The Roofie-Queen

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She's roofied and gang banged. Somehow she likes it.
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Let me tell you how I became the "Roofie-Queen".

It was during my first semester at the university. I was a law student and, because the college was pretty much at the other end of the country from where I came from, I didn't know anyone there.

I didn't even have a roommate at the on-campus dorm. I guess it was kind of a slow year, so the dorms weren't packed. All that made me a bit lonely, so I decided that I should try to go out to some parties. Even if it meant going there alone. I was hoping to meet some nice people.

That's why I found myself roaming the campus on a Friday afternoon to look at the various message boards, to see whether there would be any interesting parties that weekend.

I was looking at the colorful notes and flyers on a message board. There seemed to be several meetings of book or chess clubs and even an announcement of a nude drawing course that kind of peaked my interest. But those clubs were obviously for existing members only – plus totally boring! And the drawing course would have cost an admission fee.

"Hey Gorgeous! You looking for some fun?"

I almost shrieked. I had totally not seen the tall athletic guy standing near the message board. He had slowly – and silently – come closer to me. And when he spoke he was directly beside me.

"Oh my god, you startled me. I hadn't seen you there", I said.

"I'm sorry! So, are you?"

"Am I what?"

He said, "Are you looking for fun? Cause it looks like it." He smiled at me.

"Well maybe," I answered. "I'm new here and I don't really know anybody. So I thought I'd look for some parties to meet people."

"That's a great idea", he exclaimed. "And you've come to the right place. Here!"

He held a pink flyer towards me. Only now did I notice that he was holding a whole stack of these flyers in his arm. I took the proffered paper and glanced at it.

"Epsilon Zeta Gamma

Friday Night

Frat House Party"

It also showed a picture of a beer keg, the silhouette of a two dancing women and some symbolical music notes. Obviously a lively party with booze, loud music and maybe strippers?

"Are those strippers?" I asked.

"No!" he said. "Just some people dancing and having fun. So, are you going to be there?"

I looked at the flyer again. On the bottom it stated the address of the mentioned frat house. And although I didn't really know my way around town yet, I recognized the street, because it happened to be very close to my dorm. While the dormitories where all on-campus, this address was just off-campus. It was only a stone's throw away, though. But it meant that school rules didn't apply. It was a private building that would be hosting a private party.

I wasn't so sure about this. So I said, "Well, I don't know. I'm only 19, so I can't drink any alcohol. But it seems that booze is one of the major points of this party. Aren't there any nice get-togethers anywhere without all that drinking?"

"What would be the fun in that?" he asked. "Listen, Sweet Pea, this is a private party on private property. Plus, it's kind of an institution at this college. Every Friday night, all the cool people come together there to have a blast. And no one messes with us, so we can do pretty much anything we want. Including letting the school's fresh meat have some fun, too. So don't you worry, dear! You don't have to drink... much. But if you want to, no one's going to say anything against it."

"Well, I'll think about it", I said.

"I'm Trevor, by the way", he replied, holding out his hand.

"Julie", I said, shaking his hand awkwardly.

"Looking forward to seeing you tonight!" he shouted, as he already walked briskly away.


I went back to my dorm room and locked the door. I sat down on my bed and looked at the flyer again. Well, it looked like a typical party, the kind you would practically expect any respectable or unrespectable fraternity to host. The question was, would this one be the former or the latter?

I laid the flyer aside and went about reading some texts for one of my classes. I would decide later, whether or not I would go to that party. There still was a lot of time.

So I was kind of shocked, when I looked at my watch and realized that it was already pretty late. The party would have started an hour ago! Almost panicked, I began to grab some clothes out of my closet, trying to decide what to wear. It was only when I was holding various blouses against my body and looking in the full length mirror, when I realized that I had obviously subconsciously decided to actually go to the party. So why not? It could be fun, right? And I don't have to drink alcohol. I can have fun without it!

I selected a nice white blouse, some denim shorts and some rather flat heeled but very comfortable black shoes. Underneath I wore regular white panties with matching bra. Nothing fancy. I mean, I was going out to meet new people, not to go on a date or anything. With only a minimum of light makeup I looked at myself in the mirror. Not to brag about myself, but I do have to say I looked sexy yet innocent.

