The Stork Twins


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With what was going on between the twins, my cock was now starting to get into shape for its next performance, but it was not quite ready for action and I saw Tanya taking a quick glance down there, and she said, "While we're on that subject, and Troy's getting ready for round two, I think I'll get down here and give Erika's pussy a little love."

She shuffled down the bed and sat back, and then unclipped the stud on Erika's denim shorts as Erika watched her. Then, she slipped the shorts down Erika's long, thin legs, and dropped them on the floor beside the bed. Erika lifted her bottom, making eye contact with her twin sister as Tanya pulled off her white panties, with those pale purple flowers on them, and she dropped those on the floor as well.

I just watched, without speaking, as Erika drew her legs back, opening her pussy wide, inviting Tanya to go down on her. I felt a dry lump in my throat as Tanya leant down, gently placing her mouth on her twin sister's special place. She kissed gently and seemed to inhale the scent for a moment before moving back in, to place another gentle kiss on her sister's cunt. I was practically breathless, watching this sexy spectacle, and I turned to look at Erika's face. She had that same look of rapture that Tanya had when Erika had sucked her nipple, but she turned towards me and gave me a kind of encouraging look as though she wanted me to be part of this.

I moved closer and kissed Erika's mouth as Tanya's mouth gently worked her pussy, and I held the kiss for a moment. I broke the kiss and shuffled a little closer on the bed, and I used my left hand to lift the hem of Erika's tank top, pulling it up to expose her bra. She lifted her shoulders a little, and then reached behind herself to unclip her bra, and as it loosened, I slipped it up, exposing her right breast.

I took her nipple between my thumb and forefinger, gently caressing it, and then I let go and moved down to kiss her breast, beside her nipple. After kissing Erika's breast, I placed my lips over her nipple, gently caressing it with my tongue, tasting her flesh, while I looked out of the corner of my eye at Tanya's head between her legs, lovingly going down on her twin sister's pussy. Once again, I could hear the wet sounds from their oral lovemaking, as Tanya licked, tasted and explored Erika's oozing pussy.

I released Erika's nipple from my mouth and moved my head to kiss her mouth again. She must have been close to cumming now, as Tanya gently lapped at her, and as I broke our kiss, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back, taking in a long breath. She exhaled quickly then took another shuddering breath, still with her eyes closed, and said, "Tanya! I'm close."

Tanya stopped her licking and lifted her head from Erika's crotch, and said, "That sounds like you're up next, Troy." She had another mischievous smile as she slid off the bed and moved up to the top drawer of Erika's bedside table. She opened the top drawer and took out a packet of condoms, taking one out in its wrapper, and returning the packet to the drawer. I had moved back to lay on my right side, with my cock now fully erect again, and Tanya looked at it and said, "Whenever you're ready."

Erika turned on her left side and gently pushed my left shoulder, urging me to lie on my back. I moved across the bed as Tanya knelt back to give Erika and me some room, but I wanted to taste Erika's pussy properly before I fucked her, so looked at her and said, "Are you okay if I have a little taste, first?"

"I never say no to having my pussy licked," she said, as she looked at Tanya with a knowing smile. I looked at Erika's pussy, waiting for me, splayed wide by the position of her long legs, but I turned to Tanya and said, "Just let me taste your mouth first, after you've been licking Erika down there."

Tanya smiled eagerly, moving closer, and I turned around and embraced her before kissing her mouth, tasting the sexy sweetness of Erika's labia and her pussy juice on Tanya's lips. I held the kiss, taking it all in, as I inhaled her breath. I kissed her cute, pouting mouth with my own, knowing it was fresh from going down on her twin sister's cunny, and as our tongues gently brushed together, it was all the more exciting to think that only moments earlier, hers had been probing at Erika's musky secret places.

