The Shed Second Visit

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Back to the shed. I've reached a new level.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/21/2020
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The Shed Second Visit

By: Jstarret78

Editor's note: Today is the first date marked down on Sam's schedule. On the bottom of the paper was a note from Sam, 'I expect you to be here.' It was a weekday, so I wasn't expected to be there until around seven O'clock. It's been seven days and his sore asshole was finally feeling normal again. What is he going to do and is it really a choice or more like a calling? During this visit, Justin will reach a level of submission he never considered possible.


"I need to leave a little early today, if that's ok?" I was asking my boss if I could leave as work for that day had been completed and I very seldom ask to leave early.

"Sure Justin, no problem," he replied.

I spent the last days, wrestling with the thought of showing up at Sam's shed again. I was surprised at how I submitted, resulting in a hard fucking. However, that wasn't all that concerned me. We did things I never thought I would do. I completely gave myself over to him.

Even though I was so horny I couldn't refuse Sam, it still made me worry about how it will affect me. Being that submissive can work out badly, something of which I was always aware.

So, I hadn't decided to show up, but I did leave work early. Maybe my subconscious was setting me up. I admit that since that night I got erections remembering what happened. I would pass my hands over my ass and imagine how it must have looked to Sam. Other times, I would be determined to forget about it and not think of it again.

When I got home, I planned to eat something, but I couldn't get my appetite going. I started changing out of my work clothes to shower. As I stripped, damn if I wasn't getting hot. I went and retrieved a small douche I had for ages and don't even know where I got it. I filled it with water and pushing the small tube into my anus, and emptied the bulb. After doing this five times, I felt clean and ready. Even cleaning myself out was hot and I had to ignore my rigid cock. Though I hadn't decided yet, I was still preparing for it.

During the shower, I was so horny, I decided to go. I had to make sure I was prepared for the night. I had deep cleaned, shaved some unwanted hair, and selected a cologne I never used much.

I was deciding what clothes to wear, when I had another idea, a hot idea. From my closet, I took out a light spring coat that came down to my knees. Standing in front of my full-length mirror, I put the coat on and buttoned it up. As I stood there, I slowly unbuttoned it and took it off. I was showing up dressed only in my coat.


I'm standing in front of the house. Being naked under my coat and driving here, made me want to jerk off. But now that I was here, I was nervous. The evening was well on. The trees and house threw long shadows, darkening the path to the shed. I walked tentatively around the side of the house to catch a glimpse of the it.

It was dark, and I could see a dull light coming through the shed's window. All I had to do was walk in and lose control again.

Steeling myself I approached the shed but stopped at the conversation coming through the door. Sam was having a conversation with someone, I'm sure of it. I waited a second and heard a second voice. There was someone with Sam. Drawing closer, I stood there eavesdropping.

"He'll be here, I'm sure," I heard Sam say.

The second male voice replied, "You're cock sure ain't ya."

"You weren't here, Earl, you didn't see how fucking horny he was. I could do whatever I wanted."

"Yea, well I got to see that to believe it, but if you're right, damn."

"He should have been here, it's about the time I told him to show up."

"If he's as fucked up horny as you say, I'll lay bets he can't stop himself, we'll see."

As the conversation went back and forth, I stood there unsure. I didn't want to open the door and admit I was a slave to cock. My better senses said, 'Don't open the door, get the fuck out of here,' but they were right, I was horny as hell. I needed to enter the shed, throw off my coat, and follow instructions.

But, I knocked first, halting the conversation. I opened the door and stepped in, acting as if I didn't know there was another guy with Sam.

"There's my boy, hey Justin," Sam seemed relieved.

"Hi Sam," I weakly replied.

"Your came, good for you, come over here."

I walked over to where Sam was seated. He took hold of my arms and looking at me said, "is it cold outside or something. Why the coat and without pants, what's this about Justin?"

I couldn't help the smile on my face but didn't reply prompting Sam to look at me quizzically.

"Come on, tell me it's not what I think; are fucking naked under there?"

Now I was beet red, embarrassed to admit I did it to excite him, but that was why I did, there was no denying it.

"No need to be embarrassed boy, let's see if I'm right." Sam began unbuttoning the coat. With each button he opened, he could see I was naked underneath. He acted like a kid unwrapping a much-expected present. There were five buttons and when the last one was undone, he opened the coat and smiled at me. I had an erection.

