The Silver Anklet Ch. 08


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Her movements became increasingly frantic and her moaning noises increasingly louder, especially when I was describing particularly outrageous incidents. It was when I was recounting my recent naked romp through the hotel that seemed to push her over the edge and she came noisily, her legs thrashing as if she had no control over them. I guess it took a full four or five minutes before she settled down, and I temporarily stopped talking until she had finished.

'Sounds like you've been having quite a busy summer young lady,' she finally said, still breathless from her evidently powerful orgasm. She turned my head gently in her hands and looked into my eyes, smiling at my obvious embarrassment.

'I can't seem to be able to control myself,' I whispered, 'when people pay me attention. When they get that hungry look in their eyes when they look at me. Lust I suppose you would call it. Turns me on.'

'So it seems. And particularly when it's...err..seniors, shall we say.'

'Umm...yes. It's sort of extra naughty somehow. I can't explain.' I mumbled in reply.

Christine laughed. 'I suppose I can count myself lucky then! So, this all started with that fat old man I saw you with at the hotel. This uncle of yours that isn't really your uncle?'

'Uncle Ron. Yes.'

'What on earth made you go with him? He looked like a dirty old perv to me.'

'I know how it must look. He's the total opposite of my husband. He's ugly, overweight and old enough to be my granddad. He doesn't even have a redeeming personality to make up for it. He's arrogant, uncouth and domineering. Why on earth my parents were friends with him for all those years is a mystery but I think they were more friendly with his wife who died when I was little. I know it sounds weird, but he kind of makes me go weak at the knees when I'm with him. When he gives me those know. I just can't stop myself letting him do want he wants with me. And that sort of sparked off something within me that I can't control.'

Christine cupped my head in her hands and studied me with a look of concern on her face. ''Oh my goodness. You really need to be careful my darling. What you're doing is terribly risky. You're an intelligent girl, you must realise that. You could catch something nasty; you could lose your husband or you're job. Or even all three. You're really treading on thin ice you know.'

'I know, I know. But...'

'Don't tell me, I'm guessing that makes it more exciting for you, right?'

I couldn't meet her eyes and just nodded in agreement without speaking.

'Wow. You're quite something aren't you? What about birth control? I hope you're being careful!'

As soon as she said that, I couldn't stop myself bursting into tears again as reality hit me like an express train.

'Oh no, you're not...?'

Still sobbing, I nodded slowly. 'I think I might be. I'm a few days late but that sometimes happens, although not quite as late as this time. Oh God, if I am I don't know how it could have happened. I think I might have got in a muddle with my pills.'

'You silly, silly girl. Sounds like your mind has been elsewhere these last few weeks since you got involved with this Uncle Ron of yours.'

'I don't think he'll be very happy if he finds out he's going to be a daddy,' I replied, which led me to a further bout of racking sobs.

Christine held me close until I had calmed down a bit, then released my hands, got up and passed me a box of tissues.

'Here, wipe your eyes. Even if you are pregnant, and you might not be, you obviously don't have to go through with it.'

'Oh, I couldn't do that. I just couldn't.' I replied. The thought of having a termination filled me with horror. I had always wanted to have a baby and I felt that I might not get another opportunity as I had this crazy notion that I might somehow be punished if I ended a baby's life before it had even begun.

'Look, tomorrow we'll find a pharmacy and get one of those pregnancy test things. You might not have anything to worry about so the problem won't arise.'

A wave of gratitude towards this sympathetic woman came over me and I reached out and hugged her tightly.

'Thank you! Thank you so much! You don't really know me yet you're being so kind.'

Christine gave a little laugh. 'I wish I was as kind as you think I am at the moment, but all I can think about at the moment is going down between those gorgeous legs of yours and licking that sweet little wet cunt.'

'Oh!' I exclaimed, taken by surprise by her sudden change of tone. She was also looking at me differently. Her kind, concerned expression had suddenly changed to a look that I had recently become familiar with. A look which normally led to one thing, and I trembled with a mixture of fear and excitement in anticipation of what I was about to experience.

