The Storm and the Raven Haired Girl

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Sex with my co-worker during a hurricane.
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Author's note: The following is a work of fiction that contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts and is intended for adults only. All people, places, and events are a product of my imagination and any characters described as engaging in sexual acts are over the age of eighteen. Thank you for reading. All feedback is greatly appreciated.

Elements of fiction and truth in this story about a past event from the Fall of 2004.

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In 2003, I made the decision to move from Rochester NY to Tampa FL. Basically I packed up my van with all my belongings, quit my job and moved south. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. When I moved I had no job lined up or any prospects in the area I was moving to. I was essentially "flying blind" so to speak.

Within the first month of moving to Florida, I had canvassed the area for any kind of jobs including photography related jobs that I knew how to do. I finally landed a job at a photo lab in Tampa which had been in business for nearly 80+ years. Most of their work was focused on Senior School Photographs, school dances and sports.

My job initially was to focus on editing images. My boss noticed my skills especially with color editing and levels in Photoshop. I showed him what I was capable of doing in Photoshop with sample images. In a very short time, my pay was increased and I was moved to a job where I would handle every single image coming into the lab, color balancing it and making sure it looked good. I used a Photoshop macros to handle the heavy grunt work of the job which enabled me to very quickly work through all the images.

The lab was switching from the old optical system to the new digital system using Photoshop. As such, there were still some ladies doing the old school retouching which involved using brushes and paints to touch up errors in photos from printing. I noticed there were even some younger ladies working that section as well.

After a month of working there, my birthday came up and my boss was big on celebrating employee birthdays with cake and playing his trumpet. It was a bit embarrassing but also sweet that he went out of his way to do this. One of the young ladies in the retouching department heard about my birthday and later that day she visited me. I remember this seemingly tall raven haired girl with long curly hair coming up to me and saying "I heard its your birthday so I created this origami duck for you". I thought it was funny because I never met this gal but she though enough of me to create something and give it to me. She struck me as the goth type based on her style of dress many of the times I had seen her around the lab. We talked a few times but I didn't really know her all that well. I found out her name was Julie.

The following Summer in 2004 turned out to be one of the busiest hurricane seasons for Tampa. It was the beginning of August and Hurricane Charley was on our radar. First we had a hurricane watch (5 days out) then a hurricane warning (3 days or less) and people were starting to evacuate to Orlando. I lived in Clearwater right off the water so I was in the evacuation zone for this storm. I had no choice but to leave and seek shelter further inland.

I was looking for a place to stay and asked people at work. I asked this gal Julie and she was like "sure, it will be a blast just you and I for a few days". I told her I had two cats. She told me she had one and they would likely be fine hanging out.

I packed up a few belongings that I wanted to keep near me and my two kitties and headed to Julie's place. She had a second floor apartment by herself in Tampa near the Bucs football stadium. I was able to locate her place pretty easily. I knocked on the door and she answered and showed me where to put the cats for the moment. We were both going to need to pay attention when getting her cat acclimated with my two cats.

I got my stuff stowed away and we started letting the cats smell each other without getting too close. We both agreed to keep them separated for an hour or two then try to see if they get along.

Julie offered me a drink and we both went to her living room and sat down. "Is this your first hurricane?" she asked.

"Yes and first one where I had to be evacuated. My place is about 5-10 feet off the water and they were saying there would be storm surges if it hits directly in Tampa as forecasted" I replied.

"I'm glad you asked to stay with me during this hurricane. I've wanted to get to know you better for a while but was always shy when it came to talking with you" Julie said.

"oh!? I'm surprised you said that. I clearly remember a certain girl approaching me with an origami duck after finding out it was my birthday!" I said.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you remembered that!" she said.

"Oh yes, I remember how you approached me with such grace stepping up to me to hand me that duck" I relished the memory as I told her how her presentation made me feel that day.

"I'm surprised you feel that way! Did you know that I was in a very bad accident" she replied.

"No, you mean a car accident right" I asked.

