The Serial Cuckolder Ch. 01


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I fucked her slowly but with long strokes as I savoured the sweet feel of her pussy alongside all those delicious psychological elements – the triumph, the conquest, the power, even the humour in the situation. I almost laughed as I thought of Andy, out fussing obliviously around the kids and shopping for my dinner as I fucked his wife in his bed. I looked down at Jane's flushed and delirious face and thought about the fiercely independent, indifferent, judgemental woman who had always been so cool toward me in the past. That almost brought a chuckle, but I had a better thought, more wicked and more synthesized with my physical sensations. I started to fuck her harder. And harder. And still harder. Soon she was screaming.

"Oh, God! Yes! Y... Mark! Yes! Fuck me! ... Oh God, Oh God ..."

I banged that bitch into the bed until her tits shook like maracas and my cock felt like it was hitting her heart. I felt her stiffen, then shake a little, felt her orgasm, then pounded her some more. I was going to make that pussy sore. Fucking had always been my chief form of exercise, and I could fuck for England. I pounded her till her face was red and contorted. She was lost in the fuck, and I knew she had never experienced anything close to the intensity. I held off for a long time, as long as I could, then let go. I could feel it coming from my balls as I rammed into her for all I was worth. I held Jane down on the bed by her tits, squeezing and twisting them hard, then came like a train into her cunt. My cock pumped and pumped and I could feel her filling up with my cum. When I was finished I pulled out, squeezed the last drops of cum onto her tits, then left her, panting breathlessly on the bed, her pussy oozing my cum, and left the room. I looked back at her one more time from the doorway, and chuckled to myself. How easy it had been in the end. There she was, woman-of-the-year Jane, fucked to a stupor on her bed, her mind empty and dazed, her cunt full of my cum – she was, for that moment at least, quite literally my cum depository now, nothing more. I laughed out loud as I left.


My aim in leaving her there was to leave her wanting more, and leave her in a state of confusion, and it worked a treat. I knew I had her now, she was mine, but its always fun to tighten the grip of power. So I relaxed in my room for a while, took a shower, threw on a shirt and new shorts, made a sandwich, then read a book for a while in the lounge area. After an hour or so, I heard Jane's footsteps. When she came tiptoeing sheepishly in I saw that she had showered, her hair was wet, and she had slipped into a light blue summer dress. She looked lovely. I usually tire of women very shortly after fucking them, but Jane still looked beautiful to me, a young wife and mother, brown from the sun. And it felt great to know that I could fuck her again right then and there if I wanted to. But I had decided to tease her a little, so I just looked up at her briefly then went back to my book. She coughed and approached me, then spoke.


"Yes, Jane?"

"I ... That was ..." she took her breath in sharply. She shivered slightly. I had never seen her so tongue-tied and lacking in confidence.

"Oh, Mark ... I have never ... can we ... will we ever ..."

I put my book down, stood up, looked down at her, and smiled. I put my large hands gently on her shoulders.

"I know, Jane. I know what you're going through. Its OK. Just enjoy it. Just feel it. Its fine."

"Oh, Mark!"

Then she threw her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. I felt my cock stirring again, and I could feel it touching her body. I know she could feel it too because she pressed herself harder into me and breathed deeply. My hands were still resting on her shoulders, so I applied a soft downward pressure as a gentle command. She bent her knees a little, but hesitated, uncertain, so I leaned over and whispered ...

"On your knees ... On your knees, girl."

She sighed heavily as her legs went to jelly and she sank down to her knees in front of me. This time there were no coy games. She quickly took out my still half-flaccid cock, and greedily fed it into her mouth. She sucked and sucked it, her soft cheeks concave with the suction, like it held the nectar of the Gods. She was back at work on my big cock, and nothing was going to interrupt her this time. She was gazing adoringly, pleadingly up at me as she bobbed her pretty head back and forth. Again I saw her wedding ring, she was cupping my balls with her left hand, and I shuddered again at the frisson I got from the little gold symbol. There would be no orgasm for Jane this time. No, this was all about me and my pleasure, my best friend's wife on her knees before me, sucking my cock, desperate to please me and demonstrate her submission to me. I smiled the smug victor's smile again as I looked down at her. Oh, Boy. Oh, yes. I felt like one of life's winners alright. There she was, about to complete her transformation, just as soon as I was ready to cum into that pretty mouth. Andy's beautiful wife - my cum dump. The mother of his children – my submissive whore. It was so beautiful I almost laughed again. She was doing such a great job on my cock, it was like she was born for it, and I could feel it coming up from my balls again. I grabbed the back of her head by the hair and started to fuck her head forcefully, thrusting my cock into her throat. She was shocked, and almost gagged, but I could see that she wanted to please me and she kept going. I grinned, still fucking her mouth aggressively.

