The Seven Deadly Sins: Rage

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No, i think I'll take choice number 3, dear.
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I apologise for this story briefly being pulled, but someone reported it. Frustrated that their attempt to one-bomb the story was unsuccessful (the score still rose over 4 before it was pulled) they invented a reason to report it. In the first 30 minutes of its first foray into the Lit world, i.e. before anyone even had time to read it, the story had 35 votes and was scoring near 1. Someone on this site has access to at least 30 votes. Please join me in feeling sorry for that person. They have nothing better to do with their life than take petty pot shots. Maybe they should re-divert their time to more healthy pursuits, like moving out of their mom's basement, actually getting a PhD or two, or finding an actual partner and having children.

Recently, there was a pickaxe handle free story event hosted here. Please accept this story as a 'palate-cleanser' after that. Thanks to Nancyharpman17 for contributing to this story and XTCH for editing services. CTC, only had to do a final polish.

This is another one about a man given two choices he doesn't like so he finds a third.

Warning, this is what XTCH said about this one, "Wow! When you go dark you really turn off all the lights." If you don't like extreme justice, better give this one a miss. It's about as extreme as my 'Dave and the Sociopath'.

In many cheating wife stories here, when caught, the cheater is remorseful. What if they aren't...

My apologies to anyone trying to contact me via the feedback portal. It still doesn't work. You can get me via CTC's and my joint profile, SemperAmare.


Dave always keeps his promises. He drove home from work slowly, pondering the sad state of his marriage. Things were bad enough that a normal man would have requested a divorce long ago. But Dave wasn't a normal man.

He hadn't known Lisa well in high school, as she'd been two years below him. He remembered she'd been one of the late developers; plain and flat-chested long after her peers were well into womanhood. It wasn't until he'd graduated from university and moved back to town, courted and married her, that the disturbing conversations started. Not with her, but with fellow high school alumni. More than a few acquaintances expressed surprise that a rising star such as him would marry someone like her. Unable to resist, Dave had pressed them for details.

Dave built up a picture of a young girl who had confused sexual promiscuity with popularity. You saw them in school. The plain or overweight ones who put out because that ensured them lots of attention. The logic being, I have all these guys hanging around me, therefore I must be popular and attractive. To butcher a famous philosophical quote, I fuck therefore I am. Mature reflection proved the fundamental flaw in this logic. Teenage boys will screw absolutely anything. Dave surmised that Lisa had probably realised one day, one week, or one month, where she really stood in the beauty stakes, with the added suspicion that she was now a slut.

He suspected that even after she finally developed and morphed into the nice-bodied, well above average looking young woman, she still had major confidence issues.

Their eight-year marriage started out with the usual passion. Dave was world wise enough to know that the passion would fade over time, unless it was constantly the focus of effort on both their parts. He put in all the effort he possessed to keep things fresh, but that hadn't stopped their sex life dwindling to practically nothing over the last half year. In fact, he'd reached the point of giving up badgering her for sex, simply to avoid the smack in his confidence's face he inevitably received.

Thinking back on it, he was pretty sure he knew the reason for the abrupt cold shoulder behaviour. Since Dave, MD, had started work at the huge cosmetic surgery clinic three years prior, Lisa had been applying gentle pressure for some free improvements. Breast enhancement had been mentioned, as had face and ass lifts. This was when his suspicions about her fundamental confidence issues really solidified. He knew he was as biased as any husband, but he seriously believed Lisa was as perfect as could be and didn't need anything to improve her thirty-three-year old body. Certainly not enough to warrant the possible side effects of any treatment. Lisa appeared to lap up all his words and attention but still the gentle pressure remained.

At some stage in the silent battle, Dave's acquiescence to her demands, became linked to Dave's conjugal rights and his continued stubbornness became the cause of his continued frustration. Still he remained unmoved. One of the biggest problems was his fundamental disrespect of his patients. He knew he lived in a shallow society, where rich women were willing to risk all to look that little bit younger; that little bit better. Take Botox treatment, for example. Talk about truth in advertising. Botox is a contraction of Botulinum Toxin. Day after day Dave injected toxins into women that looked pretty good already, just to feed the dream that they could look as good as the airbrushed models gracing the glossy pages of the thousands of magazines out there. Every time he explained the risks; partial paralysis or worse, he might as well have been talking Chinese.

