The Snow Storm - V2

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Wife discovers her inner slut with husband's boss.
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This is my first story on Literotica, or anywhere else, for that matter. It was originally published, in error, on a profile that I did not intend and wanted to be closed for reasons that matter only to me. The editors at Literotica have since deleted the other profile and republished my story here, where I wanted it in the first place. This new placement also has a slightly different ending than the version I posted on the other site. If you read the first version, I hope you like the change.

Disclaimers: Every character in this story is over 18. This is a work of fiction. Events here did not really happen and all of the characters, although loosely inspired by my life or the lives of others that I know, are fictional as well. Therefore, there is no need for them to get a fictional divorce or be concerned with fictional diseases that they could fictionally catch. If you don't like stories about wives having sex with someone other than their husbands, this would be a good place to stop reading.

A special thank you to my volunteer editor, Irish BiGuy. He was a very big help in catching some of my mistakes and in improving the story. Another special thank you to my own Loving Wife and partner for many, many years for her encouragement, story suggestions, and edits.

OK, here is The Snow Storm...

Sue was very nervous as she waited to hear from her husband, Paul, who was trying to catch a flight home from a 2-week long business trip. As luck would have it, a major winter storm system had moved into the Denver area where he was stuck for the moment. Sue, meanwhile, was dealing with weather issues of her own, as another storm system was about to move through their home area of Black Mountain, North Carolina. The only nearby airport was in Asheville and it did not take very much for bad weather to shut the small airport down.

One further complication was that Paul's boss, Ted Hammond, was due to stop by in a little while to meet Paul so that the two of them could drive to Charlotte to conclude one of the deals Paul had put in play while in Colorado. It was awful timing, but it was their one and only chance to wrest the potential new client away from a competitor whom had managed to keep Paul's company from gaining a foothold with the very lucrative client.

Finally, as the morning wore on, Sue's mobile phone rang and it was Paul telling her that his flight from Denver was going to be able to depart in just a few minutes. He hoped to be home by 2PM, which would still give Mr. Hammond and him time to get to Charlotte for a late afternoon meeting with the prospect.

"Oh, please be careful," Sue implored her husband.

"Well honey, all I can do is be sure my seatbelt is buckled. The rest is up to the cockpit crew and air traffic control - plus the weather gods, I guess," Paul kidded.

"All right, smarty. You buckle up and get back home to me," Sue chided.

Around noon, the doorbell rang and Sue looked to see who was there. It was Mr. Hammond.

Sue opened the door, "Hi, Mr. Hammond. I wasn't expecting you this soon. You've caught me in my sweats with no make up."

"Hi Sue. Don't give it a second thought. The weather is getting a little worse and I didn't want to have trouble getting up here, so I left Fairview a couple of hours early. I am not as comfortable as Paul and you are driving in these elevations when it is snowing" Mr. Hammond explained.

At 2,500 feet of elevation, Black Mountain could be a challenge even for those who lived there when the weather turned icy.

"I figured l would get myself here while the going was good and then let Paul do the driving to Charlotte with his better skills driving in the snow," Mr. Hammond continued.

"Makes perfect sense," Sue agreed. "Please come in and get warm."

Once inside, Sue fetched a cup of coffee for her husband's boss and one for herself. The two sat in front of the warm fireplace and Sue updated Mr. Hammond on the latest from Paul.

"He said his flight from Denver was finally taking off and he hoped to get into Asheville by 2:00PM," Sue informed. "It should take him about 30-45 minutes to get here from the airport, so you two should be able to depart for Charlotte by 3:00, at the latest."

"That will work," Mr. Hammond agreed.

Around 2:00PM, Sue's mobile phone rang again and she rushed to answer it. Paul was on the other end with another update. Sue put her phone on speaker so that Mr. Hammond could hear as well.

"The bad news is that air traffic control routed us around the storm that is hitting your area now. The good news is that they diverted us to Charlotte, so I am already here," Paul updated. "How is the weather where you guys are now?"

Mr. Hammond opened the front door it was immediately apparent that the weather had taken a significant turn for the worse. Snow was piling up on the drive way and the street was coated in a couple of inches of fresh flakes. Sue followed him to the front porch and said, "there is no way you are getting out of here anytime soon, Mr. Hammond. No one in their right mind would try to drive down the mountain in these conditions."

