The Sitter

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The sitter wants her married boss.
5k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 08/07/2019
Created 11/30/2018
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"Mia, lunch is ready!" I called up to the second floor. I laid the platter of sandwiches out on the kitchen counter along with a platter of chips and veggies with dip.

Within seconds her and her four friends came running down the stairs.

"Manda, Manda, look what I made!" She said to me holding up a bracelet she made with her friends.

"Awww sweetheart, It's beautiful!" I said taking a look at it closer, it was a mixture of beads and tiny sea shells. "It's for you!" She said pulling on my hand to put it on for me.

"Por moi?" I said surprised. "I'm flattered! Merci!"

Her parents took her to a trip to France a month ago and she was obsessed with the language. I tried to insert little french words here and there that she understood.

She wrapped her hands around me and pressed her face against my hip. I have the best baby sitter ever! She said to her friends as they all grabbed plates and made a mess of my perfect lunch spread. They couldn't care less, they were just hungry.

I couldn't believe it had been three years since I started babysitting her. She was just two when I started, the most adorable little girl. Her mom, Nina, was a super bitch who never had time for her but her dad, Mark, he was as sweet as sweet can be.

I didn't want to take the job, I didn't want to get any job. I was nineteen, just a college girl trying to get by with a balance of good grades and partying. My parents decided I was asking for money too much and decided I needed a job.

** 2015**

"Amanda, our responsibility is your education. We give you an allowance and yet thats still not enough! If you want money to blow on partying, you're going to have to come up with it yourself!"

"But mom!"

"No Mandy, I mean it! You're such a spoilt brat and your father's to blame!"

"Great here we go again, blame everything on the parent that actually loves me!"

"Oh grow up!"

It was true, my daddy did spoil me. I was his only girl, I just had to bat my eyes and tell him I loved him and money would be in my hands seconds later but mom was putting her foot down and dad couldn't just give in anymore.

"Look, your dad's boss may have mentioned something about needing a sitter for their two year old."

"Mom! So this is all a set up? You already have something lined up?" I was upset, "Dad's boss? Ain't he like seventy? He should not have two year olds!"

"No, I'm not talking about Ralph, I'm talking about Ralph's partner Mark, he's like thirty or thirty-two or so. Anyway, he's a really nice guy and he sure as hell can use your help! Will you please meet with him?"

"You realize babysitters work nights and weekend? Thats when the parties are happening!" I said bitterly.

"Just meet with the guy would you?"

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes before grabbing my backpack and keys off the kitchen counter and headed to school.


"Manda!" Mia called loudly, "Do we get to go swimming after lunch?" She asked.

"You know what, after lunch, you all get to finish that movie you started from last night and put your toys away then you get to go swimming!"

"Oh, alright!" Her little smile turned into a frown.

"Don't gimme that young lady!" I tickled her little tummy with my finger as she sat finishing up her potato chips.

I sat through the boring Disney movie til it was all over, "Alright girls, time to get you're suits on!"

I said as I got them off the couch and up to the bedroom. Getting them in their bathing suits then getting myself in mine before we headed down to the pool.

The back yard was huge with an in-ground pool. It was almost butterfly shaped. The left wing was a large pool and the right wing, the top part was a jacuzzi and the bottom, a kiddie pool with some of the regular pool bleeding into the middle of that half.

I got in and sat in the kiddie pool with them for a bit then they got to splashing. I got out and relaxed in a lounger overseeing their shenanigans when Mark walked through the glass sliding doors that led to the pool deck. He slowly came fully into my line of sight. He was wearing swim trucks.

"Hey, how's it going with the girls?" He asked as he sat in the lounger next to me.

"They're just angels!" I smiled at him, "I thought you were at an all day conference?"

"That's the good thing about having the wife work at the same company. I can leave when it gets boring and she can fill me in later!" He winked at me.

He was still as charming as he was when i fist met him. When my dad told him that I was willing to meet him to discuss the job, he invited us to a pool party that weekend that he was having.


"So Mark is having a pool party this weekend, we're all invited. I know you never go to any of my work things but I figured this is a way for you to meet Mark and his wife and their little munchkin." My dad said at the dinner table.

I sighed deeply, "Sure Dad."