If forced to put a date on the last change in Lisa's behaviour, Dave would have said about five weeks prior. The secret smiles, the new glow on her face, the lips swollen, perhaps from kissing, and the subtle behaviour changes, adding up to the growing suspicion that Lisa might be fooling around on him. The main reason he was going home on time for once was to ask a direct question. It was time to bring things to a head. If she admitted cheating, then he would propose a quick, fair divorce. He no longer had the will to fight for his marriage. She could have no doubt that infidelity would end it, they had discussed it often enough.

The prospect of divorce did not alarm Dave. He knew exactly where he stood in the visual and social pecking order. The unremitting aggressive flirting he received from patients and clinic staff, constantly reminded him of that. It did disturb him slightly, though. Divorce was a failure of marriage and he wasn't used to failure.

He pulled into the driveway at 5.30p.m., wondering when the last occasion he'd returned home on time was. There was Lisa's car. There was also another car that looked vaguely familiar. A car way too scruffy to belong to any self-respecting woman. Besides, Lisa had very few female friends. With a premonition of dread, Dave entered his house. The sounds of two people enjoying sex assaulted Dave as soon as he opened the door. Feeling numb, he walked straight into the master bedroom. There was Lisa being pounded missionary style by a muscular blond man. On pure reflex, Dave walked to the bed, grabbed a handful of blond hair and pulled upwards. With a squeal, the guy lifted himself to stop the pain, allowing Dave to guide him to the other side of the bed and deposit him on his back. With shock, Dave recognised Stewart, one of the technicians from the clinic.

Opening her eyes at the sudden release of weight, Lisa looked at Dave. Making no attempt to cover her nudity she blurted, "Dave, this isn't what it looks like. I can explain." Shocked, Dave could only look from Lisa's relatively impassive face to Stewart's smug smile. With him totally at a loss for words, Lisa continued. "Well, that wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Bit of a waste really. Dave, darling, I don't suppose you'd agree to watch us, would you? That would be so hot for me. No, I thought not."

With her husband still standing mute by the side of the bed, Lisa reached under her pillow, pulled out a black device and quickly brought it to his thigh. The sudden 6,000 volts threw Dave to the floor. He realised it was the Taser he had protectively bought Lisa two years earlier. He registered nothing more until he felt a moist cloth being held over his mouth and nose. He only had time to sense an acrid, yet sweet smell, before everything went dark.

Dave dreamed. He was on a medieval rack torture machine. He was being crushed under a fallen tree. Something was licking his nose. Sudden light briefly pierced him as he opened his eyes, only to be obscured by a penis hovering mere inches above his face. In reflex, he tried to bring his arms up to push the owner of the member away. They wouldn't move. Confused by a flash, amongst many other things, he turned his head to the side. Well that explained his immobility. He saw his right arm secured to the bedpost of their king-sized bed by a scrap of what looked like torn up sheet. Out of his line of sight he heard Lisa say, "That will do. Come and have a look."

The weight was released as Stewart moved from his position straddling Dave's chest and walked to where Lisa was holding a camera. Dave briefly examined both restrained arms then tried to move his legs, only to discover they were also securely tied. He used all his considerable strength to attempt breaking his arm bonds by brute force but all it did was hurt his wrists. He focused on the conversation.

"Delete that one, it shows my face."

"Right. Oh, that's a good one. That's it, five is enough."

"Go and show our star, he's awake."

Lisa approached the bed and lay next to Dave, her head on his shoulder.

"Aren't these hot, Dave? Particularly this one."

The camera was thrust into his face showing a head shot of himself with a penis nudging his lips. He fought the sudden nausea. As he lay there, shocked into muteness, Lisa scrolled through the other photos. One of Stewart apparently riding him cowboy and three of Stewart with Dave's cock in his mouth. None of the photos showed Stewart's face clearly, but all showed Dave's.

Finally, Dave found his voice. It came out of a mouth that tasted of what he now recognised as ether.

"What the fuck are you doing, Lisa?"

"Come on, Dave, isn't it obvious?"

At that point Stewart grabbed Lisa's legs and pulled them away from Dave's body. They ended up about forty-five degrees off his body line. He spread her legs and lay on her stomach, nuzzling the left breast. Dave looked on in horror. Something inside him snapped.

