The Silver Guardian Bk. 02 Ch. 06


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Dante returned to stand next to Lily as she now addressed the room. "Thank you all for your patience. I'm sorry we had to do this, but it was necessary for our kind's future and for the success of our War. Your Alphas have arranged for you a great feast. Please take this time to eat, relax and be at peace."

Atzi took control at that point and led her Pack to the Great Hall. Itzli and Chimalli joined Dante and Lily along with their associates, and they made their way to the elevator to descend into the basement and begin the interrogation.


In a scene that was becoming far too familiar to Dante lately, he wiped down his hands with a rag as he made his way into a meeting room after he'd finished with the two Omega men and the one Beta woman. He opened the door and sat down in a chair as everyone who'd taken part in the brutal interrogations also seated themselves and waited for him to speak.

"Luna, is that unpleasant work and something I truly hate, but it had to be done, and we got the information we needed."

Dante let his head hang back and let out a deep sigh as Lily came and sat on his lap and comforted him.

"I know baby, but we were all involved in it, and we all heard of their treachery directly from their own mouths. They were taking their directions from Jesús Flores, the head of the drug cartel in this area, which by proxy meant they were taking directions from Viktor, since he holds the ultimate reins on these gangs. We learned exactly what we needed to know, and now we can build a plan to remove them from our world. Between the information we got here, and the data William was able to hack from their surveillance devices, we now know what needs to be done and how to do it."

Itzli leaned forward to speak to Dante.

"Lord Dante..."

Dante waived his hand and politely cut him off.

"Just call me Dante in private Itzli, if you please. I know I serve as Alpha King of our kind, but in private I try to be a simple and down to earth man. I understand that in public decorum must be upheld, but in private I hope we can be friends and converse as equals."

Itzli smiled genuinely at that before he spoke again.

"Dante, thank you for that. This betrayal in my own Pack angers me to the depths of my being. I've worked against that drug cartel since it first came into existence in our ancient city, and my Pack knows my harsh feelings on the matter. For members of my own Pack to have done this is an affront I cannot let go of. Now that we've gotten the information we need, I'd value it if the final strike to execute those poor excuses for wolves could come from myself and my Lead Beta Chimalli. I don't wish to dirty your hands any further, and I feel a desperate need to take responsibility and to handle this personally. Would you kindly allow me that privilege?"

Dante nodded and smiled tiredly, as did Lily.

"Yes Itzli, that's fine. I've killed a lot of men already, and there'll be many more as time goes on. It's my duty and my burden and while I don't shy away from it, I don't relish it either. There'll be an ocean of blood upon my and my mate's hands by the time this is all over, but each death weighs on our soul. I'm fine with letting these three be handled by you and yours instead, and I appreciate your taking that burden upon yourself. Lily and I are going to clean up, and we and the rest of us will go grab some food from whatever is left over from the feast before we retire for the night. Tomorrow late in the morning after we've had a chance to sleep and recharge, we can meet and begin to plan what to do with the intel we've garnered."

Itzli and Chimalli smiled as they shook Dante and Lily's hands and left the room. Everyone else stood up and headed for the elevator to head back up and to eat and sleep, since it was well past midnight.


Dante and Lily awakened late the next morning in each other's arms. It seemed to Dante his mate was growing before his very eyes. She was only about six weeks away from giving birth to their son and daughter, and he held her close to him, thanking Luna once again for bringing them together in the first place, and more recently for bringing her back to him with a downright miracle. He also made a silent decision about what to do once this business in Mexico was finished, but he decided to speak with Lily about that later once things were calmed down.

They got out of bed and took a long, hot shower before dressing comfortably for the humid heat that was all around them outside. They were in the Tropics after all, so they shouldn't be surprised it was hot. Dante was in a black muscle shirt with tan cargo pants and low-rise black combat boots, while Lily had on a white flowing sundress that was comfortable for her in her heavily gravid state, and comfortable sandals.

