The Story of a Civil War Widow


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Becky managed to have a few quiet words with Jason.

"Mother is alright now," she told him. "It was only her approaching time of the month that was making her so unreasonable."

"I'm glad, I was afraid she had changed her mind about us."

"Not at all," Becky told him. "And this afternoon will be another step on the way to our union."

Jason felt his dick stiffening. "It will be a wonderful day for me."

"And me too," Becky responded. "And as soon as Mother's monthly is finished we can include her."

Margaret called for Jason then. He and Becky parted. They would see each other again in a few hours.

At home Margaret bustled about getting ready for dinner with Becky. Lydia and Beatrice helped for a time, but left well before Becky was due to arrive. When everything seemed ready Margaret went to her room to freshen up.

She was still upstairs when Jason saw Becky approaching. He met her at the door to let her in. They clasped hands, they kissed fervently.

When Margaret came downstairs they were seated demurely in separate chairs. She greeted Becky and sat on the couch to chat before dinner.

Dinner itself went well. They ate in the dining room on Margaret's best china. Becky helped Margaret clear the table and wash the dishes afterward. Jason helped dry them. Margaret served coffee and cake when the dishes were done.

Margaret could feel a slight tension in the air. She hadn't forgotten that Jason had told her they had to discuss something.

Margaret tried to make it easy for them. "Jason, Dear, you said you had something to discuss. I assume it involves Becky."

Jason cleared his throat. "Yes, Mother, and you too." He paused to gather his thoughts. Becky looked at him levelly as if she had confidence in him.

"As you know, Mother, Your friend, Becky's mother, has taken Becky into her bed. And now you and I are lovers too."

Jason was gaining confidence.

"Becky and I will be marrying when the time comes. Now though is the time to bring Becky into our family. As later this week I will be brought into Becky and Mary's union."

Margaret was perplexed. What could he mean? She looked at Becky; the girl smiled at her. Margaret thought she detected just a trace of lust on the young lady's face.

"I don't understand." Margaret said.

"You will, soon," Becky put in. "You will become my lover, as you are Jason's; and I will become yours. You are already my mother's lover and that may continue.

"You and Jason and I will join together in loving. You may also join, on occasion, with my mother and I. Of course Jason will be included."

Margaret was flabbergasted. She had never contemplated taking Becky as a lover. True she had taken Jason to her bed. True she still had trysts with Mary. True many of the Sapphic group's get-togethers involved three or more ladies; times with Jason's grandmothers did too.

When she had thought it through it made sense. Her features calmed and she smiled at the young people.

"But what about you two? You'll be together in my bed, or Mary's. What will happen between you?"

"Mother," Jason took up the thread again. "Becky and I must be careful to avoid pregnancy. But, more than that we have pledged not to join our bodies until we marry. There are ways we can enjoy each other, though. Ways many others we know practice. Things such as you did in your group and things like you and I did last night. So far we haven't. Our only experience has been with our mothers. Today will be our first enjoyment of each other in that respect. You will join us. We will love as a family."

"We'll marry soon," Becky said. "But our family group will remain unchanged. It will consist of Jason and I, you and my mother. Or it may expand. I do so enjoy Lydia and Beatrice and Jason has told me how delightful they are as lovers. I was pleasantly shocked." She smiled.

"Becky and I are pledged to each other and our families." Jason continued. "But you can continue with your group of women lovers. In fact, we expect you to. If you make discrete inquiries you will find that many of the other women are already in the same situation you find yourself. And most of them are thoroughly enjoying it."

"But I expect to enjoy it too, My Dears," Margaret said with a smile. "Thoroughly, as you said."

She turned to Becky. "I will love having you as my daughter-in-law," she told her. "Jason will be a superb lover for us both. We can start teaching him today."

"Teaching me?" Jason blurted. "Teach me what?"

"Don't worry, Jason," Becky said with a smile. "It will be quite enjoyable, I promise."

"To love a woman," his mother told him. "To make her feel special and wanted."

They all went to the bedroom. Margaret and Becky each holding one of Jason's hands, as if leading him.

The women shed their shoes then their dresses. It was a simple matter of unbuttoning down the front to their waist, letting them slide off their shoulders and fall to the floor. Jason too disrobed. The women stood in their shifts and knee high silk stockings.

Jason wore underwear that was similar to a woman's drawers, with knee length legs. His however were attached at the crotch with an opening for his peter when he needed to pee. He did not usually wear the union suits that many men wore as undergarments; factory made underwear that had recently become available in stores and catalogs. Becky approached him and loosened the ties that held the drawers snug around his waist.

"You won't need these," she said saucily and let them fall to the floor.

Jason's hard cock was exposed for the two women. Becky licked her lips. She had not seen it before. It looked big to her. Too big for her virgin pussy? But it looked desirable too. Her pussy responded with an empty feeling, a need to be filled. Filled with more than a dildo. Her mother hadn't fucked her with a strap on yet. Becky wanted Jason to be her first, not a contrivance. She didn't have much of a problem rationalizing the fact that dildos penetrated her young pussy. They weren't part of, or attached to, another person. She had fucked her mother with a strap on several times. She enjoyed it. Enjoyed the feel of cumming from the dildo inside her, rubbing her clit, while she thrust the ceramic dick into her mother's pussy.

