The Scholar Ch. 01

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Alex is given a 2nd chance to be an artist.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 05/02/2012
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The Scholar 1: Entrance

The art school was before me. I took a step, then faltered. It was so...official looking. Could I do this? Go back to school after all these years & so many failures? Maybe it would cost too much. Maybe it had one of those ridiculous peer-reviewed grading systems. Maybe...

No. Stop & breathe. When I'd entered the photo contest & won first prize in 5 of 6 categories, The School of Creative Minds had contacted me personally. When I got to campus, they whisked me to an office & several Very Important Figures looked over my art in silence. I didn't freak; I did figure drawings & portraits. At lunch in a 5-star French restaurant, I ordered something tasty, not too expensive, not too cheap, & held my own in a debate about physics & spirituality. They insisted I go to the main campus for testing. The driver was a leering, bulky, hairy man who murmured very raunchy things under his breath. I teased him right back until he snorted laughter & cleaned up his act.

After all that, now I was frozen in fear? Ridiculous!

I looked around the garden, & inhaled deeply. Oh, such tall old trees; oak, ash, birch, elm, willow, apple, cherry, wisteria & crape myrtle; the song of wind through leaves had me twirling. The garden beds were filled with irises, lilies of the valley, all manner of wildflowers. A path of mint led down to the central fountain. Fountain? Ha. More like a manmade lake, with a beautiful central island, waterfall roaring downwards on all sides. The brick was warm under my feet, the sun warm on my head, & the breezes kept teasing my by blowing at my cherry-print dress, especially around my breasts & up my skirt...

My eyes went-half closed, & I darted around, sniffing flowers, hugging trees. I wanted dearly to strip, roll around in flowers. Creeping up to the fountain, I noticed all the god statues were all anatomically correct...& the male statues ready for action. What if I stripped, climbed in, & went over to sit on, say, Poseidon's lap. Scoot a little closer, open up...

A howling wind knocked me into a bed of thistles, goldenrod & spiky grasses. When I stood up, another wind blew me back into a tree & plastered my dress against my body. A feeling-thought-energy was in that wind, & it was all, "No. Bad. Keep your Promise."

That sure killed my libido cold. Flushing, I murmured "All right, I'll behave." Shoving my hair back, I ran upstairs & entered.

Gliding down-hall, I saw wood walls, hexagon-tile floors, sculptures, linked chandeliers forming a glittery gold serpent on arched ceiling, tall stained glass windows... I dug for my camera. No. I was 5 minutes early. Let the artist out, I'd be 30 late. Moving on, I paused at room 150's stained-glass door & saw, grapes, dancing maidens, foxes & goat-men drumming furiously. Inside was a temple to eccentricity. Desks were covered in papers, disks, films & sculptures. In corners, mannequins in Victorian costume, bird-inspired suits & flame-like dresses. In the windows, birdcages filled with glittery opalescent balls, crumbly books, a bright robin's-egg violin, rainbow-throwing crystals, tinging wind chimes, a waterfall & hibiscus plants. On the walls, paintings of dreamscapes, quotes, glittery spirals & blossoms.

A white-haired man, with loose curls to his collar, was writing furiously on a chalkboard. I read the Baudelaire quote & blushed before checking him out. Tall, slender, form-fitting cream suit, lilac shirt & mint tie. Nice ass; I wanted to cup those perfect buttocks two-handedly & squeeze.

My face flushed in shame, I said, "Hello!" a bit too loud.

He turned & I saw wide wisteria eyes, high cheekbones & full lips in a playful smile. "At last, Alex Endoriana!" he said, voice soft; coming to me, he cupped my chin & kissed my cheeks. I smelled wisteria. "I am Dion Amarandos," he said quietly, his eyes going from mine downwards to breasts, belly, thighs & back up.

Um. Oh? Seeing the promise in his eyes, I stammered, "I, it is good to meet you, Mr...."

"Call me Dion." Taking my hands, he pulled them to his lips, inhaled deeply & kissed my palms. "It is...delightful to meet you. Come, relax; let us discuss your work."