Paul spoke again, "I was concerned that might be the case, since they had already closed the airport and it is at a lower elevation, so I have a plan B. I'll rent a car here in Charlotte and drive out to see our prospect. Once there, I can let him know what is happening with the weather in western North Carolina and ask him to move our meeting to tomorrow afternoon. When the roads are clear enough, you can drive over from Black Mountain, Ted, and we can close this deal."

Ted agreed that was the only plan that made sense and it was also the only plan that Mother Nature would allow.

"If Sue doesn't mind putting up with me, I will appreciate being able to stay here to ride out the storm and I will get out of her way as soon as the weather permits," Ted said.

"Of course, Mr. Hammond. That is not a problem at all. You are very welcome to stay," Sue assured him. At that moment, the cellular network dropped their call. Sue explained to Mr. Hammond that a loss of service was not uncommon during stormy weather on the mountain.

"Please Sue, if I am going to spend the night here with you, call me Ted."

Sue's phone rang again. It was Paul calling back. Sue answered and Ted walked away to give the couple a moment of privacy to talk.

"Thanks for being understanding, honey," Paul told her. "You know how good Ted has been to us and what a rough time he has had since his wife and son died in the car accident. His whole world centered around them and he has seemed a bit lost since they died."

"This is not a problem, darling," Sue assured her husband. "I will cook dinner for the two of us and entertain him for the evening."

"You're the best, babe," Paul asserted. "Try to be very accommodating to him. I don't think he gets a lot of companionship these days, much less female company."

"Uh, what do you mean by 'very accommodating' and 'female companionship', honey?" Sue pressed.

"You know. Smile, be nice, make him feel appreciated. Maybe even flirt a little... or a lot," Paul chuckled as he said this. "Maybe you will have a sexy story to tell me about your night with him when I get back. He is incredibly important to our future and it wouldn't hurt to further endear ourselves to him if we can. Speaking of which, you're not wearing your slouchy sweatpants and sweatshirt are you?"

Looking down at her clothing, Sue lied and said, "of course not. I'm in just my panties and a bra."

"Wow, that would be hot! I'm sure Ted would like that! OK, my slutty little wife, take care of Ted. I will call you later this..." and the phone went dead again. This time showing a 'No Service' warning on its screen.

"Well, that's probably it for the phone service," Sue informed Ted.

"Yep, mine is dead as well," he said.

Later that evening, Sue prepared a basic meal for the two of them and they ate while sitting by the fire. She opened a nice bottle of Cabernet for them to share and they settled into a comfortable banter. They had already discovered that the satellite TV was out, so conversation was their only option.

After dinner, Ted opened another bottle of wine and refilled their glasses while they picked back up on their conversation. He broached the topic of his wife and child and Sue let him take the lead.

"I've had a hard time getting over the loss," he admitted. "It's been three years, but I just miss them and some of the things we used to do so much. Frankly, Paul reminds me a bit of my son and that is one of several reasons that I think so highly of him. He is a couple of years older than Mark would be, but he has the same sensibilities and intellect that my son possessed. Paul is going to go far with this company and perhaps even take the reins of ownership one day," Ted opined.

"Well, he thinks the world of you, Ted, and we both very much appreciate the opportunities you have given him," Sue offered.

"He deserves everything I have done for him," Ted assured her.

Taking another sip of his wine, Ted moved on to talk about his deceased wife. "I miss 'us' so much. We did everything together. We used to call each other 'co-conspirators' because we liked to push the envelope sometimes and we would encourage each other to be bold."

"Really, Ted, what kind of bold things would you do?" Sue questioned, thinking this would give her insights into his make up and emotional turmoil.

"Oh, different things," he began. "Sometimes an athletic challenge. Sometimes competitions between the two of us. And sometimes even things that were a little risqué."

"Risqué, huh? I'm intrigued. Tell me more," Sue urged.

"Well, nothing too daring by today's standards, but my favorite thing was to have her dress up and I would take photos of her in sexy poses," he explained.

"That sounds like harmless fun," Sue offered. "I should suggest that to Paul sometime. I would probably enjoy posing."

