The Solitary Man


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to send him a copy so he could forward it to his dad.

Barb said let them know that were engaged she said. With the building of the addition and her new job we had been so busy we haven't seen them since the first of the month. It should be finished by the end of the month. She explained that it was a four-bay garage with a huge separate storage section behind and a three-bedroom apartment above. We have a fully enclosed walkway to the mud room that will be attached to the house. It took them a week to level off the area before they could build. At the same time, we doubled the size of our leveled back yard and enlarged the patio. We hope to have it stained and sealed to match the house if the weather holds out. The excess soil and rock we removed was used to expand the level area in the front.

It was then that I broke the news to my daughter that I had talked to their mother last night. They all became quiet. Using dad's internet and Barbs lap top I played the audio clip of our chat through dads TV. I watched as they listened in earnest to the judges and Joan, then her and my conversation. Afterwards I could tell my daughters were stunned.

"I don't believe it. There was no explanation, no guilt or remorse. Yet she came expecting you to bail them out because she felt you owed them." Joanne said. "You asked her questions which she completely ignored. It's sad that she so self-centered that she cannot see what her own conduct has done Dad." Joanne said. "In her world it appears that it is all about her. Was she always like that?"

I thought for a few then said. "Before the birth of the three of you I would have to say no. I remember my first

leave home after your birth. Even though I was only home for three months I could tell that something about her had

changed. I wrote it off at first as her being over stressed, tired and worn out because the three of you were a handful at

times. That was when I hired your first full time nanny and decided to leave the army so I could be home to help her with

you all. By the time I got out you were almost three. We were strangers to each other but soon she started to warm up. Now I see that for her it was all a front.

"During that year James had moved in and had gotten a job. He started his civilian life and I with Dads help started building my company. I guess that my relationship with her during that time was just a façade she hid behind as she built her future with him. That is why I asked her if she had ever been truthful to me." I said truthfully.

"It sounds like she had a mental break down caused by extreme depression after our birth that she never got help

for." Judy said "Both Barb and I have seen that quite often in our line of work. One of the classic symptoms is a personality change its a way the mind helps them to cope. That may explain what happened but not her actions. Sad to say after all that has been done this the final straw. My mother and are done."

Both of her sisters agreed. I thought this is just something else she can blame me for. I didn't know at that time how

accurate that would turn out to be. To change the mood Barb decided to get the ladies to help her choose the color of their dresses. I butted in saying I would be wearing black. When I got asked why I said because black is the color for those grieving because of a loss. Jennifer's had to ask what I would be losing. I said my freedom. That got a big groan.

My dad saw me grab a beer and head outside to try to work out my thoughts. He knew I had a lot on my mind. So, he joined me.

"Son I know it hard to face. Don't try to second guess yourself and what you did. You make the best decisions for all of us at that time based on what you knew. There is no good in looking back. Life is just too short. Count you blessing. Three beautiful daughters who make their grandfathers very proud. They carry your morals, principles, and standards well. A future wife who has a heart of gold. My father and mother split their estate between me and you while writing James out. You served your country and saved many lives. You took the high road always in your walk-in life even though you for a while lost it all. Today you stand tall and proud free to live your life as you see fit." He explained

"Your daughters just wrote their mother out of their lives. They made hard choices just like you." My dad said with wisdom. "With the same knowledge. That should tell you that what you did was not wrong. It was your conduct and your conduct alone that brought your daughter's home. They understand that regardless of the cost you did what you did for the benefit of us all. That says it all."

My dad had always been able to find a way to make me feel proud. His intelligent words seemed to always get me out of the fog allowing me to have a clear vision.

"Just think you may end up with grandchildren older than their Uncle and Aunts." he added with a laugh. "Not many get a second change to do it better a second time. Focus yourself on what coming and leave the crumbs of your past behind."

With a smile on my face we walked back in and joined the rest of the family as they continued the planning of my wedding. Barb, my mom and three daughters were now dealing with what type of flowers and why. Would it be a church service or just a justice of the peace? Would it have a Christmas theme? I shook my head, so Dad and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing crib for a penny a point double for skunks. I ended up losing $4.65. Let them go at it he said and Just show up at the wedding. It's the easiest way to stay out of trouble. He was right.


On Sunday before we left my mother had Barb call her mother to inform them that we would be getting married there. She was thrilled. Barb also made it clear that her future mother in law wanted to be involved in the organization of things. Dad heard my mom say on the phone saying don't worry about the cost it's my husband and I wedding present to

these two and rolled his eyes. The two mothers argued about it, but my mother won out. When she put her foot down there was no other way. Ever since her teenage years her closed female friends had always called her sarge. They did agree that

everything had to be approved by Barb. It reinforced in my mind I was marrying my mom because Barb was the same way.

The way things were coming together made me question whether Joan and I had really been in love. As we flew home Barb mentioned her parents were flying out. Mom wanted to discuss some locations, what to have on the menu, which band to hire and whatever else she could think of to make it more complicated. They wanted to see what kind of life we lead daily. We didn't even have to pick them up. Bull was renting a truck so they could do day trips from our house as they toured the island. It was something he had always wanted to do and now they had the chance. Just over two months until the wedding Time was catching up to us fast.


