The Rise of the Machines Pt. 01


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"Hey! Let me go!" she cried, trying to pull her hands free, but finding them stuck fast.

"Help! Help!" she shouted.

"Wait a minute, Wednesday," she groaned to herself. "Damn, it's Juanita's afternoon off!"

"Please place your feet where indicated," the shower continued in its pleasant but emotionless female voice.

"Let me go, bloody machine! Abort! Bloody cancel!" Elizabeth shrieked in frustration as she stamped her foot. She was a woman used to getting her own way if she made enough fuss. There was a pause as if the machine was considering its response.

"Please place your feet where indicated," the machine repeated calmly. Looking down she noticed two foot-sized holes had opened up between her feet, and groaned again.

"OK, don't panic, keep calm Liz, perhaps it's some kind of security feature and I need to confirm my identity before it continues," she muttered to herself, taking a deep breath.

She assessed her predicament: nobody else in the house and her husband away for another week, Juanita not in till tomorrow morning, and no way of reaching her mobile. She quickly realised she had no option other than to co-operate and hope that it was all over quickly. She placed her feet into the floor recesses and felt the snug rubber seals closing round her ankles, trapping her feet.

"Attention detainee: wash cycle starting," the machine said before the shower rumbled into life.

"Did it say 'detainee'?" she wondered briefly, then jumped as the overhead shower head burst into life drenching her with a thick stream of warm water. As it streamed over her, the water jets moved slowly into position with a hydraulic hiss, sliding smoothly up the chrome rods. Soon they started spraying her, the water soothing her muscles still aching from the workout at the gym. Within a few minutes, she almost forgot she was trapped, giving in to the lovely, soothing feel of the jets of water massaging her arms and legs, playing over her tense shoulder muscles. The water cascading down over her arms and shoulders, trickling over her breasts, and running in little rivulets between her thighs.

After a while, some of the ingenious little jets started spraying citrus-scented liquid soap on her skin, whilst others sprouted soft brushes and started gently scrubbing the skin of her arms and legs. Despite her captivity, she couldn't help enjoying the feel of the soft yet firm brushes making her skin tingle. Looking down she watched another set of rotating brushes, slowly working their way up over her calf muscles towards her knees.

She moaned, enjoying the feel of the upper set of brushes and water jets kneading and massaging her arms, still aching from the weights training at the gym.

She watched as the first wave of jets moved down over her arms, starting where her tightly held wrists disappeared into the ceiling, over her elbows then down over the stubbly skin of her armpits covering her skin with a fine spray of liquid soap. They were closely followed by a series of brushes, twisting around her arms so that every inch of her skin was scrubbed clean. As the brushes moved away a third wave of jets hosed her skin with pressurised water, the frothy soapsuds sliding over the shapely curves of her body and disappearing into a gurgling drain between her imprisoned feet.

Her skin began to tingle, anticipating the attention of mini shower heads. They worked their way down past her shoulders, some of them behind her now cleaning her back, whilst others moved down over the curve of her breasts. She could feel herself becoming aroused, her nipples swelling as her shapely breasts were sprayed with a fine mist of warm clinging liquid soap. She shivered with anticipation as she felt the brushes moving slowly down her skin.

"Yes," she moaned, arching her back like a cat, her breasts jutting forward as she felt them working their way slowly over the soft skin of her boobs. Her body jerked as they flicked over her hard little nipples, the soft bristles stimulating them, sending hot sparks straight to her warm, wet thighs. Elizabeth shuddered with pleasure before all too quickly the teasing brushes were replaced with a spray of warm water moving over her boobs like a lover's fingers stroking and caressing her tingling flesh.

Her nipples were rock hard now, and she arched her back even more as the jets moved back and forth, like watery fingers tweaking and flicking her buds and sending electric jolts of pleasure through her helpless body.

As one set of jets stimulated her breasts, the other set was working its way up over her legs. Her excitement rose and her knees turned to jelly as the jets slowly and patiently moved higher. Looking down she watched as a fine spray of liquid soap was sprayed on her thighs and shivered in anticipation of what was to come.

