The Social Experiment - D/D Pt. 03

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Xavier meets his ideal father/daughter couple.
17.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 02/23/2023
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The Social Experiment: Dads and Daughters Part 3.

The following is a work of fiction. It contains graphic amounts of mother/son, mother/daughter and brother/sister incestuous sex. It also has crossdressing, man-on-man and woman-on-woman sex. If this is not your cup of tea, do not read further.

It goes without saying that all characters are a minimum of eighteen years old.

Keeping the above in mind, please, enjoy the story. Also, if you were kind enough to vote and/or leave a constructive comment, positive or negative, I would be appreciative.


From Part 2 ...

I hadn't paid much attention to the tall, pretty girl, an amazing oversight now I think about it. It was as if she was familiar enough for me not to attach any significance to her being there, but I had no idea who she was or where she came from.

Chuckling, Roxy said, "You haven't met my daughter, Jacqueline, have you, Xavier?"

My head spinning, I turned to my longest-time friend, took his hands in mine and drew him in for a soft kiss before honestly saying, "You are beautiful, Jacob, my dear. I'm looking forward to experimenting with you as tonight evolves."

Blushing but pleased as punch, Jacob/Jacqueline accepted my kiss before replying, "Thank you, Xavier. I'm glad you approve."

"Approve? Jacqui, it's all I can do not to throw you onto the table and fuck you right now!"


Grinning, Jacob/Jacqueline said, "And I wouldn't mind, Xav. But let's have dinner first!"

Letting go of Jacqui's hands, I took my seat at the head of the table and was surprised when Jacqui took the seat beside me and opposite Madison. I looked for JoJo and found her at the other end, with her mother sitting beside Madison. I didn't see Charlie, but he reappeared carrying a drinks tray. Circling the table, he filled the water glasses for everyone and offered a selection of soft drinks, beer or wine. Madison chose a sugar-free soft drink, but the rest of us opted for white wine.

Once we'd helped ourselves to chicken wings, bread, salad and seasoned chips, Charlie circled the table again, ensuring everyone had topped up their drinks, then placed the tray on the side table before standing just behind JoJo's right shoulder.

Once everyone settled, I stood, held my glass up and said, "A toast. To new friends and new beginnings."

Everyone chorused, "New friends and new beginnings."

I noticed Charlie didn't join in. Instead, he remained quietly demure as he waited to serve JoJo. Conversation flowed easily between JoJo and her mother, and Roxy soon had Madison chattering away, too. My oldest friend seemed unusually quiet and unsure of what to do or say. I could understand his nervousness because of the dramatic shift his appearance had taken.

Deciding to play things as if he were a female friend, and this our first date, I picked up Jacob/Jacqui ... wiping the name Jacob firmly from my mind for the time being, I corrected my thinking and thought, 'Jacqui. He's ... shit ... she's Jacqui, your new girlfriend, and this is our first dinner at my home, and she's meeting my family for the first time.'

Now I was sure I had my thoughts ordered, I lifted Jacqui's hand and kissed the back of it before lowering it down, keeping our fingers entwined, and said, "Tell me about yourself, Jacqui. How do you know these reprobates I call family?"

Smiling gratefully, Jacob replied, "Actually, Xavier. These are my family, too. It's just we've been estranged for years, so I've never met you before now. I've wanted to meet you for years, though."

"Well, honey. I'm thrilled to finally meet you. After dinner, would you like to dance with me?"

Jacqui blushed before lowering her eyes and saying, "Yes, Xavier. I'd like that very much."

My eyes shifted around the table because it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I saw my mother-in-law smiling at me through the tears in her eyes and my wife looking fiercely proud. Even Madison nodded approvingly.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a good man, Xavier," Roxy stated. "I'm so happy you can be okay with Jacqui being Jacqui."

Needing to drop the charade momentarily, I asked, "You've known about this, Mumsie? For how long?"

"I caught him wearing my knickers and bra the first time when he was probably nine or ten, but I suspect he'd been doing it for years before then."

Jacqui's blush confirmed Roxy's suspicions.

"Later, as JoJo developed, I'd find more pairs of knickers and bras in the wash than JoJo could possibly have worn, some with obvious cum stains on the front. Initially, I was concerned that JoJo had begun a sexual relationship with a boy at a way too young age. I asked her, of course, but JoJo insisted she was still a virgin, and I had no cause to doubt her. That left one possibility, so I asked Jacob, and he admitted he'd snuck the knickers and bras out of JoJo's drawers and masturbated whilst wearing them."

"You were okay about it?"

"Not really. Oh, that came out wrong. I mean, I was fine about Jacob wanting to wear women's underwear and masturbate, but I wasn't happy about him taking JoJo's to do it."

"You weren't worried he was gay?"