"Oh, I expect you would, Sue," Ted encouraged. "You have a lovely figure and a beautiful face. You would be a natural."

The conversation continued like this for a while longer with Sue asking questions that were more and more direct and Ted answering all of them without hesitation.

"I'd like to ask something of you if you don't mind Sue," Ted asked as he uncorked a third bottle of wine.

"Well, the odds of me saying yes are going up with every bottle of wine we open," Sue giggled. "What is it that you want of me?"

"Our conversation has ignited an enthusiasm in me that I have not felt in a long time. I wonder if you would be willing to pose for me tonight and allow me to take photos of you," Ted proposed.

"Seriously, you want pictures of this?" Sue asked incredulously as she gestured toward the sweatpants and sweatshirt she was still wearing.

"Actually no," Ted countered. "But I remember the black cocktail dress you wore to the company Christmas party and that would be perfect. Maybe a little makeup as well to add to the glamor aspect."

This caught Sue by surprise and her first instinct was to decline. However, as her mind raced, she thought back to her husband's encouragement to 'be accommodating' and her own heartstrings that were being tugged by his recollections of great times with his wife.

"OK," she agreed. "I guess I can be your substitute co-conspirator for tonight. You will have to tell me what to do as I have never posed before."

"Not to worry, sweetie. I will be your director and photographer," Ted revealed.

"Are you going to use your cell phone to take the pictures?" Sue inquired.

"Actually, I have my 35mm digital camera in my car. It is the same one I used before. I have kept it with me thinking that I might get into photographing other things, but I just haven't been inspired — until tonight that is," Ted said. "I'll go outside and get my equipment if I can manage to get there and back without slipping and busting my butt!" he joked.

"Be careful," Sue warned as she topped off her wine glass and headed back to the master bedroom.

Once inside, she quickly stripped off her sweats and underwear and stepped into the shower. Deciding that she did not have time to wash and dry her shoulder-length auburn hair, she donned a shower cap and proceeded to wash the rest of her body. She ran a razor over her legs and arm pits — not being sure that it was necessary, but not wanting to feel 'hairy and yucky'. After her shower, she applied basic makeup to her face — enhancing her eyes and lips. The latter of which she painted with a shimmery pink lipstick.

Checking herself out in the mirror, Sue was not displeased with what she saw. Standing 5'7" tall and weighing 130 pounds, she was very much in shape. She sported 36D breasts and, because Paul liked it that way, she kept her vagina neatly shaved except for a small landing strip above. "Not bad for 30 years old," she thought.

Moving to her closet, she located the black dress that Ted had requested and brought it into the bedroom. She decided she would replicate the entire outfit from the Christmas party, so she also donned matching lacy red t-back panties and bra. She pulled a pair of thigh-high stockings up each leg and finished the ensemble with 5" black heels and a string of white pearls around her neck.

Taking another large drink of her wine, she emerged from the hallway back into the family room where she was surprised to see that Ted had not only retrieved his camera but had set up professional lights and a tripod.

"WOW," he said when he saw her.

"Wow yourself," Sue replied. "This is quite a setup."

"Well, I'm kind of a go big or go home kind of guy," he explained. "Is this OK with you?"

"Sure, sure," Sue agreed. "Kinda gets me even more into the spirit of things with this looking like a professional set."

"Great," Ted beamed. "You look more beautiful and sexy than I remember. You are going to be a wonderful model."

"Thank you, Ted," Sue smiled. "Now, what do I do first?"

Ted had Sue step in front of the camera and into the lights in order to get her accustomed to the experience. He took a few simple shots of her, commenting on how sexy she looked and encouraging her to get into the moment.

"One of my favorite poses with my wife was to have her turn her back to the camera and turn her torso around to the left while leaning forward. Look straight into the camera lens when you are set," Ted instructed.

Click, click, click. Ted snapped off a few frames.

"Now lean forward a bit while still looking back at the camera."

Click, click, click.

"Excellent, Sue. You are a natural at this. You take direction very, very well," he complimented.

"Thank you," Sue answered. "Can I take a wine break for a moment?" Sue was enjoying her 'wine buzz' and it was making it easier for her to get into the spirit of things.

"Of course, of course," Ted replied. "Anything you need."

After taking a couple of large gulps from her glass, Sue asked what was next.

