The Road Trip


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Talin giggled and said, "I'll try to maintain my composure, OK?"

We got back on the bikes, Talin literally hopping up all by herself, and started down the incline toward the cool shade of Jedediah Smith National Park. As we swept into the first of the gentle curves above the Smith River, I dropped Annie down into 4th and we began our slow chug along the river.

About three miles along, I noticed Talin beginning to squirm a little, as if she was uncomfortable. I hit the intercom switch and asked her if her back was okay, and she replied, "Umm. Yeah, I'm fine, Owen. It's really beautiful here. I've never seen a river so clear and the emerald color is amazing, Ohhh." Shortly after that, I heard a pop from the intercom, and I knew that Talin had unplugged her headset/microphone. I was pretty sure I knew what was going on, so I dropped Annie another gear and let her thump. Pretty soon, Talin's hands started to dig into my thighs a little and I could plainly feel her hips rocking against the extra little bit of padding Annie had asked me install at the front center of the seat cushion. Than I felt a shudder and heard the pop of the intercom plug hooking back in. Talin was still laughing as she came back on the line.

"You okay back there?" I asked.

"Oh yes. I'm very fine. I'm really quite fine, thank you very much. Oh my God, this is wonderful."

We stopped at a pull-off near a gigantic grove of trees called Stout Grove. These, in my opinion, are the most awesome trees on the planet. They are large beyond description, straight as arrows, and the rise out of the dark forest into the sunshine in a display that is beyond magnificent. Craig took a call on his cell phone a little ways off toward the road, and I put Talin up on my shoulders like a little girl and we went off into the center of the grove. I was pretty sure I smelled her musk as she came down off my shoulders to stand beside me in the majesty of the dark forest.

She looked into the grove with fascination, and I looked at her in the same way. Soon, she whispered, "I think that I have never seen anything so beautiful." Continuing to look straight at her, I said, "Me neither." Just as I finished speaking, she looked up. Dark skin or not, she can blush, all right.

Talin held her hands up to me like a little kid, and I picked her up, she wrapped her right leg around my hip and kissed me. I mean she kissed me. Her hands tangled into my hair, her eyes bore straight into mine, and she kissed me, moaning into my mouth as if she'd never kissed before. I felt her short leg dangling against my shin, and picked it up and held it in my hand as we kissed.

She leaned back and cocked her head to the side. "I'm not her. You know that, right?"

"No, you're not her, Abhi. You are a whole new type of wonderful that I hope to spend some of my life with. Annie was a wonderful person, and I had a great life with her, but she's gone, and it's okay."

"You have my butt in your hands."

I gave her cheeks a squeeze, the left one felt a lot softer than the other one. "Yeah. You have a problem with that?"


I switched her position so that I was carrying her like an infant, and we headed back to the parking area, arriving just as Craig was finishing up his phone call. Folding his phone, he said, "I have to go back to Ashland, guys. My daughter's having car trouble.

"Is she okay?" I responded.

"Yeah, the piece of crap died in the school parking lot. You guys have a great time, alright? I'll check in with you later." He got his old girl started and headed back down toward the river.

"Are you ready to see the ocean, Talin?" I asked.

"You bet, and you can call me Abhi, if you want. I never liked Talin."

We made our way slowly out of the forest and into Crescent City, Abhi's little foot draped across my thigh. Just past the little harbor, there was a long flat beach, and we stopped there. I carried Abhi out to the surf and put her down barefooted. The moment the first wave sloshed over her foot, she hopped back and jumped into my arms.

"Yow! That's cold! I think my foot has a headache!" she laughed, surprise on her face.

We hung out on the beach for a couple of hours, just talking. It was incredible to have a conversation with a woman again; I'd listened to myself and the radio for far too long, and I found myself sitting back and letting Abhi rattle on about everything and nothing. She had an astonishing intellect, and seemed to be interested in everything I was interested in. Finally, the conversation wound down and it was nearly 5:00 pm. I loaded her up onto the bike and we went over to the Fisherman's Grotto restaurant, and had a great seafood dinner. The sun set just as we finished, and I asked the bartender where to stay for the night. He recommended a B&B down on the Klamath River, and I was able to reserve a room for the night. I told Abhi my plans for the night, and she seemed ok with them, but somewhat reserved. I mentioned it would be about an hour's ride away through the same kind of terrain as we had ridden through near the Stout Grove, and that seemed to improve her mood.