"Could not have cared less, Xavier. Come on! You already know that!"

Grinning, I replied, "I do, Mumsie. Just checking reflexively, I guess."

I turned to my friend before saying, "Jacqui, do you mind if I talk to my old friend Jacob for a moment?"

"No, Xavier, of course not. We are one, after all."

"I know, Jaco. But I wanted you to feel as you're presenting, as a pretty young woman out on a date with her new man."

"It does feel like that, Xav. It feels wonderful."

"Good. Then we'll go out for dinner sometime soon and have an actual date. Just you and I, or perhaps, we can double date -You with me, and Bella with Peter."

"Oh, husband?" JoJo drawled. "And what am I? Yesterday's leftovers?"

But I could tell my wife was only kidding, so I answered, "Well, I'm sure Charlie would be happy to spend the night taking one-on-one lessons on how to be a better submissive from you, baby JoJo."

"Don't you 'baby JoJo' me, husband!" But cutting her eyes to her mother and giggling didn't help to make her sound serious, so I chose to ignore her.

"Are you gay, Jaco?" I asked as gently as I could. It wouldn't make a skerrick of difference to me or our relationship if he were. But Jacob needed to admit it to himself if he wanted to remain mentally healthy.

"No, Xav. I know you wouldn't care if I was, but I'm not giving up Bella, JoJo or Mum anytime soon. And if Madison joins us, as JoJo is suggesting, I hope she can come to love and want to make love with me, too."

I turned to see Madison's reaction to what Jacob said. But she either didn't hear or didn't care because she laughed as she bantered with JoJo and Roxy. I did notice her slightly parted lips and flushed cheeks. I glanced down and saw Roxy's hand was between Madison's legs, quite close to her pussy and that Roxy was lightly running her fingers up and down Madison's inner thigh.

"Do you think you might be transgender?" I asked.

"Maybe, Xav. But I think, at this point, I'm a fetish dresser. I wear women's clothes and present as close to female as possible for the purpose of sexual gratification."

I leant over and kissed Jacob's lips softly, then whispered, "I'd like to resume my date with Jacqui now if I could?"

"Of course, Xav."

Giving Jacqui's hand a squeeze, I whispered, "I'm going to take you to bed later tonight and gratify you so much you'll be walking as funny as I'm sure Bella and Peter will be tomorrow."

I must have spoken louder than I thought because the girls all fell silent and looked towards us.

Deciding to brazen things out, I said, "What? I'm going to, so unless one of you wants me to do that to them, too, what's the problem?"

Everyone laughed, and conversations resumed. Holding Jacqui's hand throughout dinner made eating difficult, but I knew my friend needed the physical acceptance my holding his hand gave him, so I made do. Madison broke my chicken wings into manageable pieces for me without saying anything and poured some balsamic vinegar dressing over my salad.

"Thank you, Madison," I smiled.

"You're welcome, Dax," Madison teased.

"Dax?" Roxy queried.

"The main character in the book 'The Adventurers'," I explained. "JoJo assigned me that name for the show with Mum."

"You know, Xavier? If you grew a thin moustache, you'd even look as Harold described Dax," Roxy teased.

"Maybe I should learn to ride Polo Ponies then?" I shot back.

"Or you could just ride the four of us," JoJo bantered.

"Sadly, wifey, I'm not hung like a horse, so I doubt that will work."

"Oh, I don't know," Jacqui drawled. "It's plenty big enough to fill me!"

I thought Madison's sudden gasp was of surprise. But when I looked, Roxy had slipped her finger inside Madison's thong and was clearly stroking Madison's folds.

JoJo clapped her hands, "Charlie! Clean the table, scrape the plates, then load the dishwasher."

Charlie dutifully followed his sister's demands. But, weirdly, her authoritative tone caused an erection to bulge in his pants.

'Interesting,' I thought. 'Charlie really does have quite pronounced submissive tendencies.'

As Charlie began removing plates, JoJo walked behind Madison's chair. Then, holding my gaze, she brushed Madison's hair off her long neck before kissing and nibbling where Madison's neck met her shoulder. Madison's eyes closed, and she leant back into JoJo, and I swear, she almost purred. Next, still holding my eyes with hers, JoJo cupped Madison's gorgeous but slightly saggy breasts and ran her thumbs over Madison's nipples.

"Hmmmm," Maddison sighed.

As Jacqui and I watched, Roxy encouraged Madison to lift her foot onto the chair's seat. Next, Roxy pulled Madison's G-string aside, exposing Madison's bald pussy, and ran her finger along Madison's slit before dipping it into Madison's vulva. Removing her finger, Roxy offered it to JoJo to taste. Then, as if Roxy's finger was a penis, JoJo sucked it into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it.

"Gaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwdddddddd!" Jacqui moaned. And it was all I could do not to moan with her.

"Like what you see, huh, Jacqui? I can see by my husband's hooded eyelids he does," My wife asked archly. "Think, Mr Xavier, Miss Jacqui, as you two are making love to one another, Roxy, Madison and I will do the same thing!"

Chuckling, I riposted, "Wifey, that is a cruel and unusual punishment. It's illegal in the USA!"

"Shame we're not in America, then, isn't it, Hubby?"

"That it is, Wifey. That it is."

Charlie re-entered the dining room, but before he got more than two steps into the room, JoJo barked, "Clear a space in the lounge so we can dance, Chaz."

"Yes, Mistress," Charlie acquiesced.

"Me thinks you're enjoying bossing your brother around way too much, Baby JoJo," I teased.

"It is fun, Xavier," JoJo replied. "But he's gotten hedonistic, and it needs to be fixed. He's only young, but if we can't get him heading down a safe, productive track soon, he'll become nothing but a playboy and lothario, using the money he earns from the movie sales to seduce and corrupt women. On that path, he becomes a drug and sex addict, and we lose him to an overdose or suicide."

"Wow!" I said. "That's insightful and probably accurate. But, Mrs Johns, aren't I supposed to be the head shrink?"

"Do you think we live in a vacuum, Xavier? I hear what you say, and I often read the same journals and psychology articles as you so that I can hold conversations like this with you. We're a team, Mr Johns. You best remember that!"

A few minutes later, Charlie returned to say the lounge was ready, so I took Jacqui's hand and led her to the improvised dance floor. It would be interesting because Jacqui and I can dance, but we are both used to leading, and I wasn't sure how well she'd go following my lead. I needn't have worried, though. Even on her 4-inch heels and going backwards, Jacqui followed my every move with ease.

Jacqui and I danced alone through three songs as the others whooped and clapped until JoJo took Madison's hand and swung her onto the floor. To my surprise, JoJo took the traditional male role and put her hand on Madison's taut buttocks, pulled her close and led the dance. Madison smiled and ground her pelvis against JoJo as they danced.

JoJo had forbidden Charlie to dance, made him strip to a tiny man's thong, and locked his wrists onto the drinks tray. Charlie's role was to circle the room, ensuring everyone's drink was fresh or topped up. That, of course, left Roxy without a dance partner. I didn't want to leave Roxy sitting alone for any length of time, but I wanted to see if I could turn Jacqui on because, surprisingly, although we danced with our pelvises pressed together, I felt no evidence of Jacqui's thick, 7-inch cock.

Looking at my best friend, I wondered what to do to make his cock throb and ache. Jacqui, as Jacob, and I had fucked many times before, but it was always as we fucked our women. Jacob's and my sexual intimacy at those times was something we did to excite our women, so our arousal was a given because we were already making love with Bella, JoJo and Roxy.

In the end, I decided that a human body was a human body. Therefore, whatever turned a woman on, would probably turn a man on, too. With that in mind, I kissed Jacqui's lips lightly, then when she turned her head to deepen the kiss, I touched the tip of my tongue to the corner of her mouth, where the top and bottom lips join, and ran it softly along her lips before gently tonguing the opposite corner.

Jacqui moaned and pressed her leanly muscled body to mine. So, letting my right hand drop onto her butt, I pulled Jacqui tightly to me and ground my semi-hard cock against her abdomen. Jacqui moaned again, so I kissed her full lips more insistently. This time, as our lips pressed together, I sent my tongue out, touched it to Jacqui's lips and insisted on entry. Sighing, Jacqui parted her lips, and my tongue delved into her mouth and brushed against her tongue.

"Oh, lawd," Jacqui moaned as our tongues intertwined.

Jacqui broke the kiss and opened her eyes, "Jaysus, Xavier!" She groaned. "Getting an erection with a gaff on is a terrible idea!"

"Take it off, then," I commanded.

"But my cock will show!"

"I didn't ask you, my girl," I firmly explained. "I told you."

Lowering her eyes, Jacqui whispered, "Yes, Sir."

Pulling her dress above her slim hips, Jacqui pulled her gaff down and stepped out of it. Her ragingly erect 7-inch todger exploded into view. Groaning lustfully, I pulled my closest friend in for another kiss as I wrapped my hand around her throbbing shaft.

"Gawd!" Roxy moaned.

I looked to where my mother-in-law sat on the couch, legs up and apart. With her cunt displayed lewdly, she shoved three fingers into her sopping vulva as she thumbed her clit.

"Like what you see, Mumsie?" I asked as I grinned.

"Fuck, yes, Xavier," Roxy averred, "Hottest thing ever!"

"Oh, I don't know, Mumsie," I teasingly replied. "Have you seen Bella riding Peter Peterson yet?"

