The Stadium Club 01

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Hubby waits.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/16/2017
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I originally posted this as Dpdlover.


Her question hung in the air above the quiet murmur of the gathering. A question that had already been answered, but she ask again in a soft voice that made my heart beat faster and my skin tighten. Then she asks the question again for effect, O My God I thought, it worked. My heart was pounding at an alarming rate. The question represented another step down a winding road, the continuation of a journey already started. It was another step, but a step that stirred the deep emotions of arousal and excitement and the deepest of all emotions. fear. I struggled to put the doubt out of my mind and focus on the journey.

It was a simple request, after all, it was an act she had done time and again. But this time the act was different. The arousal was as real for me as I'm sure it was for Trisa. The breathlessness of her request gave away the feminine dampness that she had been feeling for the last 3 dances.

My breathing was irregular, in starts and stops as I looked into her green eyes. I love those eyes. Her eyes were bright and inquisitive as they revealed her desires but at the same time questioned me for approval or at least acquiescence. Reading her eyes I could see the depths of her desires, these were feelings that lovers cannot ignore or push aside.

Her desires had become my desires, yet this was not a time to give in to desire or fantasy carelessly.

"Are you sure I asked"

My mouth was close to her ear and I could smell the perfume on her neck in conflict with the faint smell of sweat generated by dancing to 110 beats a minute. Her eyes never faded as she leaned to kiss me and said yes.

Right at that moment my desire for her was overwhelming, to have her at home in our bed, her bare feet wrapped around my waist and my manhood deep, right at that moment would have been heavenly, but it was not to be, not right now anyway.

"Yes I'm sure......can I now? Can I please take off my panties... she asked me with doe eyes."

"Jeff I have to do this, we need to do this" She reassured me.

"It will be just like we planned she whispered in my ear... it will be for us, for both of us baby..." Trisa was practically breathless.

So as she shifted in her heels, high and gleaming in their newness, she awaited my reaction. Trisa sensed my realization of the necessity from the quiver of my lips and the shifting stance as I offered up my reply.

Steadying my resolve I placed my hand in the small of her back and steered her toward the darken alcove. Dark and yet so public, this didn't seem to be the place I had imagined, but then dreams are usually not accurate forbears of reality. In reality my wife was about to perform a dance that we had dreamed of. She was going go to take off her panties, those panties, "our panties" and return to the dance floor.

Her preparations had begun in late afternoon; she seemed to savor the private time and the simple joy of making herself beautiful. Her shower evolved into a bath and that lingered as she ran her hand down her belly to the top of her soft curls and then back up to her pretty B cup breasts, perfect for her small frame, womanly and heavy for their size, they radiated sexually. Trisas toyed with her hard nipples and sighed as she dreamed of nibbles on the pink points. Trisa was never able to play coy as her nipples always got hard at the first sign of arousal; something no warm blooded male could fail to notice. She disliked pain but Mark knew a few nibbles or tweaks at the peak of passion greatly increased her satisfaction.

Trisas continued her long bath and the slow work with the razor, carefully stroking until she was a bare for the first time in along time. She could not resist cupping her hand over the smooth mound and feeling the warmth from within. She smiled as felt the smoothness and wondered what Marc would think. This wasn't the first time she had taken the time to reveal her womanhood, but the last time she worn virginal white.

"I hope you like, special occasions require special preparations" she whispered later...

My preparations were quick and efficient, shower; shave and casual elegance were the requirements of the day. With lots of time to wait while she bathed I tried to watch the evening news and relax in our bedroom. But the soft splashes and movements from the bathroom made concentration impossible.

My watch ticked as daylight faded over New Orleans. The sun now fully in retreat was casting long shadows over our bed. This bedroom was our first, bought with hard earned college job money. Now after nearly 5 years it was a our place for love and cuddling and fantasy. From this bed, tonight's journey was born during moments of high passion, slow cuddling and passionate embraces. It was whispered about and dreamed of in the moments that only lovers know. Now as the first step approached by heart thumped and my stomach reacted to excitement that seemed both real and at the same time larger than life.

Trisa exited the powder room was nervously. The door opened and she came in to my view flushed from the heat of the water and possibly lingering arousal. My heart skipped as she came closer for a peck on the lips the loosely draped robe revealed her blushed breasts and pink nubs which had hardened in expectation of the evenings promise. Her breasts are perfectly formed peaks, firm and hard, never having been swollen from the loving duty of motherhood. She caught me looking and teasingly covers herself with the robe, now, now she said, that's not the plan is it. I smiled and nodded in agreement but didn't look away.

Inwardly Trisa felt the warmth of love and togetherness. He still wants me she thought to herself, and she was comforted by the thought.