When they opened their door they were greeted by Astrid and Freydis, who'd rotated shifts with the other Hellhounds to guard them as they slept. There was no chance they'd leave their King and Queen without protection while they were down here with the drug cartel still active. It was highly unlikely anyone could get to them through the Pack's security, but Astrid was taking no chances.

"Good morning my King and Queen; I hope you're both well rested. Yesterday was a long day for us all, but for no one more than you two."

Lily smiled at her friend and hugged her and Freydis.

"Yes, both Dante and I are feeling much better, thank you. Let's head down to the kitchen and get a bite to eat before we meet with Itzli and Atzi. There's much to discuss, but I think we also need to build some bridges with the Pack and help them to relax. There wasn't a wolf in attendance yesterday who didn't know how angry Dante and I were, and we don't want to continue frightening them. I think there's a call for doing something fun, to show them we can just be regular Lycans when we have a chance."

Astrid and Freydis looked at each other and smiled before Astrid spoke.

"I think that's an excellent idea, my Queen. We've both discussed it with everyone else; we were concerned about how the Aztec Pack may view you in light of the unique powers you've both needed to display because of the recent horrendous events. Initiating something they can have fun and relax with, something that makes you seem more human and less daunting would be a splendid idea."

Dante smiled at his mate, constantly impressed by how perceptive their Lead Hellhound was, before he took her hand and the four of them headed toward the kitchen.

After filling up with a delicious huevos rancheros breakfast, they took the elevator to the upper floors where the Alphas' office was. To be polite, they knocked before being ushered in, with Dante and Lily sitting in the plush leather chairs set out for them in front of the large desk, and their Fenrir Pack members sitting on comfortable plush leather couches.

Their hosts smiled warmly at their new friends and allies as they bid them a cordial Buenos días. Itzli addressed them respectfully to begin the conversation.

"Where would you like to start, mis amigos? There is much to discuss as we plan how to deal with the cartel."

Lily replied, "Yes Itzli, you're absolutely right. But before we get into that, I wish to touch on something regarding your Pack. After yesterday's events at the airport, as well as Dante's anger and displays of power, we feel that the wolves in your Pack may be viewing us with caution, if not outright fear. They may perceive a need to treat us with unnecessary degrees of respect or to maintain a safe distance from us whenever possible. We'd like to mend some bridges and to build some goodwill with them, as we don't want to be feared by our allies. To be respected and obeyed yes, but not because of fear or intimidation. We don't wish to be leaders cut from the same cloth as Viktor: that path leads to ruin.

"So we'd like to do something to show everyone they're welcome to relate to us, and to invite them to see us in a positive light while letting their hair down and having some fun. Dante is a talented singer and musician, and I think a small concert in the Great Hall with your Pack in attendance might be just the ticket. What do you think?"

The Aztec Alpha Pair had been leaning forward in their chairs, and their eyes lit up at the suggestion. They thought it was a wonderful idea, and they both looked forward to hearing their Alpha King perform for their Pack. Atzi responded enthusiastically.

"That's brilliant; we'd love that! The Pack will be ecstatic, and we think it will be just the thing to calm everyone down, to mend some fences and let them have some fun. And Dante, we have a few talented músicos in our Pack I can introduce you to. When would you like to do this?"

"I think we should spend the day making some plans for our approach with the cartel, then right afterwards Atzi, you can introduce me to your... how did you say it, músicos? Then tonight after everyone is well fed, we can stage the concert. If that isn't too soon?"

Itzli checked in with his mate then nodded his head in agreement.

"That should work out just fine. I'll have some wolves set up a small stage with the required equipment and lights and we can temporarily wire the hall with speakers for some sonido fabuloso... some great sound. I'll get a few wolves started on that right away." He paused for half a minute, obviously instructing someone through his Pack Bond.

Dante smiled. He was pleased Lily's idea was so well received.

