The Saltadora Ch. 08

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Casey & Cassandra naked and on the run as CAMDOS rises.
12.7k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 01/31/2023
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A former starship captain is thrust into a series of adventures on parallel worlds which, for some reason, almost always seem to require her nudity and sexual submission. Is someone or something behind it all, or is it just the natural order of things?

Note: This is a sequel to Emily 2.0 but also contains characters, and references events from Casey's Fall and Casey's Rise. While not essential, it is recommended to read those first to get the most out of this story.

Warning: some chapters may contain scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex. Themes include ENF, CMNF, humiliation, non-consent, reluctance, public nudity, public sex, a touch of BDSM here and there, and occasional violence if it's relevant to the story or character development.


As Emily woke up, the effects of the pill had well and truly worn off, so she was back to feeling conscious of her nudity. The presence of the clit cover preventing her from having orgasms also weighed heavily on her mind. While she now thought of her pet girl submission as more of a game she was playing with Casey, one thing she was certain about was that Casey also played for keeps, so there wouldn't be a reward there for the asking no matter how much she begged. She would have to earn it with wins in the dildo arena. That, however, was less of a concern now that she had ready access to the aphrodisiac pills, and therefore Dark Emily to push her down the obstacle course without being hindered by humiliation.

Something else was bothering her, though, which might also be a factor in her success on the dildo course. She thought back to Earth 2 when one of the chains broke on the cuffs she was wearing to prevent her from masturbating. Then last night, the spasm in her body that had caused the dildo to be wrenched from its base. Coincidence maybe, but there were other little things as well. Accidentally slamming doors behind her, a pen once breaking in her hands while she was drumming it in thought on a desk, and effortlessly lifting Madison onto a bathroom bench to give her a blowjob. Her suspicions mounting, she made her way to the gym in the basement of the boarding house to test her theory.

Finding the gym empty, she looked around and noticed Olympic barbells with lots of bumper plates of various sizes. That would do for a test. She set them up for a deadlift, beginning with two twenty-five-kilogram plates. Normally, this would be pushing the maximum limit of what she could lift, but it gave her no trouble at all. In fact, she was able to easily clean the bar to her chest. Setting the bar back down, she added another two twenty-five-kilogram bumper plates. Again, no problems, so she decided to double it. The bar looked formidable with four of the large plates on either side, which was the limit of what was available in the small but well-equipped gym, and she didn't think she had any hope at all. This was the kind of weight that a muscle-bound male gym junkie would tackle. It was certainly well beyond the capabilities of a somewhat skinny, yet reasonably fit woman. Oh well, she could only fail. At least it would give her an indication of what she could achieve.

While re-doing her ponytail, Emily imagined someone walking in as she bent over to lift the weights. A shudder went through her as she realised her anus would be on full display in the large mirror behind her.

She cringed, "Forever naked."

Attempting to push her unshakable humiliation over this familiar circumstance aside, she positioned herself in the centre of the bar. She made sure to keep her back straight and adopted the correct grip, she quivered when she realised proper technique only pushed her ass out and made a glaring spectacle of both intimate holes in the mirror.

As she lifted, she nearly forgot about being naked, instead feeling a rush of strength. At first, she was surprised to find the bar bowed noticeably as she took the strain. She'd never seen a bar bend before, at least not as much as this one was. Then, up it came off the floor, until she raised it to full height. While she could certainly sense it was heavy, she also knew that this was still well below the limit of what she could do. In shock, she dropped the bar, watching it crash to the floor and bounce in a somewhat frightening manner due to its weight, and also shaking the mirrors around the room.

Seeing the mirrors vibrate, she again felt embarrassed thinking about her naked asshole and pussy exposed to anyone watching, and she nearly shrieked when she noticed Charlotte, the front desk guard, in the doorway.

"What the hell was that?" Charlotte asked, her eyes immediately drawn to Emily's ass, and then she noticed the massive barbell. "What the fuck? Did you just lift that?"

Knowing that no ordinary woman could lift such a weight, and not wanting to appear as a freak since she figured she was already freakish enough to most people in this place, she quickly scrambled to come up with some excuse or explanation.