We returned home to find the dive had burned down so Tuesday morning found me sitting with the owner. He had no insurance and was not going to rebuild. I offered him fair market value for the property, and we negotiated his liquor license until we worked out a deal provided the local council would approve. Within three days the mayor provided the approval. By the end of the week they began construction on the site. The contractors and builders were excited. They were building a back to back restaurant and bar taking a city block using in part more logs from the mill. With a concrete floor the two-business sharing a common interior wall everyone was impressed. Using plans approved by the village they said they would have the outside completed in two weeks. Former staff agreed to work in the bar and were thrilled by its new

name "Bullfrog's."

Using the nearest real estate agent, we had the restaurant space leased before they were done. I hired a firm out of

Seattle to design the layout of the Bar and to set it up. I paid extra to have it done on a rush. I got Barb to have her mother scan her favorite picture of Bull in uniform and email it to us. I used that image to have a glass company design the main entrance glass doors with his full image sketched on each door. In front of his waist on each door was the bars name. Barb had ordered the furniture for the new apartment. During the month her and our moms had pretty much settled everything about the wedding. The day before her parents arrived everything was done. That Thursday night the new bar had its grand opening. It was more successful than the old one had ever been. Everyone raved about our bar food menu. It made Barbs smile because she had planned out the items giving them their unique names. We had 31 days till the wedding.

Barbs parents would arrive around five that Friday night, so I was surprised to find out the that morning that Barb

wanted me to drive her over to the regional airport in Port insisting we drive the Jeep. We had to be there at two. I asked her why? She said it was a surprise. We got inside the airport at ten to two in the afternoon and watched a small six-seater jet fly in. I learned a new thing I did not know that my dad flew his own plane. They both looked great.

We had gotten my parents settled in and were sharing beers when Barbs parents arrived. After getting them settled it was too late to start dinner, so we drove them down to our new bar. I took Barbs parents in my old ford truck and let him drive. My future mother in law said my truck reminded her of his truck when they were first dating. Barb followed us in the jeep which had become her pride and joy. When we got to the bar boy was Bull surprised. Seeing his full image on the main doors twice blew him away. My dad standing beside me whispered softly well done. I said Bull when you walk in, I want you to scream the order like you did when you wanted us recruits in formation. He said okay to humor me and did.

Walking in after opening the door he let loose with his order in a roar as if we were all standing there in front of him. Sixteen former marines quickly fell into formation and saluted him one more time. He had trained every one of them. He walked down the line and shook their hands greeting them one by one with their full names. Gloria looked at me with her face glowing in pride and said you know you will have to carry him home. I nodded and laughed. Barb kissed me and said I love you then told her mother that she had no idea that I had named our new bar after her dad. Charlie had refused to tell me because he wanted it to be a surprise.

Bull lost when he saw the plague on the wall above the bar. It said, "named after the toughest Drill Sargent of them all Bull Frog Patterson." We all tried Barbs menu that night and agreed for a bar the food was great. Dad and I had to carry Bull up the stairs to his bed. His former recruits got him piss eyed drunk. It would be discussed for weeks how much nicer he was when he wasn't in command. Bull would say for years it was the second time in his life he'd been shocked and awed. The first was when I asked for his daughters' hand.

Gloria, my parents and us were relaxing in the living room reflecting on the day's events when she dropped the news. Bull was being pushed into retirement after 40 years of service and was at a crossroad in his life. Mike was taking over the family farm at the end of the year and they were planning to move into town. Bull was taking it hard. He still had too much piss and vinegar in him to retire. I looked into Barb's eyes and saw her growing concern.

"You know Barb" I said, "If he lived here, he would be the perfect choice to manage the bar."

Gloria said. "But where would we live there's not much available."

"Mom." Barb said with a huge smile. "We have the in-law suite. If Dad will go for it. It's yours. I should warn you though the thunderstorms here can be loud and wild."

Her Mom looked at her and said. "How do you manage them? Ever since you were a small child when we had a bad storm you would crawl into our bed."

A smile came across Barb's face as she looked at me in her knowing way. "Charlie has helped me make them one of my favorite things." she said with a huge grin.

My parents caught the inner meaning, and both started to laugh.


Over the next few days as Gloria and Bull toured the island My parents John and Silva spent their time looking for a new residence. We still had not disclosed to Bull our plans. Gloria wanted to see how he saw the area before we made the official offer to him. The furniture finally arrived Barb and I were busy unpacking it and setting it all out when Barb noticed an official looking car coming around the last curve in the driveway. So, we both went out to meet it.

It was the FBI looking for me. They wanted to talk to me alone, but I made it clear since I had nothing to hide from my future wife I would prefer to talk with her there. So, we found ourselves sitting at the kitchen table sharing a coffee.

