The Sporting Life Ch. 03


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Oh Fuck! OOH! I'm coming again!" She wailed.

As Kelly's orgasm waned, I kissed her pussy in thanks for the gourmet feast of epic proportions. Exhausted from my labors, I swiftly drifted off to sleep.

When I woke the next morning, light filtered in thru the curtained windows and at some point during the night, Kelly had returned to her bed.

For a long time, I lay in a half awake state until I heard Kelly stir. I pretended to be asleep and listened as she showered in the adjoining bathroom. With a towel wrapped around her head and body in a robe, she sat on the edge of my bed and gazed at me.

"Cory, about last night. It can't happen again. I hope you understand." Kelly said with some regret.

I was devastated and tears rimmed my eyes.

"I love Josh and I hope to be Mrs. Levine someday." Kelly stated factually.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat up.

"I should leave today." I said very sadly.

"You don't have to but at least stay for dinner. My folks really like you." She said in an upbeat tone.

Kelly hugged me then with her hands on my shoulders, her face took on a very serious look.

"Cory, you're a sweetheart but I can't give you the kind of relationship that you want from me." She said with total honesty.

"I've seen how you look at me and it's more than sex that you want. Am I right?" She inquired with brutal frankness.

"Yes" I said in a barely audible voice.

"We'll always be friends, Ok?" Kelly said optimistically.

"Ok." was my sniffling reply.

I felt flattened like a June bug on a windshield as I showered. For most of the afternoon, my demeanor was reserved and quiet. Dinner was really a late lunch as we ate at 3pm but I didn't have much of an appetite.

With humility, I thanked her parents for their generosity and sharing their New Years holiday with me. Kelly followed me upstairs and helped me pack my belongings. I couldn't bear to look her in the eye.

As I was shouldering my backpack, Kelly stopped me and embraced me very tightly.

"It was a wonderful experience Cory." She practically gushed.

"Really?" I asked with my heart on my sleeve.

"I always wondered what it was like and well, WOW!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.

My entire mood lifted and it filled me with pride. My drive home was less gloomy but the reality of the situation set in and I wept in the darkened car until I got home.

My mother saw my puffy red eyes when I greeted her but she said nothing. I was unpacking in my room and sniffing back tears when she entered.

"Cory, are you going to tell me what's bothering you." My mother asked sternly.

Unable to speak, I fell into her arms and cried my heart out.

"Sweetie, is it that serious?" She asked with concern.

In a sobbing and halting voice, I related my abortive attempt at a relationship with Kelly. Suddenly, I realized what I was confessing.

"Forgive me Mom." I bawled. "Forgive what?" she said in frustration and hugged me with unyielding love.

"I've had my suspicions. I mean, Cory, you haven't had a boyfriend since 10th grade." She stated with some levity.

"You're not mad?" I asked with incredulity.

"Why? Should I be? My sweet child, I love you with all my heart. It doesn't matter to me who you love, as long as you're happy." She said with a cracking voice.

"Mom, you're the best!" I declared and kissed her cheek.

"Anyway, there's plenty of fish, ah, I mean fishettes in the, ah, sea. Oh! You know what I mean." She said trying to save face.

I threw my pillow at her and we laughed uproariously.

The following Friday, I was on my merry way to Morgan City and Maria. With fingers tapping on the steering wheel, I belted out my favorite songs on the radio.

Maria lived in the center of town in a three story townhouse. Her family was a boisterous and energetic conglomeration of brothers and cousins.

Maria's room was on the very top level of the house and received little heat via the radiators. Mercifully, her father installed an electric baseboard unit that increased the temperature to a bearable level.

Maria greeted me with enthusiasm.

Hey! Little chica! Que pasa?" She declared with affection.

I held her close and gazed into her coal dark eyes.

"What gives? You look upset." She asked with a worried face.

"I'll tell you later." I said wearily.

"You're in luck. The weather forecast is calling for a mini blizzard tomorrow." She said excitedly.

Dinner in the oversize kitchen was a real family affair. Her mother made spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. I was a little surprised and Maria saw my confusion.

"I know; I know but my brothers and me, well, we just love spaghetti!" She stated in a loud voice.

"I love it too! I exclaimed and sat down for the feast.

The conversation flowed in Spanish and English. I laughed at her brother's silly jokes and drank glasses of dry red wine. Never have I felt more alive around people.

By nine o'clock I was yawning and Maria led me back upstairs. That's when I noticed that she had a double bed.

"Where are you sleeping?" I asked naively

"In the bed with you." She remarked matter of factly.

"OH!" was my reply of recognition.

"You ok with that?" she asked sheepishly.

"Yeah!" was my enthusiastic reply.

"I don't bite." She assured me sarcastically.

"Oh shit! And I was hoping..." Maria never let me finish as she tackled me on the bed.

I changed into my flannel PJ's and hopped into bed. It was barely sixty degrees in the room as I watched Maria disrobe and fly naked under the covers.

Maria inched her body closer and put her arm around me. The heat she generated was comforting but I was too tired to even contemplate anything more.

"I'm sorry Maria but I'm so tired." I stated sleepily.

"I'm glad you're here chica. Sleep well." She said tenderly.