"Oh, no, I was just mucking around," Emily nervously laughed. "I found it like that and wondered what it would feel like to try to lift it. I couldn't even budge it, then I tripped over it and fell on my face. Sorry if I disturbed you."

Charlotte looked back and forth between the massive barbell and Emily, before accepting the explanation. "No troubles. Jesus, I wonder who set that up, though? I wouldn't have a hope of lifting that, and I'm one of the strongest girls here."

"No idea," Emily agreed, before deciding her best strategy from there would be to exit as quickly as possible. "Anyway, I better go shower and get ready for my day. I'll see you later on, Charlotte."

"Yeah, have a good one, Emily," Charlotte replied, still looking at the barbell on the floor, before shrugging and heading back to the front desk.

As Emily headed back up to her room, she pondered the new discovery. She was strong. Like, really strong. Stronger than any man she knew. Obviously yet another side-effect of the genital enhancement therapy and birth control implant which had also given her permanently erect nipples, elongated labia minora and a hyper-sensitive clitoris. Not to mention causing her to completely lose control of her arousal. Thankfully the clitoris situation seemed to now be calming, even without the clit cover preventing it from being touched. That also seemed to be settling the arousal problem, although that was harder to say with any confidence. She often wondered if her acceptance of the conditions she now found herself under in this world could well mean she was still very much unbalanced, and not her usual sane self.

What to do about this unusual physical strength, though? If anyone found out, she would surely be ridiculed for it. It wasn't feminine to be strong. To be this strong was downright freakish. She didn't need that sort of attention. She'd received enough of that type of negativity already while wearing the chains back on Earth 2, and the cat ears and butt-plug tail she wore here. Her nipples were still constantly brought to her attention, as if she didn't know already. Honestly, if one more person asked her if she was cold, she might very well lose it. No, it was better to keep it to herself.

After showering, applying makeup and donning the cat ears and tail, she joined Madison for the short walk to the Crescent. Without the pill, she felt very conspicuous and embarrassed to be naked in public, not to mention the tail inserted into her butt. Now also she would never have pubic hair again. Always hairless and smooth with every detail of her vulva on public display. She tried to assure herself that she didn't stand out in this place, since naked women were hardly a rare sight, but still that familiar tingle of humiliation-inspired masochism both thrilled and appalled her.

On entering the foyer, she discovered three dildo benches set up with a corresponding number of red collar girls and their mistresses putting them through their paces. At first, she thought nothing of it, but then she noticed Katia standing in the corner. Their eyes met briefly, only for Katia to glare menacingly at her before turning and walking away in a huff.

It then occurred to Emily that she had caused this situation. These girls' mistresses were now deeply concerned about winning future races after the previous night's performance, so they were training their pets to get better. Katia's reaction was because Emily posed a threat to her orgasms. Likewise, these other red collar girls now had a much lower chance of ever receiving a reward. With Katia's domination, it had likely been weeks, if not months since they had last had an orgasm. Now with a new threat who had thoroughly trounced Katia, the chances of an orgasm were even slimmer. That didn't seem fair at all. Her athletic ability, in combination with the pill allowing Dark Emily to take over, would make her impossible to beat. She wondered briefly if she should throw a few races, or perhaps feign an illness so they would at least get a chance. However, it seemed likely that Katia would be the only one to benefit from that.

Casey noticed Emily's pensiveness as she sat down at her desk. "What's up, Em? I thought you'd be in a good mood after last night?"

"Sure, but I'm feeling a bit sorry for the other red collar girls. There's a few of them out training in the foyer right now. It was probably hard enough for them to get a reward before. Now when are they going to get a chance?"

"Oh, don't worry about them," Casey smiled. "They usually get rewarded for a second or even a third place. It just doesn't happen on the winners' platform."

"Thank God for that," Emily breathed with relief. "I was a bit worried I might have to throw a few races to show them some mercy."

"No, don't do that," Casey warned. "Your rewards are definitely tied to first place. No win, no cum."

"Thank you, Mistress," Emily responded, knowing Casey was serious, and feeling a tingle of arousal about that fact. "But what about Katia? I can't imagine Jolene showing her any mercy."