I didn't have to wait long. Christine suddenly pounced on me again and crushed her lips against mine, forcing them open with her probing tongue, while clawing at my catsuit with both her hands. I remember feeling sad that the pretty, sexy garment was being ripped apart in the older woman's frenzy to feel my body. I managed to wriggle free for a moment.

'Let me see you....please,' I said breathlessly as I managed to wriggle free from her clutches, eager to re-acquaint myself with her voluptuous mature body. I stared unashamedly at her large, heavy breasts that fell halfway to her navel, and their large dark brown areola. Her nipples were clearly stiff and erect and I was longing to take them in my mouth and suckle like a new-born baby.

She now wore just her glossy black stockings and bent down to peel them off.

'No. Leave them on.'

'Oooh! Kinky little girl aren't you. I like it.'

I could sense she was about to pounce on me again, but I held up my hand to stop her.

'Let me look at you. Just for a moment. Please!'

Christine smiled, then twirled around slowly as I studied her, my hand clasped against my soaking pussy. She was certainly a fine figure of a woman -- tall and elegant. Her body had lost some of its youthful firmness, which was only to be expected in a fify year old woman, with her sagging boobs and slight creases of fat around her tummy but this, for me, only added to her attractiveness.

She stared at me with a slight, rather mocking, smirk on her face, and those piercing, almost cruel, pale blue eyes sent shivers down my spine. She moved forward and held my head in her hands and her icy, intense stare seemed to penetrate right through me.

''I want you to listen to me carefully Lucy. I'm going to fuck you hard until you can hardly stand and I want you to do anything I say and let me do anything I want to you, even if I get a bit rough at times. I guess Tracey has told you how bossy I can be.'

I nodded with a sense of trepidation, knowing what Tracey had told me about Christine's fetishes.

'You're a very pretty young girl and you look so innocent. But, as the saying goes, you can't tell a book by its cover because from what you've told me it seems you're basically a little nympho who will do nothing to stop me having my evil way with you. Am I right?'

Again I nodded without speaking, making her laugh at my immediate acceptance of her rather disparaging statement. I looked up at her and gave her my best, doe-eyed, innocent face.

'I'm yours. You can do what you like with me,' I said in my sweetest voice, and Christine took a deep intake of breath, as if she couldn't quite believe what I had just said. She didn't need any further encouragement. She grabbed both my ankles and pushed my legs back over my head and spread them wide apart. She pushed me back still further until I was just resting on my shoulders. My pussy lips parted with the movement totally exposing my most intimate parts and making me feel extremely vulnerable to whatever this older woman had in mind.

'You are so, so wet my darling. You really must want me. Tell me.'

'Yes, yes! I want you. Please!' I screamed.

Her head bobbed down and it was like an electric shock pulsing through me as Christine's tongue again expertly honed in on my throbbing clit and she began lapping like a thirsty dog in a bowl of water, sending me once more into raptures of delight. The sensations I was experiencing from the experienced tongue of the older woman were nothing short of sensational and were almost painful in their intensity. I was soon wailing and moaning incoherently while Christine tried her best to restrain my writhing, contorting body. In a matter of just a few minutes the sensations culminated in probably the most powerful and prolonged orgasm I had hitherto experienced, and I screamed so loudly that Christine lurched away from me with a look of shock and disbelief on her face.

Wow, Lucy! Oh don't waste any time do you!'


'No need to apologise you beautiful little thing. I take it as a compliment. Guess you like my tongue eh?'

I nodded without speaking, still breathless from my wonderful orgasm.

'You're so naughty. Perhaps you should try to pace yourself. I don't want you burning out too soon.'

I sensed the slight admonishment in her words and sought to allay her fears.

'I'm so sorry. Please don't be cross with me. I told you before that I can't seem to be able to control myself.' Then, remembering her proclivities, a thought suddenly entered my head. I looked up at her with a wide-eyed, frightened look. 'Do you think I need to be punished?'

Christine burst out laughing. 'Ah...I think my friend Tracey has been talking about me behind my back.'

She got up and sat on the edge of the bed. 'Right young lady, over here. Now!' She said sternly, beckoning me with her finger. I lifted myself off the bed and tiptoed slowly over to where she was sitting. I stood silently waiting apprehensively, my legs trembling slightly.