That weekend I was trying to get out of going. My friends were all going to the movies and I didn't want to be at this boring old persons pool party but I certainly wasn't getting out of it and oh boy was I wrong when I thought it was going to be boring.

We got there just after 5pm. The music was blasting. I was expecting some old school party mix but the music was actually current, they were playing all the hottest hit. There was more younger people there than older adults. There was some pretty hot guys in the pool tossing a ball around. I turned to my dad, "I didn't know your co-workers were all half your age."

"Watch it young lady!" He warned.

My dad walked us over to the grill where Mark was flipping burgers and hotdogs, a drink in one hand. His wife stood next to him, she was hot! She had a perfect hour glass body, fulls breasts, small waist, wide hips. Her complexion was flawless, smooth, white skin. She was wearing a tiny two piece bikini, showing off her curves.

As Mark turned to face us, my eyes lit up. He was tall, about six feet, two inches. He had strong, broad shoulders, short brown hair that was combed back, deep brown eyes and washboard abs. He was slightly tanned. This was one of those couples you see in magazines. They perfectly complimented each other.

"Hey, Joe!" Mark greeted my dad.

"Hey Mark, Nina." He said giving Nina a nod, "This is my beautiful wife Tina and my lovely daughter, Amanda. My son couldn't make it."

Mark complimented my mom then turned his attention to me. His wife whisked away my mom to go get drinks. "Joe! You didn't tell me how beautiful you're daughter is!" He said taking my hand and bringing his lips to the backside of my hand to kiss it, I blushed. He was really hot and he was complimenting me! We were off to a good start if you asked me.

It was a hot that day. I was wearing blue jean shorts and a racer back tank top over my one piece bikini. My mom didn't want me showing off too much in front of dads co-workers. I was five foot, four inches, very slender, small B cup tits and an average sized ass that filled my jean shorts out nicely.

"So, my dad tells me that you may have a job for me?" I said jumping directly.

"Now why on earth would he say something like that?!? He said with a confused look on his face. I was about to be mad if my dad played me just to get me to come to this party.

"Just kidding!" He said and laughed, "Mia is my two year old, she's in the living room with her grandmother. Want to meet her?"

"Sure!" I said.

Mark handed the tongs to my dad and said, "Joe, do you mind taking these off when they're done?" He said before walking off and having me follow him.

Mia was fast asleep on the couch when we walked in, her grandmother was reading a book.

"Well shit! She's asleep! I really wanted you to meet her!" He said. "Look, your dad told me what's going on with you and how badly they want you to get a job and I badly need a sitter. We have someone who comes in and cleans, you don't have to cook, just strictly watch her.

I really need some help, I'm desperate actually so I'm willing to give you twenty an hour.

"Twenty dollars an hour?!?!?" I was shocked, surprised, blown away but my reaction sparked confusion.

"Is that not enough? I'll give you twenty-two!" He said.

"Yes! Yes, most definitely, I'll do it!" We didn't need to talk about anything more. The girl looked sweet, the money was going to be sweeter and if it got in the way of my life, I could just quit. I know, I was extremely spoiled.

"Just don't tell my wife what I'm paying!"

I smiled, "Your secret is safe with me!"

"We should so celebrate!" He said as he walked over to the little bar area of the house.

"Mom, why don't you go hang with Nina for a little bit? I'll watch her." Mark said to Mia's grandma.

"So, vodka? Whiskey? You look like a rum kind of girl?" He asked as he started fixing two drinks.

"You realize I'm nineteen, right?" I said.

"And thats why this glass only has orange juice." He winked and chuckled before handing me a glass.

"Please have a seat." He said.

We both sat on the sofa opposite the loveseat, where Mia was sleeping.

"Here's to you saving my ass." He said raising his glass before taking a drink.

That was the start of it all.


"I just want to say thank you for staying the night with the girls last night. I really appreciate it. It saved me from hearing Nina bitch about getting outta bed to tend to the girls." He turned to me and said.

"Don't mention it at all!" I replied.

"What am I going to do without you around here?" He looked at me with the most adorable pouty face.

I was graduating soon and was moving to New York. I honestly didn't think I was going to stick with this babysitting gig but the girl grew on me, the pay was good and I loved being around Mark. I had a bit of a crush on him. I spent most of the three years subtlety teasing him every time he was around and Mia had been occupied.

