The Right and Wrong of It All

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How long can a woman resist her Foster Son?
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Jade laughed into the phone. "Christ Nina, you're not meant to be this much of a bad influence on me." Her friend laughed.

"I know, but this is great. Look at the cock on that guy!" Jade looked over her shoulder at Nathan, who was staring at her with a strange smile on his face. Her foster son was moving his hips slowly, almost too slowly to notice, but he was grinding his zip against the bench top.

Jade pretended not to notice. Over the past few months, Nathan had become extremely lustful and intense whenever Jade was around. There was a 22 year age gap between them, but she still found him incredibly attractive. Over the months and months leading up to his 18th birthday, Jade had found herself fantasizing about him near constantly.

The young man had both hands in his pockets and was staring at her as she sat with her back to him, staring at an e-mail from her best friend. Jade's husband rarely made it home, and when he did, he had little interest in sex. Jade was almost constantly craving sex, but she never betrayed her husband. The amount spent on batteries had gone up over the years though.

Nathan had come to live with them three years ago. He was a deal older than most of the foster children that Jade and Terry had sponsored, but that didn't stop them. Jade's novels were doing extremely well, even better since she poured all her lust and frustration into them, and Terry's job kept him occupied.

Jade had been glad of the company, and Nathan had been amazed at what a loving house could do to a person. Unfortunately, as he matured, so too did his body. Nathan was a runner and swimmer, and dealt with the stress in his life by pouring it into working out. His body was incredible, and Jade couldn't help but wonder sometimes.

Nathan's long, dark hair and stone hard body kept Jade awake at nights, thinking about a thousand what ifs. His mafioso looks had that perfect mix of playboy and hitman that made her go weak in the knees, not to mention her loins.

She shut the computer down as Nina chatted on in her ear. "So what's darling boy up to? Excited to be legal in two days, and able to fuck anything with a heartbeat?" jade felt something sharp inside of her at the thought of anyone else touching her foster son. Her heart skipped a beat, and she glanced back over her shoulder at him, smiling weakly.

"We're all very excited. What do you care, anyway? Thought I was more your taste, I'm jealous." Nina laughed wickedly on the other end of the phone. "Besides, it's almost 10.oopm, we should all be heading to bed, you jabberjaw."

"Well, that little white boy's gonna be in some serious trouble once his clock ticks over, because honey, my two girls are gonna be clamourin' over anything that moves to get into that boys pants. He is all man and then some. Even I'm not immune to his charms. I'd just rather you. And you're damned right I'm a jabberjaw, especially when I'm having fun on someone."

Jade cleared her throat and turned back and sat in the chair. She could feel his eyes running over her, and felt her spine shiver as she imagined him rubbing against her like he was doing to the bench. The black reflection of the computer screen showed his olive skin just nicely as he reached into his jeans and gave himself a squeeze.

Jade watched, fascinated. "Nina, c'mon, you can't say that sort of thing about my boy. He's still only young." She was panting softly, and closed her eyes as his hand began to move faster. The chocolate silk of her skin shivered, and she got out of her chair.

She nearly turned around then, and confronted him, but she couldn't. Not when she was so turned on. The picture that Jade had sent her, she told herself. She pushed the chair in as Nina said goodbye, and murmured something to the same effect.

She was still bent over the desk, feeling as sexy as hell, and knowing that her foster son was rubbing his cock over her 40 year old body, that she guiltily jumped when she felt his hand on her hip. Fire shot through her loins at his touch, and she flinched, smiling weakly to him.

"Uh... excuse me, just need to get..." Jade eased her hips in to let him past, but he pressed against her anyway. She felt the thick length of his cock press across her cheeks, and she gasped as she felt her centre heat up more. She swallowed as Nathan ran up the stairs, and put the phone down on the hook.

She moved to the hallway, one hand on the handle, and one on her chest, feeling her heart racing. Jade didn't know what she was going to do; she couldn't, not with her own foster son. She felt herself becoming damp at the thought of fucking her foster son's brains out. She'd just talk to him, maybe. She opened the hallway door quietly.

Nathan ducked back out of her room, something clenched tightly in his fist as he nearly ran towards his room. Jade's heartbeat was racing as she moved silently down the hall. She stopped at his door, which was open a crack. He had barely even made it into the doorway.

