The Shadow Doctor Ch. 01


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"Do you know what Lu would hate the most about this though? It's that Tam isn't going to spray his cum on the little devil girl's face alone. Tam has someone else's hand on his cock right now helping. Wen's clever little fingers are touching Tam just ... so ..." Tam grunted and came.

Su Wen expertly aimed him with each spurt, leaving two long lines across the woman's face from cheek to eyebrow, one across each tightly closed eye. The following, smaller spurts fell on the woman's nose and lips, with a final few droplets on her neck.

Tam gasped and shuddered for breath. He wasn't sure if he had ever had an orgasm that powerful. Su Wen held his wilting cock until he recovered. Then two small fingers carefully wiped the sensitive head of his cock clean before she tucked him back into his trousers. Slowly and deliberately, she brought the two fingers, the tips smeared with cum, in front of his face. Her other hand came up and lightly held his chin, keeping him facing forward. She slowly pulled the cum-smeared fingers out of sight. In the stillness, he could clearly hear her lips close wetly next to his ear, then a moment later the liquid sound of swallowing. Then two small hands, both with perfectly clean fingers, tugged his robe back into place and re-fastened it. A frozen moment, one last breath in his ear, then Su Wen stood up smoothly and stepped back.

Tam carefully stood and adjusted his robe, fixing his rumpled appearance. Su Wen, of course, was still perfectly composed.

"Shen and his apprentice should be outside by now." Su Wen switched smoothly back to Han.

With a small, perfectly professional smile to Tam, Su Wen suddenly stepped forward and placed one slipper-clad foot on the woman's throat just above the collar. "You let that dry right where it is, bitch. I want you to smell it all day. Get your eyelids nice and stuck. Don't even think about touching that cum unless your new owner tells you it's allowed."

Tam hadn't even noticed the woman beginning to lift her bound hands toward her face. Very carefully she lowered her hands and placed them over her crotch, as far from her face as possible.

"Good girl." The voice was iron. Tam had no idea who "Wen" was or what game she had just played with him, but he definitely recognized Honored Lady Su Wen standing before him. He recommitted himself to his one rule for dealing with her.

Su Wen removed her foot from the woman's throat and turned to let her men into the room. Tam shivered and wondered what exactly had just happened.

It was early evening when Tam stepped out of his manor into the rear garden. After he had returned home with his Tong escort and the girl, he had taken over from Ho Tien for the last few patients of the day. After that, he had gathered the household and informed them of the new addition. He had chosen to address them all together to ensure he wouldn't have to endure a scolding from Lin Song. She would never do anything disrespectful while the other servants were around, though he could tell she would corner him at some point. He would deal with that later. At the moment he was accompanied only by the senior maid, Luong Fai, who was carrying a tray piled high with various things he had gathered for his first private meeting with his new slave.

The maid followed Tam as he entered the outbuilding behind his manor. It had been outfitted as a small stable when he bought the property; as he did feel any need to own horses, Tam had it remodeled into space for his experiments. The stalls had been removed and replaced with a row of four metal cages, within which he occasionally kept dogs, cats, pigs and monkeys that he used in his experiments. Three of the cages were currently empty. The fourth held the foreign woman he had acquired.

Luong Fai placed the tray on a worktable, then bowed and exited, closing the door behind her. Tam brought a low stool over to the cage and sat to examine the woman.

He admired the craftsmanship Huu Shen had used in restraining the woman. Leaving her wrists bound together as they had been, Huu Shen had pulled the woman's knees up to her chest and forced her feet through the loop of her bound arms. Her ankles had been tied together, and her wrists pulled up again to her chin. A new rope was attached to the one at her wrists and looped around her neck before going down her back and between her buttocks where it was pulled taut and tied to the rope at her ankles. Any attempt to tug at the rope with her hands or feet caused the loop around her neck to tighten, choking her. A final rope simply went around the middle of the pretzel her body now formed, pulled tight and serving the same function as a stave on a barrel.

