The Story


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Bill found a spot near the dance floor that gave him an unobstructed view of Jenny and Ty. Bill's dick instantly got hard. Jenny's head was leaning on Ty's chest and she was grinding her cunt into the guy's crotch, Bill couldn't believe it. Bill thought he was going to cum right there. The song ended moments later and a slow number started. Bill watched as the black man took his wife into his arms. Jenny was obviously drunk and the guy was taking serious advantage of the situation, still Bill looked on.

Jenny felt her body conforming to every contour of Ty's body. they seemed to be gliding along the dance floor. Jenny's braless nipple's were pressed hard against Ty's chest, her pussy was wet with heat. Ty was saying something to her but jenny could hardly make it out. then she felt Ty's finger's under her chin lifting her mouth to his. Jenny's eye's were closed and before she knew it they kissed. Ty's tongue worked it's way into her mouth were Jenny found herself sucking hard on it. Ty's hand crept up the side of her hip so that his thumb lightly brushed her protruding nipple. Ty's touch sent an electric shock through Jenny. the effect was sobering. Jenny couldn't believe this was happening. Breaking the kiss Jenny pushed Ty away and quickly returned to the table.

Bill got back at the same time and found Jenny pretty stressed out.

"Bill we need to go, I don't feel so good." Jenny wasn't lying, she had the spins. Bill was about to stand up when Sly took Jenny's arm.

"Hey not doing so good huh, come on lets go to the ladies room and freshen up." Jenny in no shape to argue gladly accepted the helping hand. As the two women made there way to the restroom Michael introduced himself.

"Your girlfriend looks like she had a little too much."

"Yeah, actually she's my wife."

"Lucky man, she very pretty, my names Michael, yours."

"Bill and your not doing bad yourself."

"My girl's name is Sally but she goes by Sly. She'll take good care of your wife."

"Yeah, I guess the drinks caught up with Jenny. Hey can i buy you a drink."

"Sure, scotch, Johnnie Walker." Bill got up and walked to the bar, right next to Ty. Michael watched them exchange words and saw Bill hand Ty a card. Shit , what in the world was this guy up to, Michael wondered.

"Here you go Mike."

"Michael, thanks. So you guy's come here often."

"No this was are first time, we wanted a little adventure. Spice things up you no what I mean."

"Funny same thing here. How about you Bill let me by you a drink while we wait for the girls.

Sly tried her best to comfort Jenny, unfortunately there is only so much you can do for someone who has had to much to drink. When Jenny finally came out of the stall, her skin was a pale white.

"Here you go you'll feel better now." Sly whipped Jenny's forehead down with a damp towel.

"Thanks I feel better now, my name is Jenny."

"Hi my friends call me Sly."

"Wow do I feel rugged. At least the room has stopped turning."

"Good you ready to go back to the table."

"No I better wait a minute, please Sly you go on and thanks."

"No, no I'll wait. Mind if I ask you a question."

Jenny was leaning on the counter trying to straighten out her hair. "Sure go ahead."

"Is that cute black guy your boyfriend or the white guy at the table?"

"The white guy." Jenny legs were shaky as she tried to compose herself. Jenny's stomach was nodded, lord what had she done. Did Bill see them, her nerves seemed to make her sicker.

Sly could see that Jenny was in bad shape and tried her best to help her. After about five minutes Jenny was ready to return to the table. Sly gave Jenny an arm as she walked back to the table.

The men had been talking about mutual interests when the women walked up. Bill tried to introduce Michael to Jenny but it rapidly became apparent that Jenny need to get home. The couple parted with a see you around goodbye, leaving Sly and Michael to finish their drinks.

"Too bad she got so drunk." Sly baited.

Michael caught it right away. "Why you interested in seducing her."

Sly smiled. "So your not interested."

"You want me to lie."

"Well, will never know now."

Michael waved a business card. "I wouldn't say that. Mr Thomas say's he and the wife are looking for adventure. You game."

Sly was hesitant, something about the situation didn't feel right. "Sure."


Jenny slept most of the way home much to Bill's disappointment. Once home Bill carried Jenny into their bedroom and removed her dress. Bill draped the dress over a chair as Jenny rolled over on her stomach, spread eagle. Jenny was wearing a black thong that highlighted her perfect ass cheeks. Too bad she was drunk Bill was planning a surprise and now it looked like nothing would happen tonight. Bill stood there and admired his wife's beautiful body. Dick aching, Bill leaned over and slipped his finger under the thong so that he could probe Jenny's pussy. Jenny's pussy was soaking wet. Bill slid his finger in and out of Jenny's pussy until he could see her hips rocking in response.