We sat at a wide desk, & I found the sprawl of pictures, photos, CDs, handmade books, and altered book was all my work. After several works, he was bright with joy. "Looking at this is exciting," he said, & showed my image of Apollo in his chariot, singing & playing a lyre. "You capture him in joy; I can feel his laughter rising. " He lifted my self-burned CD of dream tunes. "I listened to this & created a menu based on it. Let's be blunt. You belong here."

"But?" I asked.

"We have two schools, one for ordinary students, and our hidden campus for chosen ones. I want you in the latter, but you applied for the former."

"What is the," I began.

He stood, holding out his hand. "I've seen yours; now you see mine! Let us begin the tour."

Seeing he wasn't going to budge, I placed my hand in his long, slender hand & let him lead me out the door, down-hall, to the back.

The campus was delightful. Curvy paths led to Art Nouveaux buildings, circular patios, tiny niches & everywhere gardens & trees flourished. At the corner of two tall buildings was a large, narrow cliff where a waterfall thundered down to a pond. I loved it. This was more like a park than a school.

"Like it? Come, play"

Thinking of the angry voice, I shook my head.

"No. Okay, miss out, then." Dion strode forward, waving to this person & that, stripping off his jacket, tossing off shoes & socks, & stood in the waterfall spray. Tossing back his head, he laughed & threw out his arms. Girls flocked to join him, & soon they were romping about in the fountain, clad only in underwear...or air. Sitting on the grass, I giggled, got out my sketchbook again & started drawing.

That's when he took off pants, shirt & tie. He was erect, at nipples and, ahh... Oh lord. I couldn't take my eyes from him. The youths around him were pretty & all, but he...he was like a force of nature, a primal being, more. I thought I smelled a wisp of grape & wine, & felt wrapped up in furs when he looked right into my eyes. "Come," he mouthed, & offered a hand.

Feeling of lust & shame & desire to keep my promise warred in me. Reluctantly, I shook my head & turned my head away to wipe away tears. This was so confusing. My body kept trying to throw myself at him, but I couldn't. It wasn't me, promise or no.

That's when a group of other students came over. "Tough, isn't it," one courtly-looking young man said, "but he is more than we can handle. Come on! Join the norms, chica! I'll show you all the campus hotspots. You know we're right by town? Galleries, bookstores, Starbucks, restaurants, gelato stores & man, the clubs! All we need to play all night." Dark eyes looked into mine, not so much courtly now. He was a strong young man, in his formal suit, all fire & creativity. And he, too, was interested.

Now I was confused. I was hardly Aphrodite, & I had 20 years on this guy. Why was he so...?

"Cristian." Dion's voice was cold, harsh. Sweeping me behind him, he looked at the guy with a silent but palpable force.

I have no idea what Cristian saw in those eyes, but it sure had him backing up & turning, running away so the rest of his followers were running after him.

That changed the tone. From light & whimsical, Dion became manly & strong. His light wisteria scent was now grape with deep musk & honey undertones. Now I was a nervous. He led me through an arched gateway, & closed the door so the campus was hidden; now we were in the garden before the tall building I'd first seen.

"What do you want, Alex?" he said, voice gone low. "Do you want to play with children?" He waved to the campus. "Or," he added, leaning forward, "do you want to learn? I see more than an artist. Your essays say you love science, history, philosophy; they reveal a depth of spirituality that the babies wouldn't understand. Now is the time. Choose play, or real lessons."

"No tour?" I tried in a joking tone.

"That campus was for tourism. This campus is for seekers who commit to the long path."

I thought of the pretty campus, the lively students. There, I would be in a riot of socialization, ideas, late-night parties; a youth long-neglected in my life, finally lived.

But here were the whispers of mysteries I had sought all of my life. As fireflies courted & sleepy birds communicated, I started feeling flashes of energy going here & there. There was a roaring of a powerful sea, talking to the coldest, crisp air I'd ever sensed/felt. A sparkling beauty & a shy forest/deer/lady talked in murmurs. My body forgot all about promises; fears & questions, & opened up. I was soaking my panties & ever single breeze teased my aching nipples.

Go to play with children? Or...or here.

The whirring of wings & a moth brushed against my face. "Yes," I heard/felt. "Accept. T/s/he/y know the rules...I want you here."

