The Secret Lives of Goddesses 02 Pt. 01


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Fear not though, for at your young age of twelve you lack the virility to convert any human to our species in any less than several years. So enjoy your youth while you can.

There was once a time, long long ago, when our kind were the masters of the world, and humanity existed in a state of symbiotic cooperation with us. They served and worshipped us, and provided us with genetic stock to breed with. In return we shared with them technology, wisdom and order. Now that we are scarce humans have developed on their own, but order and wisdom are things that they still tragically lack. Some day there may be enough of us to tip the balance once more. We pray that this happens before humanity completely uses up this planet.

I hope this letter, though brief, has given you knowledge that will guide you as you become an adult. It may be hard to believe, but then maybe you already understand, that though we don't know you we love you and wish for you the very best.

From your parents, Marla and Jessica

Chapter 6

"Oh Christ, what could that be now," Erica said. She reached into her purse and pulled out her ringing, vibrating and flashing phone, then squeezed her way past the others to march off into the noisy crowd in search of an exit so she could answer it.

With her gone, there were only four present in Diana's little group of giggling naughties. They were crammed into a comfy booth at a booming night club, and as they had been since five pm drinks were being downed steadily. Just another Friday night for Diana and her gang of beauties.

To her immediate left there was Audrey. The daughter of a wealthy businessman, she was easily the most assertive young lady in the group, as she was accustomed to getting what she wanted, whenever she wanted it. Like her father she had a keen mind for influencing and exploiting people. Her brown hair was shoulder length, skin pale and pure. On her slender body she wore expensive clothes with a business-like theme: blazer blouse and miniskirt. Her petite chest was amplified by what was a fairly obvious push-up bra, an attempt to give the world something more than her soft facial features and understated curves to admire. Someday she would be just as successful as her father, and she was dressing the part. She had one arm around Diana's shoulders, the other around those of Shelley as she led the conversation.

Shelley was the polar opposite of Audrey. She had the look of a rebel: her ears and nose gleamed with the chrome sheen of her piercings, while her arms were banded with a colourful array of tattoos. To some those features may have seemed a sabotage to her own beauty, but Diana didn't mind at all, in fact she would have had tattoos of her own to show off if they hadn't disappeared days after their application. The girl was naturally beautiful under all of it, a fact that couldn't be hidden by her plain white tank top and camouflaged cargo pants. Her hair was light brown, verging on dirty blonde, worn up in a long ponytail. She had no immediate aspirations in life; she took things one day at a time. Her chief interests were playing music with her relatively unknown metal band and, like the rest of the girls in the group, having fun. Until the day her band would catch on she was a server at a local diner in her suburban hometown.

To Diana's right there was Stacy, who was busying herself with the straw of her fruity cocktail. She was lucky she hadn't been carded, because unlike the others who were in their early twenties, she was merely eighteen years old. She looked the part too: petite, her brown hair worn in adorable high pigtails to go with her red-lipsticked look of tainted innocence. She was a pretty little vixen who'd been somehow gifted with an immense set of bouncy breasts. They were about the same size as Diana's, but on her little torso it looked as if she had a pair of balloons attached to her chest. She wore the innocent-yet-naughty look intentionally, preferring to wear things that clung to her or showed a lot of skin, as nothing gave her more pleasure than seeing males squirm. Today she wore black booty shorts while a white tube top clung to her breasts, which due to her proximity to Diana were smooshed up against the side of her own set.

After Stacy there sat Donna. She was normally the quietest one in the group, only really coming out of her shell during drunken nights such as this one. At that moment she was having a laugh at a comment of Audrey's, and Diana found herself admiring the beauty of her rare smile. She was of mixed decent, coming from a Japanese mother and a Canadian father. She possessed a fortunate combination of those two sets of genes, having the soft exoticness of the east combined with the angular elegance of a beautiful caucasian female. Like her mysterious personality she tended to wear dark things, and tonight those things happened to be a frilly black dress which hugged her beautiful curves and moderate yet perky bosom. Diana and the girls knew little about her, other than the fact that she was a student at the university and that she was a welcome part of their group, due in no small part to the liking Diana had taken to her.