A thick gag had been the final step, then the woman, folded into half her size and completely immobile below the neck, had simply been picked up by Shen and the young man he called his apprentice and dropped into a large basket. They put the lid on, picked up the carrying poles, and you never would have known they were carrying a human being through the busy streets. Tam wondered how many times in his life he had walked unknowing by a similar operation. Two men carrying a heavy basket was such a common sight that they were practically invisible.

They had put her in the cage upright at Tam's request, leaning her against the bars. Both of the Tong had been perfectly respectful, but he had caught Shen giving him a broad wink as the thug left.

She was passed out where they had left her. It couldn't be a comfortable position, but he supposed she had been through a lot recently. Total exhaustion was understandable. It was fine; he wanted to review his plan before proceeding anyway.

Purchasing the woman from the Tong had been an excellent decision, and he was reasonably sure they believed his decision entirely motivated by a desire for sex. Especially after that insane scene with Lu fucking the woman's brains out, then Su Wen masturbating Tam as he spewed cum across the woman's face. That had been both exhilarating and terrifying. Tam still didn't know what to make of that. "Wen" had seemed like a different person, living in the same body as the Silver Tiger but separate from her. Still, that was an issue for a later time, and the sexually charged nature of the interaction had only helped disguise his true aims.

Tam did plan to use the woman for sex, of course. A man had needs, and a warm cunt was better than a hand, especially since he had already paid for it. He also admitted to himself that he was developing a bit of an attraction to the woman. He imagined her fed better, the bruises gone from her pale skin, that golden hair grown out enough to fall into her green eyes as she gazed up at him, her lips wrapped around his cock ... yes, he was looking forward to that. Still, sex was not the reason he had purchased her.

The woman was the fourth person he had successfully completed his mind control technique on. That Su Wen had let her live and agreed to sell her to him was a fantastic boon.

As long as he was close enough to affect the structure he had woven into her chi network, he could give her any command, mentally or verbally. The question was how she would follow the commands; would she interpret them literally, like when she told Lu she wanted to keep taunting them, or would her mind understand the intent of the command? How would the commands interact with her physical limits, her sense of self-preservation? Tam had made one of the monkeys he had tested the spell on slit its own throat with a knife, so he knew he could make the woman kill herself if he wanted to, but he was more interested in the subtler aspects of control.

He was mainly curious to discover what mental uses of his control were possible. Having a human puppet was a useful thing, and the pure thrill of control was the greatest pleasure he could imagine, but there were limits to the usefulness of an automaton. The things he could test with a human subject were far beyond what he could test with animals. Could he change her emotions and behavior? Rewrite her memories and personality?

Tam had a long list of tests he had daydreamed about performing on a human subject. But before he began working through the list, there were other possibilities to explore. Most of his tests had been imagined with a subject vaguely modeled on the beggar he and Su Wen had first tested his technique on - a human doll terrified by the loss of control.

However, since he had kept the Tong ignorant of everything but the truth compulsion, as far as the woman knew, that was all he had done. She did not know that her mind was no longer her own. Tam had decided that he would conceal that from her for as long as possible; once she realized her helplessness, all the rest of his tests would still be waiting. Until then, he would experiment by seeing what he could do without her realizing what had happened.

First though, there were a few things he should guarantee before beginning this experiment. It was all very well to play with the woman, but it would not do to have her manage to brain him with a chair while his back was turned or somehow escape and flee beyond the range of his commands. Tam had considered the safeguards over the course of the afternoon, and decided on a prudent minimum. Before awakening the woman, he reached into her mind and placed a second set of commands to join the honesty ones.

First, she was not permitted to physically harm Tam himself or any of his servants, guests, or patients. Second, she could not leave his manor. Finally, she could not take her own life or mutilate herself. If the worst happened and she escaped his more subtle attempts at control, she would hit these locks and be stopped. The illusion of free will would be destroyed as she found herself unable to break the commands, but at least she would still be available for the rest of his tests.