The agent who had identified himself as a Peter McCormick had some troubling news. There had been two arrests last week. My brother James was under arrest for fraud, tax evasion falsifying a death attempted murder theft re my trust and 3rd degree assault on his wife. He had been denied bail. Joan had filed for divorce and was facing a bunch of charges herself but had been granted bail because of their kids. The problem was that an informer had come forward to disclose that James had been trying to get information about who could be hired to do a contract kill and may have succeed. They wanted my schedule and plans for the next two months well the situation was being investigated. I noticed Barbs face turn white.

They were taking it seriously because the trust had a clause that said if I got divorced and died within six months of the date my trust would be controlled by my former wife. Lawyers had agreed that until the trust was split and approved by the court, I could not legally change anything in it. Agents had been assigned to the area to investigate things on this end. They made it clear that that I could not change my daily agenda in any way. Barb and I understood they were taking the matter very serious. After they left, we sat and discussed how we were going to break it to my parents and what steps could we take to protect ourselves.

It was the last Saturday the six of us would be together until the wedding. My Parents had found a five-acre lot outside of port and had finalized the deal. Their real estate agent had linked them to a local contractor who had agreed to

build them a log home a bit bigger than ours on a four-foot crawl space. They had ordered a custom kit online. It would be

delivered to the building site in three weeks. Bud was not looking forward to heading back home. He had found the slower pace of our small-town living inviting. Barb her parents and I were sitting in the living room my parents were out.

I asked him" Bud how much will you be taking from the farm when you move to town."

He answered. "We really haven't given it much thought. Honestly, I don't like the thought of having neighbors 200 yards next to me. Why?"

"Dad!" Barb said. "Charlie and I were wondering if you would consider moving here and managing the bar for us. You both could live in the in-law suite rent free. The salary would start at sixty thousand a year."

To say he was shocked would be understating it, but he promised to think about it. We told him to take his time and let us know when he decided. Gloria later told her daughter she thought it was a done deal because Bull was very proud of that bar. He just must except in his mind what was already in his heart. So, they talked about what Gloria wanted to bring with her as they worked in the kitchen preparing a big dinner.

The four of us watched them drive off heading back to Ohio. As we headed back into the house. I told my parents we needed to talk. It broke my mother heart when I told them about the FBI's stop. She blamed herself for not raising James right. I gave her the advice the judge had given me and pointed out that he had led a good life until he got involved with my

former wife. Remember Mom you taught us to associate with those who would build us up not take us down. It's standing for my morals and principals that you raised us with that have kept me balanced and strong. They were what made me the man I am. James just threw away his.

"Well Mom and Dad." Barb said. "I got some good news that may cheer you up, but you have to promise me that you will keep it to yourselves!"

I looked at Barb with a puzzled look wondering what she had to say. My parents said that they would agree.

"My doctor figures by the time we get married I will only have 32 weeks to go." Barb said with glee. "If it's a girl it will be Gloria Elizabeth a boy Johnathan Charles Barnes the 4th."

I though my mother would scream. I almost fainted.


So here it was a day before my wedding Bull Frog, Measly Mike my Dad and all the rest of the males of my bridal party after going through the rehearsal were in the legion sharing a few drinks. The females were all somewhere else throwing Barb a bridal party. Bull was saying goodbye to a lot of his friends and getting a lot of rubbing their noses in its in. He was leaving Ohio and moving to Washington State to manage a bar named after him. James plan had been foiled the contractor for the kill caught after pleading guilty he got a hard twenty. Joan had got a deal for time served and a 5-year parole by agreeing to testify against her husband. His trial would start in the new year. The trust had been settled Joan had put the estate she lived in with her three sons up for sale and had filed for divorce.


The last two of our four children start Kindergarten next month. Johnathan came first Gloria ten months after and then the twins Silva and Wilford (Bullfrog's real name). Jennifer and Steven have a boy and a girl. Judy married a marine from Maine who works in corporation under me. Joanne married Measly Mike they opened a bullfrog's bar near the farm. Life is better the second time around.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Dennis26Dennis26about 2 months ago

4 stars. tough to follow at times. All in all a good concept, keep up the good work.

MwestohioMwestohio3 months ago

There is a nice little romance hidden behind the convoluted writing and nonsensical legalese. And drop the politics. You decry the democratic news taking up the story, as though Fox News wouldn't report on an industrialists fake death and porn with his brother and ex.

UncleGrahamUncleGraham4 months ago

I have given this story a Five for its imagination, even though it was difficult to read and follow. This author needs at least a proof reader to get the basics right, then maybe an editor to even the transitions from scene to scene, Remember, this site is international, meaning there are many readers overseas who first language may not be English, so they have little hope of enjoying the read when those of us who are English speakers are having difficulty.

I say this, and score you Five, to encourage you, because I believe you have a lot of talent.

Bry1977Bry19774 months ago

That was a great story. However, I could only give it a 4* as it was in desperate need of editing!

Ocker53Ocker536 months ago

The MC portrays himself as a man of honour but no real man abandons his children for 15 years and if he had all this information that eventually came out then that makes it even worst. Why didn’t he destroy his ex wife, brother and everyone else, years earlier?

After they declared him dead, anytime after that if he had miraculously had showed up, it would have destroyed everyone career connected to that deception. He would have got custody of his children as his ex wife would be serving a prison term. Disappointing ⭐️⭐️

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