"You touch her once again, shithead, and I can promise you a slow horrible death. I know just how to do it, I'm a doctor."

With an exclamation of, "I'm not listening to this shit", Stewart got to his feet again. He groped round under the bed and retrieved a spare scrap of sheet, quickly securing in over Dave's mouth.

"He's not serious is he, Lisa?"

"Don't fret yourself, Stew. He took an oath never to harm anyone, remember? And, unlike someone else we both know, he takes his oaths seriously." The last was said with an evil grin, totally alien to Dave. Who was this person?

Dave was even more confused now. These people must know there would be some serious retribution. Why didn't either of them look worried?

As Stewart walked back around to Lisa's side of the bed, she rolled over and got on her hands and knees, presenting her ass to her lover. Her head was inches away from her husband's. Without ceremony, Stewart drove into her.

"You know, Dave, for a smart guy you can be awfully dumb sometimes. Ugh. By the time I left high school I was pretty much bored with sex, I'd had so much of it. When I met you, I tried to go straight, I really did. I was a good girl the whole time we were dating and our first, uh, four years. Hey, meathead, slow down a bit, I'm trying to talk to my husband here!"

"Then I just got bored, I suppose, living a life of leisure and luxury. Then, one time while you were away, I went out with the girls, got a bit tipsy and ended up in some guy's bed. Oh, Dave, it was fabulous. Just like the old days. Sure, I felt a bit guilty, uh, but then I realised that the guilt was a big turn on. I cheated on you pretty much continuously for the next three years. Trouble was, uh, it got old after that. Sure, it was exciting dreaming up ways to prevent, uh, uh, you finding out, but even that got stale. For the last year I've been pushing the limit, not giving too much of a shit if you caught me. Christ, once you came in while I still had a guy, uh, here. He was actually hiding in the closet when you came home. I blew him while you were in the shower."

"Aw, don't look at me like that, dear. That got old, so I dreamt up this idea of having a threesome and slipping in some humiliation for you as well. You have to admit; this is hot, isn't it?"

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations for a minute, shuddering as a climax ripped through her body. It was half a minute before she was able to gasp, "The best thing though, Dave, is that there is fuck all you can do about it. Ooh, that was nice. No, dear, you're going to behave yourself and in public we are going to act like nothing has changed. I'll still be your loving wife. I will, however, be spending more time at the beach house. I've got some serious experimenting to do. If you play along like a good boy, I'll even throw you a bone every now and then. Ooh, yeah, go, Stewy, go."

With only his eyes usable, Dave tried to show his contempt for Lisa's plan with a killer look.

Lisa giggled.

"I can see you haven't worked it out yet. God, Dave, I knew you were naïve, but you're not stupid. Okay, you need me to spell it out. Uh, for fuck's sake, Stew, I told you to slow down! You see, Dave, you have exactly two choices. First, you can continue to support me in the style to which I've become accustomed, with me free to do whatever I like. Who knows, I may even get bored with it all and we can settle down and have those kids you keep nagging about. All it will cost you is a little humiliation. I'll be discrete, of course, after all I have a reputation to protect. Oh, and one more thing, you will be doing whatever work on me I ask for. You will be giving me bigger tits and tightening my ass a bit. In fact, anything I tell you to, okay?"

Dave shook his head vigorously from side to side.

"Oh, you haven't spotted the alternative, have you? That is where I let these photos go public and file for divorce. I'll be heartbroken in court, of course. Crying, when I explain that I really did try to go along with your bi fantasies, but it all became just too much for sweet little innocent me. How do you think the divorce will go, Dave? Where do you think you'll work? Not in this town, that's for sure. Think about it, Dave, two choices."

At that point, Lisa shuffled sideways and took Dave's limp member in her mouth. He desperately tried to resist responding, but Lisa was just too good. There was also the fact that it had been a very long time between drinks. Within a minute, Little Dave was rampant. Lisa paused in her ministrations.

"Good boy, looks like you're going to make the wise choice. I would have hated to divorce you. I guess in my own way I do kind of love you."

Dave just stared at her incredulously. He knew the monster before him was incapable of love. Lisa ignored his look and returned to her blowjob and moaning. She tried spiritedly to make Dave cum, but that proved impossible. She gave up.

"You know, there's one thing I've always wanted to try."