With a last look at the flyer, to make sure I remembered the address correctly, I left my dorm. The frat house was only five minutes away by foot. I could hear the loud music before I even left the campus grounds. But that made finding the location really easy.

It was a big house. Old but in good shape. And there were people everywhere around it. They were drinking and laughing, dancing and hollering. It was quiet some chaos! The front door of the house was standing open and people where going in and out all the time.

I walked onto the fenced property and pushed through the crowd towards the front door. Inside it was even more crowded and a lot louder. The air was hot and smoke filled, although most people actually went outside to smoke. I was almost impressed by that.

A second after I came into the house, someone had already pushed a plastic cup with beer into my hand. I didn't even see who it was. I walked further into the spacious foyer and started looking for a place where I could put the cup down. I wasn't going to drink it!

"Cheers!" someone toasted towards me with his cup.

And I just smiled and put the cup to my lips, pretending to drink. I kept walking – or rather crawling – through the house. It was almost impossible to get through the masses of people. How would I ever get to know anyone here? With this noise and so many people it was practically impossible to have a real conversation.

Finally I found a little side table where I put my plastic cup. I turned around and started back towards the front door. I had decided to leave. This wasn't for me.

"Hey, Julie! Great you could come!"

I looked around, and a few feet in front of me stood Trevor. He smiled like a Cheshire cat and made his way over to me.

"Here, have something to wet your throat. It's pretty hot in here, isn't it?"

With that he handed me another one of those darned plastic cups.

"I don't want to drink", I said.

"What?" he shouted.

"I said, I don't want to drink!" Shouting was the only way to communicate.

"Ow come on! Don't be like that. Just one drink!"

He held his own beer to his mouth and nodded encouragingly at me. I thought I'd just sip once to get him out of my hair. So I took a small sip of the beer. It was nothing special, but I didn't really like the taste of it.

"Julie, come on. No pretend-drinking!" he shouted into my ear, coming closer towards me to do so.

He put his left arm around me and drank from his plastic cup. Then he toasted me with it and smiled encouragingly. I didn't like this situation one bit. Him touching me like that and expecting me to drink. But I thought that he would maybe leave me alone, if I did what he wanted. So I took a bigger sip from my cup and another one.

He smiled and spoke again directly into my ear. "That's more like it. Come on, drink up! I want to show you the place."

I started to protest, but he just pushed the plastic cup towards my face. So I took another swallow and another and finally emptied the cup. He took it out of my hand and threw it onto the small table. Then he steered me with his arm through the crowd towards the back of the house. We passed a kitchen. There were several beer kegs in the large room and people where filling plastic cups with beer but also with stronger drinks.

Trevor grabbed two already filled cups of beer and handed one to me.

"No", I said, but he already steered me out of the kitchen again.

He kept pushing me through the masses of people, showing me parts of the house. It would have been a nice sight, hadn't there been so much folk everywhere. Every once in a while Trevor would lift his cup of beer to his lips and nod at me. And every time I relented and drank from mine. I could already feel it work, even though I think it wasn't even very strong beer. When I started to get a little lightheaded I asked Trevor if I could sit down for a minute. He guided me into a big living room where most of the furniture had been moved to the sides. Only a big sofa and a couple of easy chairs where standing in the middle of the room. There wasn't really any place left to sit on them, though. But Trevor just walked straight towards the sofa and motioned some guys sitting there to leave. Which they immediately did.

We both sat down and I felt myself relax a little. Somehow I was pretty tired and I only almost managed to stifle a yawn. Next to my other side sat a couple making out. They were kissing each other with a passion, not caring at all if anyone was watching or not. Trevor moved over a little bit towards me. He tried to get closer with his face and I registered his intention. My mind was kind of sluggish. I only managed to bring up my hands to hold him off when he had almost reached my lips.

