The Sky Kingdom Ch. 11


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"That explains everything. It makes perfect sense. Your mother is gifted and had a baby with a sorcerer so there was a good chance you would be gifted as well, I bet that is why he kept you hidden!"

Emily buried her head into her thighs as Scarlett kept pressing on what was obviously an open wound for Emily.

"Scarlett...her mother is gone. You don't need to bring that up," I stepped in seeing Emily's discomfort.

"Master, how much do you know about the court? It's been years since I was tutored in the goings on and even, I know that Lady Clara is one of the Kings three personal Fonts, she is linked directly to his fire core. He took her from Lord Carrington before he came into his magic and the king keeps her as a trophy by his side," Scarlett said a little too excitedly.

At these words Emily's head shot up.

"My mother is alive? She's a Font?" Emily breathed out questioningly as a spark returned to her face.

"I'm so sorry," Scarlett replied more solemnly as it evidently dawned on her how horrible Emily's situation was.

"Can I see her?" Emily asked desperately turning to me unperturbed.

"It's not that simple, if she's one of the King's fonts she would be kept close at hand in the Royal harem most of the time. Only members of the Royal family or their slaves could go in there."

Emily's head started to drop in disappointment.

"Master, you could get Emily in there," Scarlett said turning to me, "if she were your Font then you could have her hosted there if you were visiting the Palace."

"Really, is that possible? Why would Harry be allowed in there?"

Scarlett then stood up, bowing in an over-the-top manner, and regally announced

"Lady Emily, may I present his Royal Highness Prince Henry, Heir to the Dukedom of Carrara."

"WHAT?" Emily jumped up turning to me.

I fidgeted away embarrassed by my title.

"He doesn't like anyone knowing but he's the son of Princess Eleanor," Scarlett explained rolling her eyes as Emily looked at me a little awestruck.

"Why wouldn't you want anyone to know? I thought I was above your station," Emily said awkwardly.

"I don't like how people treat me when they know. It's not like I'm an important member of the family but I do have an apartment within the Palace...I've just never really used it," I replied.

"So let me get this straight, if I become his Font I would be allowed to stay in the Royal harem and might meet my mother?" she asked.

"Emily, you make it sound far too simple. Which part of you would be there as a bound slave did you miss?" I replied.

"My options seem to be hide for the rest of my life looking for some unknown safe haven, get captured and abused by a Sorcerer or choose to be bound to someone who seems to genuinely care about me and potentially meet my mother. I choose to be yours."

Scarlett stepped up, "Do you really mean that Emily?"

"It's hard to be rational in these circumstances, but it's not like I have a better option?" she said sheepishly, "If possible, though, could we go a bit slower on the other training, I'm still not very experienced in anything."

"No Em, you need to be ready so Master can claim you as soon as possible," Scarlett replied sternly as she went and found another plug.

"Please can we do something else. It's horrible to wear," Emily said while backing away raising her hands defensively.

Scarlett wasn't taking no for an answer, "You are going to start wearing it for you own good. It gets much easier once you get started," she said while walking over to her box of toys.

"Hold on Scarlet, we have Tam here and I don't think Emily would appreciate us playing games in front of her."

"Fine, but Master, Emily needs to be prepared or it will be much, much worse. Trust me, I know what it is like to have things forced in there and I only want what is best for her!" Scarlett continued more forcefully as a pained look flashed across her face.

I saw Emily also cringe along with me at her words as I realised just how little I understood of what she had been through in her training.

"Why don't we have breakfast together and sort it out once Tam has returned to her room." I proposed hoping to get off topic for now.

"Okay Master but I won't let this drop, the moment Tam leaves I expect you to put it back in" Scarlett replied as she stepped from the room as Emily and I followed her.

We entered the drawing room to find Tam in a dressing gown with her damp hair bound up in a towel admiring the spread on the table. Laura had outdone herself for our final breakfast with a feast of various pastries surrounded by jams of every flavor and jugs of fresh juices.

"Tam, you can help yourself to anything you'd like," I said pleased to see that her upset had been replaced by glee at the sight of the food.

"Em, why didn't you get us invited sooner...the shower was delightful and the heavenly smell of these pastries drew me all the way from next door!" Tam said directly to Emily who managed a giggle despite her concerns from moments earlier.

"Do you always eat like this?" Emily turned to me managing to put a smile on her face.

"I wish, this is simply the benefits of travelling in style by air ship!"

At this point we were all lost in a frenzy of eating as every type of pastry was consumed and compared with the agreed favorite being one of the buttery ones with chocolate running through it. Mid-eating there was a number of creaking sounds reverberating through the ship signaling the we had begun the slow descent towards our destination. Once we had all finished and sat in sated silence, I felt it was finally a good time to bring up our plans.

"Emily, we've been discussing at length how to get you off the ship unnoticed and have formulated a plan," I began.

She looked up nervously but remained silent allowing me to continue.

"We think my father is only paying attention to the passenger decks so the best way to get you out is to have you transported amongst the slave cargo to the capital. Tam can then collect you and we can all meet up a few days after that," I rushed out.