What tied together such a disparate mix of personalities? It was of course that blonde goddess at the centre of the group. All the girls had lives of their own and didn't really bother to associate with each other unless Diana were around to bring them together. They were, in a quietly modern sense, her worshippers. Each one of them had had a taste of her, and now they had to coexist as they each vied for her favour.

Erica, who had left the table, was the fifth member of the group. The woman was perhaps the most different of all of them, having the look of being in her mid thirties. It did not detract one bit from her beauty though; as the housewife of a wealthy dying man, she had plenty of time to keep herself fit and pretty. She had married him young as a trophy wife, he being a grey-haired retiree, and now she had three children to care for. She was the quintessential milf, slender in all of the right places while very 'mature' in others, a fact that she readily flaunted during the few nights she could get away from the kids.

She was pushing her way through the crowd, returning to the group after taking her phone call. "I'm going to have to leave," she said. "My babysitter had an emergency and had to go home, so I've got to go watch my kids."

"WHAT??" Diana yelled. It was damned loud in that club.

"SHE SAID, SHE'S GOT TO GO," Shelley called across the table. She was the only one close enough to hear Erica. "HER KIDS."

"Whaaat?? But shiss'er designated driver," Stacy slurred.

Audrey gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "don't worry. I'll get a cab when we're done."

Erica made her rounds, bidding each girl farewell with a peck on the cheek, though when she reached Diana she dared to take her chin and tilt it up, pressing their mouths together to deliver a lingering kiss. The other girls watched, and their responses varied from amusement to stifled outrage. Diana just chuckled and licked her lips, then nonchalantly sipped at her drink as the woman left.

"So, great, the dinosaur's gone. I was afraid she was going to have us go play a round of bingo with her," Audrey said with a sneer. The other girls snickered. It was quickly becoming an inside joke that poor Erica didn't belong, as time and time again the responsibilities of her married life prevented her from enjoying the inevitable conclusions of their gatherings. They were perfectly fine with that, for one less person present meant one less person to share Diana with.

"Yeah I guess, but now we hafta pay fer our own drinks, along with the cab," Stacy said.

"Oh, nonsense... If Erica isn't buying Audrey's got plenty of daddy's money to spread around, doesn't she," Shelley said as she gave Audrey a little jab with her elbow.

"Hmph. Fat chance."

"No worries. I'll get the tab for tonight," Diana said. Her confident tone commanded their attention. "Just... make it worth my time, okay?" she added with a demure smile.

Stacy had to giggle at that, and she gave Diana's thigh a squeeze. "Oh, I promise I'll try my best for you."

Diana just chuckled and gave Stacy's cheek a pinch, while Donna had to roll her eyes. Stacy is so... overt, she thought to herself. She had her own ideas of what she'd like to happen later that night, but she had enough class to keep them to herself.

The drinks kept flowing and the girls' behaviour only became more and more depraved, with even Donna loosening up enough to openly flirt. After last call Audrey followed up on her promise to get them a taxi, and they chose to continue at her condo.

Chapter 7

Shelley felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey. Shellz. Could you and Donna grab some champagne flutes from the kitchen? There should be a bottle of bubbly in the fridge," said Audrey as the group settled in to her condo.

"Ooh, champagne. Is it the good stuff?"

"The best."

"Right, we're on it. Come on, Donna."

She took Donna's arm and led her across the expansive condo, smiling amicably as they went. Shelley really was a good girl, a genuine type, and Donna appreciated her. She had a good character. If ever she saw herself hanging around any of the group, other than Diana of course, it was her.

"Geez, this place is huge. Bigger than some houses," Donna said as they made their way down the modern style floating stairs and across the tiled floor.

"Yeah, seriously though. Audrey's dad must be rich." Shelley opened up that fridge, and as promised a bottle of 'the good stuff' could be found behind various half eaten containers of chinese food and cartons of juice. "Moet. Goddamn, do you know how much this goes for?"

"Hm... I don't think I want to know," Donna said with a little chuckle. "So where are these stupid champage flutes anyway?" She was opening cupboards and finding all varieties of plates, bowls and glasses, to no avail.

FOOMP! "Whoaaa," Shelley wooped.

Donna turned to see foam spewing out of that bottle of expensive vintage. "Whoa."

"Shit, better not let it go to waste," Shelley said. She brought that overflowing bottle to her mouth and had a good swig.