"What I'd like to do now, Sue, is move things up a notch and take some shots that are more in the truly risqué category. Would that be OK?" Ted asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I suppose so," Sue agreed through her wine fogged brain.

"Wonderful. So, please resume the pose you were in before, but this time take the hem of your skirt with your left hand and lift it up a bit. This will be very sexy."

Sue complied, although she lifted the hem only an inch or two.

Click, click, click.

"That was good, Sue," Ted affirmed. "but this time I'd like you to lift the hem much farther. We want this to be a major teasing pose.

"Really, much higher?" Sue questioned.

"It would mean a lot to me, if you can continue to be comfortable with this," Ted revealed. "I haven't been this enthusiastic about anything since my wife passed."

Sue smiled at him and repositioned herself and began to lift the bottom of her dress. "Tell me when," she asked.

Click, click, click.

"Keep going," Ted coached, "I'm going to take shots as it comes up."

The dress was already short, ending just past her mid-thigh. As she continued to lift it, she could feel the hem moving past the top of her stocking.

Click, click, click.

Moving even higher, as the hem was about to reach the bottom of her left cheek, she was wondering if Ted was going to stop her soon.

He wasn't.

Click, click, click.

The hem cleared the bottom of her ass and exposed a good portion of it before Ted stopped her progress.

"Hold it there, Sue."

Click, click, click, click, click.

"He likes this," Sue thought to herself. She was surprised to realize that she too, was enjoying it quite a bit. She had butterflies in her stomach and her breath was coming a bit more quickly.

She held the pose for almost 60 seconds and then Ted told her to straighten back up and relax her back a bit. After a brief pause and another wine break, Ted placed a chair, seat first, in front of her. "Now, I'd like you to lean forward toward the seat of the chair. Then reach back with both hands and lift the hem of your dress up to your waist while you turn and look at the camera please."

"Well, he has seen the left cheek," Sue reasoned. "No reason to be shy about the right one."

As she slowly lifted the hem of the dress up her thighs, she could hear the staccato of the camera shutter firing off frame after frame. The bottom of her dress was now past her ass and resting around her waist. Her red t-back panties were on full display, with the thong part of them disappearing between her ass crack. "Well, Paul did like the idea of Ted seeing me in my underwear," Sue reasoned.

Click, click, click, click, click.

"Now, hold there. Put your hands on the seat. Look back at me." Click, click, click, click, click.

"Hold, please. I'm going to move in a bit closer," Ted announced.

Sue could hear the shutter clicks getting closer and closer until it seemed that the camera was now right behind her and only a couple of inches away.

"Can you move your legs farther apart for me, Sue?" Ted requested.

Sue complied. Moving her feet a few inches wider.

Click, click.

"Nice, now quite a bit farther apart, please," he instructed.

Sue once again shifted her feet. Moving them very far apart. The result was that her panty-wrapped vulva was now clearly visible from behind. "Lean over farther, my dear. Lay your face on the seat."

Click, click, click, click, click.

Sue's breathing was coming very fast now. She imagined how she looked with her ass high in the air and her legs spread apart. "Ready to be fucked," Sue thought.

"I'd like to make a small adjustment to your outfit," Ted said. "Is that OK?"

"Well, sure, I suppose," Sue agreed.

Sue felt an almost electric tingle as Ted's fingers hooked under the t-back where it lay between her ass cheeks. The tingle was accompanied by an involuntary release of fluids from deep inside her pussy. "Oh, no. He is going to see that on my panties," Sue thought with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.

Ted moved his fingers away again and positioned the camera very close to Sue's crotch.

Click, click, click

From only inches away, the camera captured the darkening wet spot on Sue's panties. "Sue, this is excellent. I am so glad that you are really getting into this."

"I was doing this for you, but it is exciting me much more than I thought it might," Sue revealed.

Ted returned his fingers to the back of her panties and pulled them away from her ass crack, moving them to the side. This exposed Sue's little rosebud asshole as well as her labia, glistening from her vaginal fluids.

Click, click, click, click, click, click.

"Wow, this is very hot, Sue. Thank you very much," a grateful Ted said. "I only have a few more poses I'd like to do and we will be finished. Are you still having fun? Would you like more wine?"