"I see you're ready to rumble," Sam said with a laugh.

He pushed the coat over my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Standing there naked again caused another flush to overwhelm me. He took hold of my arms again.

"Earl, didn't I tell you, look at that butt."

Acting surprised, I blurted out, "Sam, who are you talking to, what's going on?"

I wanted to turn and see the man Sam was talking to, but Sam held me fast. I didn't struggle against his hold but waited for him to release me. Instead, he simply turned me around.

"Look at this hairless cut cock, beautiful, isn't it?"

"Damn, Sam, he is beautiful." Said Earl, "bring him over here, I need a better look."

Earl looked older than Sam, and the complete opposite. He was taller, but skinny, really skinny. His hair was mixed gray and unkept. His face covered with stubble and sporting a mustache and small whisp of hair under his chin. He sat on the bed in the back corner, cross legged, staring at me.

Instead of Sam bringing me over to Earl, he let me go and told me to introduce myself. What a test of submission this was. I shyly walked over to Earl. When I reached the bed, I stood there not knowing what to expect.

"Well, hello Justin, nice meet you," Earl said.

I looked at Earl and said, "Yea, nice to meet you too, but I didn't expect someone else would be here."

"Come on man, it's no big deal. I appreciate a nice piece of ass; it'll be fun."

As he was talking, he started fondly my balls, which caused them to start shrinking into my groin, while my cock twitched and began reacting to him playing with me. I stared up to the ceiling trying to control my member so Earl wouldn't think he was getting a reaction. He took hold of my hips and turned me around. His hand swept over my ass for a while, until he grabbed hold of my cheeks and spread my ass apart.

"Geez Sam, what a bud, a fucking perfect little asshole, pink and everything. You don't bleach it, do you boy?"

"No," is all I replied.

"If it were bleached, it would be white, not pink. Don't you know anything Earl? Sam said.

Letting go of my ass, Earl turned to Sam and said, "That's the kind of ass I love to slap. Have you spanked your bitch yet?"

"No, there was too much else to do the last time and anyway, he behaved himself, I had no reason to punish him."

"It's not because of what he done, it's a preventing thing, make sure he understands," Earl said and then added, "anyway, I got a feeling he would like it."

I couldn't stay quiet, "Hey guys, don't think I like that idea, I'm not into pain."

"How do you know," Earl piped up.

Sam chimed in, "Yeah, how do you know what you would like, hasn't everything we did together feel good, you little bitch, got you off, didn't it? Anyway, whose asking you?"

"Come on Sam, give me a break." I pleaded.

"Look Justin, Earl knows what he likes, and he know how to do it. Just behave yourself and do what he wants. If he thinks you need a good ass slapping, he's probably right."

I was still with my ass facing Justin when he said, "Ok Justin, let's do this, lay across my lap; make yourself ready."

I hesitated and turned red again. I looked over at Sam, "Sam what?"

"Justin, just do as he says, just because I'm trying to be nice, doesn't mean you can back talk."

"See Sam? Earl said, "I told you, you have to train this little cunt, or he will always complain." Turning his attention to me, he said, "Drape that ass of yours over my lap, right now."

Did I really think I could control the situation?

This is crazy, I've never had a spanking in my life, and I never thought I would. I guess that's going to change.

Moving slowly, I turned and stood to the right of Earl.

"Other side Justin, I'm a lefty."

"Sorry," I said as I moved to his left and lowered myself over his lap.

I tried my best to get comfortable, making sure my stiff cock was out of the way. I was prone across Earl's lap when he lifted my midsection up and adjusted me to his liking.

Instead of spanking me he played with my ass for almost five minutes. Neither Sam or Earl said anything, and I just laid there waiting. Earls hand move across my ass slowly, even tenderly. Occasionally, his fingers would travel between my mounds exploring my asshole, his fingers separating my cheeks to examine it up close. I swear I could feel him blowing on it.

"Come on sweet cheeks, pucker that cunt for me,"

I complied, tightening it up and then pushing it out as if I were ready to have it fucked.

I thought it was going well when I felt the first sting of a smack on my ass. It made me jump, causing me to let out a small yelp. I tightened my ass as best I could preparing for a second sting, a sting that didn't wait long to come.


Again, I jumped, but not as much. I kept my ass tight to lighten the pain at least a little.