"Hey, let me have some," Donna said. She came over to Shelley, who tilted the foaming vessel towards her. With a giggle Donna gulped it down.

A couple drips spilled down her chin, so it seemed only natural for Shelley to wipe a curled finger up Donna's smooth neck. She licked that finger, then smiled at Donna as she saw how surprised she was by the rather flirtatious gesture. Only then did Donna realize that she had placed her hands rather sensually beneath Shelley's armpits to hold her close as she poured, so she wasn't the only one who was overstepping certain boundaries.

After a silent heated moment Shelley spoke: "hm... uh, the champagne flutes are in that glass cabinet over there."

"Oh, right."

Shelley was grinning and shaking her head at the amusing little close encounter she and Donna had just had in the kitchen as she started to make her way back up to Audrey's room. Donna tucked five champagne flutes between her forearms and belly and followed.

As they headed back upstairs the soft sounds of Diana moaning could be heard coming from Audrey's bedchamber. "Oh, come on," Shelley said. "They're already getting started." They quickened their pace as the sharp sound of lips wetly smacking met their ears.

Entering that room they beheld the sight of Diana and Stacy sprawled out on Audrey's humongous bed. Stacy was sleeping deeply on her side, her voluminous bust squished between her two little arms. They probably weren't going to hear from her until the morning -- she had had far too much to drink and was down for the count. Diana was wide awake though, thanks in no small part to Audrey, who was kneeling before her, having taken the opportunity to get a head start on the others. With her jacket and blouse gone she was in her lacy black bra and skirt, pretty head bobbing steadily as she tended to Diana.

"Aha, nice one," Shelley said. "Send us on errands and get her all to yourself, huh?"

Audrey just chuckled, her eyes blissfully shut as she continued to steadily suck at the tip of Diana's cock.

Shelley set that bottle of champagne down and promptly got to her knees beside Audrey, somewhat forcefully bumping her over. She immediately dipped her head low, running kisses up and down that length as Audrey continued to greedily take the lead.

"Ooh, yes... so glad you two could join," Diana purred. She'd caught sight of Donna setting those empty champagne flutes on the table beside the bed. From her vantage point Donna could see that Diana's denim skirt was hiked up around her hips, letting her shocking fourteen inch erection extend out for Audrey and Shelley. As Audrey did her best to engulf the fat pink head Shelley was lapping up all of the addictive precum that coated her.

Donna was overcome with lust at that sight, the desires she had suppressed all night finally taking over. She quickly got onto the bed, crawling over that beautiful moaning blonde to lie snugly between her and Stacy's sleeping form. Diana knew exactly what Donna wanted, turning her head to catch the exotic mixed beauty's lips as she came in to kiss her with a desperate passion.

As their tongues met Donna slid her hand up Diana's white baby tee, savouring the soft smoothness of her perfect pale skin until her fingertips bumped into the bottom of that sturdy pink bra. She placed her hand over one of those cups, trailing it all over that expansive globe with admiration. When their lips parted Diana said, "you like my big boobs, huh?"

Donna nodded, smiling dreamily.

Diana sat up and pulled off that little white shirt, then reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. "Well... show me how much you do," she said as the straps came loose. She tossed the bra, revealing a huge pair which needed no support, only the decency of cover. Her nipples were bold and perky and demanded attention once revealed, which Donna graciously gave with her lips and tongue as one of her dainty hands hefted the other breast, relishing its fullness.

Meanwhile Shelley and Audrey were still obsessively stroking and licking Diana's turgid pole, and the combined sensations of the three girls worshipping her supernaturally gifted body had her writhing with pleasure. "Oooh, yes... that is... oh my god."

When Audrey finally let go of that thick pink head she and Shelley wrapped their hands around it, sharing a giggle and a look of awe as they observed that there was enough length for all four of their hands to grip, their thumbs not able to meet their fingers around the throbbing thickness.

Donna cracked open an eye just in time to see Shelley moving toward the head of Diana's shaft, claiming her turn for a hot mouthful of that exposed tip. In her excited state she saw it as if it were in slow motion, and in what seemed to the others to only be an instant she made her move: Letting go of Diana's nipple, she let that breast fall jigglingly back onto her slim torso as she headed straight toward the end of that member. Her tongue met the top side of the head as Shelley's met the drooling underside, and the two began to wantonly attend to her.