But today she was here for Margaret and Jason. And Jason was here for her and his mother.

Despite his earlier comment Jason knew quite well what was expected of him. The boys in the cabal did talk. Tales of eating pussy were often told in hushed tones. Some of the boys were upset and dismayed by the thought of such behavior. Those boys, when they came of age, found mothers who were accustomed to cunnilingus. They expected it. Often, in fact, demanded that their sons perform on them. It was after all a way to be satisfied while avoiding pregnancy. Most of the young men adopted a favorable view of eating pussy once they had experienced their first blowjob. Those that didn't come to like it, most did, at least came to accept it.

Jason was intrigued by the thought from the time he had first heard of it. Especially when he realized how much the women enjoyed it. He knew, as did all the boys, what their mothers did between themselves. The thought of burying his face in a woman's hot pussy became almost an obsession.

So his body tingled with the thrill of anticipation as he contemplated what was to happen. Becky would be first she sat on the side of the bed with her thighs parted. She lifted her shift up to her waist to expose her young pussy surrounded by a halo of pubic hair. A halo not quite fully developed. Not yet a glorious wild tangle like his mother's; rather a nest that promised much, an invitation to the moist heat of her pussy. To the center of the woman.

Margaret stood behind Jason with her arms around his waist. She whispered in his ear guiding him.

"It's your next step, Jason, kneel and kiss her womanhood. Make her pleased and she will please you."

His mother released him. Jason went to his knees between his sweetheart's thighs. He stared, entranced, at her pussy. At the labia, swollen with lust; parted slightly to allow the red of her inner pussy to shine through. Dewy beads of her juices glistened on her pussy lips and among the hairs of her lovely nest. At the top a prominent clit peeked out saucily. It had come from behind its hood in anticipation of the touch of his lips. He wanted it, he wanted so badly to bury his face in the hot, wet folds of her inviting pussy.

He felt Becky's hands on his head, urging him. Gently but firmly guiding him to her cunt. It was urging he did not need. It was his dream. His mouth, his tongue, his lips servicing a hot cunt. Eating it, sucking it, making it cum.

He buried his face in the wet folds of her pussy. His tongue lapped at the juices flowing from her. His lips sucked on her clit to bring her to a screaming orgasm. Her legs clasped his head and rubbed on his face as she shuddered from the excitement racing through the cells of her body. Her heels drummed on his back. She gasped out unintelligible sounds. She felt such incredible elation. It was so much more than the fumbling sex play between boy and girl. So much more than the loving she had enjoyed with her mother. Her man was eating her, he was sucking her cunt.

She collapsed back on the bed, sated. Jason did not want to stop. She feebly pushed his head back. Margaret had been watching. She was excited as her son ate the pussy of his intended. Her own pussy flowed with the juices of her lust as she contemplated her coming turn at him.

"Come here, Jason. Come to me now." Her voice was soft, but insistent.

He walked on his knees to where his mother sat on the bed next to Becky. She drew him close he looked at her pussy, more mature, juicier, more ready and far more experienced than Becky had been.

She spread her pussy open for him. "Where I rub my finger lick with your tongue," she directed. "Suck on me here," she put her finger on her clit.

Her hands on his head she led him, directed him to where she wanted him. Her body sang from an orgasm. The flow of her savory nectar wet his face. She rubbed his face in her pussy to mark him with her scent. She came and came yet again. Her body thrilled at the thought that it was her very own son between her legs eating her cunt.

For Jason it was a heaven of his own. He was eating the pussies of two women. Not just any women either. His intended and his mother, their musky scents, different, but so wonderful. Their tastes, even the slick feel of their juices; wonderful, both of them. He savored his mother's juices of lust. Her gasps of pleasure sent wild thrills through his body.

She told him when she'd had enough. For a little while at least.

Becky had watched with interest as he brought his mother to multiple orgasms. She licked her lips as she inhaled the scents of a hot, mature woman cumming. She found it a pleasing aroma. She was looking forward to what was next. She and Jason would be taking another step in their union. She hugged herself as she thought of her love for him and the joy that would be in their future. The future for them and their mothers.

Becky reached for Jason's hand. "It's your turn now, My Love."

Jason stood while Margaret moved to a chair. She sat and idly rubbed her pussy as she watched.

Jason lay on the bed and Becky knelt next to him. They kissed passionately and told each other "I love you."

Becky kissed him several times on the body as his hands gently urged her toward his hard cock. She positioned herself so Margaret had a good view. She looked at Jason's mother as her tongue slid suggestively over her lips. She turned to Jason's cock and let her mouth take it.