They spent the rest of the day, including through a working lunch, poring over the data they'd collected. They identified their key targets, their locations and their targets' capabilities, and began to construct an operation that would address everything. Just as with their tactics in Philadelphia and Quebec, they wanted to hit each location unexpectedly and with overwhelming force, and to both start and finish everything within the space of a single night to eliminate the possibility of their opposition's scrambling to achieve any defenses beyond what they already had in place. Their offensive would take several more hours of planning and just as before, they felt the need to invest some intensive time in training with the sizeable portion of the Pack that would take part in this operation; but that training could happen over the next week; planning was first.

By early evening, it was time for Dante to begin getting ready for his performance, so he and Lily, along with Astrid, William and Freydis, went down to the Great Hall for them to check out any details missing from the preparations and for him to accompany Atzi to meet the Pack músicos who'd be accompanying him. He discussed with them the various musical styles he wanted to use, and he was happy to discover they were on board with everything he wanted to do. Dinner, consisting of steaming hot, delicious enchiladas were brought out to them and they quickly scarfed them down (Dante passing on the queso so it wouldn't coat his vocal cords) before Dante resumed his last-minute rehearsal with actual music being played this time. Hilde and Bryn had been resting since they'd taken the lion's share of the previous night's guard duty, and would come on duty while Astrid, William and Freydis relaxed and enjoyed the concert. Thankfully they would all get to enjoy the concert, but Hilde and Bryn would be on alert throughout, and remain by Lily's side during its entirety.

An hour later the Pack was gathered in the Great Hall, the lights were dimmed, and the stage was illuminated. Dante walked out with his guitar in hand, approached the mic and plugged in his electric guitar.

"Buenas tardes, la Manada Azteca. We wanted to have a little fun tonight while we all enjoy a little concert. I mostly play country and rock, and I have a talented conjunto backing me up tonight... I think you'll recognize their faces. I hope you all enjoy it, and we can all enjoy some drinks and have fun tonight. So," (in a much louder voice) "let's get this show on the road!"

The opening lines for Luke Combs' 'She Got the Best of Me' began before Dante's deep, rich voice sounded through the speakers.

... She got the best of me

Broke my heart

Now all that's left of me

Is beating in this guitar

Every night a different town

She follows me around

So you get what's left of me

You get what's left of me

Because she got the best of me...

As the song finished, a loud cheer thundered from the Pack; the song was a big hit. Dante and the band segued into Kane Brown's 'Lose It', and the guitar sang out as Dante played, looking into the eyes of his mate sitting in the front row and singing his heart out to her.

After that, the mood changed as they began playing the Brothers Osborn's 'Stay A Little Longer', which was a smashing success. From there they changed it up again as Dante sang a soulful rendition of the Eagles' 'Hotel California' that struck a chord with everyone there. They then launched into another Eagles classic: 'New York Minute'.

The concert lasted for over an hour, as country and rock songs were played one after the other. The program was loved and appreciated by all in attendance. By the end of it, Dante was covered in sweat from his efforts, and from the hot stage lights. He and the band wrapped up and bowed to the crowd before they left the stage, with Lily waiting for him. She rushed up to him and clung to him tightly, kissing him deeply and passionately, clearly worked up by the power (and not divinely assisted power this time) of the concert.

"That was just incredible, my love, you're so talented! I loved your singing and playing, it was outstanding! Now take me back upstairs and make love to me Dante; I need you, and it's time for us to retire."

Dante smiled at his needy mate, excited to take her up on her demand. They hurried upstairs and locked themselves in their suite and Dante took his pleasure with his sexy mate several times over a couple of hours before they finally fell asleep, Lily as always, cuddling in her favorite spot on his shoulder.


The next few days were spent either training with the Pack, or with the planning committee (consisting of the Royals, Itzli, Atzi, Chimalli, Astrid and William), refining their plans to annihilate the local drug cartel. Within four days everything was ready, and they scheduled an all-participants briefing for that evening. Participants were to be the Royal retinue plus fifty wolves of the Aztec Pack plus their two Alphas. There was to be one primary operation in the warehouse district of the city plus two splinter operations. All three would be completed in a single night. The irony wasn't missed that they were about to neutralize the capabilities and resources of the entire cartel, utilizing the same number of locals... fifty... that the cartel had invested and lost to a wolf in their suicidal attempt to assassinate Lily and Dante.

