The Secret Lives of Goddesses 03 Pt. 01


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Drea's eyes seem to glow with pride at those words. She was truly devout, and seeked only to please the one whom she believed to be divine. As Genera wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled their bodies together, Drea's lips parted and she released the softest sigh of desire. Their mouths met in a heated kiss.

Genera wasted no time in slipping her hands up the back of Drea's little gown, indulgently squeezing at her round cheeks. The young beauty responded by pulling out of that kiss and pushing Genera back. She flung her only article of clothing away. At the sight of that perfect nubile body Genera groaned, her desires palpable as a weight began to descend down her thigh.

"Oh, goddess," Drea sighed. Daringly she pushed Genera again to fall upon the couch where Laene had slept. With a deft, breast jostling pounce she sat herself over her lap, again seeking a kiss as she hotly ground her bare sex against her. She was searching out the form of her shaft with each pass, tracing herself up and down its length as it grew harder and longer.

Were it not for the seemingly unbreakable seal of their lips Genera would have cried out with surprise. Drea's actions were so unlike the previous night, her uncertainty supplanted by a deliberate determination to have her goddess hard and wanting. Genera was precisely that, her shaft's pulsing form becoming almost painfully so as it spanned the majority of her thigh's length, an unmistakeable hot pillar of stiffness beneath airy material.

As she cupped Genera's cheek in her hand Drea slowly pulled back out of that kiss, then dismounted, never breaking eye contact. Released, Genera's member sprang up off of her leg, still gently imprisoned by her light clothing. "I'm so fortunate," Drea whispered. Genera untied her sarong, and her worshipper watched it flutter off of her upper body to reveal her slender yet toned torso and very abundant, firm breasts.

Genera rose and her outfit, essentially just a sheet of beautiful fabric, fell off of her hips to hang suspended on her turgid, pulsing cock. Filling her grip with that thickness, Drea slowly traced her hand up and down, feeling every vascular feature of her through the smooth, thin material. "I always thought they were exaggerating, that ancient legends had become inaccurate," she whispered as she got to her knees. "But it's true... no man can challenge a goddess." With her eyes glazed over in her captivation, she ripped away that sheet, revealing it all.

She didn't waste another moment, then plunging the tip of Genera's cock into her mouth, tonguing at that tense hot flesh eagerly. Her actions elicited a low moan of surprised pleasure from Genera. "Ohh... oh, this is very different from last night!"

Drea grasped her dry mid-length and began to stroke steadily, keeping Genera stimulated as she released the tip to speak: "Last night was a strange new experience for me, but now I have confidence. All that the old legends promised the faithful is here, so I shall fulfil my own part of that promise and become fit for your seed."

After declaring such a vow Drea again took her into her mouth. Genera just moaned, unable to respond under such pleasing circumstances. For Drea and Laene to 'become fit for her seed' meant they would constantly give her that treatment, for the ancient writings instructed that doing so would gradually change them into beings suitable to be her mate. Impatient, Genera already wanted to drag Drea into her bed and enter her, bringing their worship to new heights. With time it was promised that she and Laene would be ready, but at so early a stage there was no good to be had in that. Instead she limply fell back onto the couch, so very glad to let the worship continue.

Her cock pointed straight upwards as she sat, so the girl had no need to crouch any lower to keep contact with Genera. Gravity brought the early fluids of her arousal mingled with Drea's spit slowly down, and soon Drea was able to slide her hand up and down with ease. "Yes, like that. Use both now... faster!"

Drea nodded, her only sound the steady gulping of her throat as she sucked and tongued. As her hands rocketed up and down she could feel her goddess growing tense, that massive tool becoming even harder as she neared climax. Gazing up at her, she was proud to see Genera breathing heavily, her cheek pinned to the cushion as she approached ecstasy.

"Oh my... Drea, I'm about to release!"

The girl just nodded again, the excitement showing in her eyes. Dutifully she continued to milk until Genera gave an impassioned groan, and with a hard jolt the first burst of her seed flowed forth. The thick fluid coated Drea's tongue as she sucked it down, not missing a drop as she invited shot after creamy shot.

