The Soldier and The Cleaner Ch. 03

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Does he know...
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Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/10/2019
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The image of Thomas leaning back against his car that Wednesday evening as I walked out of the training facility and onto the parking lot, took my breath away. This soft, gentle, giant of a man leaning back with his feet crossed at the ankles, his arms crossed, it suddenly hit me...why did he have this effect on me?

"When you told me, you were a soccer player you didn't tell me that you were the best player on the team." The grin on his face as he spoke was more than enough to make me smile.

"I don't know if I'm the best player," I responded with false humility.

I stood there trying to mask the guilt that was eating me up, my backpack over my shoulder. Try as I might, and I did try, I couldn't look away from him. The fact that I couldn't look away vexed me even more.

But I also knew, that he couldn't take his eyes off of me. That thought gave me a feeling inside that I didn't understand. Didn't matter, I liked that feeling.

I could feel the cold evening wind blow through my hair as I ran my hand through it, pulling it back out of my face. Knowing all along that he was enjoying the show that I was giving him.

For whatever the reason, we were drawn to one another in some unmistakable way. Neither one of us understanding why but the attraction was strong.

I liked that he looked at me wantonly, it excited me, it excited him. But right at that moment I just wanted to die. I was scared because of what I'd just done.

"I didn't expect to see you here tonight," I was trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Yeah well I guess I had to see for myself what all the talk was about." As I absorbed his response my heart started to race.

"What talk?" Giving him a boyish grin as I spoke. "What are you talking about?"

"I stopped by the office at the apartments and your sister started asking me questions." Immediately I didn't like the sound of that. This night was becoming way too much for me to handle.

"I gave her honest answers, I let her know that I thought you were terrible at breaking and entering. I also told her that I kind of liked you." I was speechless when he said that.

He laughed, a soft laugh then continued, "Don't worry. I didn't tell her that I liked watching you sleep or that I really like that nice round girly booty of yours."

As usual his words managed to put a big smile on my face and without thinking I stepped forward, reaching up, giving him a playful smack on the arm.

Without hesitation he stood up and took me into his arms, embracing me with a big hug, picking me up off the ground then quickly setting me back down. Unceremoniously cupping my ass before giving it a gentle squeeze causing a soft moan to escape me. As I looked up into his eyes, we both caught ourselves...stopping before he kissed me.

For that split second, I didn't even realize that we were out in the parking lot in front of god and anyone else that might be walking by. When the reality hit me, I instantly stepped back causing Thomas to laugh as he let me go.

"What? Don't tell me that you're afraid of a little hug? Yeah? You're afraid of a hug?" The look in his eye and the fresh guilt in my heart. Not to mention, Larry's cum smeared between my ass cheeks as it kept trying to squeak out of me every now and again.

I stood there with so many things going through my mind. I looked away into nothing because I honestly couldn't tell you what my gaze was fixated on. My mind was racing. I had only spent three days and two glorious nights with him but I knew that he owned me.

Even more confusing was how I had just allowed myself to be used like some common little cock whore. I let myself be used by some jerk taking advantage of me as I rolled down the tracks on this emotional train wreck that I was putting myself on.

I shouldn't call Larry a jerk. He's just a guy that saw an opportunity to score a piece of ass and he stepped up and took it. I've done the same thing with many girls myself. I just never in my life dreamt that I would be used like one of those girls. My head was a mess...

For some reason my defense mechanism kicked in and I tried to move the guilt towards Thomas.

"Won't you get into trouble? What I mean to say're in the military. Isn't it illegal to be...I mean?" I paused then before I got the chance to finish my thought.

"Homosexual? Gay? A fag? Queer? Which one David, which one am I?" Thomas's voice was low, deep and harsh.

I stepped back a bit more. The way he said it, his eyes, when he said those things, those names. I couldn't tell if he was getting angry or not but I could definitely hear the change in his voice.