"That's it, Jane. Good girl. Coming now. Swallow it all. Show me you're my bitch now."

She groaned as I said it. She groaned with pleasure. I could see she had wholly given in now, released herself into her submission to me, she was not thinking, only feeling, and she was absolutely loving it as all women do once they find a real man to tame them. I felt my hot cum course up my cock and into her mouth. It kept coming, it must have been pouring down her throat. Again she spluttered, almost gagged, but then swallowed like she had been told. There were tears in her eyes as the throbbing of my cock slowed down, but she continued to suck and swallow. Finally, I pulled it out. She gulped and swallowed one last time, then I took her chin in my hand and held her face up towards me.

"Well done, Jane."

"Thank ... Thank you, Mark."

"My pleasure. Now, I'd like a beer by the pool I think."

I was already reclined on my lounger when Jane came out with my beer in a frosted glass. We stayed out there most of the afternoon, only adjourning to the house for one more fuck which, while not quite having the same lightning magic as the first, was very enjoyable all the same, and a little more experimental. Jane was getting dirtier every time, the little slut, and her shocked, confused expressions were gradually replaced with pure joy and abandon. Out there by the pool in the sunshine, I felt better than a king. I could openly admire Jane's bikini-clad body and know that it was now my property, it was conquered territory. God it felt good. We chatted, and she seemed a different woman, interested in me and approving of my opinions. As the afternoon wore on, we both knew that Andy must be back soon. We didn't need to discuss discretion as that was obviously imperative. As for anything more happening between us, that was not discussed either. I knew Jane would never be averse to another fuck from me, that was more than obvious, and for my part I was keen to sample her again if the opportunity presented itself. But there was never any question of this being something that would affect Jane and Andy's marriage, or that Jane and I would pursue a romantic affair of any kind. She knew too much about me to have any illusions on that score. All the same, I could see that I had changed her a little, and she appeared lost in thought at various points in the afternoon.

When Andy did return with the kids, it was all smiles and how-was-your-day. Andy commented that Jane was looking radiant from her day in the sun, and that he hoped we hadn't been too bored. I reassured him profusely. He cooked us dinner, and it all went wonderfully – we were all getting along better now that Jane's attitude to me was warmer. I could see that Andy noticed this and that it made him happy. Perhaps improved relations had been one of his intentions in leaving us alone together. Although Jane was looking smoking hot, I managed to restrain myself from making any risky physical contact with her, other than feeling her foot under the table a couple of times during dinner, and softly spanking her rear once in the garden when the others were at a safe distance. She giggled with delight for a second when I did that. It was all most unlike the Jane I had always known.

We said goodnight, and as I lay back on my bed I felt serene after the splendid day I had had. Not only had I fucked a beautiful woman all day, a woman after whom I had been lusting to distraction all week, but I also felt like I had made a discovery. That I had stumbled on one of the great secrets of life. I felt only contentedness as the waves of sleep engulfed me.

It was still pitch dark when I awoke. I felt an odd sensation as I raised my groggy head. Someone else was in the room. Then she whispered and all was clear.

"Mark! Its me ... Jane ..."

"Jane? Hi ... where's Andy?"

"He's asleep. Can't you hear him snoring?"

In the dark silence, I could indeed make out a faint snoring bass rumble. I still couldn't see anything, but I heard Jane removing some clothing and climbing into my bed. I felt her warm breath on my naked chest.

"I had to come," she said. "I couldn't help myself."

"I see," I chuckled. "So, what can I do for you?"

She giggled and gave me a playful dig in the ribs. We were still whispering.

"What do you think, you bastard?"

