The Screamer Ch. 10


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"Why is that?"

"Because I feel the same way too," she said as she turned his head to her and kissed him softly. "Making love to you two is heaven on earth. Singularly or together, you men bring more pleasure to a woman that anyone could ever hope for. I do love you, with all my heart, I do."

She kissed him again and this time, the kiss was special. She looked in his eyes and breathed, "Make love to me Mark. This is my favorite place on earth. I've dreamed of making love here all my life. I never have. I know I am not Cherry. What I am is a woman who loves you very much."

Mark smiled and held her sweetly. Their kisses were soft, sweet and lingering. He looked into her eyes and was mesmerized by her beauty. There was not one thing about her that, in any way, betrayed her true self. She was the real deal. Her dark brown hair cascaded over her slender shoulders and framed an angelic face that smiled back at him.

He kissed her softly again. His tongue traced her lips as she inhaled, closed her eyes and extended her lovely, long neck. Mark kissed that neck and his tongue traced soft, sensuous lines along her flesh.

"Nothing has ever felt so good," she purred.

He brought his lips to her right ear and his tongue traced the outer edge of that beautiful ear. Ainsley was melted butter, soft, sweet and addicting. Her sweet moans were barely audible as he fueled her fire.

Her fingers undid his shirt and her hands crept beneath the fabric and onto his carved chest. Her long fingers traveled over his chest as he continued to kiss and tease her neck. Mark loved the sight and the scent of this fine Texan. She was everything a man thought of whenever someone mentioned Texas women.

Ainsley removed his boots and had him stand up. She knelt before him and undid his buckle. His jeans fell to the ground and she looked up and smiled. She wished someone would take a photo of this. A tall cowboy, wearing a cowboy hat, an open shirt and her kneeling before his perfect cock has been her fantasy from the moment she discovered her own sexuality.

She unbuttoned her own shirt and freed her breasts. Her nipples popped long and wonderfully as she looked into Mark's eyes. Her hands rose to his flaccid organ and she held it gently. She began to stroke him and he hardened quickly. Her lips felt his flesh as she kissed him wetly. Ainsley's heart raced as her ruby red lips opened and she took him gently into her hot, greedy mouth.

The sun was setting, the sky was golden and this moment in time would never be forgotten. Ainsley swirled her tongue over the massive head and she tasted the wonderful pearl on the tip. She pulled his cock straight out and still looked into his eyes as she took him deeper. Her lips stretched tightly as he sank into her lovely face.

Her breasts tingled and her pussy gushed as the act of love played out beneath the rugged old oak trees. The babble of the river and the taste of his cock sent this gorgeous dark haired woman over the edge. She pushed him into her throat and she held him there.

Her jeans were wet with her desire as she sucked him and tugged on her nipples. Her mind was racing but one thought kept pushing itself to the forefront of her mind. She was always sexual but the day these two men walked into her life, someone threw a switch and put her into overdrive. Her skin was more sensitive, her nipples had become highly reactive and her pussy was on fire all the time. Those years of repression had been set aside and all she could see for the future was wealth and insane lust. It was definitely worth it.

Mark looked down at her fabulous face and he smiled as she sucked his cock perfectly. Her lovely breasts heaved and her nipples were extremely long and lovely tonight. Every touch of her hand delighted him. Her lips were like the finest silk and her tongue felt like velvet. She epitomized hot in every way imaginable.

He pulled her upright and he kissed her deeply. His hands caressed her breasts and her tongue traced his neck. Mark undid her jeans and pulled her boots off. As her tight jeans hit the grass, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. She kissed him and grabbed his hand. She walked him to the other side of the oak tree and they stood and watched the colorful sky. Ainsley leaned back against an old, low hanging branch and she hopped up on it. Mark looked at the vision and grinned.

"You've thought about this, haven't you?"

"All my life Mark, I've sat on this old limb and wanted the perfect man to make love me here. This is the ultimate fantasy for me. Love me darling. Please my body and own my heart."

Mark sank to his knees and kissed her creamy thighs. The evening glow bathed her in its golden hue and her body shone exotically. They made beautiful love that evening. Ainsley purred sweetly as he touched every sensuous part of her body. His lips caressed, his tongue explored and he drank her sweetness fully. When he entered her, it was passionate, sweet and loving. Their bodies became one in the fading evening light. With each long stroke, her heart sang out and she loved this man with every fiber of her being.