Groaning, Roxy glared at me before saying, "You know damned well I haven't, Mr Xavier Johns! Putting that image in my mind is just dirty play!"

I wasn't sure what to do to help Roxy, but my gorgeous wife did. She kissed Madison passionately, spun her, whispered something in Madison's ear and sent her towards Roxy.

Looking bashful, Madison pleaded, "Will you dance with me, Mrs Rosborough, please?"

"I'd love to, gorgeous one," Roxy smiled

They soon kissed and moved as they held each other's asses and ground together. Madison was significantly taller than Roxy, but it was apparent Roxy was in charge. So I wasn't the least surprised when Roxy took Madison's hand and led her to the house's main bedroom, where Roxy slept.

Sure as hell, I didn't want my wife to be missing out, but when I turned Jacqui, I saw Charlie kneeling between his sister's thighs, frantically tonguing her to an orgasm. Charlie was still cuffed to the now empty drinks tray, but he'd pushed it under the sofa chair JoJo sat on and used his tongue to JoJo's advantage.

Looking at me, JoJo groaned, "Take Jacqui to bed, husband. I'll see you in the morning."

Moving my hand from her cock, I took Jacqui's hand and led her to the spare room in Roxy's and her home. I didn't want to take Jacqui to Jacob's room because even though Jacob and I had enjoyed many a dalliance there with JoJo, Bella, Roxy and Charlie, I wanted Jacqui to know she was paramount in my mind.

Closing the door and lowering the dimmer lights until the room was bathed in a soft glow, I took my oldest friend in my arms, lifted her, and lowered her onto the bed. Then, turning Jacqui so that she faced me, I touched her face and then her lips before brushing her lips lightly with mine.

Putting her head on my shoulder, underneath my cheek, I reached to grab her firm, toned ass and ground her against my rapidly hardening todger, "I love you, Jacqui," I whispered. "I'm glad you've chosen me to explore this with."

Jacqui shivered in my arms before smiling happily against my shoulder, "You talk too much, Xav," she jokingly said. "Less talking, more making love."

Thinking through what Jacqui needed me to do, I realised that she didn't need me to make love to her cock, as if she was a man. We males are very cock-centric in our lovemaking. Probably because all of our erogenous zones, except for our prostate gland, our P-spot, are outside our bodies. Whereas a woman's most important erogenous zone is her mind, and her second most important, her G-spot, is inside. To make Jacqui complete in our lovemaking, I needed to make love to her as a woman, not as another male as I'd done in the past.

Keeping that thought in mind, I decided to treat Jacqui's cock as if it was her clitoris. In other words, I'd only put my hands and mouth on it after I'd gotten her ready by exploring the rest of her erogenous zones. So I rolled Jacqui onto her back before exchanging passionate kisses with her. Then I reached behind her and slowly pulled down the zip on her dress. Next, I undid the clasp on her bra and slowly slid it off her shoulders, taking the 'chicken fillets' she'd placed in the cups to give the appearance of breasts with it. Finally, I released Jacqui's lips and slid down until I could lick and lightly suckle on her nipples.

"Oh Gawd, Xav," Jacqui moaned. "Yes! Just like that!"

As I kissed down her body, I peeled Jacqui's dress from her until, with a final gentle tug, I pulled it off her legs and dropped it onto the ground. My best friend was now naked in front of me. Jacob and I had been naked together many times as we'd fucked our women, but this was the first time I'd been naked with him as Jacqui. To help with the illusion that was Jacqui, Jacob had shaved every inch of hair except that that originated from his scalp. So, if I discounted her cock, what I had writhing under my touch was a pretty, slim, young woman with an oversized clitoris. The ball sack, I chose to ignore.

Kissing down her body, I encouraged Jacqui to roll onto her stomach. Then, moving back to the top, I kissed along her shoulders and nipped where her neck met her shoulders as I ground my rampantly erect cock against her ass cheeks.

"Gawd, Xav," Jacqui moaned. "Stop teasing, and fuck me!"

Of course, I ignored her! Instead, kissing down Jacqui's spine, I continued making love to her as if she were JoJo or Bella. Moving lower still, I tongued Jacqui's cleft before running my tongue over her rosebud. Next, I spread her ass cheeks with my hands and forced as much of my tongue into her ass as it would take.

Jacob, until recently, had had anal sex regularly in the porn movies he'd filmed for Peterson Publishing, so I didn't need to stretch his anal passage to accept my cock. So, all I had to do was ensure he was adequately lubricated for penetration. However, I didn't want to take my friend, with him presenting as a woman for the first time, from behind. Instead, I wanted to gaze lovingly into her eyes as I gently slid into her. So, I gently encouraged Jacqui onto her back before I took her thick, hard cock into my mouth.