"Yes, I was driving with a friend one night and two guys were racing down the highway. They both turned the corner and one didn't make it. The first racer slammed into my car head on. He was killed on impact, I pretty much "died" three times on the way to the hospital and my friend in my car only broke his leg. I spent nearly a year in the hospital with numerous surgeries, getting metal implants to fix my broken limbs, physical therapy to learn to walk and eat all over again. It was nearly three years before I felt normal" she told me.

I sat there totally flabbergasted with what she had just said. "Wow! I look at you and I remember you approaching me that day and I just can't see that. The way you walk is so graceful and beautiful. If you had never told me I wouldn't have known.".

She showed me scars. Lots of them. They weren't obvious unless you were looking for them but she almost had a sense of pride in showing me them. It was almost like "look at me see what these have done to me and I'm still here and surviving".

Julie stood up and motioned me to follow her. I walked behind her thinking about what she told me and still not connecting it because I was watching her graceful walk and that cute butt in front of me. She led me to her bedroom and pointed to a display case. Inside the case was a skull. "A goth girl having a skull seems pretty obvious right?" she said. "Only this skull is an exact replica of this" she said as she pointed to her head. "See this little hole and the piece covering it? That too is what is in my head" as she pointed to her right temple. "If you ever see me pull back from anyone getting close to that side of my head, you now understand why. I don't trust people easily with something like this so don't take it personally." she said.

At that point, I literally had to lift my jaw off the floor. My mind still couldn't process that this beautiful girl in front of me went through all this trauma and pain and still had grace, beauty and poise.

"There is one thing I forgot to tell you and this is kind of a funny story. On the day of my accident, my parents drove up from Fort Myers to see me in the hospital. Because of how bad the accident was, they ended up staying at my apartment. My parents discovered a side of me they didn't know about until then. You see, I am into BDSM and had a full closet of toys from the lifestyle that was easily accessible. My parents discovered it during their time staying at my apartment. I was so mortified when my mom acknowledged it. She and I actually had a laugh. By that time, I was so used to being poked, prodded, having my genitals displayed in front of the nurses under their care, that I could only laugh about it." she said.

My eyes got big at her mentioning BDSM and her toys. This was clearly something I had no experience with at that time. "Wow! I would probably be very embarrassed in that situation. Seems like your Mom and Dad were pretty cool about it" I replied.

"yeah they were cool. My poor mom said she could never understand that lifestyle but she loved me all the same." Julie said.

Julie noticed it was getting close to dinner and suggested we head to the kitchen and fix some food. We both checked in on our kitties and figured it was time to let them see each other instead of sniffing around behind barriers. Both of my kitties were hanging back assessing the situation while her cat was a little hissy at first. They both started to sniff each other in a standoffish way then finally after 15 minutes of tense activity, they all seemed to be resigned to hang out together.

We got our food prepared and sat down to continue talking and sharing stories. I told her of my upbringing and experiences.

"Back in Rochester NY, I used to hang out at a dance club on the weekends. At the time I was dating a bisexual gal named Samantha. I used to go with her while she was looking for girls to hook up with" I said.

"Did you hook up with her and her girlfriend in a threesome" Julie asked.

"No, not always and it was rare if we did. Usually she was looking for sex with a girl and I would just hang out and have fun dancing. I got so good at dancing there that girls would come up and dance with me. Many of those girls were straight who came with a gay male friend or girlfriend and wanted to have fun without feeling like a slab of meat like the straight clubs. Sometimes I would get comments from them like "Oh wow you are such a great dancer, too bad you are gay". My reply was "Oh honey I'm very straight". Usually they would grab on and dance very close with me. Sometimes a girl would come back home and have fun with me all night." I said.

"And Samantha didn't get jealous about you hooking up with girls other than her" Julie asked.

"No, not at all. We had an open relationship. She was usually hooking up with more girls and she didn't mind that I was doing the same. She is very beautiful and I could see both of you becoming friends" I said.

Julie was thinking for a minute before she replied. In a low voice she shared "I'm bisexual too. I don't share this with everyone so please don't say anything to people at work. I've been in several sexual relationships including one with a very good friend of mine. She and I get together when she comes to Tampa. Ours is more of a mutual sexual relationship based on good friendship. We aren't in an emotional relationship but we just like to fuck and have fun together." she said.