As the colors faded, they lay on the blanket and watched the moonrise. There was no haste, no panic, and no frenzy in their lovemaking. Simple, sweet, lovely love was exchanged and cherished as the chill of the Texas night wafted in on the breeze. They dressed and headed back to the ranch house. Ainsley's ranch hand took the horses and as she walked up on the massive wraparound porch, she smiled.

"I hope you're hungry," she giggled. "After that, I know I am. How do you like your steak?"

"Food definitely sounds good. I like my steaks medium rare dear," he said as he found her bar and poured them a drink. He walked into the kitchen and two of the largest porterhouse steaks he'd ever seen were being seasoned. The grill was being warmed and she was making a salad.

"That is a hell of a lot of food dear; I don't think I'll be able to finish all of it. That's not a steak, that's half a side of beef."

"We have a long flight ahead of us. I have been known to make killer sandwiches. I never waste the beef baby. I know where the beef is and I use all of it. Trust me; you won't be hungry on the plane."

"That's good because we are flying in Lori's jet. Michelle has mine in Las Vegas. I have no idea if her jet is stocked. That reminds me; let me make a phone call."

He called his pilots and asked if they had everything onboard.

Dave listened to what he asked and started to laugh. "Are you and Michelle permanently joined at the hip boss? She was on the phone before we went into the hanger. She gave us a grocery list of things that are mandatory on the G5. It's a good thing she did though. We were missing lots of stuff. Rest assured we have it now. When are we heading to Rome?"

Mark asked Ainsley when she would be ready to leave. She told him she was already packed. Everything at work was being handled.

"I have to go to the factory in the morning and then to the hospital. Let's shoot for wheels up at 10am. I want you to file a flight plan to Georgetown, Grand Cayman. We won't be there long but since I am so close, I need rum. Gary will need rum as well."

"Hey boss, Tortuga Rum is the best. That much we learned from you. If we refuel there, we can make it to Rome with no problems. How long do you want to be on the island?"

"We'll probably be there for about five hours. If we leave at ten, we should be there by eleven thirty. We'll be wheels up around five. It will be a nine-hour flight from Georgetown. That way, we should arrive in Rome around 7am., local time if my calculations are accurate."

"That works for us; we'll see you in the morning."

Mark walked out onto the patio and asked Ainsley if she had the blueprints for the new building. She told him where they were and he went to get them. He was looking at them when she walked back into the kitchen.

He used his phone to photograph the plans. The entire front of the building was empty.

He made some notes and turned to her. "I am calling Red. I want her to design a nice reception area and I want to build you a very elegant office and lounge across the front of the building. We have certain electronics we need to install. You will be hooked up to our computer system and have direct satellite communication with all of our offices, our jets and our vehicles. You're part of the family darling. You get it all. What is your favorite car?"

"I love my pickup. I've always driven F-150's. I could never afford the car I love."

"What car is that?" he asked.

"I saw one in Gary's garage. The Mercedes 650 is one of the sexiest cars I've ever seen."

"Just tell me you don't want Silver Grey. Every damned car he has is that color. Give me a decent color."

"Well, if I was ordering one, I'd want it in Red," she said as she walked back out to check on the cow on the barbeque.

Mark picked up the phone and made two calls. He called Red and sent her the plans. He told her what he wanted and she was laughing. I forgot to ask you the dimensions. Nancy and I already started designing it. It is going to be western elegant. He told her he wanted a bed/sitting room with fireplace. He told her to design a full bath with whirlpool and shower and to do a number on it. Make it sexy as hell. Have Dave send her everything including a Sybian and all the toys and lotions."

He called Michelle and told her to order Ainsley a brand new loaded Red Mercedes 650 Hardtop Convertible. He told her to have it put on D'Orgasmic's lease.

"Have you talked to Gary about this?" she asked.

"No, he's in Rome. We are heading over there tomorrow. I just talked to Red and she is designing and building Ainsley's suite at the factory. I didn't talk to him about that either. After what he and Jill did to me I don't think I need to worry about it either?"

"Oh fuck, what did those two do? I think I'm afraid to ask," she laughed guardedly. "Oh and what is this about Jack and Tom leaving me high and dry? They left for Dallas an hour ago. I am sitting here with a gorgeous Gulfstream and all I can do with it is fuck on it. I can't fly it."