We broke our kiss, and now it was time to taste Erika's pussy properly. I turned around on the bed and shuffled over to get in position. The twins had kept their pussies natural, but probably trimmed a little, and Erika had a neat triangle of dark brown pubic hair, extending down the sides of her outer labia. Her inner lips were slightly puffy, and a little darker in colour than the rest of her pussy, and they were glistening with a mixture of her own sex fluids and her sister's saliva. Her little clit was erect, as though eager to join the fun, and a trickle of fluid already ran from the pouting entrance to her vagina. Erika's pussy was a thing of beauty, a strikingly beautiful cunt, and I was to have the honour of fucking her there, but first, I wanted to bury my face in it, to shower it with love, to experience it, to get to know it intimately, before I mounted her and occupied it with my cock. I was so excited by Erika's open cunt that I felt momentary light headed, but I moved in to kiss her gently on her clitoral hood.

I kissed it lovingly, the way a mother kisses a baby, as though Erika's vulva was a sacred treasure to be treated with reverence, and I held the kiss so I could gently inhale her scent as I had done with Tanya when she had entrusted me with giving pleasure to her own pussy. Then, after that wonderfully exciting kiss, I moved my head, turning it to the right, so I could rest my left cheek for a brief moment on Erika's tuft of pubic hair, once again basking in the scent of sexual arousal that was coming from her. I now turned, to kiss her again, this time in the centre of her pubes, inhaling just the scent of her skin and feeling the tickle of her pubic hair on my face.

Now, it was time to taste her properly, so I shuffled back on the bed slightly, and moved my head into her crotch, tilting it slightly to probe between her inner lips with my tongue. The juices oozing from Erika were sweetish, tangy and exciting, just like her sister's, and I swept my tongue between her swollen inner labia, tasting the extra tang, as I moved closer to the opening below, knowing it would soon be accepting my hard cock. On the way, I took time out to move my head a little to the left, gently kissing the soft, satiny skin of Erika's inner thigh, but then, I got back to business, dabbing at the opening to her pussy with the tip of my tongue.

Neither of the girls had spoken for a few minutes, but I heard Tanya say, in a kind of loud whisper, "He knows his way around down there," as she looked over at her sister, and I realised I was so entranced by Erika's pussy I had almost forgotten Tanya was there. I had almost finished my explorations now, but I wanted one more taste of Erika's nectar before committing my cock to its journey inside her, so I swept my tongue up between her inner lips again, tasting them, and coating my tongue with her sex fluids, before spreading them inside my mouth so I could fully taste her. Then, after a final kiss on her clitoral hood, I shuffled back away from her.

"You like?" Tanya said, with a smile, and from her lying position on the bed, Erika sighed and said, "I think I'm totally ready to be fucked now."

With that, Tanya peeled the condom wrapper open and held the rubber towards me. "Let's get you suited up," she said. I lay back, with my hard cock standing proudly upward, and Tanya knelt on the bed on my left, and rolled the condom over my hard cock. "Your mission," she said, looking at my cock and then turning to me, "is to fuck my sister senseless, and make her cum her brains out." She finished putting on the condom, and smoothed it down the sides with her right thumb and forefinger, making me flinch with the sensation, and she added, "Do you accept?"

"Gladly," I answered, and Tanya said, "Then, take no prisoners," as she lay back down on my left. I crawled across the bed to get between Erika's long legs, and I looked down at her pussy, open, glistening with moisture, waiting for me. I had kissed and licked her lovingly down there moments ago, but now it was time to put her beautiful pussy through its paces and present it with the cock it was craving. I moved in, guiding my rigid cock inside her with my right hand. Her pussy was warm, snug and slippery inside, and seeing the foreplay had started way back when the girls first started kissing and fingering in the living room, I got straight to it.

I took three strokes to get right inside, and then took the weight on my elbows, with my left hand behind Erika's head. I got straight into a nice rhythm of fucking, not deep, not fast or hard, but just a comfortable pace, and I moved down to kiss Erika's mouth, gazing on into her eyes as our lips melded, and our tongues greeted each other with a gentle but sexy caress. We were not fucking hard at all, just a nice warm-up rhythm, and with each of my thrusts, Erika was tilting her pelvis on the in-stroke, giving us that little extra penetration, making this a team effort.

I saw her take a shuddering breath, and she exhaled as she spoke in a kind of breathy half-whisper, "This feels so good, Troy, so fucking good."