Feeling secure in Maria's embrace, I drifted toward a night of pleasant dreams.

I woke to the sound of windows rattling and realized that the snowstorm was underway. Maria was lying on her side gazing at me.

"Hungry?" she asked in a flat tone.

"Yeah, I'm starving." I declared as my belly rattled with emptiness.

Mrs. Santos served a smorgasbord of breakfast items; hot cereal, pancakes, fresh fruit and my favorite, huevos with salsa. I ate and ate until I was close to bursting.

Maria's brother, Antonio, seemed to take an interest in me and chatted me up as though he wanted to ask for a date.

Afterwards as Maria and I were changing to go outside, I asked her about Antonio.

"Oh, he likes you!" she declared.

Just the fact that someone from the opposite sex found me attractive, filled me with pride.

"A warning my amiga, he's a player!" She stated factually.

I was amused by the situation.

"What if he asks me out?" I inquired with anxiety.

"Go out with him if you want to but if he behaves less than a gentleman, I'll kick his ass." She exclaimed.

Antonio was my age and a year younger than Maria. A handsome devil with a very charming personality, I wanted him to ask me out.

Outside we were bombarded by the icy pellets of the raging storm. Antonio or Tonio was my tour guide as we slogged thru the snow.

Maria was in a corner grocery buying hot coffee when Tonio asked me for a date. Later, when she found out, Maria gave me her blessing.

After a movie, Tonio took me to Rosita's Dance Club and tried to teach me some dance moves. Maria was right. Not only was he a player but a groper as well. His hand was on my butt for the umpteenth time when I gave him fair warning. We left when I refused to accept anymore "dance" lessons.

Outside the club, Tonio tried to kiss me and I pushed him away.

"What's you're problem girl?" he practically shouted at me.

Normally I would have cried but his behavior infuriated me.

"Keep your hands and mouth away from me." I stated angrily.

Tonio tried to kiss me again and that's when I delivered a hard overhand right to his eye. His hand flew to his eye in obvious pain.

"Take me home NOW!" I demanded.

By the time we arrived at Maria's I was in tears. I was thru the door first and ran to her room. While I was packing to leave, I heard loud arguing and shouting.

Suddenly, Maria appeared in the doorway to her room with Tonio.

"Apologize to my friend or I'll give you another black eye." Maria yelled at Tonio.

When Tonio looked up, the eye I had punched was already swollen and purple.

"I'm sorry." He said tearfully.

"Again and louder!" Maria commanded.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted." He exclaimed.

"I accept your apology." I said glumly fighting back more tears.

"Get out and if you so much as look at Cory, I'll kick your sorry ass from one end of the house to the other. Get me!?" Maria yelled directly into Tonio's face.

As Tonio made a hasty exit, I fell into Maria's arms and cried my eyes out.

When I regained my composure, I continued packing despite Maria's protests.

"Chica, please don't go." Maria begged.

A brilliant idea pooped into my head.

"Come with me." I implored hastily.

Maria gazed at me for about a nano second before she accepted my invitation.

"Little chica, it's after midnight. We can leave early tomorrow morning. Ok!" Maria asked sweetly.

I tearfully accepted her suggestion and sat heavily on her bed with my head down. Maria enveloped me in her comforting embrace and the tears started anew.

"Shh, it's ok now." She said soothingly and gently rubbed my back.

Maria ran down to the kitchen for some wine as I got ready for bed. We were sitting with our backs to the headboard and swilled half the bottle before I visibly relaxed.

"Feel better?" She inquired tenderly.

I was feeling much better and smacked my numb lips for emphasis. After I set my wine glass on the night table, I snuggled against Maria's naked body. The soothing and warming effects from the closeness were making a bee line for my crotch. I gazed up at her with a look of need on my face and we kissed passionately. Maria was a great kisser and it was my favorite activity with her.

The heat from our passion raised the temperature in the otherwise cold room. Maria threw the covers off and I gaped in awe at her magnificent body.

Overcome with lust, I dove for her succulent snatch. Maria panted and gasped as I probed her slimy slit.

"Oh God, Cory!" she yelped like a bitch in heat.

Gently she held my head as I serviced her turgid sex.

"Eat me chica." She wailed.

As I pumped two well lubricated fingers into Maria's swampy hole, I tongue whipped her hard clit.

When Maria draped her legs over my shoulders, I drilled a finger into her butt cluster.

"OH Fuck! Fuck my ass!" she shrieked and thrashed around on the bed.

With my tongue lashing her gash and my finger reaming her cute butt, Maria shook violently and she came thunderously.

Maria held me close and kissed my sticky cheeks and lips. Her pungent odor filled the room.

"Hmm, I taste good!" She exclaimed and licked the tart fluid off my face.

I experienced an overpowering sense of well being as I lie in Maria's embrace. Her gaze traveled south to my recently shaved crotch and slowly her head made the descent.

My legs opened just before Maria made contact and her tongue licked me from stem to stern. She sucked my free flowing juices into her mouth and swallowed.

"Cory, you are one tasty chica!" she crowed.

I probably blushed from her comment but rode her raspy tongue to one heck of a good orgasm. Naked and sweaty we cuddled together for the rest of the night.


End of Chapter Three

Stay Tuned for Chapter Four

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