The Silver Guardian Bk. 02 Ch. 07


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"Welcome, my Alpha King and Alpha Queen, we missed you, and it's good to see you again."

Dante and Lily waved off the formality and hugged Michael before giving Ben and Sara affectionate hugs too. Lily spoke.

"It's good to see all of you too, it's nice to be back. Is everything ready for us to load up? We want to get to the Compound before Viktor has a chance to throw any surprises at us."

Michael nodded his head affirmatively, so Dante sent a command to the Pack through the bond to load the luggage into the vans that were waiting just outside. In almost no time at all everything and everyone was loaded into the motorcade and with Ben and Sara leading, they departed for the Compound.

Michael was riding with Dante and Lily along with Astrid as Dante and Lily's chief bodyguard, and Bryn serving as Fenrir and Alunra's chief bodyguard. Michael was cooing at his niece and nephew all along the drive in. It hadn't been long, but Fenrir and Alunra were already growing and Michael loved seeing them. It took less than two hours to get to the Compound, and as soon they arrived, the Royal Pack piled out of the caravan. Several Omegas and a few Betas from the O'Connor Pack began guiding everyone to the new sprawling building where they'd be staying.

Odin and Victoria were on hand to greet everyone and gave their son and daughter big hugs before taking their grandchildren in their arms to snuggle them and make them giggle at their antics. Dante and Lily laughed at the silly-acting grandparents before Dante spoke.

"It's good to see you, Mom and Dad, I see you're already all over our little Prince and Princess and giving them tons of love."

Victoria smiled at them.

"Well of course, how could we not spoil our Grandbabies and cuddle them as much as possible!"

Astrid and Bryn and a few other Hellhounds gathered up the luggage that Dante and Lily weren't carrying themselves, as Odin and Victoria escorted them inside and up to their suite, where everything was just set down in a corner for now. Dante and Lily thanked them for their help before dismissing them to get settled in. As they were unpacking, Odin and Victoria were watching Fenrir and Alunra and 'helping out' by playing with them. Odin spoke to them as they carried their belongings to drawers and closets.

"Dinner will be served shortly. What's your plan after that?"

Dante responded.

"We'll stay the night here, and tomorrow morning we'll organize another Guardians Council meeting for the next day so we can all plan the next phase of the War. We need everyone on the same page, knowing where we go from here and what each Pack should focus on next, or maybe a few overall goals for everyone, we'll see. After we set that up, Lily and I will take the rest of the day at the Cabin to relax, then return the next morning for the Council meeting."

Odin and Victoria nodded, agreeing with the plan. Soon they all went down to a dinner of Abigail's wonderful food. Massive Porterhouse steaks perfectly cooked medium rare, garlic whipped potatoes and roasted asparagus. After everyone was well fed, they all retired for the night and fell asleep, Dante and Lily back in their old bed with Lily in her comfortable spot, and the little beasties in a large bassinette that had been brought to their room.


The next morning Dante and Lily spent time organizing a new Council meeting for the next day, then packed up a few things and headed to the Cabin in Lily's truck. Astrid and Bryn went with them as the primary bodyguards for the Royal Family and eight other Hellhounds for a total of ten. Two were from the Prince and Princess' contingent, and the rest were from Dante and Lily's. The rotation with the other ten Hellhounds would switch that night, but for now they'd be guarding the Cabin, just in case.

Dante spent some time checking the security and camera feeds, but so far nothing had emerged to cause a concern. They spent some time relaxing in the Cabin and caring for their children.

It was late afternoon, and Dante and Lily were about to begin fixing dinner when Dante heard a security ping from his system. He made his way into the bedroom and launched the security feeds on the large TV screen, before rage began coursing through him. On the outermost edge of the perimeter of his surveillance network, nearly a mile from the Cabin, were 75 heavily armed Lycans converging on the Cabin!

Dante sprinted out of the room, yelling for Lily.

"LILY! We've got incoming, get suited up now, we'll be under attack soon!"

Shock and fear showed on Lily's face at the thought of little Fenrir and Alunra being caught up in a battle, before rage overcame her just like her mate.

Dante reached out to Astrid and Bryn through the bond.

Astrid, Bryn... get back here immediately, we're about to be attacked by 75 hostiles! Bryn, I want you and the two Hellhounds of your unit inside the Saferoom with Fenrir and Alunra and fully locked down! Get the fuck in here NOW!