Encouraged by that, I lifted her head slightly and moved down to kiss her hard on the mouth, as we fucked at a nice gentle pace, and I felt the silken walls of her pussy milking the pleasure from my hard cock through that thin membrane of rubber. Erika kissed back, hot and hard, putting her own hand behind my head to hold me there for a moment, offering her tongue with the same enthusiasm as she was offering her pussy to me. Then, we broke our kiss and I lifted my head, continuing with my steady fucking pace, and I heard a gasping sound from Tanya, on the bed next to us. I turned, without breaking my rhythm, and I saw she was lying on her right side, with her right hand up under her plaid skirt, fingering her own pussy as she watched me fucking her sister. I couldn't see her hand under her uniform skirt but I could see she had her wrist twisted, getting those fingers right up where she needed them.

As if fucking Erika wasn't enough, another rush of excitement ran through me with the knowledge that Tanya was pleasuring herself at the same time, right next to us, and Erika also glanced her way, and with a strain in her voice, she said, "That's it, Tanya, go for it!" She was still tilting her own pelvis to meet each of my thrusts, but she looked up at me, took a quick breath, and said, "You okay with an audience?"

"It's great," I answered, quickly as I kept on fucking her, and I added, "All three of us are gonna cum soon." I decided it was time to pick up the pace, so I started to thrust harder and deeper into Erika's willing pussy, and Erika matched my pace with that sexy, giving tilt of her pelvis.

Then, she tilted her head back, and closed her eyes for a moment, taking a shuddering breath, and saying, "Oh-ohh-ohhh, God that's good." She kept her eyes closed for a few moments, and then opened them, looking up at me as I fucked her. She had to swallow before she could speak, and her voice was starting to sound strained as she said, "You gonna cum, Troy?" as though this was an important question and she desperately needed to know the answer?

"Yeah," I said, nodding, "after you do."

"I'm getting closer," she said, and I began to thrust even harder, as she turned towards Tanya, and she said, in a voice that almost sounded like she was frightened, "Tannyaaa! I'm gonna cum!!"

Tanya didn't answer, and I looked to see her with her own head back, with her eyes shut, gently biting her bottom lip, her chest heaving as she raked at her own pussy under her skirt. I looked back down at Erika, and her eyes were wide, her lower lip quivering. Her cute little right breast was still exposed from where I had lifted her tank top to suck on it earlier, and it was jiggling with the movement of our passionate fucking, and Erika reached up with both arms and pulled me down to herself, kissing me hard on the mouth again, but the kiss was short as she broke for a quick breath, and then pulled me to her for a second hot, sexy kiss. I could taste her mouth and feel her warm breath from her nostrils, and I knew this was the home stretch.

Erika clearly needed to cum, and her body was putting everything it had into making that happen. She was thrusting back at my cock with every stroke, driving me into herself, so I now ramped up my fucking pace to the max. I was plunging my hard, unyielding tool into her sweet vagina, knowing that it was a beautiful thing, a beautiful thing that I had earlier treated with such loving tenderness, but now I needed to fuck it mercilessly. I was now pushing forward with each thrust, ramming my cock deeper than ever into her. Erika's pussy was taking my cock, my whole cock, and nothing but my cock, as we fucked hard on that bed, in her room, with her twin sister next to us, her own hand between her legs, making it happen for herself down there.

We were both breathing hard now. In fact, all three of us were breathing hard, as Tanya frigged her own sweet little fuckbox, seemingly lost in her own world, as she writhed on the bed beside us. I still couldn't see her hand under her skirt but it looked like she was playing Tchaikovsky on an upside-down piano down there, so I knew she was as close to cumming as Erika.

"I'm gonna cum, Troy," Erika declared, "I'm gonna cum," she repeated, this time about an octave higher, her voice shaking, her chest shuddering, and then she wrapped her long legs around me, and her pelvic thrusting became ragged, random and frenzied, as her orgasm hit.