"You awake Jen?" Jenny remained silent, except for a low moan. Jenny's hips were continued undulating in response to Bill's finger. Just then Bill heard the doorbell. Bill walked to the front door and looked out the peep hole, it was Ty. Bill opened the door.

"Sorry man, but Jenny passed out."

"Fuck, you had me drive all the way the fuck here. I thought you told me the woman wanted to see me."

"She did, she passed out is all, I'm sorry. Look let me make you a drink, I feel bad, I thought she'd be up."

"Fuck all this way, alright I'll take a drink, to late to get back to the club anyway."

"Good come in, what do you want?"

"You got any brandy?"

"Sure do have a seat." Bill walked into the kitchen to fix the drinks.

"Nice place, mind if I use the john."

"Down the hall, on the left." No sooner had he said that, did he realize that Ty would be walking right by the bedroom, were Jenny was lying. Bill took his time fixing the drinks, Ty would be getting an eye full of Jenny now. A plan started formulating in his mind. What if Bill were to fake passing out, what would Ty do, Would he go into the bedroom with Jenny, what would she do, Bill's prick was impossibly hard. When Bill finally walked out into the living room Ty was back sitting on the couch. Bill decided to plant the idea in Ty's head.

"You know I'm really sorry about this. Jenny must have taken a liking to you, she said that you were nice. She got so drunk, she gets crazy when she drinks. I have to admit I was getting a little worried for awhile cause you guy's were dancing pretty close, but Jenny assured me you were a perfect gentleman. The whole time Bill was talking he pretended to slur his words all the while nodding his head and closing his eye's as if he were about to pass out.

"Ty excuse me while I hit the bathroom." Bill purposely stumbled as he stood and bounced off a few walls on the way to the rest room. then sitting on the bathroom floor near the toilet he waited. Sure enough after a few minutes he heard Ty call out as the man walked down the hall.

"Hey Bill what you doing." Bill closed his eye's and leaned on the toilet.

"Shit man, you driving the porcelain buss, dam." Bill could hear Ty stand there for a good minute. Bill didn't move. Then Bill heard Ty turn and walk away. Bill waited a minute, then followed. Sure enough Ty had walked into the bedroom and was standing over Jenny. Bill stood back at the door and observed.

"Hey girl you awake." Ty waited for a response. Not getting one, Ty leaned over on one hand and gently slid the thong aside, exposing Jenny's slit. Bill peaked as Ty ran his finger up and down his wife's slit. Immediately Jenny's hips responded to ty's manipulations.

In that state between perfect dream and reality Jenny began rocking her hips up and down in rhythm with Ty's touch. ty paused and removed his cloths. Several times he glanced back at the doorway. Each time Bill managed to avoid detection. Bill back to the wall was breathing heavily now and was afraid Ty would hear or see him. No sound was coming from the room, so Bill decided to venture another peak. Quietly turning, Bill peered into the room in time to see Ty's nude form climb into bed next to Jenny.

Ty had done this plenty of times before. Getting a girl drunk and taking advantage of her was common on the club scene. The only difference tonight was the woman's husband had gotten her drunk. Now he was passed out and his luscious wife was his for the taking. Ty cock had been hard for Jenny the moment he met her. Ty slipped between Jenny's legs and with his free hand ran his cock head along Jenny's slit. The combination of Ty's pre-cum and Jenny's lubricant made her slowly parting cunt lips and the touch of Ty's cock head an exquisite pleasure for both of them..

Bill's heart was pounding, his breath rapid, his dick raging. The contrast of Ty's black skin again his wife tanned legs took him to another time, the first time with Karen. Now it was happening again and this time it was even more exciting. Ty wasn't as big as the porn star's but close at eight or nine inches and very thick. In any case, it was bigger than Bill's dick, substantially bigger. Ty's cock head was penetrating Jenny's pussy now and Bill had cum once already.

Jenny felt the pressure, the slickness, the heat, she pushed her hips up and spread her legs. Jenny was dreaming, Bill's cock was big and it felt good. Jenny felt Ty's cock head as it passed her pussy lips and penetrated deep into her cunt. Ty pushed his cock deeper and deeper. jenny was responding more and more to his slow fuck, Ty was enjoying this. Ty drove his cock in to the hilt, Jenny had taken all of him. Ty's cock was covered with her juices making her pussy feel like nothing he'd ever experienced. Ty picked up the pace. Ty's cock slid in and out faster and faster as Ty got into rhythm with Jenny's bucking ass.