Lily and Dante sprinted into the bedroom (which along with the en suite bathroom served as the Saferoom), opening the weapons cache, with Lily pulling on her body armor and arming herself as Dante strapped on his weapons harness and Twin Moons.

As Dante and Lily rushed out of their room and collected Fenrir and Alunra, who'd been on the rug in front of the fireplace, Bryn and Astrid and two other Hellhounds burst through the door before securing it. Bryn and the two other Hellhounds quickly took the Royal children and rushed into the Saferoom before Dante locked it down and enabled all the systems. This meant that although it would be perfectly comfortable and well-lit inside the Saferoom, they'd be confined in a hexahedron (a cubical shape but with rectangular faces) effectively constructed of steel-reinforced concrete and ceramic plate that provided impact, fire and blast protection so it couldn't be breached. Lily and Dante with Astrid in tow made it outside the building before they activated the lockdown on the entire Cabin, enabling all the security features. They had done everything they could, which was considerable given that they'd long since retrofitted Lily's original rustic Cabin into a fortress. But they weren't about to huddle inside themselves: they would take this fight to the enemy! The other Hellhounds outside had regrouped, and they now formed ranks around their Alpha King and Alpha Queen.

Lily brought her powers to the fore as she began to glow an otherworldly emerald green. Dante spoke to her and the Hellhounds in a low dark voice, overflowing with anger.

"I'm about to do something I've only done once before and go into my hybrid form. The rest of our Pack is racing to our position, but they're still fifteen minutes out at the earliest, and our enemies are almost upon us. We don't have a choice because we don't have time. Lily, you'll have to pull me back when this is over, but I want you and Astrid behind me using me as a shield as we begin our counterassault. Everyone stand back for now."

Dante stepped out into the forest and began digging deep within his soul, pulling gigawatts of power into himself. As his body thrummed with rage, the ambient light began to fade and seemed to be sucked into him as angry black storm clouds gathered overhead. Dante raised his fist towards the heavens then pulled it back down to himself, summoning a massive bolt of lightning that enveloped him, lighting up the twilight with a booming crack echoing throughout the valley. The Hellhounds stared in wonder and more than a little anxiety as their Alpha King transformed before their eyes into something they'd never conceived of before. He grew several feet in height as void-black fur covered his chest, arms, legs and back with a deep mane sprouting around his neck and head. His face was transformed into that of a hybrid man-wolf. Lightning was racing around his body and his eyes blazed with silver fire dancing within them and surging out of their sockets. Massive razor-sharp talons extended from his hands and feet and an otherworldly silver-blue mist poured from his mouth. Once again the Devil himself had come to Walk this land, and the amount of angry power cascading down from him in waves nearly sent everyone to their knees. Only Lily was unaffected, and she confidently came to stand by her mate's side. Dante looked down at his Great Love and through a smile distorted by his lupine muzzle he whispered to her.

"It's time for these wolves to pay with their blood and pain. For attempting to take the lives of my Great Love and beloved children, I shall reave their souls and consume them. Let's go."

Dante took off like a phantom and even with his titanic size he was fleet as a ghost as he stalked through the woods, with Lily behind him easily keeping up, with Astrid following, controlling her Hellhounds with hand gestures as they flanked their Destroyer King as closely as they were able to keep up. Dante could sense that their enemy's main force was heading straight for them, but with two sides intending to come around and flank them in a pincer attack. Dante dispassionately passed this intel on through the bond and rallied his warriors to counter each side of the pincer attack, three on one side, four on the other, while he, Lily and Astrid dealt with their opponents' main force.

Lily and Dante with their enhanced ears and noses were tracking the oncoming force and were about to encounter the also quickly advancing main unit. Dante burst into a large clearing the Lycan hostiles were advancing through, and the enemy wolves froze in horror at the unimaginable midnight-black demonic being that had found them. Dante let out a roar so thunderous and terrifying that the earth itself seemed to tremble in the face of his power. Dante sprinted directly into their ranks with Lily following him, as the enemy Lycans finally responded by pouring hundreds of rounds towards Dante's form, but the bullets just ricocheted off or melted when they reached the lightning racing around his body, sometimes even vaporizing.