As her flow began to diminish Genera could take no more, so she tilted her hips away, demonstrating to Drea that she'd had enough. The girl released her from her mouth, though she still held that cock in her hand, even slicker now as the occasional stray bit of cum slowly escaped. "I mustn't miss any," she said, then beginning to trail her tongue up and down the long shuddering hardness of Genera's post-orgasmic cock.

"God... no, you mustn't. Have it all Drea... have it and soon I should be able to give you pleasures of my own."

"I want nothing more than that, my goddess."

Chapter 4

"You've decided," Marla said. Her first words that day, yet they were a statement, not a question. They were in bed and the rising sun was just beginning to leak into their room.

"Yes," Jessica said. "I have."

"I can't ask you not to be sad... I only wish for you not to be sad for me."

Jessica just blinked, unsure how she should reply.

Marla got out of bed, "we'll continue this conversation over breakfast." She kissed Jessica on the cheek and made her way to the kitchen.


Breakfast went by with barely a word spoken. Jessica stared down at the crumbs on her plate, clasping her warm coffee cup between her hands. Hesitantly, she broke the silence: "I... I'm going to miss you, a lot."

Marla smiled warmly, "and I will miss you, darling. Very much. But don't linger on this." She took a sip of her coffee, "I have been through this many times. Our kind of relationship, the joining of goddesses... does not last forever. After long enough, when there have been enough children, the desire to move on takes over. It is instinctual as much as it is emotional."

"I suppose so. I never thought it would last forever, but... I guess I just didn't want to think about it."

Marla nodded. "Yes. Even after twenty years you are still having to learn what our way of life is... to make sense of the innate drives I have instilled in you."

Jessica's eyes narrowed, "so when you asked me not to be sad for you... is that because you've been through this a billion times already? So it's no big deal, really?"


"I mean, twenty years must be like nothing to you."

"Darling, please, no!" Marla got up, coming around the kitchen table to kneel before Jessica. She took her hands, holding them firmly. "Jessica, beautiful, sweet Jessica. No, that is not what I meant at all. You have been by far... the most wonderful, sensual... you are..." Marla stopped, finding no words suitable to express herself. It was a rare occurrence. "You are innocence and purity, temptation and lust, comfort and kindness, all wrapped up in one beautiful fiery haired woman. I have never cherished one such as I do you, and I don't think I ever will."

Jessica thought she'd slept off her emotions, but again a tear began to streak down her cheek.

"And yes, twenty years for me does seem too short. But when the time for change comes, we cannot resist it. I could not keep you here any longer, when your heart desires something new."

"I understand, Marla. I'm so sorry..."

Marla cut her off, "no, enough of that. I asked you not to pity me."

Jessica nodded, firming up.

"Good. Now, do you know what you are going to do? Where you will go?"

"I haven't got a clue. All I've ever known, in roughly equal parts, is my childhood in the orphanage, and being with you."

"I thought as much," Marla said as she rose to again take her seat. Jessica reached out to her, still wanting her touch, so they joined hands across the table. "I know of a place, then... a good place for you to start. Somewhere where the people know of our kind, and appreciate us."

"Oh...? I thought we were a secret."

"Essentially yes, and that obscure place might as well also be secret. No one goes there, and the people there don't leave. You could say they are stuck in the past..."

Jessica smiled despite her teary eyes, ready for yet another of Marla's descriptions of ancient fantastic times and places. It had been too long since she had one of those."Tell me more..."

"It is a collection of small islands, somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean. Roughly equidistant from the various seaside nations, it is as if the islands couldn't decide if they belonged to Europe, Northern Africa or the Middle East. When last I checked, which may have been a while now, the territory belonged to Italy.

"As I said, the people there know of our kind. They know of the ancient history that surrounds us. To this day they still worship images of beings such as myself. They cannot help it, for, however thinly their generations upon generations have watered it down, the blood of goddesses is in their veins.

If you go there you will see it. They all look much the same... olive skinned, rich black hair that falls down in lustrous curls... but the men are tall and strong, handsome in a most masculine way. Excellent breeding stock. And the women are beautiful... so very beautiful, so fertile. When I last visited..." Marla trailed off. "Uhm, sufficed to say... You would be welcome there."

