The Seminar Ch. 02

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A 'New World Order' Story - slave training.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/09/2015
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The trainer smiled and graciously accepted his dues. He had a quick conversation with his assistant who passed him a bottle of water. The assistant nodded and left. Once the applause died down he continued. "As you will notice that didn't take even take two hours and we still have lots of time left. Our next demo slave will take a lot more effort than this one." He gestured to the slave slumped at his feet.

Stepping away from the slave he downed some water. "The next slave we are bringing out is an example of the opposite type of slave. I am creating a DVD about the training of this one. Today will be our first real training session. She will be broken in three days, but of course this is a one day seminar. If anyone here is interested in buying the DVD I am offering seventy five percent off to seminar goers. Just make sure you pre order before you leave."


Her head was swimming with wonderful endorphins. She felt amazing, tired, fulfilled, a little sore and absolutely amazing. The assistant came back and unfastening her hands from her waist he encouraged her to crawl over to one of the corners. He clipped her to a ring in the wall and tossed a thin woolen cape over her to keep her from getting chilled. Taking the cap of a water bottle he offered it to her. She didn't seem to notice. He squatted down and offered it to her again. Her eyes focusing on him on the first time and she realized how parched she was. Taking the bottle between her wrists she drank deeply. Warmed by the soft cloak she leaned against the wall and shut her eyes. Languid, that is how she felt, she thought drowsily. She was nodding off over the half empty water bottle when the other slave was brought in.

A new assistant was leading the new slave. This assistant was quite large and even he was having a bit of difficulty with this new slave. She was tall, nearly 6 feet and whipcord thin. Her breasts were small and high with large areolas and nipples. Her hair was black with red chunks and short. She had tattoos on her arms and body. One tattoo climbed up her arm and disappeared under her eclectic slave collar. She was also wearing the harness as well as the wrist and ankle straps. Her hands were locked in pouches, but they looked bulkier than the first slave's. And unlike the first slave this one was wearing a muzzle. She was lunging forward and back and trying to kick the man holding her. Instead of a soft leather leash she was attached to a short pole, and it was by this that her handler kept her out of kicking distance.

"As you can see this one is a bit of a hellcat. She kicks and bites. The hand pouches confining her hands have sharp protrusions on the inside so it hurts her when she tries to hit people and things. It doesn't always stop her. We have worked with her a bit as we have had her for a week. On simple things like not attacking us." He chuckled.

"She is older than she looks. She is 32. I have noticed that the older a captured slave is often the stronger their resistance. It is logical as they have spent more time in the outside world being brainwashed by their ideas. She was an engineer with strong lesbian tendencies. Our research on her pointed that she had no respect nor love for men. We hunted her so I would have an extreme example to demonstrate on."

The athletic slave was focused on trying to attack her handler. She paid no attention to the trainer or the audience. She wasn't having much effect but it wasn't dampening her enthusiasm for mayhem in the slightest. The trainer walked up behind her when she was occupied and swiftly grabbing her by her short hair he pulled her head back till her back arched. She had to fight to keep her balance. The handler choked up on the pole and the trainer swiftly removed the muzzle. She bared her teeth and tried to twist to bite him. He gripped and twisted her head away. The other attendant handed the trainer a bridle. The next time she tried to bite him he slipped the bit in her mouth and with a bit of a struggle got the bridle done up.

"This bridle is a bit different. You will see that she is completely blindfolded. In her case the extra fear it might cause is worth the benefits. The bit is thinner and made of two parts. The first has a U shape cross section with the open part pointing back into her mouth. Inside this is basically a covered wire. These rings here," and he motioned to the bit rings and the audience noted that the seemed intricate, "are also unique. This bit is of my own design. I know it must be hard to see from there, I will have my assistant circulate a couple once he has a free moment. The straight bar with the U has these big rings here. The head strap clips to these. The smaller ring is attached to the cord which goes through the other rings. This is quite a severe bit. The U shaped part keeps the teeth slightly open, this allows the cord to pull back against the lips. The slave cannot avoid the effect this has by biting down. Pulling the corded bit also causes the other rings to squeeze inwards on the slave's cheeks."