When Dante was close enough, he thrust his right-hand talons through the chests of two wolves killing them instantly, then he swiped his left arm across the faces of two other wolves on his left, ripping their heads from their bodies and they went sailing away before dropping to the earth like rotten pumpkins. Lily, protected from the gunfire by her mate, slipped through their front rank and came at them from behind as becoming a blur she moved so fast, she began spinning and slashing her twin daggers infused with her power through their backs and necks, slaughtering them by the dozen as they perished in fountains of blood from her twin blades. Dante stretched out his hands summoning Twin Moons to fly into his grip before he tore into the enemy ranks, cleaving bodies in half and flicking off limbs like they were matchsticks.

Astrid was engaged by this time and was demonstrating her own well-honed ferocity in defending her King and Queen, cutting through any wolves she encountered in her own vicious dance of death. The enemy Lycans were in chaos, but a few were beginning to form ranks and were attempting to pin down Astrid with gunfire. They had nearly succeeded when a group of ten of them suddenly exploded in front of the Hellhound. Astrid glanced at her Destroyer King to see Twin Moons surrounded by dissipating black smoke; a supercharged bolt of black lightning had been unleashed upon the enemy, vaporizing their numbers.

In the distance they could heard automatic gunfire from both their Hellhounds and the enemy Lycans, as screams and clangs of steel also echoed through the valley.

Dante spied an enemy turning on Lily, raising his rifle to fire into her back, but he leapt towards him with his incredible strength and tore him in half before he'd fully raised his rifle. Lily spun around Dante and drove her twin daggers into the chest of a wolf who had raised a battle axe to strike at Dante, but instead he spit up blood as Lily's glowing green blades ripped through his chest. Dante shot another void-black charge of lightning from the tips of Twin Moons that zig-zagged through the trees, taking out the remainder of the forces as they all exploded from the energy blasting into them.

Astrid sprinted over to her King and Queen as Dante spoke coldly.

"Our Pack is almost here. Go support the left flank and finish them off as Lily and I clean up the right. Leave nobody alive."

Astrid nodded before sprinting off to take command of the Hellhounds still fighting on their left, as Dante sprinted with lightning speed with Lily easily keeping up behind him to their right flank. They came upon the remainder of the fighting to see that their tiny band of Hellhounds had well-deserved renown as one of the most elite fighting forces their race had ever seen, as they were tearing into the enemy forces against odds that must have begun at five to one, and were nevertheless slaughtering them mercilessly. Assault rifles, swords, morningstars, and axes were all in use as the enemy Lycans struggled to ward off the relentless attack.

Dante rushed to the nearest enemy with Lily flowing behind like his shadow, and skewered the wolf upon his claws, raised him up and threw the body at another enemy, crumpling him with the impact. Lily had darted around her mate and slashed her daggers through the air, causing an emerald green force wave to cut into a group of enemies, slicing through them to provoke sickening screams before they each fell apart in several pieces. Dante and Lily moved as a team through the ranks, cutting them down in moments before the fighting ceased and the sounds of battle went still. All the enemies had been slaughtered, and the forest was eerily quiet save for the thrumming of power radiating from both Dante and Lily.

A short time later the remainder of the Hellhounds and their Betas that had arrived from the Compound came upon the scene of destruction. They found Dante still trembling in his bloodlust, shedding lightning from himself that was setting fire to the trees around him. Lily approached her transformed mate without fear and molded herself to him, soothing the raging beast inside him, running her hands lovingly through his thick black fur. Dante knelt down as Lily held him close and kissed him deeply before he began transforming back and their Goddess-given powers receded from them both. Dante's body, shirtless and only covered by his ruined pants, was steaming in the cool evening air as he stood up and pulled Lily close to him and turned to address his Pack.

The entire Pack was wide-eyed and couldn't help baring their throats in submission. None of them had ever witnessed such a display or brutality before, let alone this impossible transformation, and they were speechless. Dante waved a hand at them in kind of an exhausted salute before he spoke tiredly.

"At ease, Order of Fenrir. It's over and we won. Praise Luna we had no fatalities, and the minor injuries some of our wolves suffered should be healed by the morning. We must talk about what you have seen tonight very soon, but for now I need to say that nobody is to speak a word of this outside of our own Pack. Collect all the bodies and body parts plus plenty of kindling and meet back as quickly as possible in front of the Cabin; we have cleanup to do. Search the bodies for any identification or markings; we already basically know who's behind this attack, but any additional information might be helpful. Let's go."