"Huh. Sounds like a fairy tale..."

Marla smiled, "but hasn't your life been a fairy tale? With you as the princess?"

Jessica blushed. "I guess..."

"However out of place you might feel there, coming from the modern west, you will probably feel far worse on your own in this complicated yet primitive world humans have created."

"Yes... I've been living in a bubble, haven't I?"

Marla nodded, "indeed you have. Why don't we let this place be a staging ground for you, a comfortable place for you to learn how to coexist with humans, while you plan your next step."

"Okay. So, what is this place called?"


Chapter 5

Drea spotted her in her casual wear, strolling down the other side of the road. "Laene! Laene," she called, waving her arm. Laene just waved back while smiling faintly, so Drea hastily ran over to her.

"Hello, Drea."

"Hello Laene. Where did you go, yesterday morning?"

She blinked, then continued walking. "I went home," she said.

"You... went home," Drea repeated with a tone of disbelief. She was moving alongside Laene now. "Why did you go there?"

"Because... because it's my home, Drea," she said with a chuckle.

"Because it's your... Laene, the temple is our home now."

She shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

"It's already the late afternoon following the day you left the temple, and we had no word from you? How is that a good way for us to start as Genera's chosen worshippers?"

Laene shrugged again, though the way she cast her eyes downwards seemed to suggest guilt.

"We have more than everything we could need to be at home in the temple... where we belong. Why are you doing this?"

Laene stopped, turning to face Drea."Will you stop asking me these questions? You are not my mother!"

"Well. These are questions I, the priestesses and Genera want answered. I thought you were pleased to be chosen!"

As other townsfolk walked by Laene lowered her voice, stepping closer to speak. "Drea... I did not choose to be Genera's worshipper. I had no choice at all in the matter, in fact. Now I would rather live as I would have chosen."

"Don't you want the next goddesses to be your children? To become immortal and wise?"

Laene huffed. "I don't know if any of that immortality and strength and wisdom stuff is true. It sounds like ancient nonsense, in fact."

"Well the legends foretold that we would have a goddess someday, and here she is among us. Our Genera, our childhood friend, carries the blood of goddesses. So if that is true, why not the rest?"

"You see, that's just the thing. We knew her for years, until the priestesses decided she was the one and took her away. Did she seem like some sort of goddess to you, back then?"

Drea's mouth moved but she had no reply..

"Exactly. She was just a little girl, like you and I. In fact, I don't think even she believes it's true! She's so unsure of herself. She's still just a girl."

"...You saw her. You and I were with her... She is no mere girl."

"Yes we were. And that's another thing," Laene said as she stepped even closer, speaking then with barely more than a whisper. "She is... truly, astoundingly, enormous! How am I supposed to enjoy that? Why, Hector is already so big it hurts me, and he is half her size."

Again Drea huffed, grabbing Laene's arm sternly, "Hector?! Have you been with him, since the ceremony?"

Laene started to blush, "well, I... that was also my choice, yes."

"How could you!? We are bound to Genera now. The whole town knows this. You can't just-"

"But I did," Laene interrupted. "Hector and I have been together for a while now. He pleases me. Genera... with that huge thing of hers... well, I may as well just be celibate. There is no pleasure for me in that."

"The priestesses say that with time, if we consume enough of her seed to begin the changes in our bodies, we can have pleasure with her. Immense pleasure."

"Again, I doubt such a fantastic legend. It seems like nonsense to me."

"So you are denying the offer to be one of her chosen?"

"Yes, I am. I will not just put all of my life on hold because Genera and the priestesses say so. You can tell them that."

Drea couldn't believe it. "You... you're making a big mistake."

"I don't care if you think it's a mistake or not. It's my life."

Laene started to walk again, continuing in what Drea realized was the direction of Hector's house. She let her go, seeing that there was no use in trying to convince her any more. Shaking her head, she turned back to the temple.

"I am sorry, Laene. I am sorry that you'd choose that foolish boy Hector over a goddess..."

