The School Nurse

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A school nurse and a teacher find love and something more.
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Brody Sutton found himself walking down the halls of his alma mater and now workplace. He had been hired three years prior as a history teacher after a nine-year stint at another school further from his hometown. Being closer to family and some friends was a definite perk, but like many smaller cities, his hometown was declining, and a lot of younger people were not returning after college or were simply moving away.

He signed and wondered if he should be looking elsewhere to expand not only his career but also his personal life. Other than being closer to family and friends, Brody had moved home to heal. At his first school, he had met an English teacher by the name of Jen, had fallen in love and they had married. They had tried to start a family to no avail, and after numerous doctor's visits they had found that he had a low sperm count, and even after implementing the doctor's suggestions, there was no improvement. Jen had taken the news especially hard; she had always seen herself as the working mom, toting kids around, and being "super mom."

With that not panning out, she took her frustration out on him, becoming colder and more distant as time went on, he had suggested adopting, but she shot that down. It was the worst when she was drinking, she would refer to him as less of a man, and just continue the emotional and mental beat down. It all came to a head one night when he came home from a golf trip with friends a little early and found her in bed with another man. She didn't offer up excuses or anything, just shrugged her shoulders and said, "He is a real man, I'm pregnant."

Luckily the house they lived in was completely in his name, having been bought when he first moved there. After telling her she had an hour to get her things, he left in a daze, headed to the local Lowes, bought all new locks, then as he waited an extra half hour, he called a divorce attorney, leaving a message. When he returned, he found most of her clothes gone and a wet towel on the floor. He busied himself with changing the locks and the garage door code; with that done, he had called his sister Lyndsey, told her what happened then collapsed on the spare bed crying.

When the job in his hometown opened, he jumped on it; with the evidence of her infidelity obvious, she didn't contest his initial offer of transferring her car out of both of their names into hers, allowing her to take some of the furniture from the house, splitting their accounts 50/50 and a few other odds and ends. With all of that taken care of, he sold the house, paid off the loan balance, then over two weekends, moved all of his stuff back to his hometown, moving into a house his mother owned.

All of that seemed like such a distant memory; in the past three years, he had done some extensive therapy to get over his self-esteem issues, gotten in some of the best shape of his life, risen to head of the History Department, fixed up the house to his liking, to which his mom gifted him, and was genuinely content with most aspects of life. The one place that was lacking and that couldn't be denied was his love life and that problem didn't seem to be getting better. Sure, he had been on a few dates, but nothing that stuck. That sort of changed earlier that year when the school hired Brittany Roberts as the new nurse. Brody didn't know Brittany, but his sister Lyndsey did; Lyndsey was five years older than him and also a teacher. She had taught Brittany in middle school, and when the school hired Brittany, Lyndsey had introduced them.

Brittany or Brit as her friends called her, was 29 to Brody's 35 and had lived an interesting life to say the least. She had grown up a military brat and had lived in 3 countries and 4 states before her parent settled down; making the three years at George Washington High the longest she had ever been in one place. Making use of her 5'10 frame, she had excelled on the basketball court, but when she went to college, she decided to forgo athletics and focus on her goal of becoming a nurse. That goal was derailed in her sophomore year when she got pregnant; the pregnancy was bad enough, but what made it worse was that it was by her clinical supervisor.

Like the naïve young woman she was, she thought he was going to leave his wife, because that's what he told her. When she told him about the pregnancy, he laughed at her and told her that he wasn't leaving his wife. She was crushed, dropped out of school, and moved back home, giving birth to her daughter Emma later that year. Emma's father gave her $10,000 to never contact him again, and he gave up all his parental rights. With help of her family and friends, when Emma was one, Brit went back to school, earning her associates degree in nursing and thanks to a nursing shortage, she hired on at a local hospital.

As Emma neared four, Brit was looking for a change, shift work was wearing her out, and she hated that she missed out on so much time with Emma. When she saw the nursing position open at her old school, she applied and was hired, starting that fall. The job was exciting for Brittany, there was never a dull moment, she had the same schedule as Emma, the staff was great that she worked with and she had met some really great people, especially one Brody Sutton.