Astrid, Hilde and Freydis, the latter two having responded with the Pack, formed ranks around Dante and Lily and escorted them back into the Cabin. Dante and Lily had spoken with Bryn through the bond and informed her it was over. She happily reported that Fenrir and Alunra were alert and fussing since they'd felt their parents' agitation through the bond (as had Bryn), but they were safe and calming down. Dante told them they could come out of the Saferoom, but he wanted them to remain inside the house and on lockdown for now. He and Lily and the Pack had to deal with the cleanup and he didn't want Fenrir or Alunra to see any of it, or to see him and Lily in their bloodstained and frightening state.

A little while later the Pack had reassembled in front of the Cabin and shovels were handed out. A fair distance from the Cabin a large pit was quickly dug and a huge pile of kindling and logs was placed inside it along with what remained of their enemies, ready for disposal. The fire was lit (with a match, nothing fancy), and they spent the next hour watching everything organic return to dust before the hole was filled in and the mass grave was camouflaged with nobody the wiser. It was fortunate the region around the Cabin was so remote that there wasn't any human involvement at all. The entirety of the currently American branch of their Pack would remain on high alert tonight patrolling the woods, while Dante and Lily returned to their cabin and slept in preparation for chairing a Council meeting, for which they'd be escorted to the Compound the next day. The entire Pack was dangerously furious that anyone would try to harm their Royal Family, and this exercise would give them something to do with that anger. During the meeting tomorrow, retribution would be planned to be swift and devasting.

When the initial alert had been spread among the Order of Fenrir Pack about the imminent attack on at the Cabin, they had immediately responded and Freydis had warned Odin and Victoria. She'd gratefully refused their armed assistance but encouraged them to lock their own Pack down and put their reaction teams on high alert. This attack had been focused on the Royal Family at the Cabin, but they couldn't be too careful. The O'Connor Alphas of course heeded this advice.

Dante and Lily entered the Cabin and quickly made their way to their suite and bathroom; they didn't want their children to see them covered in blood and other unpleasant things. Bryn and one of the other Hellhounds were feeding Fenrir and Alunra from bottles that Lily had pumped full and their cubs were content for now. Lily was concerned about Dante, as he was still furious, and she knew she had to calm him down to find his peace again so they could sleep tonight, and so their children wouldn't become upset. They both stripped before throwing away their clothing as Dante turned on the shower to a nice hot setting and activated all the water features in the shower. Lily kissed him deeply, moaning into his mouth as she pulled him into the shower and began washing away the blood and whatever else they were covered in. She soothed him and cleansed him as Dante did the same for her, giving him a focus as he pampered his mate.

When they were all cleaned up, at least their bodies, Lily pressed herself tightly to his front and spoke to him.

"Dante my love, it's ok now. Our family is safe, and so are we. I need you to finish returning to us my love; I need my mate and our children need their father. Allow me to be your sheath, allow me to be the one who soothes you. Take me Dante, turn your anger to passion and claim me as I submit to you. Force me to submit and dominate me baby, we need that and I want it."

A fire was lit in Dante's blood at Lily's urging, and he pressed her back against the warm tile of the shower as his mouth descended on hers and began consuming her. Lily was overwhelmed by his dominance just like she wanted to be, and she moaned lustily into her mate's mouth as her hips began to pump against his and her hands ran over his body, grabbing his ass and stroking his thick member. Dante grabbed her legs and picked her up, raising her above his head to feast on her sex. Lily's head was thrown back against the shower wall as her legs quivered in Dante's grip as he brought her to orgasm, screaming at the top of her lungs under his assault. Her orgasmic fluids mixed with the water as she sprayed them onto her mate, who refused to relent on his assault. Lily's hands were pounding against the tile as orgasm after orgasm was ripped from her body in powerful waves. Dante set her down and turned her around before sliding his thick shaft deep into her hot, welcoming depths, as he began to pump himself into her over and over. Lily could barely think, and she was uttering the sluttiest sounds imaginable as her mate dominated her, claimed her, and took his pleasure from her. Lily could only surrender to his desires and hang on for the ride.