The Sky Kingdom Ch. 19


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I made my way to the Master bedroom to find a flustered-looking Scarlett bounding over to me. She immediately jumped into my arms as I caught her in surprise.

"Master, I'm so happy for you. I felt how much you enjoyed using her. A little too much,'ve left me on edge!" She shot out with a big smile while wrapping her legs around my waist as I easily held her weight. She used her position to kiss me on the lips as I lost myself in her touch again.

"Master, please release me. I promise to be good!"

"No, my beautiful little slave. It wouldn't be a punishment otherwise!" I replied as I gave her a peck on the lips with a smile.

As I slowly let her slide her legs back down, she gave me her best hurt little innocent doe look that came very close to persuading me.

"How is she?" I asked, gesturing over to the bed.

"No change, Master. I think she won't wake until tomorrow." Scarlett responded, snapping out of her feigned hurt, "but a metal cylinder was delivered for you."

"What do you mean?"

"When you were having fun with Mads, a young man delivered this," she replied while picking up one of the private message devices.

I took it from her and released the top, careful this time to hold it facing away from me.


'The lack of news has us both worrying.

Please update us and provide a location and time for us to observe her from a distance.



My offer to prove to Scarlett's parents that she was still alive had slipped entirely from my mind with everything relating to Emily. There wasn't much we could do with how late it was.


Forgive me. Other events have kept me busy.

We are heading to Victory Square for breakfast tomorrow and will sit outside. I'll ensure she is sitting facing the sun so you can observe her properly.

We must meet privately to discuss the next steps.



Having finished my note, I walked over to the front door of our suite. Exiting, I found a young man in a black livery standing at attention. Seeing I held a sealed cylinder, he took it from me without saying a word and left.

I returned to the Master suite and approached the bed. Scarlett had left Emily dressed in her new dark blue dress with her hair spread over the pillows. She looked like a sleeping angel, and I sat beside her, pulling her hand into mine.

"I'm going to keep you safe," I whispered, wanting nothing more than to wrap her up in a cuddle.

"Master, I've made up the other bed for us. But we could stay in here with Emily if you'd prefer?"

I didn't want to leave her for now and stripped to my undergarments wordlessly as Scarlett joined me, understanding my intentions. She helped me to slip Emily under the covers as we joined her, and I soon fell asleep holding her close to me, feeling our raw connection, with Scarlett against my back.

I awoke early the following day to find both ladies still out for the count. I attempted to wake Emily, but she still seemed to be unconscious. Scarlett gave me a sheepish look when I woke her up and apologised needlessly for not waking me up properly. I almost forgot how much I enjoyed that habit as I smiled at her.

She carried out her own checks on Emily and concluded she was still a long way from waking up.

"If we popped out for brunch, do you think Emily will be ok? I asked her as she sleepily replied.

"I think it would be ok, and Mads could watch her. Do you want to take me out in public?"

" I would love to take you. But I want you to dress like a Lady for me. In this weather, a turtle neck would be my preference."

She rushed off excitedly to get ready as I did the same.

I was ready well before Scarlett and sat with Emily until she returned, dressed in an elegant cream turtle neck and black trousers. She still looked every bit the refined Lady as I stood.

"You look incredible, my Lady," I said as she blushed at my words.

"Thank you, Master. I am ready to go."

Having instructed Mads, we picked up coats on the way out as Scarlett insisted on following a pace behind me. The place I wanted to go was not far away, so we walked out, avoiding picking up my guard.

I'd taken all the documents I needed from the office as we approached the slave registration building.

Scarlett turned to me nervously, "Master, why are we here? I thought we were going for brunch."

"I want your mark removed, and this is one of the places a black mark can be rescinded," I said while taking her hand in mine.

"Master, are you claiming me officially?" She asked, suddenly becoming emotional.

"I don't want there to be any doubt that you belong with me."

"No, Master, that I belong to you." She replied, squeezing my hand back.

I opened the door for her as we entered the bustling building, walking over to a desk to find an older man with glasses reading over some paperwork.

"How can we help you, young sir?" The man asked, not looking up from his paperwork.

"I am here to have my concubine registered in my name."