"Unlike the other slave I am going to hitch her up right away, it will make it easier to stay with her movements." With the two assistants holding the slave the trainer himself attached the cart and climbed in. One of the assistants handed him the reins and they both stepped back. The slave shot backwards.

Snap! The whip hit her on the ass and it was clear this whip was not the same one the trainer had used previously. The slave made a high pitched squealing noise and shot forward losing her balance. She fell hard and the trainer managed to stay in the cart. He gave her 4 good shocking snaps with the whip. The slave thrashed but with her arms at her sides couldn't get up. She screamed through the bit and then jerked as the collar shocked her as well. As soon as she lay still for a moment the assistants came and hauled her to her feet.

For the moment she just stood there, blindfolded, head held up by the overcheck rein, feet apart and shook. "On punishments. They need to be severe enough to stop the behaviour in one, maybe two applications. Slaves can habituate to punishment, and if you start low they can build up tolerance. Just think of training a pain slut, you start with inducing a little pain and slowly increase it.." He gestured to the slave before him. "That was harsh but necessary. She must respect me. Adrenaline allows slaves to tolerate more pain, and this one has a high pain threshold to begin with. This whip can be used as a normal whip, or I can flip a button here on the handle and the short lash becomes electrified."

He tapped the slave on the ass. There was no snap of electrical current. The slave shot forward and then darted sideways. Even though she couldn't see it was clear she wasn't going to be making this easy on the trainer or herself. Snap! He shocked her left hip. She stopped moving to the left and lunged right almost hitting the wall. She then ran forward. He let her run for a lap. She grazed the walls a few times but kept running. He pulled on the reins and she ignored him. He pulled harder and her lips were pulled painfully back. Still on she ran.

"This works well at our training facility. However I will try to show you all a technique we use on runners in this small arena. The trick is to let them run and when they have had enough keep on going." He let the slave run only helping a little with steering. She was fit and it looked as if she could run forever. As it became clear she wasn't going to tire any time soon the trainer signalled to his assistants. One of them disappeared and when he came back he had a cement block on a rope. The rope had a loop on it and as the cart came by he hooked the loop onto a spike on the back of the cart. When the rope went taught the slave stumbled at the extra weight. She slowed, perhaps rethinking her plan of ignoring him and just running. But a sharp sting on her buttocks had her plowing forward. Even with the weight cutting into the sand it took five minutes before she started to flag. He kept her going a few extra laps before he pulled on the reins to slow her down. This time she was willing to listen.


Gasping for breath and blind she wanted to scream, to rage, to hurt those men doing things to her. She knew she should be scared but she was too furious for any other emotion. She hated them all. She didn't know what they wanted, only that the last thing she would do was what they wanted. She braced herself for what was coming next.


"The trick is you need to make the slave keep going just a few more steps than they would believe possible. You don't want to hurt them but you are better off a few extra steps than a few too little.

Now I need her to yield her body to me. She needs to learn that listening to me is the safest option." The assistants brought in two large items. They looked like studded teepees just a little taller than a man. Open on one side and hollow in the middle. The outside had dull points sticking out in all directions. The one was set about 20 feet in front of the slave the other was set at 90 degrees to the left. The men stood inside to brace them. The trainer asked the slave to move forward. Shakily she started walking. Just before the spikey barrier he gently asked for a halt. She threw up her head and kept going. Right into the spikes. They were blunt but it was clear it hurt. His whip had been resting on her right hip so she lunged left and hit the other one. She bounced back and stood there a few trickles of blood running down her leg. The spikes were blunt, but still sharp enough when hit hard enough.

The barriers were moved and he asked for forward. The slave was clearly reluctant to move as she had no idea the painful barriers had been removed. SNAP. She jumped forward jerkily expecting to hit the spikes. When no spikes manifested she began to move with more confidence. He cued for a stop and this time she stopped and waited. He asked her to walk on, turn and stop. She responded but it wasn't as smooth and effortless as the first slave. It was clear she was still resentful.


