The Start of Something.


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Joe nodded his head, as she felt her pussy slowly go up and down the bulge of his jeans, knowing that his shaft was feeling the direct pressure of her cunt. She continued to slide back still staring into his eyes thinking that she needed to give him more. She knew she was tipsy but did not think it was the reason for her wanting to go further with Joe. She could feel her sexual need growing as it now was soaking through the thin fabric that covered her pussy.

"You can suck on them," she offered, smiling as he continued rubbing his fingers over her nipples. She wondered if he knew it was making her wet pussy clench on itself, wanting something to fill it.

"I want to look at you. You are so beautiful I can't take my eyes off of you," Joe answered as he smiled back.

Shanell instantly felt the bolts of electricity shooting and a weakness in her body as his words made her feel beautiful for the first time. She wanted to say so much but felt if she rubbed her pussy against his cock harder it would show him how he was making her feel.

The buildup was so bad she imagined what his white dick looked like and what it would feel like inside of her. She thought she was already almost fucking him, why not just let him slide inside of her so he could feel his real reward.

Shanell stopped moving for a moment and then reached down to pull her wet panties to the side exposing her dark slit. She then looked at Joe and reached for his button on his jeans. "Fuck me?"

"What? I mean, you don't know me. I can't take advantage of you like that." Joe's eyes opened wide as he looked taken back.

She smiled as she thought that he was still trying to be so polite. "You're not taking advantage of me. Besides, I can feel you need it. You ever fuck a black girl before?"

Joe softly responded, "No, but that is not the point."

Shanell smiled knowing that he was about to feel the pleasures of having her black body. "It's okay, just let me take your white cock and I will do the rest."

"Oh...I want to. I really want to, but it's not right."

Shanell quickly thought that he was not thinking he deserved the reward of having her pussy for saving her. "If you don't want to fuck, I can suck it. It's the least I can do."

She quickly thought of how to please him for being a stand-up man and helping her twice in the time of need. The effects of the alcohol were making her stagger a little but she still wanted to give him something special and if he wanted her to swallow his white load, she would without a second thought. The thought of her hero not getting his reward bothered her.

"How about I take you out to eat after here? Let me treat you to something to eat across the street at the diner. We can just talk and I will take that as a thank you," Joe responded softly, with a wide smile on his face.

Shanell thought about the few guys she slept with and knew that if she asked any guy in the club or on the street, they would jump at the chance to fuck her silly. The thought of Joe being above physical pleasure made her want to be with him more. The idea that just being around her was a reward was making her feel like the man who saved her was unlike any other man. She just hoped that her position as a stripper, or her race did not play a factor in her wanting him so bad now.

Hiding the frown, she answered back, "Fair, enough. I get off in an hour."

Shanell stood up and slipped her small top back over her breasts and pulled out her g-string which needed to be adjusted anyway to cover her dark sex folds that were out for Joe to see. She looked down real quick to see his jeans clearly bulging up. The thought of fucking him was still there, and she knew she got him aroused. Since he looked ready to take her, she figured she would try after they ate and she could show off her body to him once again.

"Can I ask you a favor still?" Shanell added, knowing she was still going to need a ride back to her place. Her mind was racing of all the possibilities and things to be done but only getting home came to her mind now as everything else fell into a drunken blur.

"Sure anything."

She quickly asked hoping that he would still be wanting to help her with her ride problem. "Can you take me home after we eat? I know I am a bother, but I don't have a car and all."

"Of course. Just let me know when you want to go."

Shanell walked him out of the room, and saw the look from the other dancers thinking she scored a man who had money. Since the cheapest dance in the room was five hundred, she knew that the others thought she was having a great night.

She quickly went to the bar and got another drink, making sure her mind still felt the euphoria of the alcohol before going on stage again. It was her turn to dance soon and she felt that if Joe watched her perform he would be more willing to take her as his own tonight.

