The Sexy SIL


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I felt it starting to rise from my scrotum and suddenly began to groan. "I'm going to come, baby, I'm coming!"

I shoved forward so that with my prick still clamped between her breasts, I managed to stuff a good inch and a half of the tip into her mouth.

I could feel her sucking even harder and the dam burst. Groaning and shaking like I never had when I was in the throes of climax, I let it out, exploding in her mouth. It felt like a part of my insides had come off my body.

She swallowed most of it, before snatching back her face off my prick and directing the stream over her face and breasts. She watched closely as I spurted some more juice over her nipples and she rubbed the glans over them.

God, what a woman, I thought. In direct contrast to my prim wife who never let the semen land anywhere on her face or breasts, this lady yearned for it.

"Mmmm, hmmm, Ohhhh, this is so good!" she sighed, watching my semen spray her face and then wedging it back between her breasts. She squeezed them together around my prick, milking the last drops of my juices.

Finally, I fell off her body, taking in the air in large quantities. I lay besides her, watching her pick up a towel to rub it over her breasts. What amount of the juices remained on her face, she licked, picking it off with her fingers and sucking on them.

God, what a woman!

It was the end of our first amazing lovemaking session. And set into motion what was really a massive mind blowing chain of events.


We couldn't keep our hands off each other from that day onwards. We had to take whatever little opportunities came our way, and these were very limited.

She was a constant source of amazement to me and I had never really thought that she was so hell bent on sex. She was to reveal to me later on that Dilip had lost his zeal and was no longer the man he was before.

The first time around (after that day at her apartment), it was by sheer chance. I had to go to my banker to deposit a check and my wife asked me to drop a parcel at her mother's place.

When I went to my in-law's place to drop the parcel, I found that only my mother-in-law and Radha were home. My father-in-law had gone to his club (he was a card player, completely addicted to the game) and Dilip was at his office. Radha had dropped off her daughter to school and was home for lunch. Evidently, Dilip had carried his lunch box with him (he had a meeting in the afternoon).

Radha was wearing a T-shirt and a knee length plaited skirt, blood red in color and made of satin. The T-shirt was a plain white with the words "Xposed" written across the front and tucked into the skirt. I had seen her a very few times in this outfit and was pleasantly surprised to see it today. She was wearing her contacts. I realized that she wore these dresses strictly at home. She had tied her long hair in a ponytail and looked ravishing.

She had no idea I was going to visit them and my mother in law was equally and pleasantly surprised.

Radha's eyes widened with surprise when she saw me after having opened the door.

"Hey! Hi!" she said, stepping back to let me in. "Mom, it's May."

I reckon she thought I'd say something personal, so she had forewarned me about the old lady being at home.

The foyer, where I stepped off my shoes was away from the living room and so was hidden from it. As she was closing the door and I was stepping off my shoes, I whispered, "Hey, you look hot!"

There was the sound of TV, so I knew our mother in law would be at the TV. She was a TV addict. Besides, what else could the poor woman do? At seventy-odd, and with a weak knee that barely allowed her to walk, TV was the only means of entertainment for her.

Quickly, without warning, I leaned forward, grabbed Radha by her waist and kissed her full on the mouth before releasing her.

She was startled, yet, from the flush on her face and by opening her mouth against mine I judged that she was just as excited.

I entered the living room where the old lady sat on the couch watching the TV soap opera.

"What a surprise, Mayur!" she said, giving me one of those very genuine smiles she reserved for her son in law. She was a good lady, patient and understanding. She accepted the fact that our father in law would never really be able to avoid the club and she also accepted his sarcastic remarks about the TV soaps that she was addicted to.

"Sunita asked me to drop this package here," I said handing over the parcel to Radha who had by then walked in behind me.

"Sit down, sit down," the old lady said, indicating the chair, the one on which I had sat the last time I had been here with Radha.

The couch was positioned away from the dining table and the passage that led to the bedrooms. Radha was apparently working in the kitchen judging by the aroma emanating from there.

"I had some work in the bank and Sunita asked me to drop the packet," I said, sitting down on the chair placed at right angles to the couch.

Radha had opened the parcel. "How sweet! It's the book I had asked her for."

"How come you are at home?" I asked Radha.

She smiled wryly. "One goes to the office when one has work. Right now, it's one of those times when I have hardly any work. Besides, I have some work to finish at home and this is why I had requested the book from Sunita. I have to set a few patterns for printing and when she told me about this book, I simply had to ask it from her. At least now, after lunch I can sit down and do the patterns."