"No, Trevor", I moaned. But the strength left my arms and I was barely able to hold him off. I doubt I could have really resisted him if he had forced himself onto me. I had the feeling as if it was getting darker in the room. I yawned again and my eyes fell closed for a second. I couldn't believe how tired I was all of a sudden. I hadn't even studied that much today. So why was I so tired? I looked at my watch, but it was very difficult to read it. It was just so dark in the room and my vision started to blur a bit. I could barely make out the watch hands. It wasn't even that late yet, so where did this fatigue come from?

"I want to go home! I'm tired", I whispered at Trevor's ear.

That was the last thing I remembered.


When I opened my eyes again, I was somewhere else. It was quiet around me, so I wasn't at the party anymore. But I wasn't in my dorm room either. I was lying on a bed inside a big room with beautiful wood paneling on the walls and the ceiling. Through the curtains on the windows came bright sunlight.

I must have fallen asleep and slept through the rest of the night!

The furnishings of the room looked similar to those I had seen last night at the party. So I guessed that I was still in the frat house. I moved a little. That's when I felt the pain.

I hadn't noticed it when I was lying still, but whenever I moved a part of my body I felt a dull ache. It wasn't too bad, but I wondered where this pain came from. I looked down the length of my body and removed the simple bedspread covering me.

I yelped surprised.

I was completely naked! My tits were bruised and when I sat up painfully, I could see that my pussy was of an angry red color. Some white crust covered my skin pretty much everywhere I looked. And when I inspected my pussy a little closer, I saw some white goo seeping out of it. My mind was still half asleep, I think, because I couldn't really understand what had happened. I yawned again. And now I noticed not only that my throat was pretty sore, too, but also that there was a very strange taste lingering in my mouth. I had never tasted anything like it. It was rather awful.

I looked around and saw an open door leading to a bathroom. Gingerly I moved to stand up from the bed. My ass hurt pretty much when I sat on it. And when I finally managed to get up, a rather manly fart escaped my bowels. Fresh goo ran down my legs. I bent down a little to take a closer look and saw that goo was running out of both my holes.

I shuddered. My sleepy mind was very slowly beginning to connect the dots and figure out what must have happened. It wasn't quite there yet.

I padded slowly into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. When I looked into the bathroom mirror I couldn't believe what I saw. My face was crusted over thickly with this white crust I had all over me. I had a split lower lip and my hair was a mess. It stood off at chaotic angles and white stuff was drying in it everywhere.

The human mind is a strange thing. When I saw my hairstyle like that, suddenly my mind flashed to a scene in a popular comedy movie, where a woman had mistaken some goo for hair gel and promptly smeared it into her own hair, styling it in a wild cowlick. The audience knew that it was sperm, though. And suddenly I knew, too.

It was sperm!

I was covered from head to toe in drying, crusted semen. And the bad taste in my mouth? I sniffed at my crusted right arm. Sure enough, it smelled similar to what the taste was in my mouth.

Finally my mind was fully awake. I took in my looks in the tall mirror. Covered in cum. Tits, pussy and ass bruised and red. The taste of semen in my mouth. No doubt, I had been raped. Raped! No, not just raped, gang raped! By the looks of it, a really huge number of guys must have fucked me all night long in all my holes. And they had cum everywhere! Even inside my pussy and my ass. Condoms? No, Sir! They had raped me repeatedly and had shot their sperm inside my cunt without concern for me.

I panicked at that thought. I mean I could get pregnant! Worse, I could have caught a disease!

I couldn't believe that something like this could have happened to me. And I couldn't even remember a thing! One moment I sat on the couch in the living room of the frat house. The next moment I wake up as a used cum receptacle. Sore all over without having at least had a bit of pleasure from the fucking.


The shower in the bathroom was very welcome and as I stepped into the hot water, I started to feel a bit better. I turned it even hotter, almost scalding, and rubbed the sperm crust off my skin. I washed my hair and sprayed water into my mouth, trying to get rid of the taste.

I aimed the water at my pussy and watched the cum get flushed out of my vagina. I even tried to stick the shower head into my cunt a bit to really get all the sperm out. Next I tried to wash out my ass similarly. Of course I couldn't get the shower head inside, but I turned the water pressure up as much as possible and aimed the hot spray at my asshole. When I contracted my bowels a bit trying to push their contents out, a huge flood of spunk flowed out and ran down the shower drain.

