The Slave Traders

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Couple is forced into sexual slavery.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/10/2019
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It was a warm Spring evening when Carla and I parked near the lake for a little time together. We had been together the entire senior year in college and would graduate in less than 6 weeks. Carla is a beautiful woman 5 ft 7 in with a nice figure. While she complains that her breasts are too small, I think they are great. Her blond hair and blue eyes make her exciting to most men.

It was 10:00 PM or so that fateful night that changed both our lives. The area we parked at the lake was usually filled with cars as couples made out. That night we were almost alone. That seem strange as it was one of the first nice nights of Spring. As my hands moved over Carla's body and the front of her blouse began to fall open, a van pulled up behind our car. Within seconds three men jumped out. With a gun pointed at the driver's side window, the order was given, "Get out of the car now!"

Fearful, I was reluctant to obey while Carla hurriedly buttoned her blouse. Again, the order, "Get the fuck out of the car before we blow your head off." I unlocked the doors and we both slowly got out of the car.

"Take my wallet and leave us alone", was my immediate response.

"We're not interested in some pitiful money you might have we want both of you. Turn around and put your hands behind your backs and do it now."

Carla was crying while I wondered what I could do. There was nothing. There were three of them with weapons and trying to fight them wasn't possible. I was afraid that if I tried to fight them both Carla and I would be killed. So, we obeyed.

Our hands with tied with rope and hoods pulled over our heads. The apparent leader of the gang searched me for my car keys and wallet. We were then lead to the van and forced to the floor in the back. Lying on the floor it was clear we were in some serious trouble.

One of the gang got into my car and took off. Lying helpless in the van, one of the gang pulled off our shoes and socks and put duct tape around our angles making it impossible for us to move. At that point the van started moving. The 30-minute ride was over bumpy roads. The two men talked softly as the van sped down the road. Slowing and making a turn into some location the van stopped and a garage door close. Carla was sobbing, and I was very worried we were going to be killed.

The door was opened, and two men spoke to a third person. "They are both good looking and will fetch a handsome price."

I heard the third man say, "The $5,000 you were promised for this job is in the gym bag inside. You can count it if you like but it is all there. Now get them out of the van. Strip them both taking everything include the girls ear rings. I want nothing that can identify them. Once you are done, bring them into me. Before you leave burn their clothes and sell the car to our contact. "

"Yes, sir. We know the money is good." With that the third man left.

"Okay, you two are now going to become the property of our friend. So, let's give him what he wants."

The duct tape was cut and removed. We were pulled from the van. I was first pulled out and immediately the two started to strip my clothes off. The pants and underwear were easily pulled off. Because my hands were tied behind me, a knife was used to cut off my shirt. With a minute I was completely naked. One of the men commented, "Look at that small cock, he will be a prize for those who want a gay or shemale slave." The other one laughed as he gave my cock a pull.

Terrified, I could only wonder what they meant about someone wanting a gay slave.

Carla was pulled from the van and stood there sobbing. "Okay, don't fight us and you won't be hurt. "With that her jeans and panties were pulled off and she stood fearing she was going to be assaulted. Then the knife was again used to cut off her blouse and bra." Her ear rings were removed along with a ring she was wearing.

"Okay, you both are going into the house." With that one of the men grabbed my cock and said, "Follow me."

Carla was also lead into the house. With the hoods still over our heads we had no way of knowing where we were. Only the warmer temperature of the house told me we were inside rather than in the garage.

The voice of the third man we had heard a few minutes earlier while still in the van told the two to take their money and leave. The promptly obeyed and I heard a door close.

The Man said something to another person in the room. Then he spoke to us. "Welcome you are now my property and I look forward to a profitable association with you both."

I started to protest, when a woman's voice shouted, "Shut up slave you belong to us and it will be easier for you if you obey." Unable to see I now knew there were at least two captors in the room.

"Jasmine, would you please remove the hoods from our slaves, so we can get a better look at our new prizes." With that a woman pulled our hoods off. We stood there naked and afraid as our captors looked us over.

Jasmine was a very tall and muscular woman who could beat you silly if she chose to do so. The Man, name never spoken, was in control.