She had been introduced to him on her first day because he was who helped her get all her technology set up and was the brother of her former math teacher. Over the course of the fall, they had become polite colleagues, but that all changed one day when Brody came down and asked her to check his temperature. It was high and when he explained what he was feeling, she gently pushed on his abdomen and his exact words were, "You bitch, what did you do?" Realizing that Brody's appendix was acting up, and he wouldn't go on his own, she called the paramedics who took him to the hospital and after a CT scan, he was taken right into surgery for a severely inflamed appendix. After hearing from Lyndsey that he was okay, she had gone to visit him the next day and spent a few hours talking about their lives and things in general.

After that, they became genuine friends, on his first day back to work after surgery, he had brought her a plant for her office and a thank you/sorry called for calling you a bitch card. When their staff Christmas party rolled around, they had a good time with the rest of the staff and then moved on with a few others to another bar until it was just the two of them. One thing led to another, and they ended up at his place where they hooked up. That incident was repeated a few more times through the winter and into the spring, but as Brody began to prep for the end of the year, and with Emma playing tee-ball, they had settled back into the rhythm of friends.

On this particular Sunday, Brody was holding a two-hour study session for the upcoming AP Economics exam. As he had walked in, he had noticed a blue, Toyota Rav4 parked by the rear doors that looked like Brit's; once he got to his room and got everything set up, he texted her, "That your car at school?"

She replied a few minutes later, "Yeah, you stalking me :-P?"

"Lol no. Study session today, AP Test is Monday." "What are you doing here?"

"State is doing an audit on the nurses." "Julie wants a complete inventory of what we've got here."

"That sounds terrible."

"Oh it is! I about have all the supplies inventoried, but still have the paperwork side to do."


"No doubt, how long is your review session?"

"2 hours."

"Fun, I'll let you get to that."

Over the next hour, Brit finished her inventory and started on her student logs to show why her position and the part time nurse that had been hired to help through lunch were both needed. She took a break and as she scrolled aimlessly on her phone, she found pictures that Brody had posted on the local lake the previous day; in them, he was shirtless with his toned body on display. She sighed, thinking about how good it felt pressed against her when they had sex. She felt herself begin to get turned on as her mind drifted to the last time they had been together; it had been a quickie in the backseat of his truck in her driveway when she had booty called him after Emma had gone to bed.

Even as she began to get more turned on reliving the moment, she couldn't help but laugh at them acting teenagers; he had pulled in and she rushed out in wearing a robe over a slip. As he climbed out, she told him to get in the back seat, and once they were both in, she pulled his gym shorts down, sucked his cock briefly to get it hard before straddling him and riding him to two orgasms for herself, then climbing off and sucking him to completion.

She sighed again, she could never decide if she liked swallowing his load, him finishing inside of her, or him cumming on her tits the most. He had done each twice and she loved them all; she shifted in her chair, causing the seam of her leggings to press on her slit and clit, allowing a soft moan to slip out. Realizing what she had done, she covered her mount, then looked around her office before shaking her head and thinking, "No one is here but you and Brody upstairs with some kids."

As her thought finished, her eye caught the two maroon beds where students could rest if they weren't feeling good or while they waited on their parents to come get them. Checking her watch and seeing it read 4:15 and knowing that her parents wouldn't be home from the zoo with Emma until at least six, a devilish thought ran through her head. Without thinking twice, she switched to the messages app and texted Brody, "When you're done, can you stop down and help me with something?"

He didn't respond for about 10 minutes, but when he did, the text read, "Sure, I figure the kids will be all gone by 5:15."

She grinned and replied "Thanks!"

For the next 30 minutes, she got more of her paperwork done, but had problem focusing. When the alarm on her phone went off at 4:55, she saved her work, stood up and made her way to the bathroom in her office. She made sure to pee, then used some of the wipes she had in there to clean herself up, silently thanking herself for having shaved less than a week before. She stood up and started to pull her leggings up before stopping, pushing them back down, stepping out of her flipflops, and stripping her panties off. She had to laughed at the sight of them on the floor, they were about as utilitarian as you could get without being called granny panties.