The first slave watched the training as she came down from her natural high. She was still tired but more alert to her surroundings. She had thought that the blindfolded slave might run her over a few times and had plastered herself against the arena wall. She admired the other slave's spirit but wondered what she hoped to accomplish. It wasn't like they could go anywhere in a venue full of watching men. The other slave looked so strong and lithe. Her breasts were so small they didn't even bounce, just jiggled a little at every step. She thought that would be an advantage in that bouncing running on the spot move that the trainer had gotten her to do. She winced when the panicking slave hit the second barrier.

She watched with interest as the trainer drove the slave whilst the assistants maneuvered the barriers so that when the slave didn't listen she hit the spikes. While she hoped the slave would give in so she wouldn't be hurt a small part of her hoped the men couldn't conquer this one.


"This is called self correction," The trainer said after the slave hit a barrier again. I am not correcting her. This gives her no opportunity to fight me, she fights against herself. Its her choice. Obeying me leads to no pain, ignoring me means the whip or the spikes. It makes the correct choice easy and the wrong one difficult and painful." He had to stop as the slave shot backwards without warning. SNAP. She kept going. SNAP SNAP SNAP. She stopped her reverse dash. Her chest was heaving with what could be sobs. Tears trickled down from below the blindfold. There were cuts at the corners of her lips from the thin bit, she bled from a number of small wounds and her body glistened with sweat. The trainer let her take a bit of a break.

"This is a good sign. A slave needs to feel helpless and hopeless before they can accept their place. She is getting there but she isn't quite there." He asked her to move on, turn and stop. This time she obeyed without hesitation. "I think is enough driving for this session. Now I don't think she will accept a man's touch yet, however we can start to get her submitting to pleasure. She needs to learn men are in control of pleasure as well as pain. A reward for good behaviour." He gave a little laugh. "Even if she doesn't want the reward of pleasure."

The slave was unharnessed and the blindfold removed. "A little humiliation to underline the lesson on obedience." He lifted up a medium sized but plug that had a fall of horse hair attached. "Butt plugs are an excellent way to passively assert your dominance. They are uncomfortable for slaves unaccustomed to them and their presence is a constant reminder of their helplessness. I like highly polished metal plugs. They slide in more easily than rubber ones and their weight is such that they are hard to ignore."

The slave fought, but she was weak and tired. What were they going to do to her? Tears of frustration slid occasionally down her face. A hard shove on her back and losing her balance she fell forward. She was bent over and her collar was clipped to a short tie on the wall. This held her in a bent over position. Before she could drop to her knees an angled table like device was pushed in under her. The tie was shortened a little pulling her down against the flat of the device. The metal was cold on her hot sweaty belly. She felt hand grab her ankles as they were clipped to the legs of the structure. She was secured firmly with her ass up and her legs spread. She felt humiliated at this position even if her legs were glad for the respite of holding her up. She squealed and thrashed when thick cool liquid was poured on her puckered hole. She squirmed so hard the structure began to rock. ZAP the stinging shock to her neck surprised her to stillness. She began to shake she had a good idea of what was coming next. She had never had anything in her ass before and had never wanted anything in there, ever. The trainer rolled and smeared the smooth shiny butt plug in the puddle of lube on her ass. Once it was good and covered he began working into her. She screamed in pain and frustration. Her tension making the process harder for her. He was moving slowly but she had no thought to feel grateful for his care. Relentlessly the smooth cold metal moved into her. Stretching her. Filling her. She was helpless and realized this. They would do with her what they would.


Watching from a few feet away the first slave wondered why this hadn't happened to her. She was an anal virgin and had never really thought about it before. But now as she watched the silver plug work in and out and slowly disappear into the quivering butt of the other slave she wanted it. She spared a moment to wonder at herself but couldn't tear her eyes away. She felt a familiar flutter and involuntarily moved her hips as the plug slid home, stretching the other slave's back entrance. The trainer noticed her avid gaze and gave her a small smile.