Chapter 6

The only aircraft that could be contracted to fly to those hidden islands was an old propeller driven boatplane, flying once a month out of Catania airport in Sicily. In that creaking, dipping craft Jessica sat, patiently looking out the window. Though her accent was rough, a couple sessions with Rosetta Stone and an armful of novels had been enough for her to gain a sufficient fluency in Italian.

As a final crash-review she listened to ripped MP3s of a language learner's series, while an Italian novel lay open on her lap, mostly ignored. It wasn't necessarily a bad read, but her interest could not be held for long when her emotions, a nagging tumult of uncertainty, constantly distracted her. She gazed down upon the blue Mediterranean waves below, feeling painfully distant from Marla... yet exhilarated for what lay ahead.

Over the dull white noise of the motor the pilot, mere feet away in the small aircraft, called to her. "So mi bella, if you don't mind my asking, what brings a lone girl of the west to these forgotten islands?"

"Nothing unusual... to see family," Jessica said. Her North American accent was a stark contrast to the native tongue of the pilot.

"To see family you say. Uh-huh," he said, turning back to steal another look at her. "I don't believe there are any families so fair skinned or red haired there, do you?"

Jessica just shrugged, looking out the window again. The pilot was friendly enough but she didn't care for his lingering glances, and the conversation was nothing special.

"Are you sure these are the right islands? Maybe you wanted Great Britain instead!" He erupted into a deep, bellowing laughter that subsided quickly. "You know... they say there is some sort of cult there. They believe in gods... and not in the Catholic sense."

"I've heard a little about that, yes," Jessica said.

The pilot shook his head, then turned back to the forward view from his cockpit. "It is a strange place, mi bella."

A strange place it may have been, but then, Jessica was a strange creature. Finding her own place in the world of normal humans was something she would have to learn, and it would take far longer than it did to simply learn a new language.

The islands were coming into view on the horizon, spots of green rimmed with the pale yellow of numerous beaches. She felt a chill of anticipation for what lay below...

Chapter 7

Ah... finally, some time to herself. Genera took a moment to examine her surroundings: a bedchamber still new to her.

It was a room filled with hazy golden light. The sharp rays of the sun were diffused by warm coloured fabrics, while yet still more fabrics in rich pinks and purples draped over the sandstone walls and off of the antiqued wooden furniture. It was all ornately trimmed with gold, lending a mood that was both royal and sensual, conducive to 'acts of worship'.

She had granted Drea their third day together off, so the girl had gone to her home to be with her family. As grateful as she was for her enthusiasm, which at this point had left her feeling thoroughly physically depleted, Genera was glad to finally be alone. Now she could gather her thoughts and process her feelings on how much her life had changed during the previous few days.

Before she seemed an outcast, but now she felt appreciated, immensely so. It was strange, to know that the villagers who warmly greeted her in the streets knew her secret. If anyone truly made her feel appreciated though, it was that feisty Drea. She, whom Genera had dreamt of having from afar for so many years, was all hers now, and the things she did made Genera feel glad about the changes in her life.

Learning of Laene's decision not to be Genera's worshipper had soured the affair though. Laene, the quieter and more mysterious of the two girls, had also been a subject of desire for years, and it hurt that she was denying her. Her heart ached. If only she could have had them both... then, everything would be perfect.

Her wandering thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling in the hall leading to her room. She wasn't alone any more.

"Ah, my goddess? Are you there?"

"Yes, I am here Dorcia." It was one of the lower ranking priestesses. Dorcia stopped at the doorway to Genera's chamber, which for privacy was blocked off by hanging veils and beads.

"Genera, I have a visitor for you, if you wish. A woman traveller whom the head priestess feels you should meet."

"Oh, really?" Genera said half interestedly. She turned to face the doorway, "let her in."

Dorcia sweeped open the veils with her arm, the beads clattering softly, and in stepped a young woman like none Genera had ever seen before.

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DelsetDelsetabout 10 years ago

I had absolutely no idea the two parts of the story were in the same time period. I was under the distinct impression that I was reading Marla's past. Such an incredible surprise, that last line.

This series *rules* so hard!

OnyxShadowOnyxShadowover 10 years ago
Very nice!

I think this is shaping up to be my favorite part of the series so far!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


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