After pulling her leggings back on, she fixed her hair and adjusted her shirt before realizing that her thin sports bra wasn't doing a good job of hiding her hardened nipples. She shook her head again, saw that it was a little after five, so she quickly pulled her shirt, then sports bra off. As she picked her shirt up of the floor, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Brit had gotten back in decent shape after Emma was born, but she definitely didn't have the body of her youth. She still had the stretch marks of pregnancy, but they had faded, and a little bit of extra weight around her midsection. The one thing that she did like was that even after she finished breast feeding, her d-cups never returned to the b-cups that they were in high school, something that Brody really liked. She felt another shiver run through her and she quickly pulled her shirt back on, then exited the bathroom shoving her bra and panties in her bag before going back to her chair to try and get some more things done while she waited on him.

After about 15 minutes, she was beginning to wonder if he was going to show up when there was a knock at the door, she wheeled back and saw Brody standing at her window, sticking his tongue out. She laughed and stood to let him in. She leaned forward to unlatched the door and Brody couldn't help but try to peek down her V-neck shirt. He was rewarded when all he saw was the soft flesh of her breast. As she turned, she felt and he could see the sway of her breasts, signaling that she wasn't wearing a bra; she grinned to herself as she said, "Hey! Thanks for coming down."

Brody smiled and followed her into the office, shutting the door behind him, with a grin and the realization of where this could be going, and felt his cock begin to stiffen in his shorts. He followed her back to her chair where she sat down and said, "So, I was typing up this report, and I need to import this table into it."

"Alrighty, so do it."

She turned and frowned at him, "If I knew how to do it, I would have done it already."

He chuckled, "Okay, so what is the issue?"

"When I highlight, then copy and paste it, I lose all my grid lines."

"Oh okay, that is easy enough. Let me show you." As she faced the computer, he leaned over her and taking the mouse, he moved the table, edited the formatting so that the gridlines reappeared.

With the move completed, he didn't move because now, instead of looking at the screen he was taking advantage of her leaning forward, giving him a complete view down her shirt and confirming there was no bra. She felt his warm breath on her ear and face and shivered, but managed to say, "Thank you so much."

He softly said, "You're welcome."

"Can I thank you somehow?"

"The view is plenty thank you."

"I thought you'd like that, want to see more?"

"Always." He stood up slightly and she spun in her chair, leaving him towering over her more than usual. Now facing each other, he leaned down, crashing his lips into hers; they kissed passionately, nibbling on each other's lips as their tongues wrestled. When they both pulled away to catch their breath, Brody said, "Your place or mine?"

Brit shook her head and in a raspy voice responded, "Neither, here, now."

Brody looked around and seeing the beds, he motioned with his head, and she shook her head in agreement. He backed towards the beds and kicked his shoes off; after making sure not to trip on them, he looked up to see Brit had done the same and was now in front of him pulling her shirt off. As she dropped it to the floor, her breasts settled a bit and he let out a groan as the sight. Her breasts had the sag of motherhood to them, but they were still perky enough and incredibly sensitive; he had made her cum once by sucking on them while she ground against him. "God you're sexy."

She grinned, "You're not too bad yourself, now finish getting undressed." They both took the next 30 seconds to shed their clothes, then with both naked, they crashed back into each other, their warm skin pressing against each other as they both groaned into the kiss. The stayed like that for a minute before their hands started wandering; both had the same idea, his finding its way to her wet slit, and hers wrapping around his cock. They both moaned at the pleasure and spent the next minute or so pleasuring each other while continuing to kiss.

As both of their breathing becoming faster and a bit more ragged, Brit pulled away first, "Enough of this, I need you inside of me." Brody took a deep breath and pushed his finger inside of her, coating it to the knuckles in her wetness. She moaned again then moved backward, causing his finger to slip out of her; as she stood at the foot of the bed, she shook her head with lust in her eyes and said, "Not that, your cock. Lay down."