Satisfied with his precautions, Tam reached into the cage and removed the gag from the woman's mouth. He gently cleaned the dried cum off the woman's eyelashes with the portion of the gag left damp by her drool. He considered cleaning the rest of her face, but decided he liked the look. Then he reached over and flicked his finger against the edge of the woman's ear. She flinched and muttered something in her devil tongue. He flicked again, harder. Her head jerked back, her eyes snapping open. She stared at him, looked around the room, and dropped her head forward onto her knees saying something to herself in her own language.

"What did you just say?"

"Roughly translated, I said 'Oh god, it's not the sort of nightmare you wake up from.'"

"Ah. No, you are not dreaming. You are awake and presumably lucid. You were abducted by the Tong just before sunset yesterday night. It is currently early evening. You were sold to me by the Tong and are now in my manor. My name is Hsien Tam, and you are my property now. I do not know how slavery works among your people, so please let me know if you require clarification on your current status."

She stared at him for a moment, and then her eyes narrowed to slits. "Weren't you listening to the lecture? I thought the way to train me was to alternate beating and raping me, not talk to me. Come on, you've only gotten your cum on my face, don't you want to get some inside me? All the rest of your asshole friends did."

"If that is truly your desire, we can try it. I thought you might find that method unpleasant. We can discuss alternatives, if you would like that."

"Yes, I'm willing to discuss not being raped and tortured. Here's my proposal: my family won't kill you if you free me immediately and return me to them."

"Freedom, I'm afraid, is not an option. Let us discuss something more immediate. I believe the position you are bound in is likely quite uncomfortable. I can remove the ropes if you promise to be cooperative while I do so."

"Yes, I'll do that."

Tam nodded. He retrieved a knife from the work table and came back to the cage.

"Please hold very still. You are bound quite tightly, and I do not wish to accidentally cut you."

The woman nodded agreement. Tam carefully cut the ropes off her, leaving the one holding her wrists for last. As each rope came loose he tugged it out of the cage and set it down beyond her reach.

"Move slowly and carefully. Your muscles are likely to be badly cramped from that position. Try rubbing your arms and legs for a bit if you can."

The woman grimaced and complied. A few pained gasps escaped her, but she was able to move her limbs gingerly after a few minutes.

"Good. I would like you to give me your best assessment of your physical condition."

"What the hell kind of question is that?"

"As your owner, I wish to judge the condition of the merchandise I have purchased. I am also a doctor, and you are clearly in need of medical attention. I can diagnose the external damage easily, but it is best if the patient provides their own assessment, particularly of their general state and any internal pains."

The woman stared at him. "Why should I tell you anything? And why didn't you phrase that as a question? If you had, I'd still be listing all the places that hurt."

Tam smiled. It was good to see how quickly the woman had grasped the reason the spell had not forced to answer.

"I am attempting to encourage an actual conversation between us. You understand that you cannot lie, and that you must fully answer any question put to you. I cannot reverse the spell, but I understand that it creates an imbalance in conversation. I thought it would be polite to allow you to frame your response as you wish. If you do not wish to answer on your own, I will compel you, as I need the information to properly treat you, but the choice is yours."

"The man wants to be polite. He has me locked in an animal cage, his cum is dried on my face, I'm wearing nothing but a fucking slave collar, and the imbalance of power that's bothering him is the one in our conversation? If this isn't a nightmare, maybe I'm going insane."

"You seem perfectly sane to me, if a bit traumatized. We will return to the discussion of the conversation balance later. For now, let us focus on your physical health. I can treat your injuries. My healing will be more effective if you help me diagnose any hidden pains. It is in your own best interest to give me full information here."

Tam sat back and let her think about it. The woman was clearly intelligent, but also defiant. Which aspect would take precedence here? Which was more important to her: preserving her physical health, or maintaining her pride by refusing to cooperate with her captor? He watched her closely as she thought. Eventually she sighed and lowered her head.

"Fine, I'll play along. Let's see, I'm exhausted, I haven't eaten since last night, the whole right side of my face is sore and bruised, my lip hurts, I've got bruises on my side and maybe a cracked rib from when Mr. 'Three Types of Whores' was beating me to my knees before you came back in to watch, my knees are skinned, I have half a dozen welts from the ropes, my throat is bruised and raw, my vagina hurts because I've been raped by multiple assholes who barely bothered to spit on their cocks before shoving them in. Is there anything else?"