After I had washed all of my body at least three times, I finally stepped out of the shower. I found a towel to dry myself off and went back into the bedroom I had woken up in.

I started to sit down on the bed, when I noticed that the sheets where wet and sticky from all the cum. So I quickly jumped back from the bed before touching it. In a corner of the room stood a single chair, so I walked over to it. That was when I noticed my clothes neatly folded on top of the chair. I quickly grabbed them; sorted through them. They were all there: My denim pants, my white blouse, my modest white bra and my black flat shoes. Wait! All there? No, my panties were missing.

I looked around, but it didn't look like they were anywhere in this room. I guessed someone must have taken them as a souvenir. Probably Trevor, I thought.

Trevor! That bastard!

He must have spiked my drink. No wonder he kept insisting that I drink it! He had invited me to the party and when I actually showed up he came directly for me with a spiked drink and making sure I drank it. It was a setup from the start!

I felt so stupid. But what should I do now? I couldn't really proof that Trevor was responsible. I didn't even know if my drink really had been spiked. Maybe I just don't tolerate alcohol very well. I guessed I could find out if I were to go to a hospital to get checked out. But I had already washed away most of the other evidence of tonight's activities. Some parts of my body where still bruised, but would that be enough proof if I decided to go to the police and report a sex assault?

Did I even want to report it? I mean, the pain and shock of waking up like this was pretty awful. But having to relive whatever I could remember by telling some strangers at the precinct about it seemed even worse. I sat on the chair for a while thinking through my options. They were not very positive!

I decided that the first thing I should do is leave this place. Get out of this house and go back to my dorm room. That sounded like a plan! Well, not a real plan, but it was the right thing to do at that moment. I stood up and walked to the second door in the room. Very carefully I pushed down the door handle and slowly opened the door just a little bit. I looked outside into the corridor. At the end of the long hallway I could see the stairs leading down towards the spacious foyer.

The hall was empty. So I silently tiptoed to the stairs and stopped. I looked down to see whether someone was downstairs. I couldn't see anybody. Very carefully, so as not to make any sound, I took step after step down the stairs. I kept looking in all directions while I did. When I was finally in the foyer I looked around again.

No one was in sight. All those many people that had been here last night, filling up the house to burst, where gone now. As if they had been swallowed up by the ground. I kind of wished that was actually the case!

I stepped towards the front door, which was closed now. Carefully I pressed the handle. It made a slight creaking noise. To me it sounded like the engine of a starting jet plane! I froze. I looked around frantically, but I only saw the junk left from the party all over the place. Empty plastic cups where everywhere. I turned back towards the door and resumed my gentle pushing of the door handle.


I twitched. And I froze again.

"Hey, you were great last night", the guy said. He had come out of the living room, where he probably had slept until a second ago. I had never seen him before, but from his words I gathered that he had seen me, though. Well, probably more than "seen".

He was a big guy. At least six foot tall and muscular. Not unlike Trevor, I thought. Under different circumstances I might have actually like either of them. I thought about pouncing on him and relieving my pent up anger. But he probably would have had no trouble just holding me at arm's length. So I decided that the best course of action would be to just leave as quickly as possible. I started turning back towards the door.

"Come back any time you want! You were a big hit!" he said and smiled. A very friendly smile.

I was confused. He looked like he really meant it. As if he thought that I had "entertained" him and his buddies of my own free will. And he seemed genuinely thankful and happy about that.

I didn't say a word. I just opened the door, no longer concerned about the noise. Then I practically ran outside, along the path toward the small gate in the fence and out onto the sidewalk. No one stopped me.

I ran and ran all the way back to the dormitory. I ran up the stairs to the third floor, down the corridor to my room. I momentarily panicked wondering if my keys were still in my pants' pockets. But when I found them where they were supposed to be, I sighed with relief.

I opened my door, went inside, slamming the door shut and fell onto my bed.