"Concubine, eh?" He said with a smile, "who might you be then?"

"Prince Henry of House Carrara," I said, and the man's jaw momentarily dropped.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," he burst out, "please join us in a more private setting."

He stood and signalled for a colleague to join, and we followed him to a back room after an attendant had taken our coats.

"What can we do for you, Your Highness?"

"My concubine has a black mark I want to be removed, and for her to be formally registered to me."

"Do you have her paperwork?"

I handed over the forms Jasper had provided, and he reviewed them thoroughly before nodding.

"This is all in order. I will send your slave into the back for our Artificer to do his work. All slaves must be kept manacled beyond this point." He said, eyeing Scarlett.

Feeling her sudden nerves, I stepped forward, "There is no need. I will not let her out of my sight."

"She must still be secured, Your Highness." The man replied as he held a mix of leather and metal and approached Scarlett, who moved back to my side.

"No one binds my Concubine except me," I defensively said as I stepped between him and held out my hand as he reluctantly handed over the chains.

I turned to a nervous Scarlett and inspected what I reasoned was a leather belt.

"It goes around her waist with the manacles on her wrists," the man added.

I wrapped the belt around her and buckled it at the back with a complicated array of small belts. Coming back around the front, she held up her wrists as I slipped the manacles onto her wrists and locked them with the key provided. The chain from her belt still gave her reasonable freedom of movement.

"You must tighten the chains at the back." The man said with evident frustration at the delay as I noticed the extra buckles behind.

I wasn't sure how the device worked, but one of Scarlett's hands had enough range to reach around and point to one of the required buckles. I drew on them as one of her wrists pulled against the belt tightly, with the other following in short order. I walked around admiring how stunning she was bound in this quite elegant manner.

"This style is common in the capital, allowing slaves to be bound for an extended period with minimal risk to their wellbeing."

"This seems like fine craftsmanship," I said while admiring the fine leatherwork.

"They are standard as part of our registration process. But we sell similar devices if you want to purchase them when we settle the costs for the Artificer."

My imagination was in overdrive as I imagined playing with my slaves. Hands secured as they were would allow fantastic access for both teasing and discipline.

The man then approached with a leather leash handing it to me rather than approaching Scarlett. I slipped her turtle neck down and clipped the leash to her collar. Giving it a slight jerk, she followed, seemingly not pleased with being bound in front of this stranger.

We entered a corridor lined with naked slaves, all secured by their collars to the wall, and I felt Scarlett's discomfort and figured she had less than pleasant memories of such establishments. Most slaves were in similar bondage, with fabric covering their crotches, and they kept their heads bowed as we passed.

I only realised it was a queue when we entered the door at the end to find a room of peculiar contraptions with a man sitting beside a reclined chair. I felt the subtle hum of magic and noticed a bound slave being tattooed.

"Just finishing up," the quirky man said, not even looking up.

"His Highness, Prince Henry, has brought his concubine for your services, Artificer."

The man continued his concentration for an awkward pause before sitting up and tapping the now worried-looking slave on the arm as she eyed me.

"All finished, up you get!" He said, undoing a few straps before she shuffled from the chair and stood. I noted her chains were loose so he could tattoo her forearm, but our guide remedied the situation as he tightened the back, and she was tightly secured. Our guide then led her away, leaving us alone with the Artificer.

"Are you her Master?" He asked me, all business, while he directed her to the chair as I let her leash go. He approached and began fiddling with the back of her belt while she tried to look back to see what he was doing.

"Yes, but I want her registered in my name. She is also black-marked, so that must be removed."

"Black-marked? You are a dangerous little thing." He said as her chains loosened a fraction, partially freeing her wrists. She followed his directions as he helped her into the chair and took her arm, strapping it down with leather belts after folding up her sleeve.

The black mark stood out strongly as he reviewed her tattoos, and I handed over the paperwork with both of our details.

"This is crudely applied but something I can easily remedy." He stated.

I knew artificers could imbue magic into items. Still, I was fascinated as he worked his unique magic into Scarlett's tattoo and the colour gradually faded to reveal pristine olive skin. I felt the burning pain through our bond as he drew the magic from her arm, but Scarlett's overwhelming sense of relief helped mask it.

