The Sea Change


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I wanted to get this over with. So I said, "Let's meet at Jhonny's and we can work out the details of the separation." She said pleadingly, "Can't you come here? I can fix dinner?" I said direly, "I am never going into that house again - especially with you in it!!"

She said hesitantly, "Okay... Jhonny's... What time?" I said, "Seven o'clock." That would give me time to hunker down for the expected onslaught.

And Heather didn't disappoint. All conversation halted as she glided in the door. Jhonny's is a neighborhood hang-out. Having a goddess like her suddenly appear in a place had the locals staring.

She was indeed a spectacular woman. She has a cute but unexceptional face. Nevertheless, with all of the beauty tricks that she had picked-up over the prior two years she could make herself up into a movie star. Her long legs were on full display in a very tight scooped neck little-black-dress that ended about three inches below her hoo-ha.

Then there was her full and stunningly supple body. When she had burned off the baby fat she discovered that she had a lithe and very narrow waist. The contrast with her super-tight flanks and jutting ass made her seem even more voluptuous than she actually was.

Hate isn't the opposite of love. Hate implies feelings for the other person. The opposite of love is total indifference. That was what I felt as she approached the table. She had showed me nothing but blatant disrespect. And her condescending attitude had made any residual feelings moot. Now, all I was experiencing was a desire to get this unpleasant chore out of the way.

She actually tried to slide into the booth next to me. I said, "Heather, we can't talk sitting side-by-side and there are a number of serious things we need to iron out." She gave me a look like I didn't know what I was missing and sat in the opposite seat. It was clear that she thought that she still held all the cards.

I said to be polite, "How are you?" She was going to tell me about her trip. I could see it in her eyes. What she saw in MY eyes changed her mind. Instead she said, like she was trying to reason with me, "Stop pouting baby and come home to the woman who loves you. I told you that you wouldn't regret it. And I am going to work very hard to make it up to you."

Still not getting it...

I had known the woman in sickness and in health, in the monotony of married life and in the throes of passion. And for twenty-two long years I had loved her without reservation. Now I had nothing left. She had blown-away all of my certainties. I believed in her. I believed in our marriage. I had believed that she loved me. And what I got was a bitch who thought that her remarkable body was a solution to everything.

I said, "You are just going to have to accept that I am never coming back. So what we need to do is arrange the terms of the separation." She looked skeptical and said, "That's ridiculous. We might have had a little disagreement. But the whole thing is behind us now. I am yours and yours only. And I will be yours forever."

Who was this person???!!

I couldn't keep the incredulity out of my voice as I said, "You call getting fucked for a week a little disagreement? That was a carefully planned and barefaced act of infidelity. The Heather I knew was loving and kind. She would never do anything like that."

I looked somberly at her and said in my most neutral tone, "As far as I'm concerned, the Heather I married doesn't exist. You killed her. And the egocentric, vain and manipulative bitch that you replaced her with is no love interest of mine."

Her face registered shock and disbelief. It must have looked like mine when she dropped her Paris adventure on me. She seemed truly confused. We were supposed to live happily ever after. That was how the fairy tale went. And here I was, wandering off script. She said, "Look at me. I'm the same person you married - just vastly improved. Haven't you enjoyed the new body that I built for you?"

I said, "I DID until you willingly gave it to somebody else. You fucked Wilkins's brains out last week – didn't you?" She was about to tell me that it didn't matter, that it was just sex. And she loved me, and only me. But there must have been a shred of sanity left in her, because she just glared at me shamefaced and guilty.

I said wearily, "It really doesn't matter. You can fuck whoever you want now. I have no further interest in you. I just need to settle up the account. Then we can go our separate ways."

She looked appalled. It was like it had just begun to dawn on her that I was actually serious. She said hastily and with real anger, "I was faithful to you for twenty-two years. And I will be for the rest of our lives. We share two wonderful kids. How does one week change that?"

Amazing!! Not one word of apology, or remorse. Heather I hardly knew ye...

Now it was my turn to be condescending. I said, "Really???!! You were willing to be some other man's fuck toy for an entire week and you thought I'd just wipe the slate clean?"

The discussion was getting pointless... She simply didn't get it.

I said, "Look Heather, I really have to go. You will need money to live on. So here is how it is going to happen. I am going to have Jim Edgerton present you with the most equitable separation agreement that I can come up with. I owe it to you for the FIRST twenty-two years."

I added, "Please just sign it. Both Jim and I are sure that the courts will approve it. And you won't get more without a prolonged legal battle; one that neither of us can afford.

We share equally in all respects. The kids might need student loans to finish. And you are going to have to tone down your lifestyle. But I'm sure that you'll be able to live on what I give you."

Which regrettably didn't include health club dues...

I looked at her just to ensure that she was listening carefully. I said, "More importantly, we are going to have to sell the house and split the profits from the sale. Neither of us can afford to live there now. But fortunately we have a lot of equity. So we can move it at a rock bottom price. And I already have an offer. That will keep BOTH of us out of Chapter Seven"

It was beginning to sink in. You could see it. First there was bewilderment. And then there was panic. She looked like she was going to cry as she said, "This can't be happening!! How could you just leave me after so many happy years together? What am I going to do?"


I said, "You are a beautiful woman Heather. You will have your pick of men. And I know that it won't take long for you to find your next victim. I assure you that the moment you land him I will give you the quickest divorce possible." I wanted her off my books and onto somebody else's before she got any ideas.

She got herself under control and said, "You make it sound like a business deal. I give some man my body and he takes care of me. Is that what you are suggesting? That sounds a lot like prostitution?"

I said, "Ahem... You've already been there and done that. What was Paris after all? You might call it romance. I call it a transaction."

I stood up. She stood with me. She took my hand in both of hers and looked at me pleadingly. She said with genuine longing in her voice, "Come home Tommy. I miss our happy life together."

That was more like the Heather I used to know. And I almost folded. But then I thought about what life with the new and improved version would be like. And I said, "You'll get the papers tomorrow." Then I walked out of her life.


Author's note: I posted this on another site a while back. So I already know that you are not going to let me off the hook for a sequel. I am buried in other projects right now. But I will continue the story sometime this summer. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions that don't involve crucifixion I would like to hear them – DT.

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rbloch66rbloch66about 2 months ago

Ohhhh... I didn't realize this was the prequel to Islands in the Stream.

inka2222inka22224 months ago

So basically she won - she gets most of his money which HE worked for all his life while she lazed around on her fat ass; she got her whored out trip to paris AND she can hook the next victim, and feel like he's the bad guy for divorcing her. I fail to see where any punishment to her was.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

Don't know why I didn't comment on this story! You probably should have pulled it when you posted Islands In the Stream.


muddman74muddman74about 1 year ago

Wargamer, read "Islands in the Stream". It is this story blown up into a full story of this, plus what follows with Tommy.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

Any sequel in the mix yet?

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