She raised her head to face him again, her eyes flashing. "Oh, that's right, every muscle in my body is still sore and my skin feels like it's burnt from whatever it was your spell did to me. I've never felt pain anything like that. Oh, and I've got a nasty headache. I think that's all the major things."

"Hmm; I will need to examine your vaginal walls to see if there are any tears. That can wait. The most immediate thing is to confirm if your ribs are indeed broken. Place your back against the edge of the cage towards me. I promise I will only touch your ribs while you breathe, you will be perfectly safe."

The woman stared at him skeptically, then muttered under her breath and turned around. Tam spread his hands lightly over the lower part of her rib cage on each side.

"Lift your hands above your head. Take in a long breath and hold it. Now exhale. Tell me if it is a general pain, or a sharp stabbing sort."

He repeated the process several times, moving his hands up her sides as he went. He saw that she was blushing slightly from being handled.

"Good, nothing is broken. The muscle is badly bruised, but that is all. You may make yourself comfortable."

The woman moved to place her back to the far side of the cage, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them, using her limbs as a shield. Tam saw that she had positioned herself so that he could no longer see her breasts or genitals. Was she attempting to regain some modesty at this late stage?

"Very well, you have no major internal injuries apart from possible vaginal tearing. This is good. I have a few things prepared that will ease the pain and accelerate healing for your external injuries."

Tam stepped to the table and picked up two cups and small jar. He set them down where the woman could see them but not reach them.

"The cup of green liquid is an herbal tea. It is a stimulant for your exhaustion, combined with a generic pain reliever. The two are common medicinal herbs, but I have combined them so that the narcotic effect of the pain reliever will not put you to sleep before we accomplish my goals for the evening."

"The cup of white liquid is a contraceptive. It is usually called Whore's Milk, though it is given various different names when discretely sold to ladies of a higher social class. Taken within a day of any sexual activity, it will ensure that there is no pregnancy. When taken regularly, it also minimizes the effects of your monthly cycle. Brothels serve it to all their women with the first meal of the day. If you do not want to risk bearing the child of one of the Tong you should drink it soon."

"Finally, the jar of brown cream will help the bruises heal and prevent infection from developing in your cuts and scrapes. The cream will sting slightly in the cuts, and will produce a feeling of warmth at first that will fade to a slight numbness. You must rub it in thoroughly to maximize effectiveness. Tell me which one you would like first."

"Why should I take anything you give me? How can I tell it's not drugged?"

Tam sighed. "Of course it's drugged. It's medicine. That is what medicine is, drugs. If you're asking me how you can tell if there's anything in them beyond what I described, the answer is that you can't tell, unless you're trained in medicine or alchemy. If I wanted to knock you out or pump you full of aphrodisiacs, I could have just force fed them to you while you were tied up. I promise you that there's nothing in these beyond what I described. It's up to you if you're willing to risk it. The only one I will force you to take is the contraceptive; if you would rather suffer in pain and heal slower, I'll allow it if you insist."

The woman studied him carefully, looking for signs of deception. Finally she sighed and gave in again.

"I guess I'll risk it. Contraceptive first; me not bearing those men's children is a priority we both agree on."

Tam nodded and moved the cup of white liquid to where she could reach it. The woman awkwardly crawled to the front of the cage, quickly covering her breasts again with one arm as she knelt and reached out to pick up the cup. She downed the syrupy liquid in one gulp and set the cup just outside the bars, making a face at the taste.

"Gah, it's so thick. And sickly-sweet."

"I agree, it's unpleasant. Place the cup as far out as you can reach, please."

She rolled her eyes but did as requested. Once she retracted her arm back into the cage, Tam moved the empty cup to the work table then returned. She requested the pain-killer next, and they repeated the same ritual. After that he gave her the healing cream, and she shifted back slightly in the cage and began awkwardly applying it while trying to keep herself covered.