He spoke to us in a soft voice. "Tonight, you have begun a new life. As fare as the world knows you just disappeared. I can guarantee there will be no trace of you after got into the van. You are my property until I choose to sell you to friendly buyers. They will probably be out of this country. You will be well treated because you are too valuable to harm. We don't want you bruised, injured, or harmed in anyway. For me you are an investment."

Jasmine, "Tell me what you think about the woman."

Approaching Carla Jasmine began to closely look at her. Carla's breasts receive close attention as well as her beautiful ass. Jasmine rubbed her hands all over Carla's body and smiled.

"Sir, with her blond hair, blue eyes, and firm ass she will be a prize. I suspect she is worth $25,000 to $30,000 for our Arab clients".

Carla cried even harder than she had been terrified as to what her future might be.

The Man replied, "I agree she is a prize and easily worth $30,000. I have several clients seeking such woman."

It was now my turn to be examined by Jasmine.

He first comment, "He is very smooth not much hair. That can be a big selling point. He has a small cock but nice balls that is also a big plus. For a man his legs are better than most women including his friend. A nice ass will also be a plus."

"Sir, I believe he will fetch somewhere around $50,000 especially if we clean him up a bit."

The man again agreed. "I have a client in Saudi Araba that will easily pay that and maybe more."

Humiliated, I was also terrified as what would happen to me.

"Bend them both over I want to see their assholes. Are they tight?"

Carla was first one Jasmine turned around bent over and spread her cheeks. "Sir she looks very tight"

I was next. After turning me around and bending me over, Jasmine paused for a moment. I hear the snap of a rubber glove. The cream was spread on my anus. She then ran her finger into my ass. It hurt.

"Sir, he is very tight. He is a virgin."

His response, "Excellent that increases his value."

Humiliated and afraid we were ordered to turn. "We will have to clean you both up before you leave on your trip. First, your pubic hair will be shaved, none of our clients want hair slaves. Next, you, the male, all your body hair will be shaved. I have an order for a very smooth and clean-shaven person whom he intends to make into a shemale. If you had a big cock you would not be going to this client. He turns his boys into girls for his pleasure."

Now I wanted to scream and protest but at that moment I received a shot in my rear. Carla did as well. Within a few minutes Jasmine helped me to the floor. Carla was also out cold.

The sound of jet engines woke me. The ropes binding my hands had been replaced with hand cuffs. I was wearing a long shirt that went to my knees. Carla was beside me also wearing a long shirt. As before we had no shoes and it appeared no other clothes.

The familiar voice of Jasmine said, "Glad you are awake. We will be arriving at our destination soon. Your new owner will examine you and then the sales will be complete. It appears one buy wants both of you, so you had better please him or one of you will be going Lebanon."

I asked, "How long were we asleep?"

Jasmine simply replied, "Long enough".

Jasmine sat Carla up against a bulkhead in the Jet and brushed her hair. "We want you to look your best for you new owner."

I was next, my hair was brushed.

"You both are probably thirst and hungry and need to use the bathroom. With that Jasmine pulled Carla to her feet and freed one of her hands. "First the bathroom then some water and food for you Sweetie."

Jasmine held the freed cuff while Carla was lead into the bathroom. Then to a seat and a lunch of cold cuts, bread, and fruit was given to her by a woman who served as a flight attendant. In about 30 minutes Carla was finished and returned to the back of the plane.

Lead to the bathroom I had to pull up the shirt to pee. That is when I noticed I had no pubic hair. What else had happened to us while we were asleep. After my meal I was lead back to the back of the plane. Sitting next to Carla, this was the first chance I had a chance to speak to her since the abduction.

Whispering I said, "Honey, I don't know what is going to happen to us, but we will survive and get back home. How and when I don't know but we will. I love you."

Carla through tears, "I know you love me. I have no idea what is going to happen but promise me you will think of me and if you can get us out of here."

At that moment Jasmine returned and told us to shut up. "We will be landing in about an hour, so I want you at your best."

As she told us, it was about an hour before the jet started to descend and made its approach. When the wheels touched the runway and rolled to a stop.

Jasmine ordered us to stand up and ready to leave the plane. Once the doors to the jet were opened we were lead off the plan into a small private terminal. The individual who owned the plane and terminal was a bearded man who wore heave glasses and was dressed in the style of a Saudi prince.