Brody nodded and moved past her, laying on the bed. No sooner than he was completely reclined, she climbed onto the bed with him, straddled his cock and taking it in her hand, lowered herself down, guiding his head past her entrance. As she felt his hard shaft penetrating her, she moaned, removed her hand, and slid down his cock until he was fully inside of her. They both stayed motionless for a moment, her getting used to the stretch and him enjoying the wetness and warmth flowing over his cock.

Slowly, she began to rock her hips, grinding her pelvis against his. He moved his hands to her hips, helping to guide her movements and pace. As the pace increased, so did Brit's noises; what started out as soft moans were becoming slightly louder and becoming more like grunts and groans. Suddenly, Brit quit moving back and forth, and cupped her breasts as Brody pushed into her, causing them both to moan.

She opened her eyes and smiled, then leaned back a bit, resting her hands on his legs and began to rise up and down on his cock. The new motion didn't do a lot for Brody, but seeing her pleasure each time she did it, was more than enough for him. As he enjoyed the show, he reached up and began to softly stroke her clit, causing her eyes to shoot open, and mouth to open in a moan that got caught in her throat before she squeaked out "Don't stop."

He kept up what he was doing, and in a few more bounces, Brit pressed down on him firmly, let out a moan and he felt her walls squeeze his cock and an orgasm began to flow through her body. For the next 20 to 30 seconds, she groaned and shook as her orgasm moved through her; no matter how many times he felt or saw it, he was amazed at not only how hard she came, but also how sexy she looked doing it. As her orgasm subsided, she sat up, gave a half smile, then leaned forward, then lay against him, catching her breath.

As her breathing returned to normal, Brody began to gently scratch her back and softly thrust into her, causing her to begin softly moaning again. He did this for a few moments, both of them enjoying the feeling before she pressed down on him, pinning his pelvis to the bed, "Why'd you stop me?"

She sighed, "I need a moment to recover, and you aren't giving me that."

He laughed, "You caught your breath."

She raised up and smiled, "Well yeah, but I'm still a bit lightheaded."

"Isn't that supposed to make orgasms better?"

"Probably, but if I pass out, how we going to explain this?"

He laughed again, "Good point."

They stayed still for a few moments, before Brit smirked, squeezed her walls around his cock; he inhaled sharply as she said, "Let's switch positions?"

He nodded, "What'd you have in mind?"


While not his favorite, he nodded because he could see her tits bounce as he thrust which was pretty damn hot. She climbed off him, his cock slipping out of him, landing on his stomach with a slight splat from her wetness. As she stood at the side of the bed, he stood up so they could switch. As they moved around each other, she stroked his cock a bit and smirked again, "God you make me so fucking wet."

As she lay down and spread her legs, he climbed between them, and as he pushed into her waiting pussy, he replied, "And you make me fucking hard." They both groaned; when their pelvises met, he paused and looked down at her, finding her staring back at him, "Where do you want me to cum today?"

She giggled at the question, but it was something that he always asked and that she appreciated it. She felt his cock twitch inside of her, causing her brain to go haywire for a moment; regaining some clarity, she quickly ran through her options and said, "No mess, inside of me."

"Perfect." He began to thrust, taking short thrusts until he found a rhythm that was working for both of them. He did speed up as her moans began to become more constant; with each thrust into her, her breasts moved up her body with a slight jiggle before settling as he withdrew, only to be repeated a few seconds later.

As the waves of pleasure moved through her, she couldn't help but want more; as he withdrew again, she groaned, "Deeper."

Without saying a word, Brody rose a bit and pressed into her again, changing his angle and getting deeper. They stayed this way for a few seconds, and while it was deeper, it wasn't what she wanted or needed. She groaned again, "Hold on."

He stopped, and with a look of concern he said, "Everything okay?"

"Yes, well no, but yes. I need you deeper and this just isn't cutting it."

Catching his breath a bit, he said, "Okay, what do you need?"