"Hang on, you want me to send me to the slave quarters to be transported to the capital?" Emily asked with a look of surprise.

"That's the genius of the plan, the Sorcerer isn't expecting anyone from the slave decks to be gifted and given they use a different gangway to exit the ship we could get you away safely and then it is just a matter of Tam collecting you from a holding facility," Scarlett explained.

"I know it is likely to be unpleasant and particularly for someone of your background but we also think it will work," I added.

Emily looked between the two of us before turning to Tam who gave her a little nod of approval.

"Is that why you dressed me like this?" Emily suddenly asked while addressing Scarlett.

"Well, it made sense, and on the plus side the dress also makes you look super-hot!" Scarlett said with a smirk as Emily blushed.

Tam didn't seem happy with Scarlett's comment so stepped in the continue, "We've also got some ink to copy my tattoos so your markings will look authentic and should last for a few days."

"Are we sure this is the only way?" Emily asked.

"Unfortunately we haven't come up with anything better, but it's not a long journey and we'll all be reunited soon," I replied.

"When you say slave transport, what does that actually mean? How will I be transported?"

I turned my attention to Scarlett as wasn't all that sure myself.

"In my experience you'll be kept either in a cell or dormitory in the quarters on the ship. The actual transport is usually a horse drawn cargo carriage which is basically just a giant cage on wheels. It's not really that least if it doesn't rain or until you need to go to the loo," Scarlett explained a little frankly, "the holding facilities are usually clean and efficient and in no time, you'll be back on the outside."

Emily had somehow gone a few shades lighter despite her already alabaster skin. I moved over to her and took her hand.

"I know this is a lot to take in but this is to keep you safe. Tam and I have arranged a meeting spot a few days later and we can all be together safely and can then plan our next move."

"Okay, if this is really the only option, I guess we have to try. But what happens if I am discovered?"

I chuckled, "I'm not really sure what they'd do if they found a Lady pretending to be a slave but attracting that much attention can't be a good thing for us."

While we'd been discussing Tam had collected a box and moved over to sit beside Emily.

"I need to get back but I thought I could copy my tattoos so yours look authentic and you also know what they mean already," Tam explained.

After Emily's nod of ascent Tam proceeded to spend the next twenty minutes carefully replicating the tattoos in an ink that didn't seem to smudge on her arm. When she was finished, she held her forearm up for inspection and I was honestly amazed at the quality of the outcome.

"Tam, I think you have a talent with that pen!" I exclaimed as she coloured at my compliment.

"This will hopefully last for three to four days and should wash off after a couple of attempts. Will you have her collection token sent down to me or should we meet after disembarking?" Tam continued.

"I think it best you have it before we disembark, I'll come by and delivery it personally," I replied.

Soon after Tam and Emily had an emotional farewell before I summoned Laura to request the slave transport services attend that afternoon for Emily.

"Master, I need to pack a bag to travel with you as my chest will have to be transported amongst the rest of the cargo," Scarlett began and with a sly grin asked, "can I trust the two of you to behave without me?"

I had sat down on the sofa admiring Emily's form in the tight dress and realised that Scarlett had felt my urges. As Scarlett left us alone, I turned to speak to Emily.

"Are you sure you are ok with doing this?" I asked earnestly.

"I suppose," she replied non-committedly standing awkwardly to one side.

I beckoned her over to join me, "Why don't you come sit with me?"

She looked so innocent with her blond hair framing her beautiful face as she snuggled in beside me and I began to stroke her hair. I realised from my position that I also had access to her bare back and began to scratch it lightly as she cooed in pleasure.

"Harry, I always have this one spot that is always itchy. Can you go a little to the left," Emily asked quietly as I complied, "a little up and a tiny bit to the right...that's it just there," Emily exclaimed as she wriggled in pleasure.

Once I'd finished, she turned to look at me and I saw her thinking things over before she looked me directly in the eyes.

"I'm scared Harry, I don't want to end up with someone else. I'm not sure I want to risk not being with you," she rushed out.

"I need you to be honest with me, I want you tell me what it is that you truly want," I told her as I held her tenderly, "Do you truly want to be my slave? We can still try our upmost to get you safely away from any malicious hunters or Sorcerers?"

"I want to be yours...I want to be your Font." She said more assuredly looking me straight in the eye.

"Emily, do you understand what that means?" I asked surprised by the confidence of her request.

"Yes, I do. But I also want to treated like you do Scarlett."

"How do you mean?"

She blushed but continued confidently, "I want to be tied up and fucked roughly just like you did earlier," she said is such a matter-of-fact manner that I felt my cock instantly harden, "I want to be punished if I misbehave, be kept chained to your bed and I want you to do things to the thing you did to me with your tongue."

"Emily, this isn't like a fantasy in a won't always be pleasant for you. The life of a Font is far from glamourous!"

"I've fantasized about something similar for years and everything with you and Scarlett has only reinforced that...I've never been so turned on and I want to do more...Master."

At the back of my I remembered Scarlett's request for Emily for when Tam had left.