He began to layer in magic as swirls of inky colour formed into my personal seal. Once he finished his work, her arms were released, and I stepped in to help her stand. Scarlett gave me a panicked look when he shortened her chains with practised ease.

He pushed her down onto a seat, forcing Scarlett to lean forward and rest on a pillowed ring for her face. Drawing back her hair, he revealed her remaining tattoos and duly began changing them accordingly.

Scarlett was drawn back up to her feet as she rushed to me once everything was complete. She was pretty flustered, but I felt her calm as I took hold of her arm and drew her into my personal space.

"Is that everything?" I asked the peculiar Artificer.

"Yes, your Highness. It shouldn't hurt for more than a few days. If you pop through the next door, they will finish the new documentation and have it relayed to our central reliquary.

I led her from the room to find our guide waiting, and he took us to an office to await a registrar.

Finding ourselves alone, I reached behind Scarlett, searching for the release mechanism.

"Master, it's ok. You can leave me bound. I feel safe with you!"

I stopped coming around to face her surprisingly happy face.

"Are you ok? That didn't hurt you too badly?" I asked.

"Master, this is one of the best gifts I've ever received. Of course, I'm ok," she said, beaming.

"Scarlett, this shouldn't be, though. You should have been showered with gifts your whole life, not forced to be a slave."

"Your slave, Master. Now it's official. I belong to you!" She replied, giving me a massive smile before dropping to her knees and staying up at me adoringly.

I began to stroke my hand lovingly against her cheek as the door opened, and another bureaucrat entered, rushing over to take a seat.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. We are particularly busy this morning."

"Not a problem whatsoever. What do we still need to do?" I asked, feeling upbeat from Scarlett's joy.

"Now the slave is registered to you. We just need to finish its documentation. We also offer a range of insurance packages I'm obligated to tell you about, but I suspect someone of your means might not be too bothered."

"Insurance won't be necessary. I was wondering if I could change any of her official details?"

"Yes, Your Highness. She is officially just an identification number, so you can change all non-immutable details."

"Then change her name. I don't like Natalia."

He began adjusting the form, "what should I change it to?"

"I didn't know until recently, but I've always wanted to own a Scarlett," I replied, giving my full attention to my newly registered slave as I sent all the care I could down our bond.

It took her a few seconds to realise what I was doing, but I soon felt her happiness at my doing so.

"All sorted. That's everything on our end. We'll send a copy of everything over to the address provided earlier. We've charged the bill to your House accounts, and my colleague advised that you'd like to keep the belt and leash. Is that still the case?"

I nodded, and he added it to the bill before directing us out of the room. I took Scarlett's leash in a tight grip leading her away, relieved at how simple it had ended up being.

"Master, it's official. I'm yours!" She began once we were alone, but I silenced her with a kiss, pulling her forward by the leash. She returned it with alacrity until I broke away and began undoing the belt.

Freeing her entirely, I placed the ensemble in a bag.

"Will you let me serve you in that later, Master? I felt how much you enjoyed it."

"I'm going to fuck you senseless in it, my little slave. But first, let's get something to eat in celebration," I replied with a smirk as I took her hand and walked her out into the street.

I'd already informed the Duke where we would be, so I led Scarlett to the restaurant and had them provide an outdoor table looking out over the busy square. She gave me a nervous look after I'd helped her sit down, as many other tables had slaves knelt on cushions beside their owners.

"Remember that I want you to only behave like a slave in our bedroom. Here and now, you are Lady Scarlett." I whispered under my breath.

We settled down to a fabulous brunch buffet and lost ourselves in enjoyment as Scarlett kept smiling at me. Our enamoured looks were interrupted by a sudden sharp cry in the background, which distracted Scarlett, who had been busy wrapping her lips around a glazed cinnamon bun. I quickly took her hands in mine to keep her attention on me. Sharpening my senses, I identified the source as the Duke held his Font buried into his chest to keep her quiet with tears in his eyes.

They had evidently both seen the impeccably dressed and happy Lady opposite me. I realised they hadn't truly believed me until they saw the proof themselves. The love I saw reflected in the Duke's eyes hardened my resolve to reunite them properly sometime soon.