"Do you still keep in touch with this Samantha girl?" Julie asked.

"Yes, she actually lives in Lakeland now. We lived together when I first moved here. Once I was established, we went our separate ways. She moved out to live with her new girlfriend." I said.

"interesting, So do you still have feelings for this gal" She asked.

"Yes I do, but I am at a point where we are better as friends and occasional "fuck buddies" than to be boyfriend / girlfriend. I know she prefers girls more now and it seems she is enamored with the lesbian lifestyle". I said.

"That is a shame for her part. You are a very attractive man and she is foolish to keep you at a distance." Julie replied.

Julie stood up and asked me if I wanted an alcoholic drink. She explained that she didn't get drunk but just liked to have a drink occasionally and this was a special occasion for us hanging out together. She prepared drinks for both of us and handed me a glass. We both raised our glasses in toast "to us and to shared experiences" we saluted and took a sip.

We continued to share and swap stories for a while until it got late. We both stood and looked outside to see the storm hadn't yet hit us but we could see the wind picking up and blowing the trees around.

"Are you ready for bed?" Julie asked

"Yes" I replied.

"Ok, give me a few minutes to get things ready" she said and then she disappeared to the bedroom.

I checked on the kitties who seemed to be getting along or at least in their own corners and not hissing at each other at least.

Julie came out and grabbed me pulling me to the bedroom. "Ok I have new sheets on for us to sleep on" she said.

I was surprised since I had expected her to setup a separate place for me to sleep. She saw the confusion on my face and said "Oh, I want you to sleep in the bed with me. Is that OK?" she said with a hopeful look on her face.

"Yes, very much so. Sorry I was expecting you to setup a different place for me to sleep. I guess this caught me by surprise" I said.

Julie's face lit up and she smiled. "Ok give me a few minutes to get ready for bed." she said.

I got ready for bed stripping down to my boxers and slipped under the covers.

From where I was on the bed, I saw Julie swish by the door in what appeared to be a nightie and when she came into the room her nightie was pulled down showing her beautiful boobs. She walked over to the bed and was smiling at me.

"Do you like what you see" Julie asked.

Wow, this girl was very forward about what she wanted I thought and decided that I didn't mind that at all.

"Yes, you are a very beautiful girl Julie, here slip into bed with me" I asked her.

Julie slipped in her side of the bed and propped her head on one arm so she could look at me. I looked down at her breasts and took note of them. Her nipples were hardening. I reached out my hand to touch her breast and tweaking her nipples. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed my handling of her breast.

"Oh yes" Julie said

I continued exploring her breasts alternating attention between both and keeping her nipples hardened. I leaned in to kiss her and we both started to french kiss. She laid across my chest enough that we could kiss but I still had access to one of her breasts. I continued to grope her breast and teasing her nipples.

"I love what you are doing but I want more" Julie said

She moved up and off me almost in a kneeling position pushing the covers back. I only had on my boxers for sleeping. Julie leaned in to kiss me then trailed kisses down my chest. She toyed with my nipples kissing them and playing with them. She would lightly squeeze the nipples, tongue them making them wet with her saliva. They both hardened under her masterful touch.

Julie pulled the covers back further and moved down lower. She reached for my boxers. My cock had hardened from her nipple play and she smiled in approval. She reached out her hand and ran her fingers along my hard cock. I groaned as she did this. She slid her hands up to the top of my boxers and started to pull them down. As she cleared my cock, it sprang up in front of her.

"Oh this is very nice. You have a nice cock and it is a good size too. How big are you" Julie asked.

"7.5 inches long and 2 inches around" I replied.

Julie continued to explore my cock with her hands. She leaned in closer and pulled my cock up to her mouth and swallowed the head and one or two inches. She teased the head with her tongue.

"Try to go a little deeper" I suggested

Julie slowly took a few more inches into her mouth. She still had less than half in her mouth. She looked into my eyes as she worshiped my cock. She made another attempt to stuff more of my cock into her mouth. She got about half down her throat before she made gagging sounds. She backed off from deep throating and resumed tonguing the head of my cock. She paid special attention to the point on the crown that was most sensitive for guys.

