" ones when an older woman, probably in her early 50's, completely naked except for badge, came up behind me. Age was beginning to have an effect on her looks, but she still conveyed a sense of beauty from a woman aging gracefully and holding onto her natural good looks.

"How do you like our wall for fame?" I acknowledged it was very interesting and unusual for the corridor of a college. She extended her hand to me, "I'm Marge Benson, president of Blanke Schande."

"Do you mean to tell me even the president of the college goes around completely naked?" I asked.

"Of course, it would be a fundamental violation of our core beliefs and mission if I were to wear anything. All women are naked all the time, students, staff, faculty, . . . .and administration."

"Is this woman really a judge?" I asked about the woman in the judicial rubes.

"Yes, and Colonel Benoit was in the military, but the picture was taken after she retired."

"And the woman on the rug?" All of the pictures had a name plate, hers read "Judith Applegate" and below it in a slightly larger font "Fonda Peters."

"Fonda and Paul Snider, over here" she pointed to the handsome man in the casual suit, "started making soft core pornographic movies while in school here. After graduation, they moved to Hollywood, got married, and have build a movie-making empire. Fonda, as she has aged, has gotten into writing, producing and directing. This spring she and Paul between them won 3 Adult Video News Awards, the Oscars of Porn."

She said this with a tremendous sense of pride. "Isn't that career path antithetical to the core beliefs and mission of Blanke Schande?" I asked.

"Not at all, they are both in touch with who and what they are, they are furthering self-expression with no apologies, and they have succeeded in building a business empire. What better measure of success could a graduate of Blanke Schande hope to achieve?"

I pointed to a beautiful strawberry blond woman in one of the pictures. The photograph showed that she was completely naked with a microphone strategically covering her cunt. I'm sorry, but that's what it was doing. "This woman looks very familiar. Have I ever seen her before?"

"Probably," Marge responded, "she is a reported for one of the cable news networks. She graduated from our Communications School. Let's get back to the ballroom. I've got to welcome our guests."

The usual mingling and greeting you would expect from a reunion was ending, and when the cocktail hour was over we all moved to the tables. I introduced Marge to my parents and she excused herself to move to the head table.

The waitstaff politely placed a white linen cloth on the chairs of the naked women. I must have looked puzzled, then Mom whispered in my ear, "Just in case someone oozes."

Suddenly it seemed quite necessary. As we were waiting on the meal to be served I noticed about 7 naked reunion guests, including Mom. I made that assessment based on the ages, but there were 4 girls my age who were also naked but not part of the naked wait staff. I figured out they were the daughters of guests. I wasn't sure if they were actually students, or like Kate, future enrollees trying to get a jump on the nature of things, or just daughters who were taking advantage of the situation to shed their inhibitions and clothes.

Lisa and her husband and Kate, unfortunately, chose to sit with us, to my complete disgust. The first thing Kate said to me was, "A bit overdressed for the occasion, aren't you?"

I wanted to reply "A bit overly snarky for the occasion, aren't you?" but controlled my tongue. I didn't like that girl. Lisa wore a pair of hoop earrings about 3 inches in diameter. She also had matching hoop nipple rings that actually pierced her nipples. Kate had matching earrings, but her hooped nipple rings were attached by a wire like Mom's nipple rings.

While we were waiting for the 1st course to be served I saw one of the guests climb on the table on her hands and knees and spread here ass cheeks for everyone to see her ass hole. I was appalled. She remained in that position for about 2 minutes. Later another woman climbed on another table, bent backwards supporting herself with her hands so that her cunt was presented for everyone to see. I asked my mother what was going on. Kate interjected herself into our conversation and proceeded to answer that question. She explained that the women were "presenting", a ritual that takes place before all events including classes. Knowing that the boys are suffering from hormone overload, just to relieve their condition, the women, all of whom were much more comfortable with the clothing arrangement, would expose themselves for 2 minutes so that all male curiosity was satisfied. Presenting usually involved the exposure of the cunt or the ass hole so that everyone would get an eye full. Kate told everyone at the table about the disrobing ritual, but presumably everyone except me already knew about it. On the first day of class, all incoming students gather in the auditorium and at the end of the orientation session, about an hour in, the women are given a bag and they disrobe and place all their clothing including shoes into the bag. While on campus, they are to remain that way for 4 years.

As if on cue as she completed that story, two other women and one young girl disrobed and put their clothing to the side. That brought the number of naked reunion members to 9 and daughters to 5. I just assumed the numbers would be increasing as the weekend went on. One thing I knew was that the daughter count would never get to 100%.

As the meal was being completed, Dr. Benson went to the rostrum. She welcomed all of us to Blanke Schande. She was extremely proud of this convention center which was part of the School of Hospitality where students were trained in hotel management and culinary arts. She said that the facility was not only self-sufficient financially but it was a huge profit center. Many businesses came to the center for business meetings, team building weekends, etc. The "textiled" world was naturally attracted to the freedom and atmosphere provided by Blanke Schande. She reported that there had been a municipal golf course adjacent to the campus that was losing money. The college took it over and, by imposing the college dress code, had turned it around to profitability. Town residents started flocking to the course. She said that she had set aside a block of tee times for the class members who wanted to enjoy a round of golf tomorrow.

Finally, she said that the whole campus was available for the class to sit in on classes tomorrow. She told us we could check with the hostesses for the professors and classes that we might want to visit. I followed Mom and Dad to one of the tables staffed by a naked hostess. Dad, who had studied business wanted to go to some of the classes in that school, but Mom and I had no interest in that. She was looking for some of the professors she had had when she was in school, but couldn't find any still here after 20 years. Dr. Benson came over to us and when she saw Mom was having trouble locating a class she wanted to attend, Marge suggested we sit in on Dr. Maddie O'Brien's freshman English class. She said Maddie was finishing her 2nd year on the staff and was one of the student favorites who always had interesting classes. We got the information and decided both of us would take in her class.

Mom and Dad said they wanted to play golf in the afternoon and got a 2:20 tee time. The hostess suggested I might want to go the pool and gave me directions. I asked what the dress code was and she smiled and replied, "Whatever you want it to be."

"So I can wear my bikini and don't need to disrobe?"

"Of course not, you are our guest and we want you to be comfortable no matter what you choose."

Mom and Dad mingled some more and around 11:00 we went back to our room. I went into the bathroom and took off the shorts I had been wearing, took off my tank top and changed into my nightshirt with my panties. When I came back into the room Mom had removed her jewelry and makeup, Dad had slipped into a pair of pajamas. We talked about the evening a little but nothing noteworthy.