I had opened a Pandora's box because Thomas was just getting started, "You told me this weekend that you've never been with a man. Was that true or were you just feeding me shit? Have you ever been with a man before me David? Wait, are you some easy twink cum dump?"

A chill ran up my spine and it had nothing to do with the evenings weather. Thomas knew. I don't know how he knew but he knew what I'd done...

My mind went blank, I was lost for words. I was looking up into his eyes, trying to convince myself that I should be offended! How dare he call me such names and accuse me of lying! But all I could feel was hurt and feel sorrow for what I'd done...

"Why would I lie about that? I had never been with a man until you came along and you know this Thomas! Calling me a cum dump and a twink?! Really?!" That was all I could think to say.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Are you sure you're telling me the truth David? Don't fucking lie to me because that's the one thing I will not forgive!" His words were beating me down, he wasn't yelling at me but he was being crystal clear.

I looked away but not before I let out one last defense of myself in a low beaten down voice, "I wouldn't lie to you Thomas, you were my first and I wish that you were my only..."

I was lost at that point. I wanted to just walk off, I really wanted to leave but my heart wouldn't allow my legs to move. I could feel myself wanting to cry and wanting to know what the fuck was happening to me all at the same time!

"Ok, ok I believe you, for now. C'mon get in the car." As he said those last words, I was still frozen. "Now David! Get in the fucking car."

Thomas was mad and I was confused. Even with his slightly tan face I could see a shade of red on him. Quietly and quickly I did as I was told. I got in the fucking car.

As we pulled out of the parking lot, I suddenly felt nauseous. Sitting there trying not to squirm in my seat as the entirety of it all started to come crashing down on top of me. I have never been attracted to any man sexually or otherwise, ever.

Now within the span of six days I had completely surrendered myself to this man. Oh, and let's not forget that moments earlier I had allowed myself to be used by a long-time teammate. Used like a fuck toy to be exact.

And now here I was, in the car, allowing myself to be taken away to god knows where for god knows what. I couldn't even look at him as I forced myself to just stare out the window.

Who cared if he was the only man I had ever been with before this past weekend? Who cared that before he came along, I had never once thought of being with a man? Nobody cares! Nobody fucking cares...

Who was I kidding? I cared. What Thomas thought of me was the only thing that mattered to me. Right at that moment I knew. I had fallen for a man and not just any man. I had fallen for a big strong-willed man and right now he was pissed.

We drove around for hours in silence; it must've been around eleven before we pulled over on some dusty road outside of the city. It was late. I was tired, afraid, hurt and ashamed. Why did I care, I kept thinking to myself?

It's not like there was a future for us. C'mon it was just a thing that happened...

My mind had been drifting to this past Saturday night the entire drive. Thomas had already taken me twice the previous night but all-day Saturday we were just being guys. Until we weren't being guys.

As we watched the soccer match on his nice big screen TV, I somehow wound up next to him. There, on the couch with my legs pulled up against my chest, Thomas had his arm around my shoulder. As we watched the match, I noticed that he started to adjust himself.

That was all it took for me to fixate on the outline of his cock through his work out shorts. Thomas noticed this and it wasn't long before he was instructing me on how to give a proper blowjob. I loved every minute of it. His voice, telling me what to do and how to do it.

Never mind that I've had my cock sucked by many a young lady in my time, somehow his instructions seemed like a new revelation and I wanted to get it perfect. I wanted to please him and I did. It didn't take me long to master the technique that I was being taught.

Within minutes of starting I was swallowing his wonderful thick, white, creamy, gooey cum down my throat. Then I did what I liked for my girls to do for me after I cum. I licked his cock clean, making sure that every drop was swallowed and his cock left glistening from my cleanup effort.

Up until that moment I had never tasted semen so I have nothing to compare it to, all I know is that I like the way his tastes, no, I love the way his tastes.

Then I slipped that large cock back in his shorts and we went back to being just guys. After the soccer match Thomas went on a run leaving me at home; instructing me to clean the place up and get myself ready to go out for dinner.