"Oh wow, that is hot," Diana said quietly.

"Yeah, it really is. Pair of dirty dykes." Audrey let go of Diana and took a moment to just watch. From afar it may have appeared Donna and Shelley were passionately kissing, only there was the end of a huge cock jammed between their mouths, covering their lips in glistening precum. Despite that their lips and tongues occasionally met, which they paid no mind to.

They began to stroke her length in unison, and Diana gave a muffled grunt as her cock throbbed. A burst of precum spattered over Shelley's beautiful mouth and chin. She didn't have time to lick up her prize, for at that instant she found Donna's lips pressed against hers to drink up the pearly fluid in the messiest of kisses. They fell onto the foot of the bed by sleeping Stacy's feet, unable to help themselves from passionately embracing as the euphorant aphrodisiac of Diana's goddess seed drove them over the edge.

Diana's slippery shaft was left swaying in the air when those two fell into their fit of slurping kisses. Audrey seized the opportunity of their distraction, wrapping both hands around Diana and giving her long, deep strokes as she again sucked and tongued the tip, seeking to milk out another delicious burst.

"Ohh, fuck," Diana growled. "Damn, do I ever love having you freaks around..."

"And we love you," she replied, giving a brief break from her efforts to speak. "...can't get enough of you and this monster dick."

In a moment of inspiration Diana turned to the bedside table and grabbed those champagne flutes. She tossed them onto the bed between herself and Audrey. "Well there's going to be a whole lot of me."

Shelley and Donna were starting to come to their senses. There was nothing left to lick up. In their wanton struggles Shelley's pants had been shorn, revealing her soft white panties, which were wet from her arousal. Donna's dress was hiked up, and they both had a hand on the other, rubbing each others clits through their underwear.

"Hoo-ho-ho, god, it's coming soon," Diana warned.

Shelley and Donna sprung to attention, assuming a position on their knees before Diana and pushing Audrey well to the left with their combined force. The three girls leaned in close as they kneeled on the floor before the foot of the bed, mouths waiting not an inch from the tip of her throbbing cock as they each got a hand on her. At once they stroked her steadily, the suspense building as Diana's huge tool attained a new level of hardness in their hands. They stared up at her in glassy eyed rapture, begging for her to give them each a blast of her cum.

Diana sat on the edge of climax for what seemed an eternity. The combined dissonance of their three competing attentions made her cock throb hard as steel and her cum boil readily, but it wasn't quite what she needed to take her over the edge. She got up onto her knees and grabbed her searing rod. "Each one of you take a glass," she commanded. They let go, still staring up at her with need. "...So we don't mess up Audrey's bed too much..."

As she began to rapidly stroke a slender hand up and down her beautiful, massive rod the girls each took those champagne flutes and held them beneath their chins. When they saw Diana's face contort with her incoming release their pretty mouths involuntarily opened.

With an unrestrained cry of ecstasy Diana released her first blast of seed straight down the centre into Shelley's waiting mouth. The thick rope overflowed past her lips and dribbled down her chin into that glass as the tattooed girl groaned graciously. Diana then turned to her left just in time for the next surge of cum to make its way into Donna's mouth, and though she quickly gulped it down it was bigger than the first and half filled her champagne flute, messily soaking the sides of that vessel also. As Diana turned sharply to her right for Audrey she was a little late, and the beginning of that rope of cum painted Shelley's lips white on the way into Audrey's mouth.

This continued on, the girls hungrily drinking down each of the gorgeous buxom blonde's copious spurts of fluid as it splashed against their mouths, until plenty of it lined their bellies and four and a half of the five glasses were filled. When Diana was finally done she kneeled before the girls, ventilating deeply as she gazed down at them and held her drooling, pulsing rod.

"Audrey... undress Shelley, then yourself. Donna... come here."

As Diana proudly laid herself back on the bed Donna snuggled up against her, smiling dreamily. She had one of those glasses in her hand, brimming with searing cream. Audrey and Shelley meanwhile set down their glasses and got to their feet. They stripped each other of the remainders of their contrasting outfits, revealing Audrey's dainty pretty body and Shelley's beautiful tattooed figure.