"Speaking of lunch," our mother in law interrupted, after reducing the volume of the TV, "you are having yours with us now."

Knowing my ma in law, I knew I would have to have my lunch here and though I put up a fight, I consented after Radha too insisted I do.

While the old lady and I chatted, Radha went to the kitchen to lay the plates for lunch. I glanced at the wall clock and I knew that by the time we would finish lunch, it would be time for my mother in law's favorite soap, one that she has never missed for the last year or so.

The lady sat at the head of the small dining table and Radha and I sat opposite each other by the lady's sides. Our mother in law chatted continuously during lunch, with me nodding or shaking my head. We were all used to this scenario and had accepted it. Ever so often, she would insist I take another portion of this or that and would ask her daughter in law to see that my plate was always full.

It was midway through lunch when I felt Radha's foot press against my crotch, startling me. Of course, what with me glimpsing her cleavage every time she bent down, I was already hard, uncomfortably so.

I raised an eye and looked questioningly at her. She dropped one eyelid slowly to wink at me.

"It's mom's favorite serial after lunch," she laughed for my benefit.

I laughed with her. "I'm aware of that."

"It isn't necessary," ma in law chuckled.

"I insist," I said. "Because if you don't, it would be better for me to leave after lunch instead of hanging around."

Everyone in the family knew about my penchant for a quick and short snooze after lunch, and like with the obsession my ma in law had with the TV soap serial, this was a standing joke in the family.

"No, no, don't Mayur," the old lady laughed. "You know I wouldn't miss the serial. I want you to have your usual nap before you go. I know how much you need it."

Radha's leg was rubbing over my bulge and I decided to return the favor. I raised my leg and after initially spending some time to find her skirt, I pushed in the general area of her crotch.

She dropped her spoon when my foot found the right area, smack between her legs. In fact, I had managed to get my leg inside her skirt and could feel her panties as I probed with my toes. To say she was flustered would be an understatement. On its own volition, her leg that had been probing my bulge, fell away.

"What happened?" the old lady asked her.

"Oh, n-nothing, I guess," stammered Radha, "It just slipped."

"Make sure it doesn't slip again," I replied, pressing my toes more firmly against her crotch. "You May just end up ruining that nice T-shirt."

She wrinkled her nose at me, picking up the spoon and continuing with the lunch. I could see her hand shaking as I relentlessly continued to wriggle my toes.

After a while, she summoned up the courage to return the favor again and we continued this throughout lunch. In fact, I was almost sorry that it was over all too soon.

Later, as Radha cleaned up the table, my mother in law and I continued our conversation, claiming our previous places on the couch and the chair.

When the announcement came on the TV that the soap was about to start, I rose from the chair. "All right. It's time for me to get my golden nap. You go ahead, ma. I'll find my way to Karina's room and don't worry: I'll be ever so comfortable."

"You are sure you don't mind?" the lady asked me.

"Aw ma, you know me only too well. You go ahead," I replied, heading towards the passage beyond the dining area. This meant that I was behind the lady and when I made my way towards the passage, I had to pass the dining table where Radha was still at the cleaning stage.

She was leaning forward, bent at the waist, wiping the table with the cleaning rag and I quietly came up behind her. Pressing the front of my body against her back, I quickly cupped her firm breasts by sliding my hands across her waist from behind.

She slipped out of my grasp, whipping her head to me and rolling her eyes towards our mother in law. She mouthed a silent "Later, please?" and I grinned.

I entered Karina's (Radha's daughter) room, making sure that the door was slightly ajar and not closed all the way. The room was a typical teenager's hang out. Tucked away against one side of the wall (to my right as I entered) was the bed of a fair size. It was wide enough to accommodate two adults, but barely so. To the opposite side was a PC placed on a wide table. Opposite to the door through which I entered were two overstuffed chair and a beanbag. There was a small chandelier that Dilip had placed at the center of the ceiling. A couple of paintings (drawn by Katrina herself) hung on one wall, beside a poster of Tom Cruise.

The first thing I did was to quickly get out of my pants, slide down my underwear, and wear my pants back again. Knowing Radha, I was sure she would be looking for a quickie, and I did not want the underwear to be an impediment. I knew I couldn't undress completely: it was way too risky. The underwear, I placed under the bed. Then, I lit a cigarette and lying on my back on the bed after digging out the ashtray from one corner of the room (Dilip insisted an ashtray to be in every room, for though he smoked very rarely, he understood that guests might) quietly had my after-lunch smoke.