'I think you know what to do.'

I bent down over her stocking-clad thighs, with my toes just touching the floor. Christine ripped the fishnet material covering my bottom exposing bare flesh.

'Such a pretty little bum,' I heard her mumble to herself. She gently stroked my skin with the palm of her hand making me shiver. I was being lulled into a false sense of relaxation and security by her tender caresses and I guess should have been more prepared for what came next. Without warning, Christine suddenly launched into a series of stinging blows on my bare bottom with the palm of my hand, making me scream out loud both from the surprise and the pain. The sudden and unexpected transformation from the gentle, affectionate woman she had seemed up to that point into a hard, forceful dominatrix took me by surprise and I was a little frightened.

'Bad, bad, gorgeous girl! Mummy needs to punish you!' She screamed as the blows landed.

My bottom was stinging and I tried to wriggle free, but Christine held me down with a firm hand on my back and, to be perfectly honest, I did not make much of an effort to extract myself as her punishment began to turn me on....massively. As tears rolled down my cheeks, rather than pulling away, I found myself grinding my hips against her so that my clit was rubbing against her stockinged thighs. This made Christine chuckle.

' Aha! I just knew you would like this. You're my dream girl and I want you to stay forever!'

She stopped smacking and turned again into her kind, gentle persona as she gently stroked the hair at the back of my head whilst my hips continued to hump her legs until I felt an orgasm beginning to build yet again in my body making me hump ever more frantically, my movement being accompanied by the familiar tinkling sound of the little bells on my anklet. Finally, emitting a loud scream of sheer ecstasy, I climaxed. My body bumped wildly against Christine's thighs as the orgasm overwhelmed me. Finally, my energy spent, I slithered to the floor and wrapped my arms tightly round her calves while my face gently rested against her outstretched thighs. My emotions were completely mixed-up and contradictory. I was on the one hand exhilarated and drowsy with sexual satisfaction, and on the other, disgusted with myself for my weakness in yet again letting my physical needs and submissiveness override everything else.

The whole scenario of today, and indeed the last few weeks since my ill-fated meeting with Uncle Ron, suddenly overwhelmed me. To cap it all, I now had the additional worry that I may have a new life forming inside my womb with all the consequences that would bring, and I began weeping uncontrollably.

Clearly taken aback, and with a concerned look on her face, Christine held me close. 'I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you? ' she blurted out, looking into my eyes with my head gently cradled in her hands.

''s not that,' I mumbled, between rasping sobs. 'You're right, I am a slut. But I can't stop myself... and now my marriage is over....and I'll probably lose my job....and my mum probably won't talk to me... and now I might be pregnant by a man who is old enough to be my grandfather!' I was convinced that Uncle Ron had impregnated me because, although Ted had come inside me at the hotel, this was much too recent for him to be the father.

'Look, let's wait to see how the test turns out tomorrow but whatever happens I'm sure everything will be all right in the end.' I was comforted by her words which were delivered with a calm authority.

'Do you think so? Really?'

'Yes, I really do. And you need to know that, if the worst comes to the worst, there will always be a place for you in my home for as long as you want to stay, baby or no baby. You are the most beautiful and sexy young thing and I would love you forever despite all your little....err...weaknesses shall we call them.'

'Oh! Would you really do that? You don't know how much that means to me.Thank you so much! I would do anything you wanted me to and you wouldn't regret it!'

Christine laughed as she hugged me close. 'Well, that's settled then, so there's no more need for tears sweetheart.'

With that, I smothered her face with kisses, then forced her mouth open with my tongue and kissed her deeply as I held her in a tight embrace, our tongues flicking and sliding together until I heard stifled groans emanating from her throat. She managed to free herself and held my head in her hands.