At that point the man who had paid for us emerged from the front of the plan. "Your Majesty, it good to see you again. "The customary kisses were exchanged, and they sat down for tea. While we stood nervously waiting our fate.

"your Majesty, as you requested we have found two very excellent slaves for you. I believe they will meet all of your desires.'

"Jasmine, bring our two guests over here so the prince can examine then. Please remove their shirts so he has a complete opportunity to see what we have brought him."

Obeying Jasmine lead us to a few feet from the table and then stripped us for the prince's approval. It was at that moment I realized I had been shaved completely and was totally naked. Carla had also been shaved.

"Please have them turn around so that the prince can see all of them. If he requests, please be ready to bend each of them over and spread their cheeks."

The prince looked us over very closely. Then he clapped his hand and big man came over and personally inspected us. My cock and balls were felt, and nipples rubbed. He then turned me around and proceed to spread my ass and inspect my asshole.

Carla was next. He checked her breasts, put his fingers into her vagina, also spread her checks.

Nodding his head in approval to the prince, the negotiations began.

"You Majesty, such a beautiful couple is very difficult to find. I believe the pair is worth $100,000".

Knowing that this was only opening to the customary haggling expected in the Mideast the prince countered.

"The woman is worth no more than $25,000 and the male $40,000."

How humiliating knowing that Carla and I were being reduced to dollars.

The Man countered, "What if I sell you the girl for $35,000 and the male for $60,000. They are unusually attractive and very fit. The male will make a very attractive addition to your collection."

While we stood there naked, the negotiations continued. Then the prince got up and came over to us. He spent his time rubbing me checking for whatever and spent several minutes stroking my cock and balls.

He returned to the table and said, "My final offer is $30,000 for the woman and $50,000 for the male. If that is not satisfactory you can put them back on the plane and send them to my cousin in Lebanon."

After several minutes of silence, the Man said, "I will give them to you at the bargain price you are offering because I respect your judgement and wisdom. I know they will please you and serve you well. I also will be available if you ever want others to join them."

With a straight face the prince said, "You are a friend and wise man. The sum of $80,000 will be sent to your bank account today. Yes, I may want to add to my collection in the future."

With that the Man gave the customary kiss and got back aboard the jet.

At that moment a vailed woman came and took Carla by the arm. She was lead to where women were kept. Crying she said, "I love you don't forget me and help me."

I replied, "I love you and we will get to be together."

The man who inspected me for the prince, took me by the arm and lead me to a different place in the place complex.

He said, "My name is Kahan, I am your trainer and you will do as I tell you to do. You are going to be transformed into a true shemale. The prince lost his last one to a cousin in a card game and really misses her. You will become her. In a short-time you will not be recognize as a male. Only your cock will be a reminder of who you were. I am going to laser all your body hair including your eyebrows. This will avoid the unpleasant constant shaving. With continuous moisturizing your skin will become soft as a woman. You will grow breasts and learn to walk and act like a woman. Your sole purpose is to please the prince. No one else will touch you unless he allows it."

I was really terrified.

"Have sucked cock?" Shocked I said, "NO"

"Have you had any gay experiences?" I replied, "No I am straight"

Kahan replied, "We shall see. You will become what I want you to become and will please the prince."

"The prince was pleased with the pictures of you and the woman he received prior to his agreement to see you. At some point you will have a lesbian relationship with her. Muslim women are forbidden to have such relationships, but you infidels will be allowed to please him that way."

Once reaching a small building outside the palace, my transformation started. The first thing was a hormone shot to start the change. Secondly, I was given women's clothes and told to wear them always unless ordered otherwise. Finally, I was ordered to sit when I peed. Further instructions and laser hair removal would soon start. I was given a western woman's name Lisa. From now on that was the name I was to use and respond to when called.

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N2BiSex4uN2BiSex4uover 5 years ago
it could happen

google the texas couple from africa

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Loved it!

Pls keep writing; btw, should only happen to me!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
great chapter 1.

Please continue writing on the very hot topics. like to hear about str8 to shemale mental and physical transformation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

โ€œbull crap kidnapping some one and forcing them into slaveryโ€

What?! In a story named โ€˜The Slave Tradersโ€™?!

That shocks me to my core... to my CORE, I say!!

Thank you, citizen! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

bull crap kidnapping some one and forcing them into slavery

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