The stage was hers only this shift as the DJ called her name out as the dancer on the stage. The lights hit her and she began her routine. Her thoughts quickly went to being rejected and how Joe needed to know that she was the reward he so needed to have tonight. The thought of her black body bouncing on his white fuck stick pounded in her mind as she swung her body around the pole. The erotic thoughts continued to drift into her mind as she felt her sex ready to burst with need.

Twisting on the pole, she pulled off her bikini top and threw it across the stage, making sure she looked right at Joe so he could see the breasts he had touched and could touch all night if he fucked her. She knew he got aroused by her grinding, and now wondered if his white dick was still hard from watching her dance.

When the second song ended, and she got off the stage, the thought of why Joe still said no to her lingered in her head. She had a sneaky feeling he wanted some normal white girl who had a job that did not require her to strip and grind on other men. He was not wearing a ring, so she thought he was a divorced guy wanting an older white girl.

Shanell collected her bag and began to change into street clothes when she was able to finally count the money from the night. With quick flips of her fingers and wrists, she was able to see that it was almost three hundred. Not a great night by any means, but a decent night for the few hours she worked. It was also enough to get a down payment on another apartment.

She walked out from the back area, and saw Lori kneeling right in front of Joe. Shanell wondered if Joe would be more interested in her. She was five foot nothing with no curves or hips, but she was white with golden blonde hair.

Shanell knew she could say something to Lori and she would be all over him, but something else stirred in her. She looked at Joe like he was hers in a way. She felt odd about having such a feelings about a white guy, but he was her hero that needed to be given a special reward tonight and Lori was not going to stand in her way.

"Sorry to steal him away girl, but he is with me tonight," Shanell said as she pulled Joe up from the chair.

"Oh. I see. Well you two have fun tonight," she replied back, smiling at Joe trying her best to flirt with her eyes.

Joe drove to a diner close to her apartment, as she told him where she lived. They sat across from each other and the effects from her nightly drinking were still lingering in her system. Weighing less than a hundred and twenty pounds, she knew her body was a lightweight, and loved it was quick to feel the buzz from drinking.

She sat there still staring at him, but not trying to be noticed. She could not help but smile at the man that saved her life. The more she looked, the more she was infatuated with his physical features, and his handsome older face. He was polite and she knew that he was a gentleman hero that now needed a now bigger reward.

With her hands folded, she listened to hear something that might give away a clue to the man she was becoming more interested in. "You know, I still don't know anything about you."

"I am a firefighter who is divorced with a child. My life is kind of plain from there. I own an apartment downtown that my ex-wife lives in, and work too much. My brother is younger than me and is a lawyer from some firm that represents Wall Street pricks, and he is letting me stay at his place while he is in California. I don't smoke, and I swore off drinking three years ago. Like I said...kinda plain."

"You forgot hero though," Shanell said, smiling as she wanted him to know that she saw him as a man who saved her life.

Joe quickly put his hand up as he replied, "Please don't get me started about that night. Let's forget it happened."

"Okay then...mmmm let me see. I go to college and am studying to be a nurse. I strip on the weekends to pay bills so please don't judge me for that," Shanell said as she felt he might not be interested in a black stripper. She wanted him to know that she was better than just a girl who took off her clothes.

"It's fine. I mean, you have rent to pay and bills just like me," Joe commented back, smiling as she saw that the stripper thing might not be an issue.

"My rent was past due and I have to move now. That's why I was upset about the money...not you. Please forgive me for sounding like a bitch in the morning." Shanell quickly thought back and just hoped that he would not hold it against her as it might ruin the chances for tonight.

"You are losing you place, and you lost your car. You really are having a bad week. On the lighter side, you at least have money for a new place."

She swallowed hard and could feel the excitement as she built up the courage to ask him why he turned down being with her. "Can I ask you a personal question?"


"Would you consider a black girl hot? Would you ever want to be with one?" Shanell asked, wondering if she stepped too far. She felt she had to know if he was into the black meat as she saw it. The idea of being passed up for a white girl happened on a daily basis when it came to dances, and she knew if Joe turned her down again it would break her.