'You just lay back young lady and let me do the work. I think you prefer that anyway, don't you? I know I do, which kind of makes us a perfect combination don't you think?' I nodded in agreement and lay back on the bed in compliance with her wishes. She slowly removed the tattered remains of my catsuit and made me lay face down on the bed. She then proceeded to cover my whole body with tender licks and kisses, expertly seeking out areas of my body that she clearly knew would be particularly sensitive: the soles of my feet, sucking each of my toes and licking between them, the back of my knees, the soft skin of my inner thighs, the puckered ring of skin protecting my anus, my armpits, the back of my neck and inside my ears. I could feel the sensuous touch of her stockinged legs and the gentle brush of her hardened nipples against me as she slid up and down devouring my body. Every nerve-ending in my body seemed to react simultaneously and I could not prevent myself from crying out in ecstasy at the wonderful sensations that coursed through my body. I grabbed one of Christine's hands and desperately tried to pull it between my legs but she shook me off forcefully.

'You need to wait sweetheart, we have all weekend remember.'

My thoughts went back to the massages she had given me previously at the hotel and at her house and the way she had teased me and deliberately prolonged making me come until I was frantic wipth frustrated desire. But I also remembered how this culminated in the most mind-blowing orgasm and I forced myself to keep my hands still while my dominant masseuse continued her administrations.

The woman was insatiable and her stamina remarkable for a fifty year old. She was all over me and pulled me onto my front then onto my back again as she caressed my yielding body and my screams and moans seemed to spur her on. To my delight she finally concentrated on my drenched pussy. She pushed two fingers into me and immediately found my g-spot making me gasp and cry out. Her head descended between my now wide open and vertical legs and her warm tongue began flicking my hardened clit causing me to cry out again. She brought me to the edge of orgasm countless times until I couldn't bear it any longer and I frantically grabbed the back of her head and pushed it forcibly in my crotch and held it there.

'Please...please...let me come!' I whimpered desperately. My whole body was tingling with sensation as Christine's tongue continued to flick my clit. And happened. The sensations I was experiencing suddenly exploded and my whole body was racked with the most sensational and indescribable feeling of sheer pleasure and the muscles in my abdomen began to convulse uncontrollably while my legs took on a life of their own, shaking and trembling wildly.

Christine stood back and watched my writhes and contortions. I let out wild cries of abandon but managed to look her in the eye and she seemed quite taken aback by her achievements as my whole body seemed to orgasm as one complete entity. Her mouth gaped open in wonder and we continued to stare at each other as my spasms gradually subsided and my cries reduced to little whimpers.

My muscles finally relaxed and I lay still as Christine held me close and whispered in my ear.

''You sweet, sweet, sexy little thing. You are absolutely amazing and beautiful. I want you to be mine and stay with me forever. Please, please, say you will. You can have anything you want and do anything you want. Please! 'She pleaded.

After what had just happened, at that moment I couldn't think of anything I'd rather do and, still breathless, I just nodded slowly in agreement. Christine whooped with joy at my response and began smothering my whole body with kisses. I laid back, closed my eyes and wallowed in the sensations. Inevitably, her head moved down and I dutifully spread my legs wide and raised them in the air with my hands supporting my calves, allowing her full access to my still dripping pussy.

Christine giggled at my blatant demonstration of what I wanted and buried her head between my legs. Her expert tongue immediately found my swollen and over-sensitive clit and it wasn't long before I was engulfed by another orgasm, not quite as powerful as the previous one but no less fulfilling. The room was once again filled with my screams of sheer ecstasy and Christine again gazed intently at me as my body thrashed and twitched on the bed.

Eventually my body relaxed and the emotion of the occasion again made me weep uncontrollably.

Christine held me close as I continued to sob between large intakes of breath. 'Shhh, shhh darling girl. Everything's fine. I'm here and you don't need to worry about anything, I will take care of you for as long as you want,' she whispered soothingly as she lovingly stroked my hair. I nestled back into in the warm comforting folds of her body and almost immediately fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


My sweet, beautiful daughter is now ten years old. As you can gather, the pregnancy test was positive and, supported by Christine, I had no doubts about going through with the pregnancy and having the baby regardless of the consequences for my marriage.

When Michael returned from his business trip, I was completely honest with him and told him the full unvarnished truth about how I had behaved while he was away and how he deserved someone better than me. He was naturally devastated and his response veered between throwing deserved insults at me and pleading with me not to leave him. However, the revelation about my pregnancy was, for him, the final straw that ended our marriage.