We fueled up the bike and headed over the rise and into the deep redwoods. The lights on the Glide made the road like daylight, and we saw a couple of deer and an elk in plenty of time to avoid hitting them. The elk was a giant Roosevelt bull, and to be parked fifteen feet away from an animal that size was a new experience for Abhi. She clung tightly to my arm and hid her eyes for a while, until the elk wandered off into the woods. We thumped deeper into the forest, and just before the Klamath River, I think she had another 'experience' with the vibration and the rear seat. I just smiled and pretended not to notice.

We pulled up to the Road House B&B around 8:00, and after I got off to stretch, Abhi took my hand and said, "Can I talk to you before we go in?"

"Of Course, Abhi. What's on your mind?"

"I just want to thank you for today. It's been so memorable, but you need to know something else about me. My family is very traditional conservative Muslim. As a result, both of my sisters and I were circumcised when we came of age. In the case of my sisters, it was really just a ritual cutting of their clitoral foreskin. With me, though, it was the full procedure. My clitoris was removed along with my inner and outer labia, and I was sewn shut, except for a small opening to pass urine and menstrual flow..."

I hugged her to me so she wouldn't see my tears, and said, "It doesn't matter, Abhi. We'll make do, even if it's just holding each other."

She wriggled free, wiped my face with her fingers and licked them clean. "You didn't let me finish, you extraordinary big oaf. I had the sewing job opened up when I reached adulthood, but I was told, and believed, that I could not orgasm. Your friend Annie here, proved that to be false on at least two occasions today. What I am saying is that I am fully functional, but I do look different, okay? Oh, remember when I said that there were two things I'd never done before today, ridden a motorcycle and seen the ocean? There were actually three things I'd never done, so could we get registered and take a bath together so I can cross the last one off the list?"

Like an idiot, I said, "You've never taken a bath with a man before?"

She pulled me down and whispered into my ear, "Owen, I'm a virgin."

Well, I'll be damned.


I helped Abhi back into her little brace, and we went into the B&B. The owner showed us to our room and told me that I could use the extra stall in the garage for the Harley. I left Abhi getting the bath ready and went to put Annie in the barn. It turned out she was among friends. In the rear of the Garage stall was a Vincent Black Shadow and a late 30's Indian Chief. No wonder they didn't balk at lodging a biker.

When I got back to the room, Abhi was sitting on the bed, her braced leg sticking out over the side.

"Oh, goody!" I exclaimed. "I wanted to unwrap my present."

"Not half as bad as your present wants to be unwrapped," She whispered.

I slowly unbuttoned her dark blue linen blouse and let it hang open on her shoulders. My hands went around her back and I released the first of...four... hooks on her Indigo colored bra, then slid the straps out of her sleeves and off the ends of her arms. Only then did I slide the bra out the front of the shirt. Abhi's breasts were far larger than I'd thought; obviously the bra was a minimizer. The heavy orbs just touched each other just where they curved out, and as I watched her nipples hardened and began to push the fabric out. I allowed the cloth to part and the most spectacular breasts I had ever seen came into my view. Her areolas were coned and projected away from the breasts themselves, colored a dark brown. Mounted upon the centers were nipples easily the diameter of my index finger and the length of its first joint. Deeply pebbled, each had a perfect dimple in the exact center. At first, I thought the left was slightly larger than its mate, but the look was caused by the curvature of Abhi's back. Abhi's mouth hung open slightly, and her breath hitched as I cupped her breasts from underneath, raising each to my mouth for a slow suck and a kiss. I released the fasteners on her brace and put it on the floor at the foot of the bed. Her short leg hung limply off the bed. Her thigh appeared to be a couple of inches shorter on the left, placing that knee about halfway up the opposite thigh. I massaged her small thigh, surprised to feel the femur quite plainly through the loose skin. Her lower leg was thinner than my wrist, and when I lifted it, her toes pointed straight down. I put the small leg down and caressed its big sister, this leg strong and firm in my hands.

I removed her shirt and let her recline on the pillows I'd placed behind her as I slid her panties off.

Her pubic hair was rich and dark at the top, and thinned quickly to near non-existence as it rounded under her mons. I soon saw why. I had seen pictures of Female Genital Mutilation before, so I had prepared myself for the sight, and I was absolutely determined not to betray any negative feelings I might have. In truth, all I could think about is how fiercely it must have hurt to have this gentlest of flesh carved off your body with kitchen tools or worse. Her pussy was bright pink with scar tissue, its texture ranging from shiny and thick at the outside near her thighs, to soft and pliable near her vagina, moist and pulsing, which was centered in the flat, slightly concave area. Above it, the opening to her urethra stood open, the size of a pencil lead.