"That's Katia's problem. You just worry about your own rewards. No one ever died from not cumming in a while."

"It seems a little too cruel, though," Emily argued. "I'm sure after a period of time you'd lose hope, so it wouldn't work as motivation anymore."

"So, did you find it less motivating or more motivating, the longer you went without an orgasm?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, you're right," Emily admitted, knowing full well how she had been affected. Winning had become her sole focus. She had even put out of her mind the possibility of using the hypons again for another escape.

"I do love your optimism, but don't forget you've only won one race so far," Casey added. "Katia and Jolene are going to train harder now, so you won't win as easily in future. However, if it does start getting a bit ridiculous, I'll have a word to Jolene, or we'll just hold you out of a race now and then. Don't you dare think about throwing races. I need to be able to trust that you're always doing your best."

"I will, Mistress," Emily assured her, which caused a knowing smile and giggle between the two women. The knowledge that this power play between them was purely a sex game made it so much more fun for Emily, and now had the beginnings of a relationship rather than a real-world slave and master scenario.


Over the next few weeks, Emily continued to dominate in the dildo races, and orgies with Casey, Cassandra, Madison, and Greg became a regular thing. She found herself being licked, sucked, and fucked in every submissive way imaginable, often leaving her in a sweaty, exhausted heap.

For Casey and Cassandra, the passionate group sex added something new to their sex lives which had become somewhat mundane in recent years. Working in the sex industry surrounded them with perverse sex on a daily basis. But with Emily as their pet, they found ways to creatively push their limits.

Greg also enjoyed the orgies for the same reasons. Even if his penis was rarely granted freedom, watching his lovers make out with these two other beautiful women definitely floated his boat. Casey occasionally rewarded Emily with a hard fuck following her victories but forbade Greg from using her pussy. Instead, she insisted he only fucked her ass. It solved Em's pregnancy concerns, and Greg was only too happy to oblige, filling the slutty red collar girl's sexy ass with cum at every chance, even if the brunette slave had reservations about the act.

Naturally, an undeniable friendship developed between the five, and two or more would often hang out and laugh together, even without sex involved.

For Emily and Madison, a contentedness emerged for both of them. Madison, because she was getting plenty of fucking and sucking, and truly loved her surroundings. Emily felt similarly, now that she was able to get past the craziness involved in being a red collar girl, and even had begun to enjoy it. She was truly happy at last and had almost forgotten about the hypons. She kept her newly discovered strength hidden from everyone, even Madison. It served no purpose, and it would only draw more attention to the fact that she was the victim of a medical procedure that went wrong in another world that no one would believe even existed anyway. Too many questions to answer, too much unwanted attention, being centre stage and a freakshow. No thanks. It was easier to ignore all that and concentrate on the positives.

Meanwhile, the news broadcasts constantly hinted that CAMDOS was likely to win the election. The women and the few men of the Crescent remained optimistic and showed out in force to cast their votes come election day. Emily and Madison joined Casey, Cassandra, and Greg at the polling booths, even though, as indents, they weren't allowed to vote anyway. Dozens of CAMDOS supporters lined the entry to the voting centre, handing out how-to-vote cards with images of their smiling idol, Laura Strahan, plastered everywhere. They turned to scowl at any registered nudists who passed by, making their position more than obvious. Casey, Cassandra, and Greg paid them no mind as they went inside the building to cast their votes.

Later that evening, the five gathered in the penthouse apartment to watch the results streaming in. Just after 10 p.m., the member for the current ruling party conceded defeat. CAMDOS had won! Laura Strahan, with her maddening smile, gave her thank you speech with a vow to follow through on her campaign promises, pausing regularly for the deafening cheers from the crowd of supporters present.

It was some time before anyone spoke.

"Well, fuck. What are we gonna do now?" Cassandra finally asked.

"I told you this would happen," Greg unhelpfully added.

"Business as usual," Casey shrugged. "Until they announce something about new laws, we just continue doing what we do."

"We got thousands of Crescent girls out there, all living naked all around the world," Cassandra fretted. "If they ban nudity, what's gonna happen to them? Most countries don't even have nudity laws. Our girls are only allowed because of respect for our country's laws."