He was leant over his desk, staring at her picture, the one of her on the fence, and was rubbing his cock. Wrapped in his fist was a lace bra of hers, deep purple in colour, and Jade watched, her lust shaking her to the core as she watched him.

Nathan slumped down into the desk chair and continued to jerk his cock towards her picture. He lifted the bra to his nose and inhaled deeply, and Jade swallowed, her breath nearly scorching her throat.

Nathan was staring at the mirror now, watching himself. Jade's eyes were riveted on the sight of him pulling his cock for her. She obviously turned him on so much that he could barely stand it. She bit her lip as she watched his speed increase. He was pumping himself so hard, she thought he might explode. His breath was rasping in his throat, and at first she thought he was wheezing, but he was saying her name.

She looked up at the mirror for a moment, and her eyes widened as she locked eyes with her foster son, and he moaned and his cock exploded, blasting cum into the air. Jade couldn't keep the thrill from her face, until she realised what she was doing, and quickly eased herself backwards.

She could hear Nathan's breathing echoing about the room, and he was moaning quietly as he moved his cum soaked fingers over his cock. Jade's hands were shaking, and she quickly ran down the hall and into her room. She closed the door and sat on the bed. He had seen her, there would be no mistaking that, and what's more, she had made him cum just on their eye locking.

There was an insatiable fire brewing inside of her, and her panting was threatening to make her hyperventilate. She felt her legs shaking, and her chest tightened as she realised how badly she wanted him. Nathan, her foster son. The young man she was meant to be raising. He wasn't even legal yet.

She got up and locked the door, then quickly grabbed the phone. She dialled Terry's mobile number, and lifted her skirt up. She began to massage herself, and then Terry answered tiredly. "Yeah?"


"Oh. Hey babe. What's happening?"

"When will you be home next?" There was a startled silence, and Jade took a deep breath as she slid two fingers inside herself, and began to move her palm over her clit, and fire raced up her spine again.

"I was home last week. You know I work three weeks out of four. What's wrong?" Jade scoffed and laid back on the bed, her fingers rubbing her lips and clit as her breath began to quicken.

"Nathan... misses you. His 18th is Saturday, surely you could explain to your boss...?" She pleaded silently for her husband to suddenly be home, so she could end what she craved so much at that moment.

"We've talked about it, and he understands. I'm taking him spearfishing when I'm home next time, and he's looking forwards to it. What are you doing, why are you talking funny?" Jade moaned helplessly.

"I just... God, Terry, I just really NEED you right now." There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"You're a 40 year old woman for fuck's sake, Jade, not 16. Don't ring me up like this and tease me. You think I like being away from my wife for all this time?" Jade threw the phone against the wall and moved to the shower. She stripped off quickly, frustrated.

Her nipples were dark brown pebbles, and she twisted them between her fingers, feeling the electric heat slamming into her pussy. She worked her hips together, feeling her lips pushing and rubbing against one another as she stood there. The shower filled with steam, and she opened the glass doors and stepped inside.

Her hands were quickly soaped up as she slumped down to the tiles and began playing with herself again. She closed her eyes and moaned as her fingers rubbed against her frantically. The water was pouring down on her, almost scalding, as she tried to get herself off. She just couldn't do it, and her fingers started to ache.

Nathan's eyes flashed into her head and she thought again of what he looked like, jerking his cock so hard because he was staring at her eyes. The same incredible feeling of lust came over her, and she started to cum. Her hands were shaking, and she came hard, feeling the room spin a bit. Her cum ran down her cheeks and into the water swirling on the bottom of the shower, and she looked up, into the spray.

The whole bathroom was misted up, and she took several deep breaths and slowly got to her feet. She let the water pour over her and wash away her sins, and regained her breath. She was panting and sobbing and so confused. She turned against the tiles and felt them cool against her back.

She sighed and turned the water off. Jade stopped in the shower for a moment, letting the water drip from her. She slowly reached across the bathroom and grabbed hold of a towel. She wrapped it around herself and dried her hair. The clock in her bedroom clicked over and began to softly chime, and she sighed.