"Mmm, yes," she groaned, squirming with pleasure, as she felt the brushes moving up over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, and lightly brushing against the wet folds of her swollen pussy lips. She twisted her body trying to press against the probing brushes but they must have had some kind of proximity sensor because as she pushed towards them they moved back, maintaining their feather light touch, teasing her. She groaned in frustration, loving the feel of them but her body craving more, demanding the firmer touch of her own fingers. Again, she fruitlessly tried to pull her hands free.

She began to pant, feeling herself perspire in the hot, humid atmosphere, as the water jets remorselessly played over her pussy, back and forth, back and forth, the waves of pleasure washing over her trembling body.

"Ooh, yes," she sighed huskily as a jet of water moved between the crease of her rounded buttocks. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, surrendering to the delicious feelings that surged through her as the jets of water played back and forth over her inflamed pussy.

"So good, so good," she panted, feeling the first stirrings of a delicious orgasm as the little jets teased and tormented her till she shivered with desire.

Her wails of pleasure echoed from the hard metallic walls as all the frustrations of her day were swept away by a hot, heady orgasm. Her knees turned to jelly and she was left suspended from the ceiling, gasping for breath, as the waves of ecstasy slowly subsided.

When she opened her eyes she realised the water had stopped. Perhaps it was over now, she thought. After a short pause, she watched as a thick chrome bar silently unfolded from curved shower wall on the right. As it stopped, an identical bar swung out from the left and they locked together neatly about a foot in front of her, forming a solid bar at about waist height. They had some kind of thick white foam padding in the centre.

"What on earth is that for?" she mumbled to herself.

"Vaginal cavity search starting," said the pleasantly neutral female voice.

"Cavity search? What the bloody hell!" exclaimed Elizabeth as she heard a loud humming noise and then felt her hands being pulled smoothly down around the curve of the ceiling till they were pulled out in front of her, forcing her to bend at the waist. She struggled against the movement but she couldn't even slow down the powerful hydraulics and soon she was bent forward at right angles. She found herself positioned as if she was about to dive into a swimming pool; her legs slightly bent, her stomach resting on the bar, her arms stretched out in front of her.

There was another brief pause as if the shower was thinking about what to do next. Then she felt the shower vibrate with another loud hum as her ankles slowly began to be pulled outwards.

"No, stop! Stop!" she squealed, struggling helplessly as she felt her feet being slowly but inexorably drawn apart.

Her thigh muscles burned as she fought against the machine, wriggling and twisting and clenching her buttocks but all her struggling and cursing made no difference. Her feet were completely trapped and in the end she could only wait and watch as her legs were smoothly and steadily pulled apart, about as wide as they could go without it being uncomfortable.

Elizabeth found herself in a very vulnerable position: bent forwards at right angles at the waist, her wrists and ankles held tightly in place, her stomach resting on the padded bar, her bottom sticking out. She'd never felt more exposed and helpless. Not even that time she'd let Hawkins tie her up.

Elizabeth stared at the floor, her wet hair hanging down limply and shielding her face, nervously waiting to see what would happen next. The water started up again, cascading over her, splashing on her back and she watched it swirl away into the large circular drain between her feet.

Over the rushing sound of the water, she heard a lubricated metallic sound and twisted around in time to see the tip of one of the larger jets slowly retracting and being replaced by a chrome cover transforming it into a smooth bullet-like shape. Her neck strained as she watched another jet spray its shiny surface with a fine spray of lubricant, the water beading on its surface.

"Oh my God, no, please, leave me alone, abort you fucker!" she pleaded, suddenly realising that the jet now resembled a long, thick chrome dildo. She struggled helplessly against her bonds as the dildo-shaped jet moved slowly towards her naked derrière and the hydraulics adjusted her feet, easing them even further apart.

With her hands and feet still trapped she could do very little but wait. She twisted against her bonds wriggling her pert derrière to the left and right trying to outmanoeuvre the probe as it inched towards her bottom. The little infra-red heat sensor on the probe patiently scanned her flushed body, tracking and zeroing in on the heat of her inflamed, post-orgasm pussy peeking out from between her buttocks.