Scarlett had felt my strange emotions and gave me an odd look the whole way back to the hotel. We entered the hotel lobby to the usual fanfare of the porter, keen to let everyone know who stayed in his hotel.

Entering our suite, a panic-stricken Mads accosted me.

"Master, she's awake and locked herself away!" she burst out.

"What happened?" I asked Mads while Scarlett moved to take her hand.

"I was using a warm cloth to clean her face when her eyes opened, Master," she began nervously, "she didn't know me and asked who I was. I told her I was a pleasure slave, and when she asked if my Master had other slaves, I told her about Nat, and she broke down and ran off."

"Where did she go?" Scarlett asked, but I realised I could already sense her presence as my magic strengthened.

"The bathroom!" Mads replied, "she locked herself in and won't respond!"

I led the way to the bathroom as I felt her presence just behind the door.

"I know you are there. Stay away, or I'll hurt myself," a weak voice came from the door as I kept quiet.

"You need to release me. I already have a Master. He's powerful and will hurt you if you don't let me go!" Emily said more confidently.

"Emily, it's me, Harry."

"Harry," a small voice said, "is that really you?"

"Yes, Em, it's us. Open up." Scarlett replied.

The door clicked and slowly opened to reveal a tear-streaked angel's face in her new dark blue Font dress.

"Harry, I can sense you. Why can I sense you?" She asked nervously.

"It's our bond. I can sense you as my Font as well.

"So, I belong to you now?"

"Yes, we are bound as Font and Master. I'm so sorry about what I did to you. But you are safe now with Scarlett and me," I rushed out, but Emily ignored my words and buried herself in my chest, bursting into tears.

"Harry, I prayed and prayed, but you never came. I thought that horrible Prince wanted me and that I would be his plaything for the rest of my life," she sobbed into me.

I cautiously picked her up in my arms while she let out her emotions and carried her back to the bedroom. After dismissing Mads, Scarlett sorted out the bed and helped me place her against the pillows. I took the opportunity to sit against the headboard, and she curled up with her back against me.

When Scarlett moved to join, Emily initially flinched away, scared, and buried herself against me as I drew her into my arms. Scarlett's hurt at the rejection came through our bond loud and clear, but she stayed close by on the bed

"Are you in any pain?" I asked cautiously, running my hand through her hair.

"My neck feels burnt, and my bottom is very sore. I was...I was...a penis was forced inside. It hurt so much!"

Guilt at what I'd had to do to her shook me as I hugged her even tighter.

"That was me. It was part of the ritual, and I'm so so sorry!" I whispered as she remained silent while I held her.

"But now I'm safe with you? I won't have to go through that again?"

"I'll always keep you safe," I replied, squeezing her gently into me, not wanting to explain that I might have to do something similar again.

"Those women can't get to me anymore?"

"No, I don't intend to let you out of my sight again!" I replied genuinely.

"But, will you tell us what happened to you? What happened to Tam?"

Emily let out a burst of emotion, "Tam! I need to find her. What if they took her as well!"

"We'll help you find her. Did you get off the ship ok? How did they catch you?"

"It was all my fault. Everything went to plan, and Tam picked me up from the transport station and released me," she began, having calmed down a little.

"We left the city to lie low and found a small inn to stay at. It was there that she found us!"

"Who found you?"

"Melissa, the Fire Sorceress from the South!"

"A Sorceress?"

"She's remarkable. She said she'd sensed my outburst and offered us safe passage South where I could learn to harness my gift. Tam persuaded me to join her, but I said I would only go after saying goodbye to you!"

"Emily, what do you mean? You came back to the capital to see me?"

"Did you not feel a connection between us? I couldn't think of anything else while we were apart!"

"I did, but I thought it was all from me!"

"No, I felt it too. Melissa wasn't happy, but I insisted!"

"So what happened once you returned to the capital?" I asked.

"Melissa tracked you down to a hotel. While waiting to travel, I got distracted by a slave and her Master. I started thinking about our time together; and before I could stop it, my magic started to leak out. I tried to run when Hunters found us, but something knocked me out, and I woke up in a cage with a thick collar around my neck. I don't know what happened to either of them!"