The entire time that he was gone I was bouncing around the apartment doing what I usually get paid to do but somehow this felt different. I did everything with such care and detail. Hoping that Thomas would approve.

I was showered and ready when he got home, all sweaty. Without warning he walked straight over to the couch where I was sitting and bent down giving me a very nice, soft wet kiss. His tongue teasing mine for a brief second as he stood up leaving me with my eyes half closed and my lips pouting for his lips to come back.

Off he went to take his shower but not before looking around the apartment and declaring how nice it looked. At first, I could feel myself getting giddy and happy because of his praise then as he disappeared into his room I suddenly felt like an idiot.

Who am I...?

Later that night we wound up drinking a little too much and just came home to pass out. But in the late hours I woke up to the sound of Thomas screaming. As I shot up and turned there was Thomas sitting on the edge of the bed. Breathing hard, shaking and sweating.

I waited, watching his back expand in and out with every deep breath that he took. Again, his scars caught my attention. What ever it was that woke him and put him in that state of mind, must've been really bad.

I finally gathered the courage to move close to him...

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked in a soft voice. At first, he wouldn't answer me, he just sat there. I slowly moved over to him; gathering more courage then I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. I cautiously leaned in and whispered softly, "Babe, are you ok?"

He turned around and didn't say a word. He just kissed me. At first it was a gentle soft kiss but then he started getting intense. It didn't take long for him to start pawing at me and kissing me hard.

I went from being in a deep sleep to all of the sudden being manhandled and pushed back on the bed. He was climbing on top of me and I instinctively opened my legs allowing him his spot between them.

I was still sore from the night before but I didn't care. I wanted to ease his pain, I could feel that he was hurting and if taking me the way he was about to take me eased his pain then so be it.

But he didn't climb on top of me. Instead he lowered himself down, pushing my legs back and farther apart until I knew that he had a perfect view of my opening. Before I could get a grasp of what he was doing I felt it.

His tongue was slathering my hole and I would've jumped out of my skin if it was at all possible. Instead all I could do was tilt my head back and let out a loud moan. He was licking my hole like I go down on pussy. It was overwhelming and once again my heavy breathing had transformed itself to heavy moans.

This was another first for me and it was driving me insane with lust. Just when I thought I was going to lose my mind he slides up over me placing the head of his cock against my freshly lubed hole.

One steady push and a big grunt from him, a big cry from me and he was inside of me. I kept trying to spread myself as wide as I could, making his access to me easier and in one strong push, he was all the way in.

I was in pain, I was in bliss, I was in pain and I was in bliss. As he started to fuck me, he didn't even bother to ask me if I was ok. I realized really quick that this wasn't like the night before where he took his time and was gentle. No this was about him, about his need.

I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck to hold on as he started pounding me. At this point I was half moaning and half screaming. This only seemed to turn him on more because without hesitation he reached down and put my legs over his shoulders, folding me in half.

He pounded me mercilessly and I took it. I took every bit of it. I just wanted him to be ok, I couldn't stand that he had woken up like that. I didn't want him to hurt. So, I took it. For hours, in multiple positions. I took it.

By the time he finished with me and he had finally blown his final load deep inside of me the sun was coming up. Just like the night before he rolled me on my side while his cock was still in me, spooning me.

I was a wreck and couldn't speak much less move on my own. I was full of his seed and even though he was still inside of me I could feel it trying to seep out of me. All I remember from that point is his cock still twitching inside of me as I passed out, asleep.

The next day we didn't speak about what woke him or the hard fuck I had received. Instead I woke up to his gentle caresses and soft kisses. We laid in bed for over an hour after waking up and in-between the kisses and embraces we talked. Talked about nothing and everything.

That must've been when I told him about my soccer match. Lying next to him I felt safe. Here I am 5' nothing against his massive 6'5" frame, the feeling of being adored and wanted by this large man was...intoxicating. I did manage to ask him if he was ok before we got up for the day.

"Yes babe, thank you...I'm fine now..." Was all he said.

That was Saturday, this was now...