"Don't worry darling, Lori will only be in Rome for two days. She is flying back to Las Vegas almost immediately. She has way too much work to stay there for six weeks. You'll be airborne soon."

"That doesn't explain what Gary and Jill did to you. It also doesn't explain why Jack and Tom had to go to Europe."

"Jill found two damned near brand new G650's that the Greek government bought and can't pay for. Well, let's put it this way. Would you buy a brand new Gulfstream, fully loaded for a third of the cost?"

"I wouldn't even blink. I'd do that deal blindfolded," she responded quickly.

"So, my buying a new Mercedes for Ainsley doesn't even come close to him buying me a G650 with my money does it?"

Michelle just laughed. "You two are fucking hilarious. I just thank my lucky stars I'm where I am. Having you two in my life makes life worth living. I'll have the car ready when you get back to Dallas darling."

"Good, one more thing. I am going on a Rum Run tomorrow. I am stocking four jets and having them ship tons of Tortuga to Gary and to Las Vegas."

"You prick; you promised me you'd take me to Cayman the next time. You owe me Banner. How is Cherry?"

Mark filled her in on the progress and hung up as the two largest steaks he'd ever seen were put on the table.

The steaks were amazing. Mark was impressed. As he finished dinner, he told her that Red was going to have her office finished when she returned from Europe. He didn't tell her about the car or the bedroom. He wanted to surprise her when they got back.

"Oh, we are making a side trip tomorrow. Put on your best Caribbean attire. In other words, Daisy Dukes, sneakers and a tee shirt," Mark grinned.

"Where are we going?"

"We're stopping over in Grand Cayman Island my dear. I want to make a Rum Run."

"Is a Rum Run like a beer run? Why go to Grand Cayman? What is so special about that?" she asked.

"Did you enjoy the Rum Runners?"

"They were delicious. Honestly, I have had a few of them but none was like the one Gary made me. I've never seen so much booze in a drink in my life. He told me he won all kinds of awards with them in Key West."

Mark laughed, "Yes, until he discovered they were illegal. There is too much booze in the original recipe. He made a fortune selling them though. Anyway, he got his hands on Tortuga Rum. It is a blended rum that is made in Cayman. For the longest time, it couldn't be imported to the USA. ABC Liquors now has the distribution rights to it. It is, without a doubt, the best rum I've ever drank. I need more and so does Gary. I figure, since we are this close, let's go, stock up and have lunch. We can spend a few hours there before we take off for Rome. Is it safe to leave your truck at the factory or do you want me to have a car pick us up in the morning?"

"It would be safer if we left it here. I have the name of a car service," she said. "What time do you want to leave?"

"I want to go to the hospital and then to the airport. If we leave by eight, we should be good." He dialed and ordered a car for the morning.

The flight to Cayman was smooth and hysterically funny. Jack and Tom kept everyone in stitches.

"You'll find out one of these days Ainsley," Mark laughed. "Maybe someday, you'll get to ask Cherry about her first flight with these two idiots. It really was funny."

They spent a wonderful afternoon walking the streets of Georgetown. They toured the Tortuga distillery and Mark arranged two extremely large orders to be filled by the US distributor. They also ordered enough Rum to stock the jets. Ainsley tried their world famous Rum Cakes and she loved them. They had lunch at an Oceanside bar and enjoyed the day completely.

"I've never been here before. I don't know why but I always thought this place was nothing more than banks and places to hide your money," she laughed. "I didn't think it would be so pretty. I'd love to come back here sometime. Do you know about the place where you can swim with the sting rays?"

"Sometime, we'll have to do that. It is called Stingray City and it is fun. They swim up to you and you can feed them." They finished their drinks and headed back to the airport. The Rum had been delivered and stowed onboard.

Dave and Ron were in the cockpit when they boarded. Mark took Ainsley's hand and they walked into the cockpit.

"Go relax guys, I'm going to fly for a while," Mark said as Ainsley looked at him in total disbelief. He sat in the pilot's chair and motioned Ainsley to sit in the co-pilots chair. When Dave and Ron walked back into the cabin, Jack and Tom were laughing.

"Well, at least this time, you've got your clothes on boss," Jack quipped. "The last time you did this, at least we got blown."

Mark's eyes sparkled as he hit the intercom, "Suck em, if you've got em!" He switched over to the tower and received clearance to take off.