As she moved for her covers, she heard footsteps in the hallway, back down towards Nathan's room. He'd been listening to her in the shower. A small smile came and went on her face as she slipped into bed. She imagined Nathan lying there next to her, rubbing his cock over being so close to her. She blushed and turned off the light.

The next morning, Jade stayed in bed until she was sure that Nathan had gone to school. Normally, she'd be up and at it early, but there was no work to be done at home this day, at least not for a while, and she needed time to think. She moved down the hallway, still in her dressing gown, and opened his door.

Nathan was a fairly neat kid, always picking up his clothes from the floor and such, and she sat on the bed and looked around. Her eyes drifted to the mirror and she couldn't stop the smile. Her husband had never been so turned on by her that he had come just by watching her eyes and playing with himself.

She leant back on his bed and ran her hands over her silk dressing gown. The dark chocolate skin looked so good on his bed, and she could smell him on the sheets. There was another smell, musky and hot, and she pulled back the covers and lay face down on the sheets. She could smell his cock.

Jade twisted and writhed on the bed for a moment, wondering what if? She felt the pillows and the covers around her body and wondered what it would feel like to be in bed with her foster son. Lust was racing through her body as she ground her hips into the bed, and deeply smelt his scent on the sheets. She was getting wet, and her eyes closed.

Her fingers slid inside of her slowly, at a snail's pace, making herself wait, and rubbed her clit with her palm and moaned. She ground her hips down into the bed and on her hand, and thought about how good it would feel to make her foster son worship her, to want her as badly as she'd wanted to be.

Jade's other hand slid up along the sheets and under his pillow, to grip the edge of the mattress and imagine Nathan fucking his cock into her from behind. Her lust was driving her insane, and she could see Nathan cumming deep inside of her as if he was actually doing it. She ground her hips into her palm and came at that, and sighed as she began to ooze onto the mattress.

The beautiful older woman took a deep breath and turned languidly, moving her arms around slowly as she luxuriated in the feel of the bed that her foster son fucked himself on. As they dragged across his sheets she felt something that wasn't cotton against her hand. She pulled out her purple lace bra and gasped.

There were fresh cum stains all over it, and even a damp patch where is still hadn't dried from this morning. Jade looked down at herself and then grabbed the bra. She went back to her room and shoved it into the dirty wash basket in her bathroom. Then she sat down on the corner of the bed took a deep breath.

It was obvious that both of them wanted one another. The mere sight of her eyes locked on his had driven him over the edge when he was jerking off. She couldn't stop thinking about him, how much she wanted him. Jade was a little surprised at how much his need to fuck her brought out her own dark wishes.

Jade looked at her bedside table, where there was a picture of Terry, Nathan and herself all smiling. The picture stared back at her, accusing her silently and making her feel dirty. She thought about what could happen, and how much she secretly wanted him. Then she focused on the picture again.

She could hardly do anything, realistically. He was her FOSTER son for crying out loud. This had to stop. She was a married woman and this wasn't appropriate behaviour at all, for any of them. With that firmly in mind she resolved to speak to him that night when he got home from school.

That night, Jade waited anxiously for Nathan to return home from school. There was swimming practise on Friday afternoons, and he wasn't usually home until seven. Jade sat there, staring across the room at the picture of her family that she'd put there to keep herself focussed.

The rear door of the house shut, and Nathan came in. Jade looked away as he came around the corner, his tanned chest bare, with his backpack slung over his shoulder. His long, dark hair was framing his face, around his sunglasses. His jeans were very low, and only loosely sitting on his hips.

"Bit cool out to be walking around half-naked, isn't it sweetie?" Jade didn't look at him, but rather stared at the picture determinately. Nathan paused and let his swimming bag ease off his shoulder.

"Not really," he answered slowly. She was dressed in a thick jumper that hid her figure and baggy tracksuit pants. Nathan felt his cock stir as he got closer. "It's still pretty warm. I'm covered in sweat, though."

Jade glanced up at him as he took of his sunglasses, and then looked away as she felt herself getting hot. His body was unbelievable, and his eyes laughed at her. She could tell from the way the material was jutting that his cock was huge and thick for her.