Joe's eyes lifted up and his shock of the question was easily seen. "Of course black girls are hot...what kind of question is that. I mean I have never been so turned on before in my life. I don't want to sound like I am coming onto you are stunning in every way."

Shanell smiled as she felt her heart warm with his compliment. The pit in her stomach grew as she felt that her hero needed to have her and that it was her goal to give him her love for the entire night.

"Thank you, you are so sweet," she replied back, smiling so big she almost felt she needed to be held back from attacking him with kisses.

"The whole thing at the club was me not wanting you to have regrets or think I was only after one thing. I have always been the person not to just jump into sex with a stranger. I would hate for hurt feelings or mixed emotions in the morning and enjoy building relationships first. Call me an old school romantic, but I enjoy loving a person."

She heard the words, but only thought that she had a relationship with him already. Like some sort of man that swept her off her feet and needed to be given sexual love for doing such an act. She knew that it was not a pickup line, but was a pickup line at the same time. The act of wanting more from a girl was something the girls wanted to hear, and Shanell could not help but smile as she knew the line was working magic on her. She was into him before for saving her, and now the line brought her even closer to him.

"So you got morals...hard to find men like that now." She smiled knowing that she found a guy that truly deserved the best reward she could give a man."

"Thank you, but I can tell you that I will probably regret my morals later as I remember how gorgeous you were on stage."

She listened to how he and his wife separated, and a little bit about his daughter who was only five. Shanell asked more and more about his life and sobriety, just to hear his voice. She enjoyed finally having a conversation with a guy that she did not have to take her top off for, and a conversation where money was not being discussed.

Joe tried to ask about her life, but Shanell always switched it always back to him. She wanted to tell him about how she was homeless for a time, and how she was only stripping to get through college. She just thought her cliché life was something for another time. Her being kicked out of Grandmother's house and living in motels was a story for another time.

The check came and Joe grabbed it without a second look. Shanell quickly commented about him grabbing the check. "You know I can pay. You have already done so much."

Joe smiled and dropped a twenty on the table before looking at her with a smile replying back to her comment. "No beautiful girl should ever have to pay for food."

She smiled wide and felt like she was on a date. Joe held the door open for her, and his last compliment stayed in her head. She could sense that he was a genuinely good guy that did not just want her to just spread her legs for him. Although Joe declined her invitation to have her body before, Shanell felt his reasoning was pure and not anything mean. He was older, and she still thought it could be an age thing.

The thought of an older man never crept in her mind before, but never did she feel such pull towards a man before. He might have been older, but he still looked extremely handsome. In her mind, she thought about what it would be like to have Joe take her tonight, and she felt the tingling sensation of desire take her.

Joe sat in the car and turned on the ignition. "So where is your apartment?"

Shanell looked over at him and placed her hand on his leg. She felt the beat of her heart with the anticipation of his response made "We can go back to yours tonight."

Joe turned his head quickly. "What?"

"Let's go back to your place and finish what we stopped in the club," she softly said, knowing that this was the moment that she could give her reward to a man that truly deserved it.

"You really want to?" Joe replied looking confused.

Shanell did not want to beg or debate the merits of her black pussy to him, but wanted to push this along. She quickly moved in for the kill as her dark lips were against his. Joe did not move away and began kissing back as she knew it was on for her to receive his white cock tonight.

Joe's lips were soft and his tongue pressed against hers almost caressing it. She felt both weak and wet as she was sucked in the pleasure of the moment and embrace. It was not just physical but emotional as she felt the timing was so perfect for their intimate kiss.

Shanell finally broke away and continued to stroke his bulge through his jeans, feeling it pulse with the need to be inside of her. "I can feel you ready to fuck me."

Joe quickly got his truck on the road heading towards his place as he looked over at her. "You have no idea."