I heard the sounds of the TV. The old lady was quite hard of hearing, and it was accepted by everyone that she needed the volume of the TV to be turned on way up, which was about fifty percent more than normal.

I thought I glimpsed Radha walk to her bedroom, through the crack in the door of Katrina's room. I was puzzled. I would have thought she would take the first available opportunity to be with me. Maybe, I figured, she needed to use the bathroom.

I already had a raging hard on. Her toe play hadn't helped and moreover, my cock was unfettered since I had divested off my underwear.

Two, perhaps, three minutes went by and I had finished my cigarette. I almost had risen from the bed to see what Radha was up to, when the door quietly swung open and she slipped in. She turned around and trying not to make too loud a noise, she closed the door.

The door had those Yale locks, built-in, and once it was closed and the lock turned over, there was no way anybody could open it from outside, unless of course, one had the key.

She turned towards me her face flushed and her ample chest heaving. Quickly, she made her way to the bed and leaning down and sideways, placed her open mouth on mine, her tongue hungrily slipping inside for me to suck on.

Smothered by her wet lingering kiss and sucking on her insistently probing tongue, I reached up and squeezed her breasts encased inside the T-shirt. Suddenly I realized she wasn't wearing a bra any more. I had clearly glimpsed it under the T-shirt when I had arrived and I knew that was why she had slipped into her own room before coming to me.

She grabbed my bulge with one hand, moaning when she realized that I wasn't wearing any underwear either. With her other hand, she cupped my chin as she forced her mouth harder against mine.

Without breaking the kiss, she climbed on the bed and atop me. Lying full length on me, she pressed her body close to mine now accepting my tongue and sucking on it as if her life depended on the act.

I encircled my arms around her. With one hand, I urged her to kiss me harder by digging into the back of her head. I let my other hand wander down her back till I was caressing her hips, slowly raising it higher, now caressing her thighs.

Her skirt bunched up as my hand slipped inside. I was erotically startled, I guess, when I found that she wasn't wearing any panties either. I squeezed her firm and round buttocks, sliding my hands between her legs to rub the inside of her thighs from behind.

I made sure that I stayed away from her pussy when I caressed the inside of her thighs; just letting the tips of my fingers touch her there. That set her on the edge, making her grind her hips harder against my bulge.

It got better when she shoved a hand down between our bodies. The kiss didn't break when she lifted her body partly off mine to squeeze my bulge so hard that I had to groan.

I managed to slip my hand inside her T-shirt. She now completely raised her body over mine so that she was in effect hunched on top of me.

The T-shirt slid back up over her chest and her gorgeous breasts spilled free. As I cupped the pliant flesh eagerly with my hands, she finally tore her mouth away from mine.

"We have very little time," she gasped, her fingers finding the zipper of my pants and pulling it down. "Much as I would have loved for us to have been completely naked, we'll have to do with what we got."

I raised my head and licked her across her lips, groaning when her fist wrapped around my throbbing prick.

She began to jerk it back and forth, thrusting her breasts towards me, offering them to me. I sucked on the succulent flesh, going directly for the nipples.

We could hear the TV blaring away in the living room. I didn't argue with her about the "completely naked" part because I knew it was true. Anyone could ring the bell anytime: Dilip might decide that he wanted to lunch at home; father-in-law might decide to return earlier. The possibilities were limitless.

"How do we do it then?" I croaked, licking her breasts as she continued to manipulate my prick like it was a gear shift; but at the same time also pulling and pushing on the erect flesh.

She was ready with the answer. I suspect she must have thought about it before she entered the room.

"Let's sixty-nine; only, you fuck my tits instead of my mouth while you eat my cunt," she replied.

She rolled off my body until she was standing beside the bed. "Get off. Let me lie on my back across the bed."

Our movements were hurried and frenzied. I obliged and got off the bed, aware of my erect prick dangling between my legs, sticking out of my fly. She flopped back on the bed; only this time, she lay across it so that her head dangled off the edge of the bed.

"Let me suck your cock so that you get wet. Not that you aren't already. There's enough pre cum to flood my tits." She giggled when she said it, reaching out to pull me by my dick.

