The Right of First Penetration


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"Oh God, Oh fucking God," Jacob groaned in a lust choked voice when he saw Jennifer reduced to quivering between his legs as her first anal orgasm washed over her.


They lay together for several minutes her body finally pushing his shrinking cock out. He knew he wanted more of her, and would take her again, then he would let her sleep. He looked down at her and smiled to himself, obviously, his use of her in this way had been enjoyed by both of them.

Jacob groaned. "Mmmmm, yes . . . yes," as he stretched out beside her.

Exhausted and covered in a light sheen of perspiration, Jennifer lay on her back, with Jacob's long muscular leg tossed casually over her hip. Jacob ran his hand over her breast, pausing to squeeze her hard protruding nipple as he marveled at its paleness contrasting against the blackness of his long slender fingers. Jacob Mimbosa Mgobade, the Elder Chief, lay fingering the young White girl and felt a strange fluttering in his balls when he looked into her eyes and saw reflected a mutual lust and desire.

Jacob enjoyed anal sex, and apparently even in her relative inexperience so did Jennifer. He was going to do her again, but was trying to wait to give her body time to rest before he eased himself into her warm, moist tunnel a second time.

Like most men who had been fortunate enough to have experienced and enjoyed ass fucking, with a willing partner, he sometimes felt a woman's pussy wasn't always enough. Jacob had never had to force a woman to do anything sexual or otherwise. When he possessed a woman this way, the less experienced ones would whimper and try to pull away when he pushed his impressive cock inside them. Mindful of this, and because he didn't want to risk hurting them, his entry would be slow and measured. Eventually their bodies would betray them, and they would relax and soften for him as he stroked in and out. In due course, he would ejaculate in deep, deliberate bursts into the woman's compliant channel, satisfying himself and the woman as she writhed with pleasure, pushing back against him.


Jacob turned Jennifer around so that her back was to him and as he fondled her, he slid his cock between her thighs. Jennifer loved Martin, but with his absences and what seemed refusal or lack of sexual desire for her, her affection and source of satisfaction more and more were directed toward Jacob, her father-in-law.

Spooning behind her, Jacob held her hips and pushed forward, sliding further into her hot pussy and could feel her small body instinctively trying to adjust to his full, hard erection. He knew it wasn't a conscious effort, but something born of thousands of years of females being physically, sexually and emotionally submissive to the male. On a truly primal level he knew she was always wet for him, all it took was a look or touch and she was ready (whether the oil had been administered or not) for him to slide his cock into her and fuck her until he came whenever he desired her, wherever he desired her.

He marveled at the hardness and ease of his cock sliding in and out, his large heavy balls slapping against her butt. Jacob adjusted himself inside her and began moving as Jennifer moaned softly and mumbled his name.

"Papa . . . Papa Jake, " Jennifer purred his name.

When he was inside her Jacob could feel his cum rising as his orgasm built. The sensation he felt started deep in his balls and slowly rose up his cock, he tried to stop moving wanting to revel in the sensation of his cock being buried in her. He could sense when she was about to cum, and he thrust himself into her and erupted, flooding her pussy. Jacob's face contorted into a timeless grimace of a man ejaculating inside a warm, tight pussy as he held her impaled on his cock, his grip tightening, holding her to him as her body spasmed.


Despite satisfying his baser needs, Jacob was fixated on impregnating Jennifer with his child, and if Nimia was correct, that deed had already been accomplished.

Nimia had suspected the girl was breeding for the last few weeks. Everything pointed to that conclusion; her genital wetness and engorgement that Nimia would have been able to attest to as her personal attendant, her subtly rounding belly, swelling breasts, and increased sexual preoccupations and desires.

In her innocence, Jennifer did not at first realize that she was pregnant and when Nimia told her, she was both thrilled and afraid. She had not had intimate relations with Martin, but she had been having sex with his father, Jacob from the earliest time of their arrival in Douala. The baby was not Martin's.


Jacob had been in his office working when Nimia came in, and confirmed Jennifer's pregnancy. Jacob stopped what he was doing, and looked up with a broad grin spreading across his face. He was immediately filled with a feeling of pride and masculine satisfaction. In a relative short time, he had filled her young, fertile womb with his seed and it had taken root.

Jacob closed his accounting ledger and standing, made his way to Jennifer and Martin's apartment where he opened the door without knocking. Jennifer looked up in surprise at Jacob's sudden entry into the room.