Once the evening had arrived and dinner was finished, the team met in a medium-sized assembly room on one of the lower floors of the Pack building and waited for the briefing to begin. Dante and Itzli co-chaired the meeting, and Itzli deferred to Dante to begin. Dante nodded to William, who clicked a few strokes on his keyboard before five faces were projected onto several screens around the room. Dante spoke.

"Welcome, everyone. This evening we'll go over the operation that begins tomorrow night at nine pm sharp. The four men and a woman displayed on the screens are our primary targets. Two of them are long-time associates of Viktor Petrov he's sent here to help run his drug operations here in Mexico City. Their names are Anatoly Krosch and Vasily Krosch, and they're brothers who have a long association with Viktor. Just like the other kingpins of his we've encountered, they're complete monsters. I won't go into details unless anyone wants to ask me about them afterwards in private; but if you do, I suggest you bring along a barf bag."

The likenesses of the two Russian men were highlighted in red by William from his computer.

"These two are expected to be at the main warehouse we'll be hitting, along with this next man, Jesús Flores. He's the patrón of the drug cartel in the city and is Viktor's direct representative. This warehouse mainly processes cocaine and heroin, which they transport to numerous distribution centers in the United States. These three wolves are our primary targets. Here's a likeness of Jesús."

A fat and greasy Spanish man was highlighted in red on all the screens.

"There are two smaller splinter operations. This woman, María Sanchez, works for Jesús Flores out of a nightclub called La Luna Azul, and she's in charge of the marijuana arm of this cartel, which also consists of processing and distributing the product to the U.S."

A beautiful but cold woman was highlighted in red on the screens, plus additional pictures showing the front of the club and a map showing where it was located in the city.

"Lastly, we have Pancho Villalobos, who works out of a smaller warehouse adjacent to the main one. He takes direction from María and is her right-hand man in the marijuana ring."

The small and vicious-looking, heavily tattooed man was highlighted on the screens.

"All five of these individuals are our primary targets for capture. They must be taken alive, not necessarily unharmed, but they must be in a state where they can be interrogated before their termination. We want to learn everything we can about their network, their suppliers, and any hitherto unknown key players, either for Viktor of within the local region. Tomorrow night we'll be destroying these three locations and any associates of theirs present. Once that mission is completed, there will remain a large number of their outlying associates, both in Mexico and the U.S., and your Pack will play a central role during the next several months in chasing down all these loose ends. Once this long-term operation is complete, you should find far less of these lesions in your ancient city, although organized crime and government corruption in Mexico being what they are, we can't expect perfect results."

At that, Itzli stepped forward to address the next section of the briefing.

"My Pack will be split into two forces. A small force of ten wolves will focus on the secondary warehouse, taking out that facility and taking Pancho into custody. You will be provided with electronics support by Doña Alfa Atzi and Beta William from the Order of Fenrir. They will jam all communications in the immediate area so nothing electronic will get in or out. We'll have adequate transport available to you for evacuating all drugs, computers, electronic storage devices and of course bodies, before we destroy the building and its remaining contents."

Maps, pictures and intel appeared on all the screens, and printed dossiers were distributed to the ten wolves who'd be handling that part of the operation.

"The bulk of our force will focus on our assault on the main production and distribution warehouse. Flores and the Krosch brothers should be inside the warehouse at the time of our assault, and we'll incapacitate them before we take them into custody. We estimate around a hundred people will be at the facility, sixty percent of them soldiers and the rest workers. Everyone is to be terminated; this is a cleansing operation, so nobody is to be left alive. With our own forces will be Dante and a few of his Hellhounds, plus Chimalli and myself. Dante, with his experience and abilities, will be the initial leader on the ground, but once he enters his War God state, he'll be unable to communicate with anyone, so operations leadership will transfer to Lily, who'll be secured in a mobile command HQ near the area and protected by Astrid and Bryn, assisted by Atzi and several Betas from our Pack."