The dress was elegant in the mold of woman with tucks and seams to enhance her figure. Like the fabric of a strong marriage the dress held her together and enhanced her natural strengths, it made her feel long and sleek. A far cry from the tattoos and piercing of her generation, this dress made her petite figure womanly and desirable.

The panties weren't that important, but she chose them with care and a mischievous smile. They were not her normal thong, which reveals her perfect butt no matter what the outfit. These were panties with a full seat and a nice lacy front panel, they were sexy but not what he had expected for this evening. He caught her smile and felt a slight panic. Trisa knew her selection had caught his eye. Over the last few years she had noticed that this pair has a mind of their own. She always folded them neatly with feminine care and placed them in her drawer carefully. But this pair had a curious habit of refolding themselves with a male signature. The butt area of these panties was made of a smooth shiny satin material which was silky and smooth to the touch. She had noticed the refolding usually happened during her monthly cycle or during her overnight visits to her mother's. Trisa considered it flattering that he wanted to be near her during his personal moments.

I knew instantly when she picked that pair of white panties and smiled. My secret was revealed and my embarrassment was natural. She had picked this pair to tweak my emotions and to heighten my desire for her. So as they slid up her calves and past her thighs my breathing stopped. Then they cupped her new bareness and she turned and smiled 'sexy enough' she asked? My heart thumped as I nodded yes and tried to look confident.

"I'll give them back to you later" she whispered in my ear...

Soon the dress slid over her shoulders and past her bare crystal hard nipples and settled on her wonderful hips. The panties, our panties, were sealed between her warm flesh and the form fitting dress. My breathing quickened as she bent over to pick up her new high heels stretching the dress tightly around her lovely bottom. I throbbed as I dreamed of her always tight womanhood hidden away between her shapely thighs. I longed to bend her over and take her then and there but I knew that was not to be, not now anyway.

How do I look she asked from behind perfectly made up eyes... lovely. I said good, enough to, now, be a good boy she laughed.

"God I love you," she said with a warm smile."

The front desk girl was efficient if nothing else, Mr. and Mrs. she said with a questioning look. Never had the question had such an effect on me. I felt my nervousness and my arousal together. Yes, Trisa answered, Mr. and Mrs. England, she still felt pride in her glimmering wedding ring set.

"Let me look...oh yes... here you are, everything is fine of course."

"Then a green band for you mama and an orange one for you sir. "

I looked a Trisa with questioning eyes and she whispered in my ear , "I love you."

The green band gives you unlimited assess mama.

"Sir, she said with a stern look, the orange band restricts you to the Dug Out Bar in the front of the building and the Club House behind the rooms." God the rooms.

Have fun she said with a smile to Trisa and returned to her computer screen crisply dismissing us.

Trisa gave me a quick peck on the cheek and took my hand to lead the way to the darken bar. The Dug Out Bar was dark, just couples, just husbands and wives enjoying an evening cocktails to smooth the transitions to come later in the evening. Casual elegance ruled the day, with the men in slacks and the ladies in dresses. Most of the dresses were normal street wear but the fittings were tighter and there was plenty of cleavage on display. Though some were very tight and very short but that tended to be the exception.

Normally my eyes would have wandered but, just as she intended Trisa was the focus of my attention this tonight.

The bar was dark and given the number of couples present very quiet. There were no parties larger than two, just husbands and wives sitting together, nervous conversation. The drinks were poured and the wives seemed to glow, for a while the normal worries of their jobs, kids and marriage were forgotten.

To my right as we sat down was a lovely brunette with long sexy legs. She held her husband's hand on the table top while sipping a drink with an umbrella. He looked as apprehensive as I felt. I could not help but wonder if he was a first timer like me or had experienced this rush emotions before and was back for more.

"O my god," Trisa though as she realized that she was actually here with her husband, her wonderful loving husband.

She was here in this place and dressed to at least flirt. Her nipples were glass hard and it felt as if they could shatter. Her newly shaved womanhood was moist and swollen, maybe I should have let him kiss it at home she mussed.

But she had not taken the time to shave her pussy just to have her hubby taste it. The last time she had taken the time to shave it she had been a blushing bride to be, not a wife with 5 years experience.

Trisa long ago learned that the brain is the largest sex organ and she didn't have to shave to make him want her. Just a few whispers in bed or a panting phone call to his office and she had him.

No, she had shaved it for a reason... girl has to make herself feel special for night like this...

God if he knew what I was thinking I would die she thought to herself...maybe I will tell him later she thought and smiled a confident smile at her hubby.

"Shift your shoulders I whispered, your nipples are showing through the dress. "

"I know Trisa said with a smile, do you like...," yea, but it's a little early I said.