I willingly stepped forward and groaned my pleasure as the shaft entered her hot mouth. She immediately began to suck on it, swiping her tongue over it. I felt a flood of her saliva flooding my dick and I bent down to have a go at her pussy.

She had already spread her legs wide, raising them and planting her heels on the bed. I cupped her buttocks and buried my head between her legs. I was standing on the floor, my legs wide apart to accommodate her head between them. When I let my tongue run over the slit, she shuddered, almost biting my dick.

As I lapped away hungrily at her pussy, she pulled my cock out of her mouth and shoved it between her bunched up breasts.

Doing it this way is very, very sexy. I had to stand there on the floor, her head between my legs, her mouth now in line with my scrotum and buttocks as my shaft entered the tunnel between her breasts from the top.

"Fuck my tits now and lick my pussy!" she whimpered.

I did.

"My clit, my clit, don't forget that, oh god, yessss..."

I made sure I didn't forget her clit either. I began ramming my cock back and forth between her breasts. I thought Dilip was damned lucky to have a wife who got off just by having her breasts thus done. She had already told me that she found this to be a great turn on and that she came by having a cock sliding between her breasts.

"Put a finger in my pussy," she implored.

I did.

"Fuck my cunt with it, oh, ah, ah, yes, yes, harder, lick me faster now, oh my god, yes, deeper now, ah yes, like that, oh yes, fuck it in, fuck it in! Oh my god, I'm coming, yes, like that, chew on it, yes, I'm coming, yes, there, there, don't stop fucking my tits, ah yes, now, now, oh my god, I'm coming again..."

I was trying hard to ignore my end of the pleasure. I felt her pushing her breasts together, trapping my prick there and it was almost like I was inside her pussy.

When she came a third time, I knew I couldn't hold back anymore. Her T-shirt was still bunched up over her breasts and I reached down to push them back further. I began to grunt with every stroke that I made.

"I think I'm going to come," I told her between my clenched teeth.

"Yes, yes, come, come now, come in my mouth. I want to drink all your come, oh yes, yes!" she cried.

I began to pump faster, letting go of my resolve to hold back. After all this was a quickie and we had time restraints. I pulled my head off her pussy and held her knees as I plunged in and out of her breasts.

And then, I was certain that I was going to explode. Quickly, I pulled my cock out of the pleasurable tunnel of her breasts and pushed it against her face. I felt her hands grabbing my shaft, directing it to her mouth.

I looked downward to watch her slipping my throbbing cock inside her mouth. She began to suck, bobbing her head up and down wildly.

Unable to take it anymore, I let the dam burst. I straightened up, now standing, rather, crouching on the floor, and moving my hips rhythmically in time with the bobbing of her head.

I brought my hands to her breasts, kneading and squeezing them till I'm sure she was hurting. She made a deep sound inside her throat and then a gagging noise when I exploded.

I watched her Adam's apple working furiously as she swallowed. I continued to move back and forth, using her mouth as though it were her pussy until I was completely spent.

It was amazing that she did not spill a single drop from her mouth. I was pretty sure that I had shot quite a big load and I expected to see some of the juices running down the corner of her mouth that was wrapped around my swollen and twitching cock.

It struck to me that she didn't want any of the juices running off her mouth and had swallowed every drop even if to make sure that the evidence was destroyed.

Talk about efficiency!


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rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
too many holes in the set up

She was alone in a room with the door locked, yet, the first part of the "problem is described as:

"I understood her difficulty. She couldn't possibly hold both the cup and the strap together and pin them up with both her hands. The bra, as I later learned was a tight fit."

Just take the bra off, secure the pin, put it back on. end of problem

Next "problem", the pin was visible:

put on the inside,

It came undone

do it right.

One of the first things we are told is that the guests were unhappy with the absence of the host because he chose to pick up an arriving guest. So the best way to correct this "problem" is for his brother and wife to leave to provide a ride for another guest?

and on and on and on and on

lovelyindin555lovelyindin555over 15 years ago
Great job, it’s excellent,

Congratulate Fluidline! A bit long, but well-written. One of the very hottest and best written stories in Literotica. this is a really piece of work. It doesn’t look bullshit sex story! Actually the story looks reasonably, true and natural. Its slow seduction is too naturally. Nice job on the characterizations and the pacing of the story was good. The entire story looks real. You described the sex scenes incredibly. I liked the realism, both of the storyline and the characters. This story is Very hot practically and perfect!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Very hot and nicely written! thank you : )

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

excellent u are good writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago



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