"I didn't know you were a pilot. This is sweet," she said as she looked over the cockpit. "It's a hell of a lot more complicated that the single engine planes I've flown."

Mark taxied onto the runway. "I didn't know you were a pilot."

"My uncle was a pilot. He was a rancher with a huge spread. He was a navy pilot in Viet Nam. When the war was over, he went back to ranching. He was always in the air checking the herds. He taught me how to fly. I'm certified for single engine only. I never thought I would be sitting in the cockpit of a Gulfstream."

"Did you ever want to get certified for jets?"

"Isn't that everyone's goal? There is no way I could. I'd first have to be qualified for twin and then, well, you know. It would be very expensive and I have way too much to do," she sighed.

"Yeah, that is what Jill said too. We convinced her that was bullshit so she went up the ladder. Today, she has a commercial pilot's license. Actually, Gary and Jeremy have theirs too. We are qualified up to 747's. If you ever want to go further, let me know. It's not as if we don't have other planes. I have a twin and so does Gary."

The tower cleared him and Mark hit the throttles.

"Fuck me; this thing is fast," Ainsley gushed.

"I plan on it but I promise I'll be slower," Mark grinned as they rose over the island. He flew around the island and plotted a course for Jamaica. The weather was perfect and the water was gorgeous. Mark ascended to 30,000 feet and Ainsley looked to the north.

"What is that? It's huge," she asked.

"That my dear is the one place we stay away from that is Cuba," he said as he checked his coordinates.

The flight was smooth and they laughed and enjoyed the flight.

"Take the controls dear." He switched off the autopilot and he waited for her to take over. He looked at her as she confidently had the jet in her hands. The smile on her face was pure joy.

Mark stood up and walked out of the cockpit. Four pilots stared at him but they also noted no change in the plane.

"This time, you left it on autopilot. The last time you did this Cherry almost crashed the plane," Tom smirked.

"We're not on autopilot, Ainsley is a pilot. She has a single engine license. She wants to eventually move up just like Jill, Gary and me. I wonder where I'll find pilots to teach her."

"If you didn't sign our paychecks, I'd deck you for that one Mark," Jack said seriously. "I know six pilots who would teach her in a heartbeat. Besides that, my brother Frank has the largest ground school in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex or did you forget about that?"

"You know something, I did forget about that. Make it happen Jack."

Mark walked through the plane. It had been a long time since he had been on this plane. At one time, it was his baby. He walked into the bedroom and smiled. Lori had put her touch on the plane. He liked it.

He poured two Rum Runners using the good rum and he walked back into the cockpit.

"I just had a very interesting conversation. For starters, you are enrolled in flight school in Fort Worth and there are four former fighter pilots willing to train you all the way up the ladder. You'll be flying jets in no time dear."

"I can just see it now. This is going to make you two go grey very quickly. I can see it now, Jill and I in the cockpit. The passenger list would be spectacular including Wendy, Debbie, Rose, Red, Nancy, Holly, Cherry, Diane, Aleka, Kono, Lori and Michelle on board. Can you just imagine the shopping trips we could take?"

"You'd have to include Brenda. You haven't met her yet but you will. Yes, I can imagine it minus my credit card. We'll provide the planes but you girls are on your own after that," he giggled.

Mark took control of the plane, put it back on autopilot and they left the cockpit. He refilled their drinks as Jack and Tom took control of their first jet Mark had bought.

Mark showed her the plane and they ended up in the bedroom. As the bedroom door closed, the intercom came on, "Welcome aboard the 'Orgasms R Us' airlines. We will make every attempt to keep the plane level if you promise not to scream too loudly. We have sensitive ears, we hear everything."

Ainsley burst out laughing. "Now I know what I was supposed to ask Cherry. They are funny."

"Darling, they are just getting warmed up. That was just an appetizer," he laughed aloud.

The rest of the flight was unremarkable insofar as Ainsley joined the Mile High Club. They made love and then they fucked their way across the Atlantic.

"This has been a wild couple of days. Yesterday, I fulfilled my wildest fantasy by the oaks. Today, I am in the Caribbean and now I've joined a wild and wonderful club. I'm afraid to see what's next."

Mark laughed and kept quiet. He had a couple more surprises for her when she got back to Texas but he wasn't saying a word about it.