"Papa Jake, what is it . . . is something wrong?" she asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you had gotten caught? He asked.

Jennifer paused before answering, "I didn't know, I didn't know until Nimia told me," Jennifer said sounding embarrassed.

Jacob stood in the doorway, looking at her, imagining what she would look like as her pregnancy progressed. The gradual rounding of her belly, the soft swelling of her breasts, and the warm, musky female scent between her legs . . . he felt himself becoming aroused.

"Take your clothes off," he said

"What?" Jennifer asked.

"Take your clothes off," he repeated, this time walking toward her.

Intimidated by his tone and manner, Jennifer reluctantly removed her clothing. As she stood naked in front of him, his eyes feasted on her body. He could feel his cock beginning to swell as he took in the gentle curve of her creamy white belly and the faint puffiness of the mound between her legs. He reached out and caressed her breast. Bending forward and taking a dark pink nipple into his mouth, Jacob began to suck her tit.

Jennifer gasped at the feel of his mouth on her nipple and closed her eyes when the sensations sizzled downward from her breasts to her clit. Jennifer whimpered as her body involuntarily responded to Jacob's caresses.

"Papa," she said, her naked body shaking with sexual arousal, "Papa, what will we do? He will know the baby is not his."

"Don't worry about Martin. Yes, he will know that the baby is not his, but whether the words are ever spoken aloud or not, he will know, understand and be reconciled to the fact that the baby that grows inside you is of my seed, the Mgobade seed," he said as he lifted her from the floor and carried her to the bed.

The thought of her being pregnant excited him and all he could think about was mounting her, pushing his cock up inside her and cumming until he was drained and satisfied.

"Don't worry about Martin, your only concern should be my child growing inside you."

Breeding Jennifer had been inevitable, after all, Jacob had been fucking her almost daily, sometimes twice a day for months, Jacob, pathetically could not seem to get enough of the girl. Once the pregnancy was confirmed at eight weeks, Jacob instructed Nimia to stop drugging Martin's food with the anaphrodisiac herbs. After all, Jacob had succeeded in impregnating the girl, and so there was no longer a need to prevent Martin from having intercourse with her. Within just a couple of days of stopping the herbs, Martin and Jennifer had marital sex (intercourse) for the first time.


Jennifer had been with Jacob earlier that evening. She and Jacob had dozed after having sex, and now in a half-sleep, she moaned sensually, the moans turning into soft whimpering as Jacob cupped and fondled her firm, youthful breast. Instinctively rolling toward the warmth of his body, she parted her legs and began to rub her clit against his thigh. Jacob smiled to himself and lowering his hand brought his young, white lover to a gentle orgasm. Pulling her into his strong, muscular arms, he held her as her shivering diminished, and she clung to him, sleepily mouthing his name.

Jennifer had finally gotten out of Jacob's bed and padded down the hall to the apartment and bed she shared with Martin. Jennifer had come to bed long after Martin had retired, thinking he would already be asleep. Entering their room, she thought she heard his light snoring and proceeded to the bathroom for a long hot shower. She got into their bed and lay with her back next to him. As she closed her eyes and began to drift off, she felt his hand caress her ass cheeks and then his fingers trail between her crack, teasing her tight rosebud.

He pulled her onto her back and with his cockhead pressing for entry, mounted her in missionary and Martin easily glided into her already wet pussy. He inched deeper until his dick was fully enveloped by her pussy, and began making love to her in long, slow strokes. Martin and Jennifer hadn't been together since before leaving the United States, and feeling himself moving inside her made him realize how much he had missed being with her. Martin, despite what his father thought was not a fool, he knew . . . had known for a while that Jennifer had been cheating with his father. He hated and blamed his father, not Jennifer; after all, she was a vital, sexual young woman, with urges and drives that he hadn't been able to satisfy.

Like a hand in a soft velvety glove, Martin buried his throbbing black cock inside his wife's tight inviting pussy, and after finally emptying himself he pulled out, exhausted. Martin watched Jennifer as he tried to regain control of his breathing and saw his cum leak out of her thoroughly fucked pussy, seep between her thighs and pool on the white sheet beneath her. Martin sensed his dick hardening again.

He was hard again, thick, sticky pre-cum oozing from the tip of his bloated cock. He lifted Jennifer's legs and rested her heels on his shoulders and back as he bent forward and nestled his face between her legs.