She watched as they unclipped the prone slave. The tail hung between her legs. She made no move to go anywhere. The trainer pulled on the bridle and when she still stay prone he gave her a smart tap across the butt. The slave struggled to get up and the trainer helped. Once she was up he had her walk to the centre of the ring. The tail swung behind her and swished between her legs. Her gait showed that she was feeling the stretch in her ass. She was trying to walk carefully as to not squeeze the plug between her cheeks. The trainer pushed her down in the middle of the ring. He had one of assistant stand on the reins close to her face so she couldn't get up. The other assistant clipped leather tabs to the ankle straps and stood on one.

As she huddled under the sheet she watched the trainer approached her. He took off the cloak and unclipped her leash from the wall. With complete expectation that she would follow he turned and started towards the other slave. She had to crawl fast to keep up with him. The sand biting into her knees as she scrambled along. He brought her to between the other slaves legs. The trainer stood on the other tab. The tall thin slave was pinned down with her legs spread and her knees up before her. Kneeling there with the other slave spread before her she wondered what she was expected to do.

The trainer stroked her back with the whip and she shivered. "Lick her pussy slave", he commanded. She hesitated briefly wondering how that was done and thinking that sounded icky. The whip slapped against her back and she jumped forward till her nose was right up against the other slave's pink lips. She examined the vag before her. Despite having her own she had never seen one so close before. The hair had been tamed into a neat landing strip. The lips where closed and she was surprised there was almost no smell at all and what scent there was was not unpleasant. SNAP! She squeeked in surprise and almost buried her nose in the folds. She gave a careful lick. The other slave tried to slide away. As the whip was drawn across her back she moved forward and gave it another lick. The slave's cunt seemed dry. She began to gently explore the folds. The other slave quit trying to escape her attentions. She was surprised this wasn't as strange as she had expected.

"Harder." The trainer commanded and gave her a light reminder with the whip. "You are to make her to cum." She increased her pressure, her tongue delving deeper into the other slave. Knowing the sort of attention her pussy liked she moved up giving little licks and nibbles till she was at the clit. Her tongue flicked it back and forth and it grew until the little bud stood at attention. She moved down and pushed deep again. This time when she moved up, taking little bites with her white teeth the other slave's hips rose as she found the clit. She could feel the slave's ragged breathes as she gave all her attention to that nub of pleasure. She was getting a little wet herself at what she was doing in front of all these men. The other slave's hips rose again this time grinding into her face. She could feel that the other slave was quite wet now.

All of a sudden she felt something cool dripping down her own butt crack. She went to look behind her but sting on her back kept her focused on the other slave. She bobbed her head up and down as she licked from the bottom of the slaves slit up to her clit. She felt the whip caress the side of her ass. She moaned and lifted her own hips. She wished someone was licking her. The whip slid around and very lightly tapped the swollen lips of her pussy. She groaned and began to suck on the clit before her.

She felt a cool pressure against her asshole. Oh yes! She lifted her hips. She felt the smooth coolness press past the tight ring. It hurt but it felt so good at the same time. The plug was pulled out and then pushed back in, a little farther this time. She threw her head back and moaned. "Keep going." The trainer ordered and slapped her with the palm of his hand. She dropped her head and sucked hard on the nub. Her ass was worked with the plug. The pressure was undeniable and while the plug didn't look that big when it was going into the other slave it felt like it was huge as it slipped further and further into her ass. She felt violated and she loved it. She rocked her hips back to take more of the smooth fullness into herself.

The other slave has bucking beneath her now and making guttural moans. Her collar must have been turned off too. The butt plug's widest point stretched her to the point she didn't think she could stand it and then it was in. She almost came. The heavy plug was an undeniable presence but she wanted more. She glanced up as she sucked and nibbled and could see that the trainer was lightly flicking the other slave's nipples. She could see the other slave lost in throws of passion. A passion that she had induced. That was so hot. The tight body of the pinned slave spasmed and she could feel a flood of wetness. The mewling cries of the slave who was being forced to feel pleasure despite her will was driving her wild. She would have prefered a hard cock in her mouth but it wasn't an option.