There was little glances, subtle innuendos, 'that's what she said' jokes and sometimes just showing off my body. I definitely caught him staring a few times but he was married, he knew his boundaries, it was all innocent flirting.

His wife was never home, never had much to do with Mia and certainly not much to do with Mark. She said they spend all day at work together, they come home and have dinner together and there was no need to spend all weekend together too. She was usually out shopping, hanging out with her friends, going to the spa or anything it seemed like to be away from her family.

There was so many times Mark called me last minute because either Nina was supposed to be home with Mia and changed her plans or she was already out and Mark had to go in to work suddenly. It was hard being the owner of the company, thats what I gathered.

It started off as me babysitting for a few hours on Thursday nights, that was their date night. Then occasionally on Saturdays or Sunday evenings. Then Saturday mornings became a regular thing. I would occasionally stay the night when they had two day conference or weekend getaways. The job quickly grew on me. Mia quickly grew on me.

"Are you all packed up for your trip?" I asked. Mark and Nina was going to a five day business conference in Philly. I was staying over with Mia Tuesday through Saturday, they return on Sunday. I was looking forward to it, five days alone in this big house, all these amenities.

"Yes, fully packed and ready. Five nights in a small hotel room with the lady, It could either be miserable or I could get lucky." He said.

"Haha! Weighing in the odds?" I said.

"Unfortunately the odds are never in my favor, with my luck, it'll be more miserable than lucky." Mark laughed.

"Aww you poor thing! I'm sorry! You do always have Pam and Pamela." I joked referring to his hands.

"Even they are tired of me!" He laughed clearly referring to how much he masturbates. I was surprised. Surely Mark and Nina had their problems and they saw each other all the time at work, Nina is a bitch and is always out elsewhere but I figured in their own fucked up way, they still loved each other and certainly still made love.

"Have you and Nina not be having sex?" We had grown comfortable around each other to where this type of conversation was completely ok with either of us. I witnessed many of their fights and many a times Mark vented to me after Nina stormed out about something he did to upset her.

He laughed, "Mandy, I get some maybe twice a month, three times, if I'm really lucky!"

"What a damn shame!" I said, "You're way too hot! Its a shame for a body like that to go to waste!" I smirked. It wouldn't be the first time I've commented on his body, I've actually not tried to hide my attraction to him one bit and at this point, he was all too familiar with these.

He laughed. "I'm just wasting away!" He said dramatically in response.

"Just hang in there! I'm sure it will get better!" I said, in no way shape or form willing to give actual marital advice.

That Tuesday came by and it was just me and Mia. The time passed pretty quietly. Nothing crazy happened all that week, nothing out of the usual, just five year old stuff. Friday rolled around and my boyfriend, Caleb was annoyingly trying to get me to come hang out with him and his friends. He knew I couldn't go anywhere and It wasn't until Sunday that Mark and Nina were going to be back.

But then I thought of a genius plan! It's Friday; they're not back til Sunday! I figured, I'd wait until I put Mia down for the night then have Caleb over. They would never know! I quickly got on the phone and relayed my master plan to my boyfriend.

Mia and I went shopping later that day. She wanted some new princess pajamas. As we went through the isles of the department store, I discreetly grabbed a white lace babydoll in my size and put it in out cart. I wasn't able to try it on so I hoped to hell it would fit.

As 8pm rolled around, I got Mia ready for bed, read her favorite story and she was quickly asleep. I showered up and got chanced. I slipped on a pair of white lace thongs then the white babydoll. It was a little tight but Caleb was going to love it! It hugged by body, every curve. It was see through, my hard nipples could definitely be seen and stopped just under my ass. If I bent over, he'd see my ass for sure.

I made my way downstairs to the living room. Heading over to Mark's bar area, I poured myself a glass of whiskey and sat on the couch. It was nearing 9pm when my phone rang.

"Hey baby, are you on your way over?" I answered seeing it was Caleb.

"Actually babe, I think we're going to have to reschedule."

"Umm, what?" I was instantly upset.

"I have this thing with the guys that I promised I'd do for like a week now and they're giving me a hard time."

There was silence as I didn't want to say what I was truly thinking.