I knew I wasn't far behind, but I held on as Erika's whole body went rigid, her face took on that look of rapture, and she cried, "Ohh, Troy!" and her chest convulsed three times, as I let go and my own burst of pleasure exploded in me. For a few precious moments, all I knew was liquid bliss, as Erika's pussy walls milked the cum from me, spurt after spurt, into that condom, the only thing protecting her pussy from being flooded with my seed.

I was really only half aware of it, but at the same time, Tanya's own climax had hit her as she desperately fingered herself, and she lifted her pelvis from the bed, tilting her head back, gasping and shuddering as her chest heaved, with her eyes still shut, then relaxing but breathing heavily in the afterglow of her self-induced orgasm.

I came back to reality as Erika's body relaxed underneath me, and I used my right hand to hold the condom in place and withdrew my cock from her. I slipped it off and dropped it on top of Erika's denim shorts beside the bed, where Tanya had tossed them earlier. Tanya was now lying on her back but her hand was still between her legs, under her skirt, but Erika turned on her left side and shuffled back a little to leave me room to lie between them. I moved out from between Erika's legs and lay on my back between the twins, and Erika rested her right hand on my chest. "Well done, Troy," she said, smiling at me, but still getting her breath back.

Tanya merely sighed, but I reached over with my left hand, gently taking her right hand from under her skirt and saying, "Waste not, want not," as I put it over my face, inhaling the salty, tangy sweetness of her vulva from her fingers. Then, I put her first two sticky fingers in my mouth, tasting them as both girls looked on. I savoured the taste for a moment, took them from my mouth, and let Tanya's hand go, and Erika said, "You like the taste of our pussies, don't you?"

"Of course," I answered, "Who wouldn't?"

"Well, we've got the whole weekend coming up, and you know where to find us," she said with a smile as she lay back on the bed. The three of us lay there in Erika's double bed for a while, talking softly about what we had just done, and what we might get up to in the future. Once again, I liked where the conversation was going. I had lost track of time but it was now dark outside, and Tanya said, "I think we should start thinking about dinner. All this sexy fun has made me hungry."

The twins had planned to make pancakes for dinner and they invited me to say, but then I got a call from my mother on my mobile phone, saying she and my father were on the way home with take-away, so I told the girls I'd better head home. We got up and started to get dressed again. Erika put her panties and shorts back on, and I put my jeans back on, but Tanya just stood up and smoothed her plaid skirt down with no panties on underneath.

The three of us walked to the front door, and Erika took me in her arms and gave me a warm sexy kiss as she gave my tool a gentle squeeze through my jeans. With our faces close, making eye contact, she smiled as she said, "No wanking tonight. We want this thing nice and hard when we see you tomorrow."

As Erika stepped back to let Tanya move in for her goodbye kiss, Tanya added, "But if you do decide to rub one out, we don't mind if you think about us while you're doing it." She also kissed me on the mouth, and added, "Matter of fact, if Erika and I finger each other tonight, we'll call out your name when we cum. Do you like that idea?"

"I think it sounds great," I said smirking and chuckling, and I turned to go. I started to walk towards the gate and I looked back to see them both standing in the doorway, watching me. "See you tomorrow," I said, and I walked up towards my own house in the moonlight, my footsteps crunching in the gravel. What a day! I could still taste pussy on my lips, and I felt totally satisfied all over, but there was a promise of more of this tomorrow. I felt like I had discovered something that nobody else knew about. The Szabo twins were fun, they were sexy and smart, and life was looking better than ever.

I was glad to be a Mountain Man.

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striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Hot story! Sexy twin sisters are the best. I'd have liked to see a longer story or a 2nd chapter. Dude was a bit obsessed with sniffing (eat the pussy already FFS), too passive (he had an invitation, what was he waiting for?) and are condoms really a necessity in an extremely unlikely fantasy story like this? Otherwise a great story IMO.

BruceWoBruceWoover 1 year ago

This deserves a second chapter

JReadmoreJReadmoreover 2 years ago

Very engaging story. I know how cruel kids can be to each other. The twins finally found some that respected them. I would like to see further chapters about their adventures.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 3 years ago

I thought winters in Australia were hotter than summer?

ThefirefliesThefirefliesabout 3 years ago
You’re writing again!

This was a fun story!

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