The Sky Kingdom Ch. 06


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"This is me, that really was an inappropriately short walk!" she said a little more jovially.

"I enjoyed it, short though it may have been," I smiled back at her.

She looked incredibly cute as she bit her lower lip pondering something.

"Harry...can we meet again later this evening?" she asked shyly.

I felt my heart beat a little faster.

"That would be lovely, should we have dinner?"

She smiled, "I'm not sure I can show my face in the café again today" she replied blushing again at the memory.

"That's ok we can get service in our rooms."

"I've only got space for two at my table and Tam would not be happy if I kicked her out of our room."

"I've got plenty of space in mine, why don't you bring Tam and join Scarlett and myself?" I asked surprised again at my own forwardness.

"With your pleasure sl...with your companion?" she said blushing an even brighter shade of red.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about how inappropriate might be."

"That's ok, I'd like to meet her and it's not as if we are dating or anything, do you have bigger rooms in the other parts of the ship?"

"Something like that, I'll come down and collect you from here at around 8pm if that works for you?"

"I can't wait," she said as she quickly slipped into her rooms as I heard a loud woman's voice.

"Where have you been Em?" and smiled to myself.

I made my way back up towards my suite struggling to think things through as my mana pool felt like it was overflowing and seemed to be in need of a release. I felt pangs of guilt at my betrayal of Scarlett on the day we were first bound and sent feelers down the new stronger bond but still couldn't feel anything in response making my guilt worsen. I knew that I wasn't supposed to think twice about betraying a slave but I felt that there was a lot more to our relationship already. Lady Emily was a real conundrum as there was also a clear connection there but we would have to reveal who we truly were to one another and I feared that my social standing might make a marriage impossible...however much she thought it might be the other way around!

As I made it back to my chambers, I found Laura lounging in an armchair as she quickly jumped out of the chair to attention straightening her dress out.

"Sir, I thought you'd be back earlier, she is still sleeping so I sat down for a minute...," she said looking increasingly distraught.

"Laura, don't worry about it, you can't be expected to stand all day."

"You won't report me...Sir?" she asked tentatively.

"Of course not, why don't you head out and get something to eat and pop back in an hour," I said gesturing towards the door.

She quickly made her way over to the door continuing with a, "thank you," and, "sorry" thrown over her shoulder for good measure. Once she'd left, I hesitantly stepped into the bedroom to find Scarlett now dressed in a black nightie and peacefully resting in the bed with the elegant white and gold collar drawing my attention. I couldn't help but notice that the raw skin around it seemed to have blistered and I dreaded the pain she would be in once she awoke.

I'd been amazed by how quickly my mana had replenished and it seemed to need an outlet so I began the process of trying to heal in what little way I could. I climbed onto the bed kneeling next to Scarlett as I took her hand as I began to draw on my mana and feed it through my healing core, I was shocked at the significantly stronger supply that burst out which far exceeded anything I'd managed previously. I quickly directed it to connect with Scarlett and I pushed this new found strength towards her burnt and blistered skin. I watched in fascination as the skin around the collar began to fade back to its usual olive colour as my untrained magic had its effect. I still felt some mana available so began to filter what was left through the bond and into her well until the supply exhausted itself as I felt myself drifting off.


I'm not sure how long I was out but on waking I quickly moved over to Scarlett to find her still peacefully asleep with her head resting on the pillow. I tenderly stroked her hair pushing the loose strands behind her ears marveling at the beautiful goddess now bound to me before jumping back in shock as I found her beautiful brown eyes staring up at me.

"'re awake...are you ok?" I nervously asked.

She stayed silent as she reached her hands up to her neck and felt the now permanent accessory around her neck without taking her eyes off me.

"Did it work? Am I now yours?" she asked with some urgency shifting up on her elbows.

"Yes Scarlett, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it would hurt you so badly," I said as I reached out and took her hand.

"I've been through worse Master, besides it doesn't hurt anymore so it couldn't have been that bad," she replied more jovially.

I cringed as I looked down at my raw wrist drawing her attention.

"Oh master what happened?" she asked concerned reaching for my wrist.

I tried to draw back but she took a grip of my hand as she sat up drawing my wrist to her and investigating the fused band. Upon seeing the blistered red skin before looking up at me with a worried look.

"That looks very painful, was that because of me...why isn't mine the same?" she asked reaching for the white and gold collar around her neck.

"Yours was much worse," I said reaching to stroke the hand against her neck, "I was just able to heal yours but not my own."

"You healed me? I thought you were untrained Master?"

"I tried a few times without success but then I had a surge of mana and when I tried again it worked," I said still a little unsure myself.