Hearing the car engine turn off brought me back to my current situation. As Thomas parked, he lowered the windows then he reached over to turn on some music.

"Get out." With those words he opened his door and started to step out of the car, I took a deep breath and stepped out with him. Thomas walked over to back of the car and sat back on the trunk. Because of his size, the move seemed effortless.

Me? Not so much but I did lean back against the car. As we both stared out into the night, I felt a chill the same chill that had been on me all night. It was still cold in the evenings, with the season barely starting to turn to spring.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that kid." Thomas's voice was still heavy but I could tell that the anger was out of it.

"Sorry about what?" I asked but before he could answer, I could hear the song starting to play from inside his car. The sound of the steady tap, tap, tap, on the high hat. That slow melancholy rhythm in the background leading into the slow guitar riff.

Looking up at the sky we were far enough from the glare of the city lights that I could actually see the stars. Plus, it wasn't quite a full moon but it was enough of crescent moon that it provided just enough light.

Thomas slid off the back of the car and took my arm turning me around. As he started to lower his face to mine, I could hear the song begin...

"Gravity, is working against me...And gravity, wants to bring me down..."

As I heard those lyrics I instantly lowered my face and buried it into his chest. I could feel his huge arms wrap around me. Holding me tight. Then something very strange started to happen...I started to cry, softly.

Why was I crying? I kept thinking to myself. With that thought I badgered myself one more time, thinking to myself, you're such a fag.

It was too much for me. The day had been exhausting and my emotions were shot. But I couldn't let him kiss me. Not after what I had done. Not after allowing myself to be used.

"Shhh... It's ok." His voice was having a soothing effect on me now. Maybe he thought if he said something it would make things better but it didn't. It only made it worse.

"Oh Thomas, I'm so sorry," I mumbled into his chest. "I was so stupid."

He held me in his arms and gently rocked me. With the song in the background. It was almost as if we were dancing. It was at that moment that I was forever lost in those arms. In my life I had never felt the emotions that I was feeling right at that moment.

"Hey, c'mon, stop crying." His words pulling me back from my emotional abyss. I slowly allowed myself to come back to our reality, out in the middle of nowhere.

Just as the song was ending and going into its final guitar riff Thomas once again got me to look up at him. This time I kept my face where he wanted it and I allowed myself to take in his wonderful, gentle kiss. A kiss that felt like it was never going to end.

When he had stopped kissing me, I came back to my senses. He stepped back and started to tell me how he'd found out about my little tryst with Larry but before he could get started, I stopped him.

I was still in his arms looking up at him. "I don't care how you found out; I only care that you believe me." I continued in-between sniffles, "I will never allow what happened today to ever happen again. I never should've let it get out of control. Don't ever think that you weren't my first."

Then it was his turn to stop me, "Shhh... stop. You and I haven't declared anything to each other yet. It's none of my business what you were doing today. But I'm not going to lie. It hurt. But I'm a big boy, I'll be fine."

With that it was settled, we had forgiven each other although I don't know what I was forgiving him for. I know that he felt bad for losing his temper with me. For calling me names. Like he said, it was none of his business what I did. But I didn't want that. I wanted, no, I needed it to be his business.

I needed him to want me and only me. I had made up my mind that I wanted him and only him. I also made up my mind that he would be the only man that I would ever desire or want.

When we started to leave, he walked me over to the passenger's side door and opened it for me. I couldn't help but look up and smile at him before I started to get into the car.

He couldn't help sliding his hand down and cupping my ass for a gentle squeeze before I got into his car.

"Do you even know how fine you are?" Thomas's last words to me as he closed the car door.

I blushed, then I thought to myself...does he wonderful he is...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Demos Cleaning

Nice story filled with love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I loved it!

This is so fucking weird and up side down but I just loved it: the emotions, the plot, the cluelessness of the protagonist... please continue, I want to see where do you take us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Loved the Chapter!

What a wonderful and emotional chapter!. I loved it. I felt all their love and emotions.

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