Earl stopped, "Justin, relax your ass. It's got to shake when I slap it."

"Earl, I'm trying, but."

"No talking, relax your ass, it's for your own good Justin, you know I'm right?"

I didn't answer.

"Well, am I right, answer me, you little cunt."

With a bit of fear, I answered, "yes sir, you're right."

I didn't have much time to linger on what had just happened. Earl began whooping me in earnest. I struggled against the assault, but his hold was secure, and I couldn't get my ass out of the way. I kept yelling "ouch, ouch, damn, Sam tell him to stop, please," but the hand kept coming down on my backside. First on one cheek, then on the other. This went on for almost a minute, although it felt like an hour. I was exhausted, with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe I'm getting an old-time whooping.

After that first minute the sting was still there, but the sensation changed. I could hear Earl's hand hit my bottom, and I could feel it, but it wasn't that painful. In fact, it was becoming comforting. I calmed down at this new feeling and had no problem relaxing my ass. I lay there jumping with every smack, but strangely enjoying it; it felt good. Even stranger, I was telling myself, 'I deserve this, I needed this whooping, I'm grateful he is taking time to do it.' Being punished so intimately was building a bond between Earl and me; he cared enough to do this.

My complaining stopped and I only let out a quiet 'oh' each time his hand met my ass. The pleasure was growing as the spanking kept up. Earl noticed.

"Now that's better, you understand me now, don't ya boy."

I gurgled out, "yes, yes Earl, I do."

Earl was still spanking me when he said, "I guess you learned your place, would you like me to stop?"

It was an unbelievable feeling filling my groin, my ass felt warm and attended too, my whole body was getting involved with the feeling as it spread to my balls, forcing blood into my already hard cock. I was starting to shake and moan at the continuing punishment. This was new and turning me on, what pleasure. The whole picture was hot as hell. I lay naked across this guy's lap, and he was slapping the shit out of my ass. I was certain that, if he kept it up, I would cum all over him.

"Well, boy, do you want me to stop?"

"If you have too," I meekly replied.

Earl let out a loud laugh and said, "If you ask me nice, I might give you a few more." But he stopped.

Earl looked at Sam, who was watching totally amused by the whole thing. "See Sam, these boys like to submit. These are the things that they crave, and it turns them on, right boy?"

"Yes Earl, I guess," came out of me.

"Your ass is glowing; bet you can feel it. As long as this beating made an impression you."

"Yes, thank you Earl, I didn't realize what I needed."

Earl turned to Sam again and ask, "do you have any lotion?"

Sam came over to the bed with a tube of hand cream, "will this do?"

Earl took the cream, put a good amount in his hand and softly spread it over my red ass. I could feel that and some of the pain returned. He was gentle though, and I settle down, calmed by the continuing massage. After a minute I could feel his fingers working deeper between my cheeks, lower and closer to my opening. When he reached my asshole, he slid his finger in with one swift push. I arched at the invasion, but soon relaxed again.

I couldn't prevent my asshole from flexing around his finger. I knew he could feel it.

"Sam, your girl here has a tight, twitchy asshole. It must have felt good burying your cock in there"

"I know, kept telling you that, remember?"

"Well, you were right."

Turning his attention to me, he said, "can you get up now, can you stand up?"

"Yes, I think so," I replied.

I started to lift myself up, but Earl's finger was still in my ass. I look at him quizzically, but his smile told me it wasn't coming out. I stood up keeping my ass pointed at Earl and waited.

Earl turned to Sam again and ask, "What's next Sam, do we fuck or what. We shouldn't let him cool off too much."

This guy made Sam look like a choir boy, what the hell was I in for.

I heard Sam say, "The first thing we have to do is undress, ain't doing anything with all this clothes on."

Earl took his finger out of me and stood up. Both men started to strip as I stood and watched. It was different from the last time when Sam wouldn't let me look at his cock.

I had moved away to give Earl room to disrobe. Quickly they were down to their shorts ramping up my excitement at seeing them naked, cocks to the ready. Sam's shorts came off first and I saw the cock that I remembered from seven days ago. I turned to watch Earl strip off the last bit of clothes. Even though he had his shorts on, I could see he had an erection, however, when he pulled them down, I was shocked to see a dick of some substance. Earl was big. I couldn't estimate it size, but it was long, and the head was bulbus.