I wanted to kill someone, I wanted to rail against the medieval society which had tried to ruin her for the pleasure of some foolish boy. I wanted to kill, but what I did...

was to love. I pressed my face against her mound and kissed it. I moved my mouth over every square inch of the ruined flesh and gave each little segment a heartfelt kiss. I slid my tongue into the entrance to her vagina and I sucked gently on the protruding dome of her g-spot. I rubbed my nose against the top of her mound where her clit would have been, and I plucked with my teeth and lips at the skin over the arch of her mound, where I knew that clitoral nerves and tissues remained.

I pulled her hand down to my mouth and slid two fingers into my mouth and sucked gently on them while I tapped softly on her mound with my left hand, my right two fingers deep in her cunt. Her hips began to pulse into my hand, and her eyes were veiled with beautiful lashes as her head rolled slightly side to side. Deep in her vagina, I found a tiny thin curtain of a hymen, and I pulled at it gently with my fingers as they curled up into her g-spot with a steady, insistent rhythm. I took her hands and placed them on her mound, saying softly, "Take over here for a second, OK?" she nodded quickly and continued tapping at her mound as she fingered herself. I slid my pants down along with my shorts, then tugged my shirt off and lay down beside her. I pulled her over the top of me, arranging her limp leg so it would be comfortable. She raised herself awkwardly and I rubbed my pulsing cock on her vaginal opening. It came back shiny and strings of lubricant slid down out of her and onto me. She stared at me as she let her body engulf mine, inch by inch, until I felt the tension at her hymen. "Oh, this is so much better than I could have imagined in my wildest fantasies, you wonderful, wonderful man. I think I love you, Owen!" she dropped onto me with a groan of passion/pain.

I lifted her up a little and let her down again, saying, "I'm glad, because I'd hate to be the only person in this room who's in love." I took her butt in my hands and steadied her as she thrust herself up and down on me, adding the strength that her useless left leg couldn't give. Her magnificent breasts bobbed and orbited over my chest in erotic circles all their own. She sat on me, and her hips began to slide forward and back on mine, her scarred mound apparently finding the friction it needed, for soon her eyes rolled and she howled out an orgasm as her vagina clamped onto me like a hot fist, and I answered her shortly with one of my own.

Abhi slid off me and started toward the bathroom, stepping down onto her short leg and using her hand to keep the knee from collapsing. It was a fascinating, lurching way to move, and I could only imagine what her big boobs were doing.

"Awesome view from back here, Beautiful." I said. "How's it look from the front?"

She stopped right at the door and turned. She put her hands on her hips and straightened up, her little leg dangling and her breasts swaying side to side. "You like what you see?"

"I adore what I see. Every single sexy inch."

"I've waited a lifetime for you. You know that, right?"

"Me, too Talin."

She reached down, hopping to keep her balance, and pulled on each nipple, hard, eyes closed. They stood right up, and she walked toward me, her breasts shuddering wildly as she dropped onto her short leg. When she got to the bed, she took my cock in her hand and said, "Let's go get wet, okay?" She got no arguments.


I started the water in the double wide Jacuzzi tub, and she got busy with my prosthesis. I sat on the edge of the tub (COLD!), and showed her the release for the pylon nut. She sat on the rug in front of the tub, pressed the release and slid the leg off.

"Roll the sleeve up next."

The sleeve came off, and she began to explore my stump. Her hands move slowly, stroking, smoothing, caressing. Abhi traced the lines of the scars, two fine and delicate, one ragged and half an inch wide.

"It's surprisingly soft. I can feel the bone inside, which is strange. Can you tell me how it happened?"

"Sure. It was a landmine in the first Gulf War. See the scars on my other leg? That's where shrapnel and pieces of bone went clear through that leg. I almost lost it, too, which would have sucked; that's my gear changing foot."

She lifted my stump and kissed all over. For some reason, I started to get hard again. She thrust her chest forward and began to rub my stump with her erect nipples. Her eyes were far away as her plump nubs slid back and forth on my abbreviated leg. Most of the bottom of my stump was numb, due to nerve damage, but once I a while she found a spot that was especially sensitive.