"Emily, I know this is a lot, we can stop right now if you want. But if you give me the go ahead, I'm going to treat you like my slave and then there is no going back until we are finished," I told her seriously, "are you are ready?"

"Yes Master."

"Ok, strip for me," I ordered.

While she hurriedly climbed off the sofa, I soon saw why the slave dresses were named as such as a simple pull on a bow had the dress piled at her feet as she dropped her remaining silk knickers to her ankles and stepped out of them.

My being fully clothed next to her nakedness heightened the sense of the power dynamic between us as I tried my best to avoid her seeing too much of my reaction through the tent in my trousers.

"Kneel before me legs apart," I ordered as she moved into a kneeling position, "arms behind your back and grip your elbows," I continued.

With her supplication I felt my arousal spike as I tried to resist touching her as her perfect pussy and shapely breasts were presented before me. In the end I simply couldn't help myself as moved closer and ran my hands up her thighs feeling an instant connection. My mistake was then to run my hand up through her folds as she responded excitedly from my touch.

I didn't want to admit it but I began to feel the heat of her magic as my own sparked in her presence once more. I knew Scarlett would be upset with me already going this far but in the heat of the moment and with such a beautiful image of Emily in a state of ecstasy I wanted her to have this moment of happiness before she left. I drew my hand around to cup her pussy as I let a finger slip inside as she leant forward and I took her weight onto me as I felt a surge of energy between us.

"Harry, our magic, you need to stop," Emily said desperately in little more than a whisper. I finally relented and backed off as she slumped back onto her backside unveiling her pristine pussy fully to me.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I said feeling stupid.

"No Harry, that felt amazing but I'm worried I might have another episode if we continue. If I turn around would that be easier?" she asked while spinning around to kneel facing me with her face pressed down onto the floor.

At this point I saw Emily's hand appear from underneath as she began to rub her own clit trying to finish what I'd started.

"What are you doing Slave?" I asked sternly giving her bottom a light smack as she quickly removed her hand.

"Stay here and don't touch yourself," I ordered.

I quickly retrieved the items I needed as Scarlett looked up at me surprised as I held the plug and a bottle of lubricant.

"Master, do you need any help?" she asked purringly.

"Not just now, but I'll need you later," I replied with a smirk.

"Master, you better not touch her intimately," she replied but I was already back with Emily who remained kneeling on the ground as I admired the perfect tightness of her bottom and slim physique.

"Here is the deal, you can keep pleasuring yourself but I need to stay still for me," I said as I opened the bottle of lubricant.

I gave her bottom another light spank as she began to rub herself once more before I began to pour the lubricant first over the plug and then down her back allowing it to flow over her and along her crack, as it reached it's intended destination she flinched.

"'s cold," she pleaded.

Trying to help I began to rub it around to warm things up and began to fondle her puckered hole feeling and instant surge of energy between us.

"Harry, I'm not sure it will fit," Emily said nervously eying the plug as she looked back at me.

"Call me Master."

"Sorry, Master."

Hoping to get things over and done with quickly I teased and pressed the plug against her hole, as she went deathly still stopping her ministrations. I then began slowly applying increased pressure but without success.

I worried about her as she began to cry out a little in obvious discomfort. Wanting to help I swapped over the hand holding the plug and ran my free hand down to her folds slipping a finger in and ignoring the surge of magic. In no time I once more had her writhing in pleasure as I rubbed her clit waiting for the peak to strike. As I felt her body begin to erupt into orgasm, I interrupted her moans by pushing even more firmly on the plug as it slowly but surely slipped in as she cried out in a mix of both pain and pleasure.

She slowly spun her head around in the after effects of her orgasm as I saw her slightly teary eyes as I assessed how she was.

"Emily, are you ok? I didn't hurt you too much did I?"

"I'm ok, I'm just a bit tight down there but it went in easier than last time." She said a little out of breath as her eyes were drawn to my firmly erect cock tenting my trousers. As she came back into to a kneeling position she innocently asked, "Can I help with that Master?" while gesturing at my crotch.

I already felt guilty about how much we had been touching, "However much I would love that I think we need to resist touching like that anymore...I felt our magic surging again."

"It feels like I am being both drawn in and lifted up when we touch like that," she tried to explain quickly realizing that I was evidently still distract by her nakedness, "Would it be better if I put my clothes back on?" she asked pleased by my reaction despite her obvious discomfort.

"I think that would be best," I was able to say with great difficulty.

Emily stood awkwardly grasping her backside as I dropped back onto the sofa. With a great deal more willpower than I thought I possessed I watched as Emily first replaced her underwear before slipping her dress back on and kneeling beside me to tie the straps behind her neck.

We both looked up at the sound of footsteps to find Scarlett staring daggers while holding her chastity belt in her hands.

"I can't leave you two alone for five minutes without you touching. Master, I'm putting her in chastity for both your sakes!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A pity about all typos.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great world building, now the story seems to be picking up speed.

In the beginning the protagonist's shyness/reluctance and the eagerness of his love interests were a bit overblown, but the characters are becoming more rounded and believable with every chapter.

I hope for many more chapters.

Thanks for that story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

awesome continuation. Can hardly wait for the next installment

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