"...And I kind of don't want to do it in your bosses house while you baby sit, that's weird."

Trying to sound understanding I said, "I know, I'm sorry I suggested it but I hope you have fun with the guys!"

"You're not mad?" His hopeful voice asked.

"Nope not at all!"

"You're the best! I love you babe!" He said before hanging up.

I was furious! I quickly downed my drink and opted of another. I put on a playlist on my phone and connected it to the bluetooth speaker, setting my phone down at the bar. I sat on the couch and sipped the whiskey as I argued with Caleb in my head. Not before long my whiskey was gone and I needed another. I walked up to the bar again and fixed myself another drink.

As I walked around the counter on the side of the open living room, I reached for my phone. I had three messages from Mark and just as I started to read it, I heard what sounded like him clearing his throat followed by, "Is this how you dress to babysit my five year old?"

I was startled, My hands moved to clench my phone tightly to my chest. I refused to turn around afraid that it would only confirm that my he was standing behind me. My heart beats were quick, my mind racing. The message I started reading had said, "On my way home...airport...left con...."

He must have been trying to tell me he was on his way and with the music playing, I didn't hear him pull in and enter in through the garage. I still hadn't turn around nor said a word. I heard him chuckle, my face beamed bright red. I slowly turned around to see him standing in the open living room, just a few feet away from me. He was smiling, his hands in the front pockets of his black slacks, his dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his tie somewhat undone. My hands stayed at my chest as I knew he'd see my nipples if I moved them.

"You weren't supposed to be home!" I finally said, breaking my silence as if that would justify my intentions. "Oh God! Is Nina home too?" I asked in fear.

He laughed, "Relax, it's just me. Nina and I got into a fight, the conference was boring so I left."

Did he just tell me to relax?!? Why was he so relaxed?

"Care to explain?" He said calmly with a grin.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" I started, "Caleb, really wanted to hang out so I figured since you and Nina wasn't going to be home, I could have him over, I'm so sorry!"

"You invited a guy over?"

"Yes, but he canceled, he's not coming!"

He chuckled, "It's a damn shame!"

I was a little weirded out by his nonchalant attitude while I stood in front of him in lingerie but it was somewhat calming. He walked right over to me and poured himself a glass of whiskey, "So he canceled?"

My panic had only just started to subside. My hands loosened its tight grip around my phone and now moved to fold in front of my chest after setting the phone back down, my body relaxed and I was leaning against the counter.


"I take it my daughter is asleep?" He asked.


I was just waiting for the next shoe to drop but he was as calm as a cucumber the entire time he spoke to me.

"Mandy, What's my one rule?" He asked.

"No boys..." I signed.

"Mhmm!" He hummed, "And what did you do?" He asked.

"Invited a boy over." I answered cautiously.

"You know why thats a rule?"

"No?" I answered.

"Thats for your safety and the safety of my baby girl. You do whatever you do with him on your own time, I'm not paying you to have sex with some guy in my house when you should be watching my daughter. I don't want the task of explaining to your father why I let you have boys over if something were to happen to you."

"I'm really sorry, Mark! I promise you this has never happened before and it will never happen again!" I said as he sat on the bar stool next to where I stood.

He was so calm and so relax, not to mention respectful as his gaze never left my eyes as he spoke to me.

When I first met him, I just thought he was incredibly hot but after three years of working for him, I had a real attraction to him that I couldn't quite figure out. He was so loving and caring towards Mia and I loved seeing that side of him! He was very stern and commanding with his employees as I've overheard multiple work related phone conversations. He was caring, kind and considerate towards me.

"How are you so composed right now?" I asked.

He laughed, "Oh you have no idea how hard i'm trying to maintain that, you should go change."

That was all the fuel I needed. I smiled, "Are you sure?"

"Am I sure of what?"

"Are you sure you want me to change?"

He was stunned that I had said that. He sipped on his whiskey trying to find the right response. I smiled as I moved closer to him. I bit my lower lip, there was an insatiable heat building up in my stomach. I was staring him directly in his eyes with a small smile on my face. I stopped for a quick second to think about what I was doing, maybe it was the whiskey, maybe I was mad at Caleb or maybe it was the years of flirting and my attraction for Mark but in that instance, I wanted him.