The tub was full, so I leaned back and turned the water off. I lifted Abhi by the arms and arranged her leg beside me, foot in the tub, and then slid her onto my cock. She groaned in pleasure as I lifted us both into the water, still coupled. We sat in the tub, surrounded by warm water and bubbles, and I made sure that I was as deep as I could get into her body. We became still, her legs in the water behind me, and mine crooked under her, my stump on top of my ankle to support her. With her impaled on me, her 10 inch difference in height put her in exactly the right place to kiss, and so we did. We explored each others faces and mouths for a while, punctuated by a squeeze by her pussy or a tensioning of my cock. I played with her ass, which she liked a lot. I slid a finger past her rosebud and she moaned a little.

"Please tell me if anything is off limits, okay Abhi; I don't want to make you uncomfortable, just happy." I said kissed her eyelids.

She gave my cock a massive squeeze with her cunt, and said, "I'm not very experienced with this, Owen, so at this point I don't have any limits. I'll tell you if I am nervous, but I'd like to explore the envelope with you."

I slid my finger over her anus again and pushed a little. "Is this okay?"

"How do you think I kept my sanity and my virginity for this long, silly man? I'd be disappointed if you didn't explore all my spots."

"Oh, Abhi," I said, looking deeply into her eyes. "so much has happened today. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been longing to spend time with you for a year. You are just so beautiful that I thought I didn't stand a chance. This has been the greatest day of my recent life. Thank you."

Her eyes flashed, and she leaned back and punched me on the shoulder!

"You nit-wit, Owen! You wasted a year mooning over me when I was counting the hours until you came back in for coffee, or bagels, or ANYTHING!?" The look on her face was so furious that I started to laugh. She smacked me again and I pulled out of her and slammed back in again. Her eyes and her jaw dropped at the same time, and she said, "No fair! That's cheating. Oh, please Owen, do that some more."

We spent a few minutes cleaning the water off the floor from the splashing. Actually, I spent a few minutes swabbing up the water and Abhi rode me like a pony, rubbing her tits on my back and kissing my ears. I didn't mind the work.

WE made love s few more times, until I just couldn't rise to the occasion anymore, and then we slept, Abhi on my chest. I awoke with a start, not really knowing where I was, until I saw her sitting cross-legged on the bed, naked. Then it all came back to me.

"I smell something good; something other than your pussy, which seems to release some intoxicating smells."

"I was worried you would dislike the odor. I think it's because I have no lips to contain it. It apparently makes noises when I'm horny, also."

"I thought I heard something. Do I smell breakfast?"

"I had the owner bring it up. I lied and told her it was our honeymoon."

"It doesn't have to be a lie, Abhi. I spent hours last night thinking about this. I have never in my life, not even with Annie, felt so instantly connected to anyone. The thought of going to bed back in Ashland without you beside me absolutely fills me with terror."

All through my speech, she was nodding, and crying.

"Reno is only a few hours from here, Abhi. We can go over the mountains on the 299 into Redding and be in Nevada by nightfall."

I slid off the bed and knelt beside it. Abhi's hands were on her mouth and tears were flowing freely down her cheeks.

"My God, I don't even know your last name, Darlin. Abhi, I won't survive if you don't agree to marry me."

"You could not pronounce my last name, Owen. What is your last name?"

"It's Grey."

"Then that is what mine will be. I cannot wait to become your wife, Owen."

I reached to the bedside table and got the silver necklace I'd purchased at the gift shop yesterday. On it was a charm with the Sanskrit character for 'Fearless'. I put it over her neck and centered it between her lovely breasts.

We were on the road by 9:00. Old Annie never ran so strongly in her life. Oh, and by the way, Craig doesn't have a daughter.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That Hurt

Muslims are the cruelest of all people to mutilate females and treat them like dogs. The females are so used to it they accept it as normal. HORID cruelty!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Excellent Story Line!

Can't get much better in my book, motorcycles, dinged up Veterans (I'm a Disabled Veteran: SandBox, Afghanistan, Bosnia) and women that'll stay true to ya.

Well written throughout with balance, the Indian gal brings a very nice and unique twist but the Muslim female ritual bullshit cranks me up just like Owen.

At least another chapter would be great!!


PseamanPseamanover 13 years ago
Very Sweet

This was a special and very touching story of a trip of discovery for two scarred people. A wonderful, romatic story.

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1over 13 years ago
A good day for romance

This is as good as romance gets. Touching, sweet, hot. You want these two characters to have a good life. Great story.

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