"No, please no!" she cried in frustration as she watched it sway left and right shadowing her every movement.

She squealed as she felt the probe spray some warm oil over her thighs and buttocks, leaving them generously coated and slick to the touch. Then she felt the smooth polished metal sliding between her legs, sliding back and forth against her pussy lips, brushing against her slit, zeroing in on the source of her heat. She couldn't help gasping in pleasure and grinding her hungry little clitoris against the smooth, hard surface.

"No, no!" she protested realising what was about to happen as it slid back, the sensor quickly locating her torrid pussy, the part of her even hotter and wetter than the rest of her body.

"No, please, noooo!" she groaned, her sobs echoing off the cubicle's hard surfaces as she felt it push smoothly inside her, her pussy lips stretching to accommodate it's generous girth.

"No, no, oh!" she grunted breathlessly as it slowly began to slide in and out of her, shallowly at first, the short, sharp strokes making her pant with pleasure. As she got used to the size and relaxed, it pushed deeper and deeper into her wetness till it was fucking her with long, fluid strokes that filled her aching pussy.

"Stop! Please stop!" she mewed, as it stretched her swollen lips. It was thrillingly hard and oily, and pushed a little deeper with each delicious stroke.

She closed her eyes and suddenly she was back in the dream she'd been having that morning. Hawkins (the horny bastard!) had now tied her hands suspending her from the shed's ceiling (what was one to do? She was only a poor, defenceless woman and he was so big and strong.) She could feel the rough skin of his thick gardener's fingers toying with painfully erect nipples, tweaking and twisting them till she yelped. His cock, as thick and sturdy as a rake handle eased smoothly in and out of her molten centre. Looking back, what she loved about him was how he saw right through her carefully managed 'lady of the manor' image to see the woman underneath. A flesh and blood woman with needs that her husband couldn't satisfy. A wanton, lusty woman hidden beneath the icy cool 'English rose' exterior.

She remembered how he used to tease her by pinning her down and lightly rubbing the tip of his knob around the entrance of her shamefully wet pussy till she begged him to fuck her.

"Please," she'd say breathlessly, before he thrust deeply into her, right up to the hilt, laughing cruelly as his balls slapped her backside making her squeal as the breath rushed out of her in a thrilling gasp of forbidden passion.

Her wet hair hung limply from her head but she was able to see between her widely spread leg and she watched, fascinated, as the jets once again washed over her thighs, the water more focussed now, hard little jets, stroking her flesh like his fingers used to.

The dildo began to move a little faster now, firmly fucking her with a hard mechanical rhythm, making her body judder, her breasts jiggling beneath her. Soon she felt the teasing little brushes moving over her breasts, moving in slow circles towards her nipples. They were standing proud like little rosebuds now, tight little bundles of nerves demanding ever more stimulation.

"No, please," she cried, her mind still not quite believing what was happening, her body betraying her, pushing back against the delicious friction of the dildo and loving the feel of its uncompromising metallic hardness. The machine varied its rhythm, sometimes using short, sharp strokes that caused her to pant like an animal, sometimes using long, slow strokes that pushed deep between her swollen lips and filled her hot pussy. After a while, it settled into a fast, relentless rhythm that drove her wild, her body undulating in time and aching for more.

Elizabeth could already feel the first stirrings of another gorgeous climax and found herself hoping it wouldn't stop. How would it know when to stop? Perhaps it would go on for hours, tirelessly fucking her as her captive body writhed and twisted, experiencing orgasm after delicious orgasm.

"Oh, oh, oh," she grunted in time with the dildo's staccato thrusts, her voice rising in pitch as it began to speed up.

"Anal cavity search starting," the machine announced, but Elizabeth barely heard it, sobbing loudly as one of the little rotating brushes stroked her right nipple sending wave after wave of pleasure through her.