She tossed her head and her thick mane shifted around on her shoulders. The all too feminine move may have veiled her eyes with brown bangs, but it did little if anything to hide her nipples.

Lord, I love her was all I could think at the moment, could she really leave me here and go dance the dance with another guy. The waitress was a cute as she made her way towards us promptly as we sat down.

"Hi I'm Amy and I'll will be your hostess tonight she said confidently, how are you folks tonight?" I tried to smile and Trisa blushed.

"Well I guess you could be a little nervous she said knowingly...don't worry I." I will take great care of you."

"First things first, would you folks like a drink?" Beer and a white wine please I answered.

It was a quiet few minute for us, just taking it all in. " I see you first time here" Amy arrived and pulled a stool up to our high top bar table, drinks in hand.

Yes we said in unison, Trisa kneed me under the table and gave me the "well introduce us" look all wives perfect in the first 30 minutes of married life.

"Oh I'm Jeff and this is my wife Trisa, it's nice to me you." "Welcome to "The Stadium Club" Amy said with a smile and glance toward me."

A slight chill swept across my body as she spoke but I wan alive in my slacks, down boy I thought, not now. Trisa's school girl radiant, clearly enjoying the situation, but what wife wouldn't I suppose.

"I see you already have your arm bands, but I will still go over a few things with your both."

"Since you only have an orange band Jeff you are welcome to enjoy yourself here in the Dugout Bar, later I will escort you to the "Locker Room Bar, " an ominous statement to say the least.

"As you can see there is lot's to do, we have the college games on now and later the Indy Car race will on. We also have limited snacks and full bar. Drinks are on the house so enjoy."

Trisa I see your green arm band number is 106, let me make a note of that. Later I can help Jeff find the "Locker Room, " after you make your choice.

"Oh. and Trisa the Playing Field dance floor opens in about 30 minutes, of course only guys and girls with the correct arm bands are allowed on the "Field". We ask that there be no phones or pda's in that area, did you bring your phone Trisa?

"No, no" Trisa said, I read the brochure and left my phone at home...

"Very good Amy giggled; we don't want any nervous husbands calling now do we..."

"After you make a choice just let one of the hostesses on the The Field know and word will make its way to me". That ominous feeling.. again.

Trisa, there's a boudoir for each couple so there is no rush...oh...and the club closes at 11:30." So...two and a half, gp screw some guy and back to me in two and a half hours. A guy could get pretty drunk in two and a half hours.

"Mmmm...boudoir...fancy," Trisa smiled in my direction.

"Yea, boudoir we can't call them bedrooms, that is a different license or something," Amy shrugged her shoulders.

"Trisa you meet will up with Jeff in the Locker Room when it is time for you rejoin your husband.""

God she made it all seem so simple I thought...rejoin your husband...sounds like she was going on a shopping trip with the cruise director.

Now as you are read in the brochure "The Stadium" is a condom free environment. We find that most wives have long since stopped using them and all guys hate them, so we got rid of them...completely. Anyone with a dance floor band has been tested just as you were Trisa, so troublesome germs are not a problem.

Yes Trisa thought, that was an interesting conversation with the ob\gyn. The same doctor she had been seeing since she was 18.

"Why yes I'm still married ...I need a full STD check. Oh marriage is great, yes everything is fine, but....Uh... yes I a full STD check..."

"Trisa, she continued, all the Gentlemen with danc floor bands understand the condom free situation and will usually work with you to make sur your experience as fulfilling as you wish."

O God I thought, guys don't work with girls on that, it's tight, warm and wet ...and we want to stay there to the very end.

"So as you understand she continued, "we take care of the STD's but of course any other fertility choices are between you and your husband."

The more Amy talked the harder Trisa's nipples seemed to get and I could feel a stirring in my slacks.

What have we done I wondered, why aren't we at home in our bed fucking like rabbits?

In just a few minutes my beautiful wife, my best friend, my only sex partner would be flirting and dancing in a room full of guys. Guys that arrived alone and expected to leave alone, after sending a wife back into the arms of her loving husband.


Across town in the Treme' District , a girl named Jill tearfully tossed away another pregnancy test.


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leetamezleetamezover 6 years ago

Where is this going? Seems very vague! What’s the deal with Jill?

cockcriticcockcriticalmost 7 years ago
Willing Cuckolds

What serious husband would take his wife to this sex market must have his brains in his cock end. This is not what loving husband and loving wives do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Group sex is one thing, but getting PG with an unknown sperm donor? Not believable unless you have a free abortion scheduled.

gordo12gordo12over 7 years ago
Been done before


stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 7 years ago
I see a divorce in the works

Why would any couple do this in the first place? Obviously I thought it was a btb story.

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