At that point she extracted herself from Stewart's cock and straddled Dave. He thrashed his hips around but all that did was delay his entry. Stewart wasn't happy.

"Hey, what about me?"

"Far out, stupid, do I have to spell it out to you?"

She reached toward the bedside cabinet, opened the top drawer and threw him the tub of lube. Stewart's eyes lit up. He grinned at both figures on the bed as he smeared the gel on his cock. Once he was satisfied with his efforts, he knelt behind Lisa. Dave recoiled as he felt Stewart's member sliding along his, only the thin membranes of Lisa's vaginal and bowel walls separating them. He looked into the rapturous face of his wife. This was obviously not the first time she'd had a cock in her ass. Sickened, he closed his eyes and concentrated. Lisa started screaming.

"Fuck, this is so hot!"

The screams stopped when Dave's fully deflated manhood slipped out of her vagina. He opened his eyes when the pain from her slap stung his face.

"You cunt! I've been looking forwards to this for years. You just have to spoil it, don't....?"

She stopped when she saw the look in Dave's eye. It should have been a look of defeat and humiliation. It wasn't. It was a look of pure hatred, one that made her recoil reflexively. Dave saw the flicker of fear in her eyes.

Stewart, blissfully ignorant of the interchange, grunted and unloaded deep in Lisa's bowels. With him finished, and Lisa's mood ruined temporarily, they decided to call it a night. Both got dressed.

"Let's go to your place for the night, Stew. I'll see you in the car. Don't forget the camera."

As the big blond technician walked past the bed on his way out, he threw at Dave, "See you later, Mister High And Mighty Doctor Man. I think we'll talk about a pay rise Monday, shall we?"

Lisa walked out of the room with Stewart but came back shortly after with a knife. Dave watched as moment by moment her courage returned. She sat on the bed.

"Don't blame meathead for this. He's not that bright and easily led. I used him to set all this up. He supplies me with something I need. Something you refused to give me. I shouldn't need him much longer and he will be out of our lives. Remember what I said, little mouse, there's no point thinking you're a tiger. I have you by the balls and you know it. I don't want to destroy you, but I won't hesitate if you give me no choice."

With that she cut the cords on his left hand, put the knife within reach and bolted.

Dave quickly cut the bonds on his remaining tied arm and legs. He sat on the side of the bed, naked, until his circulation fully recovered, all the while chanting to himself, 'No choice.'

He skated on the edge of insanity. Everything he thought he'd known in his marriage had been smashed, turned upside down, pissed on.

Until an hour earlier he'd had a beautiful wife whom he loved and who he'd thought loved him, despite her cold behaviour of recent times. The fact that she'd never loved him, had treated him with contempt secretly for four years, and was now willing to destroy him, was such a huge change in perception that the sheer enormity of it wouldn't sink in.

'No choice.' He was a man that liked to be in control. Be in charge of his own destiny. Now, that control had been totally removed. 'No choice.' His destiny was now in the hands of a dangerously deranged bitch who stated that she wouldn't hesitate to destroy him. After thirty minutes of chaos, Dave's racing mind began to settle into one train of thought. If he'd stopped for long enough to analyse it, he would have realised that the word to describe that train was, 'outraged.'

But what could he do? He had no choice. Why did he have no choice? Because of five photographs. How could he regain control? Easy. Burn the camera. Burn the person holding the camera. Burn the house of the person holding the camera.

Deep down, Dave realised he'd been skating on the verge of insanity. He assumed that since he was still thinking rationally, he'd fallen back from the brink. Being new to insanity he never recognised that when he'd fallen, he'd gone over the edge. Fifty-five minutes after releasing itself, the monster arose.

It realised that once the photos were accounted for, the choices were almost infinite. The only scenario he could imagine not winning, was a fair fight. In the court of public opinion, he knew sweet little innocent Lisa would win over big, tough Dave. So be it. No fair fight then.

Dave dressed and went into the kitchen. Two minutes, and one good old untraceable telephone book later, he had Stewart's address. With grim determination he headed for the front door. A flash of reflected light from the occasional table next to the door demanded his attention. He picked up Lisa's keys and noted a shiny newly-cut key he didn't recognise. With a manic smile, he pocketed the whole set. On refection, he went back into the house and retrieved a pair of latex gloves from his first aid kit and a small flashlight.