"Don't stop, please don't stop," she whimpered, her helpless body submitting, as between her legs a jet of water grew harder and faster, playing over her slit, up and down, up and down, making her beg for more.

"Oh, oh!" she gasped as she felt it stroking her aching, ultra-sensitive clitoris like a lover's fingers, backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, till she felt she couldn't take it any more.

Behind her, a slimmer dildo-shaped jet inched towards her buttocks, slowly aligning itself with her anus. Elizabeth barely noticed it though, her emotions overloaded with the tireless mechanical pounding of the dildo.

"Yes, yes," she gasped as the water jets flicked over her hungry, swollen clitoris and the brushes rotated against her rock-hard, super-sensitive nipples till her body was quivering with the sensations of pleasure.

"No, no more, too much, too much," she gasped feverishly, her body already overwhelmed and over-stimulated as she felt the slim lubricated probe sliding between her widely spread buttocks to press against the tight little virginal entrance of her bum hole.

"No, please, not in my ass!" she mewed, trying to pull her hands free and squeezing her anus as the probe pressed against her insistently. She'd never been fucked there before. Even in her wildest fantasies, she'd never wanted it there but the machine was deaf to her loud protests.

"No! Please!" she begged as she felt a blast of warm oil trickle between her buttocks, and felt the jet press hard against her anus.

"No, not there, oh no!" she squealed as she felt it's oily smoothness slide past the tight little ring of her anus, the slim, hardness feeling huge as it penetrated her tight entrance.

Even as she experienced the strange new sensation of the anal dildo, other sensations swept over her. Elizabeth felt like she was floating, surfing the waves of pleasure that surged through her helpless, trembling body. As the dildos moved faster and the teasing little brushes stimulated her clitoris, Elizabeth's desperate moans grew higher and higher pitched. She couldn't believe what was happening: she was well on her way to the best orgasm since Hawkins left and it was going to be caused by her shower!

The vaginal probe was a silvery blur now, approaching its maximum speed as the anal probe pushed ever deeper into her. She'd had plenty of sex in her life but this was different; the machine was fucking her in a thorough, relentless, uncompromising way that pushed her helpless body towards a terrific orgasm.

"Fuck me, fuck me, don't stop!" she begged as her heart thumped, the blood rushed in her ears and she felt the first tremors of a tremendous orgasm approaching. Her hips undulated in time as the dildo pumped faster and faster in and out of her pussy, with a loud wet noise and the anal probe thrust in and out of her ass, quickly falling into synch.

"I'm so close, please, please don't stop," she begged frantically, her whole body trembling and desperate for release as the intense water jets flicked over her swollen clit. The dildos thrust faster and faster, harder and harder till with a final thrust both probes plunged deep into her pushing her over the edge.

"OH YES, YES!" she screamed, her back arching, her whole body shuddering with pleasure as a tsunami of a climax swept through her, her shivering, feverish body twisting and jerking, as she gasped for breath.


The morning sun lit up the hallway as Elizabeth danced down the stairs towards the ringing phone.

"It's OK Juanita, I've got it," she said breezily, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is the Tyrell Corporation customer service desk. I understand your shower was serviced yesterday and I wonder if you'd mind helping with a short survey."

"Happy to," replied Elizabeth, smiling.

"Great. Now overall, how satisfied where you with your service?"

"Oh, I was very, very satisfied," she said, her plump lips curling into a broad smile. "There's just one thing: the engineer set it up to run a special program and I was wondering... how can I get it to run again?"

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PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

Good story, not quite sure how a “Cavity Search” became a prolonged fucking session, but hey that’s artistic license I guess!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I loved it! Erotica at its finest

bigdnc13bigdnc13over 9 years ago
Great Sory!!

Please finish it!!

ham_sandwichham_sandwichover 9 years ago
Well, Stupidity, that's why they're called stories

If all these stories were perfectly rational, none of them would be here. And if you were perfectly rational, you'd understand that!

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 9 years ago

I see our resident troll is having a bad day again. Mummy has forgotten to give it its happy pills.

Nice erotic story...well done

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