"We are going to have to work on improving your deep throat techniques Julie" I with a commanding tone.

"Yes Master" Julie replied.

"Stand up!" I instructed her

Julie immediately stood up next to the bed awaiting further instructions.

I slid out of bed and moved to stand in front of her and moved to kiss her hard. I didn't mind the taste of myself on her lips. I moved my hands down to play with her nipples and breasts again eliciting a moan from her.

"take the rest of the nightie off" I ordered her still in the commanding tone of voice.

Julie slipped the nightie down over her hips and it dropped to the floor. She was left standing in her cute little red panties.

"ok, now lay down on the bed" I instructed her.

Julie moved to slide the panties off. I smacked her hand to stop her.

"No, keep them on for now. I'm going to enjoy taking them off of you myself" I said.

"Yes Master" Julie replied with a smile on her face.

Nearly naked with nothing but her little red panties on, Julie laid down on the bed on her back.

I carefully placed my knees under her butt and leaned over to kiss her while holding myself up with my hands. I kissed my way down to her breasts and gave her nipples more attention then continued moving down to her little red panties.

"Very nice, I love these panties and you made the right choice" I said.

Julie cooed and watched me intently. I cupped her mound with my hand and could feel the heat emanating from her hot little pussy. My finger slid along underneath the band of her panties until I was touching her lips. I pulled the panties back revealing her shaved pussy with just a small landing strip above her clit.

I leaned in to lick her hot little pussy. My tongue probed her delicate folds as I licked up and down her lips and explored every inch of her. Julie moaned and begged me to stop teasing her. She grabbed my hair and attempted to direct my tongue to her clit. Two of my fingers invaded her canal as I searched for the rough spot just underneath the clit. Once I hit the right spot she grabbed my hair harder and cried out "oh god yes! You found it....holy shit". She jumped from my attention on her g spot and I sucked her clit into my mouth. She started bucking wildly as I continued my assault on her pussy.

"oh god I'm cumming" she cried out. Her pussy was dripping her juices copiously from her recent orgasm. She was laying back on the bed enjoying the sensation.

I lined up my cock with her slit and slid into her very wet pussy. "OH!" she cried out as the intrusion took her by surprise. "Oh yes, Fuck me! Use me!!" she encouraged me as I stroked in and out of her pussy with vigor. Soon the rhythmic slapping of our fucking could be heard. I reached down and lightly pinched her nipple. I could feel her pussy grip me and her nipple hardened into a tiny peak. I reached up and pinched the other nipple getting a similar result. "Oh fuck yes I love my nipples being played with. Its even better with a little pain" she encouraged me to continue tweaking her breasts. I grabbed her nipples a little more roughly to give her the pain she desired. I could tell by her face the intended effect it was having on her.

I could feel my the stirrings of my orgasm building up as I continued to pummel her pussy. "I'm so close, keep pounding me!" she demanded. I continued to pump my cock into her. I hit the point of no return and felt my cum shoot out and blast the inside of her pussy. This triggered Julie with another big orgasm. "Yes, yes, I can feel all your cum in me!" she said. I kept my cock in her as it deflated. Soon I slipped out of her and she reached down to cover her pussy in an attempt to keep my cum from flooding out of her. I went and grabbed a towel for her.

"You dumped so much cum in me, we may as well go get a shower" she said.

We both got up and headed to the shower. Her shower stall was big enough for both of us. I grabbed some soap and just did light soaping on her body, making sure to rub her tits, pinch a nipple here and there and slide my hands down between her legs. She was enjoying the attention.

"Ok, my turn big boy!" she said. Julie grabbed the soap and turned to face me. My cock was raging hard again and poked her as she moved closer. She soaped my chest up, then moved closer to me as she moved her hands behind to play with and soap up my ass. She grabbed it and laughed. Her actions had her tits on my chest and my dick was now wedged up next to her pussy. She gyrated her hips to emphasize that point. "I see you are raring to go again" she noted. She backed up and grabbed my cock in her hands and started pumping. I moaned at the arousing effect of her actions.