"Were you that turned on watching me dance, or when I was grinding on you dick?" Shanell smiled and wanted to hear how hard he got for her.

"Both. It took everything I had to say no to you and I was thinking I was making the mistake of my life you had me so turned on. When I saw you dancing, you were just making it worse."

"Let me make sure you stay hard," Shanell replied as she continued to slide her hand up and down his jeans. She felt each pulse of his member as she knew the tease was getting him all excited.

The entire drive to his place Shanell continued to rub his jeans, feeling his erection just aching to be let out. She whispered in his ear how wet she was grinding on him and how he was going to get the reward of a lifetime.

Once in the apartment, Shanell stripped off her sweatpants and top to expose her white bikini top and g-string panties. She looked over at Joe to see him utterly entranced as he stood gazing at her. "You like my black body?"

"You are so gorgeous," Joe replied as he closed the distance and quickly spirited her off her feet.

Shanell let herself go and pressed her lips against his as she knew the bedroom was the next stop. Joe seemed to have no problem holding her in his arms and making his way through the apartment either.

She looked right at him as he began to take off his clothes. The urge to tease him more came to her as she moved further up on the bed. Shanell leaned back so her body was against the headboard and then opened her legs wide. She knew he was seeing her dark cleanly shaved slit as her black love petals were now on display.

With her fingers touching her clit, she slowly rubbed herself feeling how wet she was for him. She could not remember a time when she was so turned on before sex, and never this excited for a white man. The strong urge to have him plunge inside of her grew as she saw his white muscular chest displayed for her.

She saw the look of pure desire in his eyes and his erection ready for action. "You ready to fuck your first black girl?" she said with a smile, trying to get him even more turned on.

Shanell watched him quickly look into a drawer and then turn to her. "I don't have any condoms."

In a quick thought, she knew he was not a man who slept with too many girls. The nagging idea that she should stop was there, but the urge to have him was too great. She could hear the honesty and his purity in his voice, and she knew nothing was going to stop her from feeling him inside of her including something as boring as a condom.

"It's okay. You can just pull out. I trust you," Shanell replied, trying to ease his concerns about stopping.

She then watched as he moved on the bed and pulled her legs down so she was now completely flat on her back. When he did not climb right on top of her like some sort of animal, she figured that he was not a selfish lover and planned on pleasuring her first. Shanell knew her dark sex was about to be directly pleasured by his tongue, something she only had done a few times before but loved.

Looking down, she could see his face move towards her open pussy like it was a meal to be eaten. The thought of his mouth kissing and licking her pussy lips almost made her quiver right then and there, but she knew it was going to happen soon.

Shanell bent her body upwards in a total shock of ecstasy as she felt the sensation of Joe's soft lips against her dark thighs. She knew he was teasing her and making her sex pulse hard with knowing that she was about to have his tongue on her sensitive clit soon.

She grabbed onto the sheets hard and called out, "OHHH fuckkkk," as Joe's lips softly kissed her clit before he slid his tongue down the length of her dark love folds.

Joe did not stop there and Shanell closed her mouth, trying to hold back screaming as his tongue swiped back and forth against her dark love flaps before he covered her clit with his tongue.

She felt herself climax quickly and hard, almost becoming dizzy as he continued moving up and down the length of the pussy and swirling his tongue around her love button.

Shanell moved her hands to his head, moaning softly as she felt her body begin to shake almost violently. She wanted to tell him how good he was eating her black pussy, but he must have known. The thought that a man like Joe was making sure she received pleasure first only added to wanting him to make love to her all night.

She ran her fingers through his short hair, feeling her body go over the edge as her clit throbbed from the release of pleasure. There was no hiding the fact she was now properly wet for him to take her. She felt her love hole being plundered by his tongue and moaned hard from it. Another climax was building and she wanted this one to be with his white cock though.

"You ready to fuck me?" Shanell cooed as she kept her legs wide open and she knew she was his to take.