"Oh Martin," she moaned as he circled the tip of his tongue around her clit. Biting into the flesh of her lower lip Jennifer lay with her legs open and felt guilt and remorse for what she had done just hours earlier with his father; but despite how Martin was making her feel, she knew she couldn't resist the pleasure and excitement that she enjoyed with Martin's father, Jacob.

"Arhghhhhhhhhh . . . Oh my god, Martin. . . yes, yes," she shouted, pressing his face to her pussy and cumming in hard, jerking motions. Unable to control himself any longer, Martin pulled himself up and drove his cock into her, pounding and thrusting until his back arched and his eyes rolled back in his head as a gut-wrenching orgasm surged through him.

As time passed, the three of them seem to come to an unspoken sexual union.


Nimia had ceased doctoring Martin's food and drink months earlier when it had become obvious that Jacob had succeeded in impregnating Martin's wife, Jennifer. As her pregnancy progressed, the almost nightly ritual of applying the warm aphrodisiac oil between Jennifer's legs to diminish her will and ready her body for Jacob had also stopped. There was no longer a need; from her third month of pregnancy, she had become sexually demanding, unashamedly seeking sexual relief with both Martin and Jacob.

The sexual dynamics between the three of them were changing rapidly particularly because of Jennifer's pregnancy, her scent, her appearance, her changing body made her more and more sexually attractive to both men. In spite of Jacob's maturity and experience, so desirous and envious had he become, that it was not usual for Jacob to secret himself in the adjoining room and listen when Martin and Jennifer were having sex, becoming aroused and at the same time angered by their intimacy.

There were also times when Jacob's pride and vindictiveness would get the better of him. Jacob would bury his hard, black length in his pregnant daughter-in-law's pussy, and after enjoying her and filling her with his cum, send her back to her husband. Jennifer would enter the bedroom she shared with her husband Martin, smelling of sex and with Jacob's copious semen dripping out of her used pussy and trailing down her inner thighs. Though he never challenged his father . . . he knew, and yet, Martin would want to have sex with her despite knowing her pussy was full of his father's cum. On those occasions, Martin's lovemaking would be desperate and forceful and he would cum hard, cursing his father, and denigrating Jennifer for being his father's whore but at the same time professing his love and desire for her.

One defining incident happened between the three of them that demonstrated the changing nature of their relationship and the power balance between father and son.

It occurred one night when returning home early from an out of town business trip; Martin had walked in on Jacob and Jennifer having sex. He had arrived home, mounted the stairs and after opening the bedroom door had immediately caught a subtle whiff of the verbena fragrance that she always wore. Martin stood in stunned silence staring into the dim, quiet room; there on the bed on her elbows and knees was his very pregnant wife, Jennifer. She was beautiful, her skin creamy white and almost glowing, her thick blonde hair loosely pinned at the back of her head, tendrils falling softly about her flushed face.

At more than seven months pregnant, her once small waist and flat belly were rounded and ripe with Jacob's black baby. The baby's size made her belly protrude downward in a sensual arch, its swell grazing the surface of the bed. Her full heavy breasts hung temptingly, each dark nipple long, hard and erect, ready to be suckled.

Martin heard the soft, moaning sounds of pleasure that were coming from Jennifer. He saw the slim, black hand nestle between her legs and begin to masturbate her as her moans became louder. He watched as she trembled in the throes of orgasm, her breasts swaying with the force of each thrust of Jacob's cock into her tight wetness.

"Jacob, Papa," he heard her murmur as her orgasm flowed through her pregnant body.

Martin looked at the man thrusting unashamedly into his young wife's pussy. . . it was Jacob, his father. No shame, no remorse, no embarrassment, Jacob, his eyes bright with lust continued thrusting into Jennifer as he briefly glanced in Martin's direction.

Like the degenerate that he felt he had become, Martin could feel himself becoming aroused. With a sense of resignation, Martin walked toward the bed and extended his hand. He caressed Jennifer's cheek and turning her face toward him pressed the dark, swollen, head of his black cock into her mouth. He felt his ball sack pull up and tighten against his body the moment he came in contact with her warm moistness. Spurred on by some primal instinct he immediately began to thrust, and all too soon, to ejaculate; and as the son Martin, spent himself into her mouth, the father Jacob flooded her pussy with his cum.