"Some of those countries are also open-minded and very sympathetic to nudity," Casey pointed out. "The South Capereau islands for example. Worst case scenario we could move the Crescent there."

"Without the nudity laws there, wouldn't the crescent tattoo be a bit like branding girls like cattle, though, rather than a permit to be a nudist? And clothing would still be optional anyway, right?" Emily contributed.

"Hmm... good point," Casey considered. "We'd have to think about that if we ever have to consider that option. The main thing for now is that we haven't reached that point, so we need to stop worrying about it until we do need to worry about it."

"I guess if we do gotta wear clothes again, that also opens up possibilities with lingerie, bikinis, Daisy Dukes, little sundresses with no underwear underneath," Cassandra continued, ignoring Casey's advice to get on with things. "Damn, I'm almost hoping Strahan does ban nudity. I haven't thought about clothes for ages. Now I'm kinda drooling."

"There we go," Casey smiled. "There's always an upside. We'll find a way."


Despite Casey's optimism, no one could have predicted just how bad things would actually turn out.

Two weeks later, Casey and Cassandra decided to take Madison and Emily on a shopping trip. For an added thrill, Casey had clipped a leash to Emily's collar so she could lead her like a pet. Cassandra decided to follow suit by clipping a leash to Madison's collar. Cassandra also had Madison wear a Bluetooth vibrator which she randomly triggered from time to time, causing Madison's legs to go wobbly, but never triggering it long enough for her to cum. Several onlookers paused to stare at the bizarre spectacle but quickly continued on their way when their stares were returned.

"I've been doing this for years, Madison, I can keep you on the edge for days," Cassandra laughed, causing Madison to scowl. Then Madison almost lost balance as Cassandra pushed the button on the remote control yet again. Madison turned to Emily while biting her lower lip to indicate just how turned on she was, but also how frustrated she was getting with the experience. Emily wanted nothing more than to help her beautiful naked friend out but knew she had to play along with Casey and Cassandra's wishes. Casey wanted an obedient pet on display, while Cassandra wanted to tease her slave for the day and drive her crazy.

Just when Madson thought Cassandra had tired of her teasing, she triggered it again just as she was taking a sip of coffee at a sidewalk café they had stopped at. The coffee cup flew into the air as a result, causing coffee to go everywhere.

"What's up, Madds?" Cassandra laughed. "You seem a bit jumpy today?"

"Right! That's enough!" Madison responded. With that, she abruptly leapt out of her chair towards Cassandra, wrapping her arms around her and wrestling the remote control from her hands. Cassandra was so overwhelmed with giggles that she could do little to fight Madison off.

Once in possession of the remote control, Madison sat back down in her chair, lay back, and gave herself a lengthy blast until she was finally granted the relief of an orgasm. As she came, she massaged her breast with her free hand while moaning loudly. This, of course, caused more onlookers to stop in their tracks to watch. Most were bewildered and shocked, but some laughed knowingly before continuing on their way. It seemed little had changed since the election.

Suddenly, Casey's phone rang, interrupting the fun. She absent-mindedly fished it out of the small purse that she carried over one shoulder while still smiling at Madison's antics.

"It's Jolene," she announced as she looked at the screen, her face dropping to a slight frown. "She never calls unless it's something important. I wonder what it is?"

Casey's expression quickly went completely cold as she listened intently to the frantic voice on the other end of the phone. Cassandra watched Casey's reaction with increasing concern, mouthing "What's going on?", to which Casey shook her head and held her hand up to imply that she would explain shortly. Cassandra's concern only increased with what she could gather from Casey's replies.

"A raid?"

"Greg's been arrested?"

"What the fuck?"

"The police are there now?"

"You're kidding me?"

"Are the girls okay?"

"Okay, please keep it together. I'll get hold of Monique and figure out what to do from there."

"What do you mean, we can't come back there?"

"Arrest warrants? You're serious?"

"Shit! Okay... um... we'll figure something out. Thanks, Jo. Yes, please do what you can."

Finally, Casey hung up and stared gravely at her phone momentarily before Cassandra jolted her back to the present. "Casey, what the fuck happened? Don't just leave us here hangin'!"