"Really, Jane, I have no idea what you are doing in my bed," I teased.

"You just want to hear me say it, don't you?"

"Yes I do, you little slut. Say it."

She sighed, defeated in our little game.

"Fuck me, Mark," she whispered, her soft breath alone enough to stiffen my cock.

"What's the magic word, Jane?"

"Please. Please fuck me, Mark."

I rolled over onto her and felt her lithe legs open and wrap around me. We kissed, our tongues meeting in surprise and excitement at their new acquaintance. During the day, we had been like animals, fucking rampantly, the male claiming and taming the female. Now, we were man and woman, we were lovers, and it was a new and delightful pleasure. She was already wet, so my cock slid softly into her, meeting firm but easily passable resistance from the walls of her cunt. It was warm in our embrace, in the dark under the covers, and I was still a little dreamy, so I fucked her slowly and softly this time. I was gentle and quiet, but the fuck was still fantastic. If anything, she felt better than she had during the day, and the sly secrecy and daring created a new little thrill that we could somehow feel in our connected flesh. It felt like we were one – her arms were wrapped lovingly around me, she was stroking the back of my head as my hot cock gently coursed in and out of her warm, wet womanhood. Again I arched my strong back and pushed it as far in as it would go. I had to cover her mouth with my hand as she gave out a little shriek of pleasure. The muffled noises she made were red hot, and as we came together, our bodies jerked a little and she whispered my name, her nails digging hard into my back.

When it was over, we kissed softly again, and lay for a while in a warm, sweaty embrace. We listened to hear if Andy was still snoring – he was, so we relaxed and giggled a little. Once I began to feel sleepy, I knew we couldn't risk Jane falling asleep, so I squeezed her butt hard and spanked it lightly.

"OK, bad girl, you'd better get back to your husband."

"You're right," she whispered, sighing a little. "When will I see you again?"

"In the morning."

She poked me in the ribs again.

"You know what I mean."

I chuckled softly.

"Whenever we get the chance, Jane. Try to relax, play it cool. Enjoy the holiday ..."

"I am," she said. "I am enjoying it, very much."

"Me too, babe."


She kissed me on the lips again, then slipped out of bed and out the door, back to her sleeping husband.


It was after 11 when I awoke again. The sun was streaming through the shutters into my room. A grin spread over my face as the fantastic events of the previous day came back to me. So that's why I was so tired – that's why I slept so well and so late. I had spent the whole day, and part of the night, fucking my best friend's wife. I showered, dressed, and trudged downstairs. I bumped into Andy in the hallway.

"There he is ..." he said jovially. "The sleeping giant awakes!"

I grinned at him.

"I must have been tired. Catching up I suppose ..."

Andy had his arms full of sheets and was headed for the laundry room.

"Doing laundry already?" I asked. "We've only been here a couple of days."

"Yes, I know, but our sheets have gotten fairly grubby already, so I thought I'd wash them. Must be the heat. Are yours OK?"

"Hmm," I said, "now that you mention it, mine could probably do with a wash as well. I was tossing and turning all night. I'll go and get them."

"Oh no, its OK," he said, heading back up the stairs. "I'll get them. You go and get some coffee – Jane's just made some fresh."

So Andy went up to fetch my sheets as I sauntered into the kitchen. Jane was waiting for me with a cup of coffee and a wicked smile. I quickly stroked the back of her thigh as I took it.

For the remainder of the week, Jane came to my room every night, and we fucked passionately, but as quietly as we could manage. One night we had a narrow escape when one of the kids woke up. Jane had to rush out, pretending she had been in the bathroom, and then go to attend to the child. Otherwise, we would snatch a small clandestine encounter here and there. One day, to my delight, Andy went to the shops with the kids, so we had another hour of wild daylight fucking in their bed. One evening, Andy went to read to the children and put them to bed. While he was upstairs, I grabbed Jane, kissed her briefly, then held the back of her head, forced it down so she was bent over the kitchen table, reached up under her dress, pulled her panties down to her knees then fucked her hard from behind. I held my hand over her mouth to muffle her noises. Jane was back sitting demurely like the perfect wife, but a little flushed, her pussy sore and full of my cum inside her panties, by the time Andy came back down to serve up dinner.