Jennifer gave birth a month later to a beautiful, healthy mocha colored baby boy with hazel eyes, a headful of thick curly brown hair and the regal, refined features of the Mgobade line. After the birth of the baby, Jennifer returned to America for a short visit with her parents but did not bring the baby with her. While it was good to see them, Jennifer knew that this would be her last visit with them. Things were different now, she was different, and she understood that because of her marriage to Martin she would forever be ostracized.

The respect and deference of her relationship to the Elder Chief afforded her many privileges, and perhaps it was consolation enough that blacks because of the marriage and the birth of the baby accepted her.

No one spoke of the threesome, not even Nimia. Over time, there grew a gradual acceptance of their relationship, and the three of them (Jennifer, Martin, and Jacob) discretely but eagerly participated in the unconventional union.


Despite outward appearances, it was obvious that Jennifer had become more Jacob's wife and companion than she was Martin's. Though the three continued to explore and enjoy their sexual intimacies, Martin had become increasingly jealous of his father's prowess and control over Jennifer and sought out a woman of his own.

Martin eventually met a pretty, young Englishwoman (Nimia unkindly referred to her as a "Gold Digger"). Priscilla Huntington-Williams was from a socially prominent but financially strapped white family, educated, twenty-three years old, hopelessly spoiled, and with a preference for good looking Black men. Martin became infatuated with her, and she apparently was taken with him as well. Despite the social stigma of being in an interracial liaison with a Black man, the woman made a conscious decision to encourage the relationship with Martin. After all, even though he was Black, he was handsome, wealthy, ambitious and an excellent lover, unlike anyone she had ever been with before . . . and he was able to give her everything she had ever wanted.

Although he was technically married to Jennifer, Martin nonetheless moved the woman into a spacious, well-appointed house on the estate, and took what he initially thought was his exclusive pleasure with her frequently. Sadly, just as it had been with Jennifer in the beginning, the thought never occurred to Martin that his father was cuckolding him. If he had seriously paid attention to the rumors and innuendoes, he would have known the truth about Jacob's recurring visits to the house at the east end of the estate.

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luap50luap506 months ago

Well written, intelligent story. I only have doubts about the culture of the "right to first penetration", strange even in patriarchal Africa in the 1930s. Following the context, however, Martin, knowledgeable about this debatable "tradition", should have accepted the situation more naturally. After all, he himself contributed to so much and even prepared his wife, keeping her vaginal virginity for Jacob, his father and Jennifer's father-in-law. The baby, after all, has his blood, and certainly looks like him: he's his brother. Or "son-brother". Jennifer accepted everything with great pleasure. Jacob, father, father-in-law and grand-father, was the most benefited and took advantage of the of his young, blond, beautiful and still vaginally virgin daughter-in-law.

dondddondd9 months ago

"....he looked into her eyes and saw reflected a mutual lust and desire."

Jacob Mimbosa Mgobade, the Elder Chief, knew his son's white Christian bride wanted to be fucked. He could see the lust in her eyes and knew she welcomed his beast in her good-girl pussy.

"Explode your sperms in me and I will have your baby," she told him as they kissed passionately before she laid on the bed and spread her legs wide-open for him, welcoming his impressive penis to go deep inside her and give her all those thrills her husband couldn't give her... and then knock her up...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I understand the cultural portions of the story required certain references to be used but overall this story was nothing but an excuse to write a racist, pile of stereotypical lies and bigoted tripe! More evidence that white slavery is alive and well. What a sham that blacks cry out for restitution for crimes committed hundreds of years ago but fail to demand freedom for those suffering the same indignities at this very moment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"..Jennifer trembled in her sleep as Jacob's teeth gently captured her clit forcing her to involuntarily cum like a good Christian white woman . . . quitely gyrating and humping against his open mouth....."

I think part of Jacob's wanting to fuck his Christian daughter-in-law's pussy was the perverse desire to fuck a white Christian woman, to push his penis deep into the depths of her Christian innocence and pump her, giving her all those new sensations she desires...

Sweetnothings77Sweetnothings77over 3 years ago
Penetrating story

I liked it alot. I been with a boyfriend and then his Dad. His Dad was with me longer. This bringed back alot of memory for me. He like Jacob was VERY Demanding but in the same way he was very giving. He was one my first Mens I let get me pregnant. I look forward to reading more you stories and maybe more to this one even. I have it as one my favorites.

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