Bill leaned back against the wall, silently taking big gulps of air. Christ, what had he done, now that his initial lust was satiated. What if Jenny knew this whole thing was his doing. Bill spun Quietly on his feet and looked into the room again.

When the dreaming ended and reality took hold for Jenny was hard to say. One moment Jenny felt the wonderful rubbing of a big cock head against her wet pussy lips. Then came the penetration, slow at first. Then as Ty's cock plunged deeper, a new feeling came over Jenny. Jenny for the first time in her life felt what it was like to have her pussy filled. Jenny never experienced this feeling with Bill. Jenny's first orgasm was so strong that her body literally trembled with pleasure and then Jenny knew it wasn't a dream. Jenny's reality was that she was making love and she knew it wasn't Bill. In the darkness she opened her eye's and as they adjusted she could see the black hand and arm of her lover as he began pounding her even harder. Then Jenny heard his voice.

"Oh girl, fuck that is fine pussy, god it feels so good, yeah, yeah here we go." With those comments Ty cock pulsed and expanded. Jenny felt her cunt, uncontrollable now, constrict around Ty's ever expanding cock. Jenny's pussy was milking Ty's cock as he came, sending Jenny into another uncontrollable orgasm. Ty body too was going through uncontrolled pleasure. Ty was an experienced lover, but never in his life had he cum like this. Ty came and came, rush after incredible rush of pleasure coursed through his body as he sent massive amounts of sperm deep into Jenny's pussy.

Jenny closed her eye's trying first,to figure out how this could have happened and second, why she wanted it to happen again. Jenny felt Ty's climax, a first, sure she had felt her husbands dick expand whenever he came, but this was different. Jenny could actually feel the hot jets of cum pulsing into her pussy. The feeling of that big cock pulsing in her pussy gave Jenny the mind numbing orgasm.

Bill felt a pang of jealousy course through his body as he saw Jenny's climax. Ty's back glistened with sweat from his exertions. Now that Ty was cuming the well defined muscles of his ass rippled with each contraction of his cock. It was only then that Bill realized Jenny had had unprotected sex with Ty. Amazingly Bill was unconcerned, his dilemma was how to get Ty out of his bedroom.

Ty rolled over on his back, heaving from the exertions of his orgasm. this woman was incredible, they fit each other perfectly. Lying there looking at the ceiling Ty couldn't believe his good fortune and to think he almost didn't go out that night. Glancing at his watch Ty was glad he didn't have to work in the morning.

Panic was starting to set in for Jenny. Still lying on her stomach she didn't know what to do. Where was Bill, how did this happen. Jenny turned her head to face her lover. Her lover was basking in the afterglow of sex. His breaths were deep and he had a slight smile on his face, it was Ty from the club. Where did he come from Jenny wondered, when she heard Bill's voice. Jenny closed her eye's pretending she was asleep, what else could she do.

"Ty, Ty, You went to the wrong room man, your suppose to be in the guest room. This is my room man come on let me show you."

Ty went along with the charade, after all if Bill didn't know Ty had just fucked Jenny why tell him. "Oh man, sorry, let me get my cloths."

Bill showed him the guest room and told Ty to make himself at home. Ty Crawled into the bed disappointed that he had to leave Jenny. Ty would see her in the morning and hopefully make arrangements to see her again, Jenny was a spectacular piece of ass and Ty couldn't wait to get some more of the girl.

Bill took off his cloths and slid on to the bed. Lifting the sheet the strong sent of sex hit his nostrils. Bill snuggled up to Jenny and pressed his crotch against her ass. Jenny's body felt warm against his. bill let his hand slip under her arm were he found her breast. Bill gently touched her nipple, it was still rock hard. Bill's loins began to stir.

"Jenny you up."

Jenny was in shock, things were happening so fast, her brain woozy from the booze. Jenny not knowing what to do, continued acting as if she were asleep.

"Jen you looked so good tonight, you were the most beautiful woman in the club." Bill continued rubbing Jenny's nipple, he loved the feel of her nipples's when they were stiff like this. Bill wondered if Jenny really was sleeping and he continued with his prodding.

"Jen can you feel how hard you've got me." Bill pressed his hard dick against the crack of Jenny's ass.

Jenny felt a sort of relief in knowing that Bill hadn't witnessed her infidelity with Ty. Bill's touch was arousing Jenny and she pressed her ass back against her husbands dick. Jenny couldn't believe how she was acting, for the second time tonight she wanted sex.

Bill felt Jenny's gentle burring and reached down and took hold of his dick. Then Bill positioned himself so that his dick head was pressed up against Jenny's pussy. Jenny's pussy was leaking from the huge infusion of Ty's cum. Bill pushed just a little and immediately entered Jenny's pussy. the combination of Ty's cum and Jenny's wetness made the passage of Bill's cock effortless. Bill second gentle thrust found him buried to the hilt in his wife's super saturated pussy.