"Master, if you are untrained that would take an immense amount of magic," as she became more serious, "You can't risk overstretching yourself and draining your well."

"Since when do you know so much about healing magic?" I asked surprised that she knew so much.

A caught a masked hint of panic on her face.

"I've just read a lot master...," she said in a quite unconvincing manner. Scarlett then clearly wanted to change the topic and closed the gap between us before pushing me over onto my back as she straddled my chest.

"So now we are bound there is nothing that can separate us," she said as she smiled down at me before playfully leaning forwards and kissing me. After a shared moment, she moved her lips around to my ear until I could hear her breathing before she whispered mischievously.

"I'm going to turn your world upside down, Master," as she nibbled on my ear.

As she did so, I caught her by the waist and rolled us until I was on top.

"You naughty little minx!"

She giggled as I held her by her wrists with one hand above her head.

"You might be bigger and stronger than me but I'll soon have you wrapped around my little finger," she said flirtatiously as she beamed up at me.

"Unlikely, you know I'm always in charge," I shot back.

"We'll see...but then I'll have to find you more slaves so I can play with them as well," she smiled up at me fluttering her eyes.

I couldn't resist the opportunity as I began to tickle her making her writhe in a mix of giggling and screaming.

"Stop, Stop...please stop Master," she exclaimed as she laughed away.

"Who is in charge little slave?" I asked her as I stopped.

"You are Master, you are," she said still giggling away.

I quickly turned around to the sound of a knock on the door as Laura let herself in before seeing what was happening on the bed and quickly backtracking.

"Wait Laura, come in please," I said as I released Scarlett and she rolled away before giving me a light smack on the bottom from behind.

"I'll get you back for that," she whispered naughtily so Laura couldn't hear.

"Sorry Sir, I came to tell you that a fresh hot shower bag is in place but I didn't realise your slave was awake," Laura said politely.

"His slave is called Scarlett," Scarlett announced causing Laura to blush as she looked up at her.

"Laura, she is my personal companion so I want you to treat Scarlett as you'd treat me."

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir, sorry Ma'am," Laura said keeping her head down embarrassed.

"Listen to me, you are assigned to serve in this suite whatever the request?"

Scarlett asked commandingly as she stepped off the bed.

"Yes Ma'am," Laura replied cautiously.

"Then I want you to go and stand next door and await my instructions," Scarlett ordered.

Laura seemed a little shell shocked as she looked up to me for approval.

I nodded prompting Laura to scurry from the room shutting the door behind her.

Scarlett then moved over to speak quietly into my ear with a hint of a smirk.

"Master, you do know that she is assigned as your cabin girl...would you like another slave to play with?"

I felt a jump of arousal followed by Scarlett beaming up at me.

"I knew it...I knew you'd like my plan Master!"

"Wait, can you feel that?" I asked surprised again at our connection.

"Stronger the ever Master, do you not feel me?"

"I'm still trying to work this out," I said while inspecting the now fused decorated band on my wrist without any obvious controls.

"So, can we play with her?"

"Scarlett, you know I don't want to force anyone to do something they don't want to."

"I noticed the looks she gives you when you aren't paying her attention...what if I asked her if she wanted to join us?"

"Ok, but only if she consents. I'm going to go and quickly take a shower so why don't you discuss it with her while I'm busy." I said before opening the door and stepping out of the bedroom.

I found a nervous looking Laura standing awkwardly beside the door.

"I think Scarlett wants to speak to you so head on in," I told her.

"Yes Sir," she said before slowly making her way back to Scarlett.

I made it to the bathroom and stripped down before grabbing a towel from a neat pile and wrapping it around my waist. I then took a look at myself in the elegant mirror above the freestanding basin admiring my sleek physique from years of combat training. I did however have a noticeable few days' worth of stubble and my typically hard to manage hair. I found that the basin had recently been filled with warm water so proceeded to mix and then lather shaving foam onto my face before carefully using a single blade razor to tidy things up.

Even with my attempts to distract myself I'd still not managed to stop imagining what it would be like to have Laura serving me as well. I decided to go check up on them and in just my towel sauntered over to the bedroom to see what was going on. Hearing voices mid conversation, I decided to listen at the slightly ajar door but was surprised to hear the unmistakably lyrical Ravian rather than my native Volantian being spoken. My governess for most of my childhood had been a Ravian Lady so I'd picked up fluency from a young age.

"Why are you pretending to be this man's slave?" I heard what assumed was Laura in hushed Ravian.

"Shh...what if he hears you," Scarlett replied with a surprisingly elegant lilt, "I am not pretending, I am his Slave."