"Yes," I said to Dion. "The real school. The long path."

He smiled, & kissed me full on the lips, one arm around my waist, the other cupping the back of my head. Wine on his breath, his tongue honeyed. I, who never fainted, went swoony as his tongue delved between my lips, claiming. I felt him opening to me even as he opened me; I felt forests, riots of naked women, golden palaces, extravagant meals, wine that tasted like fruits, the deepest, darkest honey I could imagine.

Spinning me, he pulled me tight to his front. As his erection throbbed against my back, he cupped my breasts & whispered, "Good. Your reward is this; you will have it all – school fees, books, supplies, room, board, whatever you desire. But you cannot leave campus. You cannot bring in a lover. We will provide clothes, makeup, music, whatever you need."

I moved to talk about my family, my cats, my diaries & shrine.

"No outside influences. In fact," he added, "strip & give me your belongings. You come here naked & ready for any experience." His voice, silky, smug, dominant. "Strip now or I will tear your clothes off, burn everything & I will film you receiving pleasure from my hands & mouth then post it on You Tube."

Slowly, shivering as the sun set, I took off my shoes...flirty clips...bra...

Impatient, he came, lifted me one-armed, & ripped off my stockings, garters & panties. Stuffing them in his pocket, he set me down & pointed me to the fountain. "Wash the past away."

So I went in. Felt the waves, fish & sleek marble basin. Going to the waterfall, I stepped under, closed my eyes & leaned back into a well-placed niche. Before I could wash, sleek hands rose around me. Ladies danced/swam around me, washing me with water, scrubbing my body with salt, oils, scents. Teasing licks & bites had me giggling. My legs were wrested apart, I was held firmly in the niche & mouths began suckling my breasts. Teeth nibbled my nipples, & teasing tongues darted up my thighs to my sex. They began to lick me intimately, until I was squealing, my skin abuzz.

A gentle breeze. Only one mouth was between my thighs now. Wide hands held me so my sex was out of the water. Tongue lapped over my clit, laved over my labia, pushed inside to drink, tease my vagina. Insistently, that tongue pursued my soft flesh. I was so warm, tingly, body shuddered as waves began lapping through my sex. Fingers inside me had pleasure intensify. Waves rolling through me faster, faster & boom! Orgasm fast & throbbing. I made tiny cries & that tongue, those fingers, pressed on. I begged for mercy. None was given. Orgasm again & again. My tiny cries became wails. I dug my fingers into curly hair & was slammed back against the niche & eaten out again. The next orgasm had me throw my head back & scream.

"Was that a puma?" a student asked nearby.

The realization that I could be caught had me coming again. This time, a hand covered my mouth & the other cradled me, then put me down. Breeze tickled my back. As I reeled with aftershocks, women surrounded me, washing me again. They led me out of the fountain gently & dressed me in a wispy gown. I felt so weak. But I hungered for that tongue, those sensitive lips. But I had to sleep. But being alone made me cold inside.

Dion spoke in his fey voice. "Very good, Alex. Come." He was fully dressed & dry. Interesting. I hadn't even heard him move. Shyly I walked to him & he took me up in his arms, murmuring, "Sweetheart, you are flushed. Did you like being washed by nymphs?"

"Mmmhmm," I slurred, eyes heavy.

"Tiny one." He carried me down a tree-lined path to a tiny 2-story cottage beneath a giant Dutch elm. Into the house, to an adorable rose pink room, into a plush canopied bed with rose-printed pillows & bedding. He slipped me in bed & covered me; kissed my brow. "Rest. Assimilate. You'll be called to dine in an hour."

He took two steps away, muttered something & came back to pin my hands to the pillow before he spent a long, sweet time kissing my mouth. Moist noises. Musky flavor over his honey & wine. As he nibbled on my lower lip, I remembered the mouth that teased me to orgasm had been far too large for a female mouth.

"You?" I asked as he pulled away.

"By the gods, yes. I am no celibate & you came into my office wet. This is about you & what you need to learn, & oh how you need to learn what pleasure is."

"But I promised..."

He chuckled. "We have all given promises to him who wants you taught." Suddenly, he was whistling, & I faded to sleep before I could ask anymore questions.

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