Earl took hold of his hard cock and walked over to me.

"Here it is boy, how do you like it?"

"It's nice." I replied.

"What do you like about it?" What was he asking all these stupid questions, what should I answer?

"I don't know, it's a nice cock, really."

"That's all? Come on take a hold of it, look it over."

I took over holding his cock, looked down and tried to figure out what to say.

"You have to get closer, get down on your knees."

I went down on my knees while still holding his cock. I looked up at Earl.

"Go ahead, get that cock in your mouth and suck it."

I turned and glanced over to where Sam was still sitting. Why was he letting his friend use me, while he sat and watched? Going by the grin on his face, he was getting off on sharing me. His expression didn't change as I ask with my eyes, why. He got the message and got up and came over to where I was kneeling. Instead of helping me stand, he knelt next to me and put his hand on my back.

"Go ahead Justin, that's a tasty cock in front of you. I'll be here watching."

I looked at Sam as if to ask if it was OK for me to suck his cock. As if to assure me, Sam's hand moved down my back, slipped between my ass cheeks. His fingers found my asshole and lingered there for a moment. I had so much lotion on me, there would be no problem taking his finger in me. The look I gave him, encouraged him and, at least two fingers entered me, making me close my eyes, as I flushed with pleasure.

With Sam's approval, I turned to face Earl's cock. His penis loomed close to my face, and I marveled at just how big his cock head was. I rubbed it against my lips before opening my mouth, letting it in. It filled my mouth and I had trouble moving my tongue around it, as I had done when giving Sam a blowjob.

Earl didn't waste time and took hold of my head, using me like some sex toy he purchased online, pushed my head into his cock. I looked up at him and he watched as my eyes went wide with alarm. I was distressed with tears in my eyes. His cock was long and each time he pushed my head down on it, that bulbus head would completely block my throat and my ability to breathe. Once or twice, he held my head down on his cock, grinning as I gagged and struggled to catch a breath.

"Go easy on the boy, Earl," Sam finally spoke up.

"Sam, I thought you were a hard ass. Do you have a soft spot for Mr. Justin here?"

"I want to keep him around, he's the best. I don't want him hurt."

"You know Sam, you really need to understand Justin here and his kind. He might not like pain, he might not like a forced blowjob, but in the end, he wants it."

I was listening to this exchange and wondering if Earl was right. Would I like to get his cock out of my mouth?

Yes, it wasn't easy to manage, but I loved his cock.

Did I want Sam to stop finger fucking me? No, I didn't.

While working this through my mind, Earl pushed my head back, at which time I took a deep breath.

"Now that's a cock isn't it, Justin?"

I must have looked a sight when looking up at Earl. "Yes, it's big," I blurted out.

"Well, if he can't take my cock in his mouth, it's time to see how it fits in that ass of his," Earl finally said.

"That's a better idea," Sam said, "the mattress would be a better place to find out."

Sam kept his fingers in me as his other hand took hold of my arm and lifted me up. We walked over to the mattress, where he fucked me before. As we all stood on the mat, Sam removed his fingers and positioned the pillow in the same way he had last time.

"You know the drill, lay over the pillow," Sam said.

I looked over at Sam. I wanted to tell him I was concerned having that huge cock shoved up my ass. He just nodded at me and looked down on the pillow. He had no problem watching Earl's cock stretch my asshole out. Resigned, I laid over the pillow.

Earl moved behind me holding a tube of lubricant and knelt between my spread legs. As he was lubing me up, Sam came around the front and sat down in front of me, spreading his legs and moving towards me until his cock was in my face.

"You know what to do," was all Sam said.

I paid more attention to Sam's cock and started giving him a slow blowjob. I savored his cock, enjoying the feeling of it as it passed in and out of my mouth. I had forgotten about Earl, well maybe not entirely. He was spreading my leg further apart, while pushing them up under me. That kept lifting my ass up in a crouched position. Sam was moaning but now I was focused on what was going on behind me.

Earl's finger penetrated me several time working the lube in, but soon I felt my asshole resisting a much bigger intruder.

What should I expect from Earl? I was a piece of meat. He just kept pushing against me forcing his cock in me. No waiting, no concern, just a fuck hole. The pain was unbearable, I pulled away from it, but he had hold of my hips and held me in place. I started yelling 'ouch, ouch, stop,' all the time with Sam's cock in my mouth.