"Oh that feels so good honey, I can't believe how wet you are."

Jenny tried to keep silent, but a low moan escaped her lips as she clamped down on Bill's dick. Clearly smaller than Ty's, never the less Bill's dick brought her pleasure. Now Jenny wanted to please Bill, to make Bill not think that something had happened between her and Ty. Jenny reached between her legs and cupped Bill's balls.

"Oh yes Jen that feels good babe." Bill was in heaven, Jenny's pussy felt like satin as his dick slid in and out of her slit. With visions of Jenny and Ty fucking Bill came super fast. Shooting all of his cum in two or three strokes. Jenny on the other hand was just getting ready to cum again when Bill abruptly stopped moving. Bill pulled out his shrinking dick and rolled over. total silence enveloped the room except for Bill's breathing.



"That was so good, I love you Jen."

"I love you too Bill."

The couple fell asleep, but only after awhile. Bill kept thinking about what had happened. Now that he had time to think about it, Bill was certain he wanted to see it again. Jenny didn't know that he knew and that excited him. Bill couldn't conceive that Ty was a threat, after all, Jenny was his wife and she loved him. The only reason she let Ty make love to her was because she was drunk. Bill wondered if she would fuck Ty when she was sober.

Jenny on the other hand was eaten up with guilt. Should she tell Bill what happened or would it be better to just keep quite. Bill hadn't said a thing which would indicate he knew what had happened. Jenny's head started hurting and she walked into the bathroom and took several aspirin. Walking back to bed she felt sperm leaking out of her pussy. Jenny found doing the math hard, but she figured she was hopefully past her fertile time. Jenny was still feeling the liquor from the night before, when the aspirin kicked in and Jenny fell asleep.

Bill woke at six-thirty and laid there for awhile. Saturday morning Bill usually played golf early. This morning was no exception. The only question was what Bill was going to do with Ty. Bill got up and dressed. Then he walked to the the door of the guest room and peered in. Ty was sound asleep. Bill paused at the door for a moment, thought about things for a minute, then entered the bedroom.

"Ty, sorry to wake you man, listen I'm going to go play golf. I'll be back in about four hours. when your ready you can let yourself out. Jenny should be up in an hour or so. Take care man, we'll get together again sometime."

Ty was still in a daze when Bill left. Usually Ty was an early riser, his work required him to get up early. Ty worked as a lineman for a local power company. Saturday and Sunday's were his normal days off and even though he liked to sleep in on those days, today was different. Ty got up and walked around the house. Exploring, he ventured into the kitchen and got a drink of water. Then satisfied that Bill had left, Ty made his way back to the master bedroom. The door was open, Jenny was lying on her side, her back to Ty. Ty paused and slipped out of his boxers as he stood there admiring Jenny.

Jenny woke just as Ty entered the room. At first she thought it was Bill so she turned to face him. Turning over, the sheet pulled away revealing her breast's. There before her stood Ty, naked. Jenny openly stared, too surprised to talk. Now everything that happened the night before began flashing through her mind.

"I never thought he'd leave." Ty slipped under the sheet and snuggled up to Jenny, who was still to shocked to talk. Ty placed his hand on Jenny's hip and pulled her closer, his cock now was pressed up against Jenny's body. Ty's hand caressed Jenny's ass.

"You are really beautiful you know that." Ty leaned closer and tried to kiss Jenny but she turned her face away.

"We made love last night." It was more a question than a statement. Ty nuzzled Jenny's neck sending goose bumps down Jenny's body.

"Yes, unfortunately only once. Girl you have one fine body, can you feel how hard my cock is." Ty reached around with his hand and slipped his middle finger into Jenny's slit. While the outer side of Jenny's slit was dry, her inner folds were still sodden with sperm. Jenny tried to move her hip away from the invading fingers only to find herself grinding up against Ty's cock.

"Girl your pussy is so wet, you were wet last night too. Dam that's nice." Ty was already working another finger into Jenny's slit.

"Wait, don't. Last night was a mistake. My husband might come back." Jenny reached back and tried to dislodge Ty's hand. Turning as she did exposed her breast to Ty, who immediately leaned down and drew Jenny's nipple into his mouth. Ty was besides himself with lust. Now with the morning light peeking through the shudders he was getting a better look at Jenny. Jenny's lethal body was firm and muscular. Jenny's tit's were more than a handful and her nipple's were exquisite. Ty's cock hurt he felt so good.