"But my lady, your accent is high born...hold on are you...are you one of the host..."

At this point things became unintelligible as a heard the muffled sounds so decided it was time to make my way into the room. I was surprised to find Laura standing in front of Scarlett who held her hand in a reverse cup over Laura's mouth preventing her from saying anything else.

"What's going on? Is everything ok?" I asked somewhat alarmed.

"Nothing Master, Laura has decided that she doesn't want to play," Scarlett said as she released Laura.

"That's not wh...," Laura tried to say before Scarlett covered her mouth again.

"Scarlett what are you doing, let her go," I ordered as I walked over to them.

Scarlett complied as I approached looking nervous.

"Laura, what were you saying?"

"Nothing Sir, I was just leaving," she replied before hurrying from the room.

I turned to follow but felt a tug on my arm as Scarlett took hold of my hand.

"Let her go Master, she didn't want to join so looks like I get you all to myself," she said as she moved in close wrapping her arms around me.

I took her shoulders and moved her away from me.

"Were you speaking Ravian?"

She turned bright red, "Just a little...Laura is Ravian so I thought it would you speak any Master?" she replied innocently.

"I wish, it's such a beautiful language," I lied not wanting to let on what I'd heard for now.

The look of relief that swept over her face confirmed my worries that she was keeping secrets from me that I would soon get to the bottom of. Before I could look to address the problems Scarlett swept away before turning back to me.

"Master, let me help you shower," she said seductively but I could see that this was just an attempt to get me to move off the topic. Before I could challenge her, she swept the shoulder straps of her nightie away as the silk material dropped away from her body revealing her stunning figure and breasts with just a slip of a thong remaining.

All thoughts escaped me as she reached for my towel and ripped it away revealing my growing erection as she gave me a beaming smile.

"Follow me Master," she said as she reached for my hand and led me through to the bathroom. As we entered the room, I noticed huge shower bag resting above the bathtub, Scarlett released me and made her way over to the shower using her thumb to remove her thong as I admired her pert bottom. I stood still admiring my little goddess as she collected an assortment of items placing them on a table beside the tub before pulling on a chord to release a steady stream of hot water from the shower head. She turned back to me walking with her hips swinging from side to side and a cheeky smile on her face as she tied back her hair in a ponytail.

"Master, I want to try something I learnt as part of my training. Can you hold your hands behind your head for me?"

I was a little too enamored to respond so obeyed as she reached forward a took hold of my bulging erection as a jolt of pleasure shot through me as she began to move her grip up and down the shaft. Using it as a guide she steering me over to the tub and we climbed in as she pushed me under the stream and the hot war cascaded onto my head and down my body.

Scarlett reached for the table and brought back a bar of soap that she proceeded to lather first over my chest and then spread down my belly to massage my cock. Still using one hand on my cock she stepped behind me and began to rub soap over my buttocks. I jumped in shock as she ran her hand between them and over my anus as a tingling sensation came from the area.

"I think Master is going to like this," I heard her mutter into my back as I simply stood with my hands held behind my head in bliss.

She continued to clean the area before I felt her use both her hands to direct the water over my bottom to clean off the soap. From behind I felt her reach one hand underneath to cup my balls while the other hand came around the side massaging my cock at a steady pace. Her skillful ministrations had me approaching orgasm far quicker than I wanted but I was too lost to slow her down.

As my orgasm started to build, I felt the most unusual feeling as her tongue swept up and began licking at my anus sending feelings of pure ecstasy through me. I felt my knees give way as I sunk down in the tub with Scarlett expertly following me down as she probed the entrance to my hole with her tongue. I abandoned myself to pleasure as glorious waves of ecstasy shot through my body and I exploded into orgasm from my beautiful slave's tongue.

I continued to convulse in the tub as water cascaded over me as Scarlett drew me back up and wrapped her arms around me from behind as she rested her head against me breathing.

"Scarlett that was..." I tried to say a little lost for words.

"I know Master...I know," she said breathlessly.

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JohnBJohnJohnBJohnabout 2 months ago

Fascinating story! I hope the author continues to build this wonderful world.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She is the boss. He is the weakling. He is being used.

TanukiTanukiover 1 year ago

I cannot believe he’s kissing another girl while Scarlett’s asleep in his cabin! Then again I was dying to see Emily return and now what a love triangle! The story and characters have so much depth, the intrigue just exploded in this chapter, I love it. 😍 The typos are improving as well, which is good because this is professional quality story telling.

Timtom12Timtom12over 1 year ago

Well this is getting interesting!

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