Another day, I was taking a nap while everyone was out by the pool. Jane came up to my room on the pretext of taking a shower. She knelt and sucked my cock while I kept an eye on Andy and the kids through the window, to make sure that none of them came inside. At one point Andy even looked up and noticed me at the window. He smiled and waved, so I waved back, then chuckled as I looked down at his wife, out of his view of course, with my cock in her mouth.

When the time came, it was with some regret that I said my goodbyes and thanked everyone for a wonderful holiday. Jane caught me alone for a second, and whispered "I'll call you".

As the plane took off headed for home, I sat back and reflected on my discoveries. Fucking Jane had been wonderful, and I certainly intended to see her again. But there was more than that. I felt like I had found something I had been looking for. I had discovered a secret wonderland of the forbidden, the special buzz of fucking a married woman, and I intended to get down to pursuing my new interest to the full as soon as I got back. And pursue it I certainly did. I began to chase married women wherever I could. It was more work, more difficult than your average single bimbo of course, but as I now knew, so much sweeter in the victory, and so much sweeter in the fucking.

I did see Jane again, many times. In fact, she became one of what I like to call my 'default' fucks – women, of whom I tried to keep 2 or 3 on the go at all times, who would be available for me to fuck with zero effort if I felt like it, or on the rare occasions I had failed to pick up some new trim. Jane was very keen, desperate at times in fact, so it only took a twinge in my cock and a phone call, and I would be over there fucking her in Andy's bed in broad daylight. Once she even turned up at my office, so I let her suck my cock then sent her on her way. My usual default pussy material had been sluts like Charlotte, one of the secretaries at work, who was so in awe of me that she would literally do anything to please me, anytime. (I had even told her to wear slutty clothes and underwear to work in case I felt like fucking her.) But Jane became my first married default fuck, and very obliging she was too. Whenever I thought up a new kinky game or experiment I wanted to try, I would invariably use Jane. I told her to put on her wedding dress one day, then I fucked her in that. Another time, I called Andy on my mobile to set up a squash game, while his wife was sucking my cock. All fabulous fun. Jane loved it too, and became more and more dirty as time went on. She even asked me to take her anally, which I did, much to her delight. I decided to treat her very rough one day, bitch-slapping her face, spanking her hard over my knee, then fucking her savagely. And guess what? She absolutely loved it, she just came and came.

After a while, as other women crossed my path and the chase for new married pussy took up more of my time, I began to see less of Jane. In fact, I had not seen her for several months when, almost three years after I had first fucked her, I got a call from her out of the blue. She told me she needed to see me. I wasn't too interested, as I was busy chasing a young blonde newlywed I had just hired for the purpose, but she virtually begged me to go over there. Plus, she told me, she had a new twist for me, a new game, very taboo and very bad. This got my attention, so I drove over to her house that afternoon.

When she opened the door, I had to admit to myself that she looked good, as though she had been working out a lot, getting her hair and nails done and whatever else women do when they want to beautify themselves. She smiled and beckoned me in. She brought me a drink, and we sat down for a moment in the living room. Her face was serious.

"Mark," she said. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

She paused for a moment. Uh-oh, I thought.

"Jane ... you haven't told Andy about us, have you?"

"Oh, God no. No, its not that."

"Good. What is it then?"

"Well, the thing is, now that the kids are both in school, Andy and I have been trying for another baby."

She paused again, and drew in her breath. She seemed nervous.

"Congratulations" I said sardonically, sipping my drink.

"Mark, you ... you don't understand. Its been six months already. We've been trying for six months. I ... I think our problems might be ... related to what happened between you and me."

"Oh. So its my fault, is it?"

"No, of course not, Mark. Its just that, well, after I had been with you, I found I just didn't find Andy exciting or attractive in that way any more, so our sex life suffered. It's just got worse and worse. I ... I ... couldn't get ... you know ... I couldn't get ... wet ... with Andy. After a while I think it started affecting him as well, so he was struggling a bit to get it up, or sustain anything in any way that would satisfy me. I really love Andy, I do, I want our marriage to work, don't get me wrong. Its just that things haven't been going well for us ... sexually ... and he's low on confidence."