"Why don't you dump your stuff in your room and then come back down? We need to talk about something?" He smiled and turned away, and Jade sighed as she stared at the photo again, needing the cold dousing effect it had on her.

She could feel her wetness against the material of the pants, and closed her legs tighter. She shouldn't have worn grey, but they were the frumpiest pants she owned. She heard the thump of his feet on the stairs and took several deep breaths. There was a pause, then his door shut. The footsteps back towards her were a lot slower.

He hadn't thrown on a shirt when he came back down, and Jade tried not to think about his body, or the smell of his sweat on his skin. She was getting wetter by the second. She gestured to the seat opposite her, over the coffee table, and he slouched down into it. He was staring at her hungrily, and she took a breath.

"Funny thing," Nathan said, gesturing towards the stairs. "I went into my room, and it looks as though someone's slept in my bed. I actually made it this morning. The sheets are wet, too. It's all very confusing."

Jade flinched and Nathan stood up and began to pace. "There was this smell to the room, too. I almost opened a window, but then I realised what it smelled like. So has Kelly beat me home or something?" Jade's eyes widened and she slammed her mouth together with a snap.

"Kelly?" she asked through clenched teeth. There was a small smile on Nathan's face as he watched her reaction.

"Yeah. She's a girl on the swimming team. I think she's got a thing for me." Jade gave him a fake smile.

"That's nice sweetie, what's she like, what makes you think that she likes you?" Her arms crossed over her chest and her knuckles grew white. Nathan shrugged, then stared at her.

"Probably what made me think she likes me is that she followed me into the showers and started to fuck me." Jade's eyes flared up and she stood up quickly.

"You're only 17!" Nathan threw his hands out wide.

"And? I don't know how up to date you are with international age of consent legalities, but in this country, and this state, if both people involved are 17 and consent, then we could have fucked each other senseless with no harm, no foul." Jade sat down again, and Nathan sat down in front of her, very close, on the coffee table.

"Oh. Well. I'll be checking up on that. As for this trollop... what happened? You said she started to..." Nathan grinned at her, and there was a wild light in his eyes. His chest was beginning to move faster, and he was obviously getting horny.

"Well," he leant back, and put both hands behind him to lean back onto. Jade stared down at her feet, refusing to look at him in any way. "She soaped up my cock and then tried to put me inside of her. She was up on the bench in the showers and moaning about how much she wanted me, but all I could think about was fucking you."

Jade's head shot up, and Nathan ran his tongue out, licking his bottom lip and biting it softly as he stared at her, waiting for her outburst. "Nathan, there's no way that..." She trailed off as he waved his hand and leant forwards towards her.

"Don't give me that crap about how you're not interested, Jade. You're only my Foster mother, and I saw you watching me jerk off over you. You're so unbelievably sexy that it blows my mind. Didn't you realise how much you make my blood scream when I came, just from looking at your eyes?"

Jade turned away and sat back in the chair, and Nathan stood up. "Bottom line is, I don't think that there's anyone I've ever met who's got my cock as hard and heavy as you. Look." Jade turned back and moaned in frustration and need as Nathan reached into his pants with one hand, lowering his belt line with the other.

He eased his cock out of his jeans, and Jade felt herself panting as she saw it finally in full view. Nathan's cock was huge, and thick. Veins ran across it, thick and heavy as he'd said, and she leant forwards and pressed her hands against his knees, pushing him away. She was panting, and wanted him so badly.

Her mouth was parted, and his cock was rising slowly as her hot breath pulsed against his head. Nathan's eyes were closed, and he leant over her, moving it closer to her mouth. "Fucking hell, Jade, don't you get it?"

"Every part of you turns me on so much. I love your mouth, your lips. I want to feel your hair wrapped around my cock, like a silk scarf."

"Stop it." Nathan began to move his hand up and down his shaft. Drops began to fall on her jumper as his precum began to weep out of the head.

"I wanna suck your skin, every inch, and taste your cunt on my tongue. Your legs make me bleed, because I have to yank my cock so hard when I see you. And your ass."

"Stop it."

"I can't stop fantasizing about your ass, it's like sin itself. I can't help it, Jade, you turn me on so much. I want you like air. Fuck me. Let me fuck you. Oohh..." He trailed off as Jade's panting shook her body.