It was a new sensation for Becky. A feeling the other women like Margaret and Mary could not tell her much about. In fact nothing. Neither woman had been with a man for years. Margaret had only given her first ever blow job to Jason the day before. There were other ladies she could have asked, but she didn't feel comfortable talking about intimate subjects with anyone but her mother, or Jason's.

She had sucked on a dildo a few times trying to learn how it would feel. The dildo had given her a surprisingly erotic feeling, especially when she warmed it first in her mother's pussy.

But the real thing, Jason's hard cock, was an enlightening thrill. Nothing prepared her for the heat of his throbbing dick, nor for the feel of his blood pounding into it. It delighted and excited her, the feel of his hardness against her lips and tongue. It felt so different than against her fingers, or hand.

Jason had been fully stimulated even before she began to suck his cock; aroused to the point it was almost painful. Eating the pussies of two hot women had brought him to a fever pitch of arousal. He could not last long. He tried, he tried very hard to keep himself from cumming. He wanted to enjoy the feeling of Becky's soft lips and tongue for as long as possible. He could not delay. He had to cum. His seed exploded into her hot mouth with a rush. A rush that sent a great sense of euphoria surging through his body. More than sexual release it was the pleasing thought that it was Becky who had brought him such pleasure. Becky, his love, his intended.

A feeling of bliss enveloped her when she felt his hot, slick cum pour into her mouth. She noticed the warmth first, it was as if their lust had heated it. She found the texture pleasing; thick, creamy, a slick feel as she played her tongue through it. She wanted to share her joy. She lifted her head from his softening cock and kissed him with open mouth. He responded with an equally wet kiss. They traded juices and told each other, "I love you."

They felt the presence of Margaret sitting on the bed. Becky turned to her with another hot kiss. Margaret's tongue searched Beck's mouth for Jason's cum. She relished the essence as Becky shared it with her. Margaret kissed Jason next. As with Becky open mouthed with lots of tongue. She found more of his cum and avidly worked her tongue in his mouth to savor it. Mother and son both found the kiss enjoyable.

They all laid together, resting. Becky and Margaret still had to bond. Jason wouldn't be involved except as a very interested observer. All three dozed off.

It was evening when they woke. Margaret and Becky fixed a light supper. They had all put on house robes. The talk at the supper table was about their activities that afternoon.

"I must admit to feeling a bit euphoric by this afternoons activities," Margaret told the two younger people. "And even a little giddy about what is still to come."

She put her hand on Becky's and squeezed.

"I'm looking forward to the rest too, Mother Margaret," Becky told her. She looked lovingly at Jason. "And I'm so excited by the steps Jason and I took today. To think that we'll be married someday and I'll be your daughter-in-law. We'll be a family; to all love each other."

She looked at Margaret with a smile. Margaret responded by standing to lead her to the bedroom. Jason followed quietly.

The women let their robes slide from their shoulders and fall to the floor. They didn't pick them up, their attention was on each other's naked body.

"Let me welcome you first, Becky Dear," Margaret said in a husky tone.

Becky didn't respond with words. She simply sat on the edge of the bed with her knees spread and her arms extended to Margaret. There was no hesitation on Margaret's part. She fell to her knees and gazed at Becky's young pussy. It was wet and, to Margaret's hedonistic eye, lovely. She tasted the young juices from the girl and found them to be sweet. Her tongue pushed into the red interior and elicited a gasp of pleasure from Becky.

Her tongue licked at the young pussy. Her lips sucked at the prominent clit, she pressed her teeth lightly on it. She brought Becky to a fulfilling climax quickly followed by another. She pushed her fingers into her tight vagina and worked them like a cock as she sucked at the clit. Becky was crying out her bliss. Almost screaming in her pleasure.

She could take no more, she was about to faint when she collapsed back onto the bed and her hands fell from Margaret's head to her side. Margaret drew back. She had a self-satisfied smile on her face. A face smeared with the juices of the young cunt she had eaten.

They rested again. Margaret lifted Becky's legs onto the bed. Jason laid on one side of his intended. Margaret snuggled close on the other side. Both whispered in her ear how wonderful she was and how much they loved her. Becky dozed off smiling at the voices speaking to her while she basked in the glorious feelings relaxing her body.

She woke about an hour later. Margaret had climbed over her to lie next to Jason. Becky was on her side facing them. They were naked and exchanging hot kisses. Jason had Margaret's favorite dildo pushed into her pussy. His mother was responding with pleased gasps.

They noticed that Becky was awake. Margaret put her hand on Jason's to stop his thrusts into her hot cunt.

"We've been hoping you'd wake soon, Becky," Margaret told her. "Why don't you join us?"

Becky put her hand out toward Margaret. The older woman took it and drew Becky to her for a loving kiss. A second kiss was hotter, open mouthed with dancing tongues.

Becky had been dreaming about what was to come. It would be the final step of her union with Jason's mother. She looked forward to it, desired it. Truth be told, Becky seemed to be attracted to older women. Her own mother had been her only experience so far. Now Jason's mother would be her second encounter. Her mouth actually watered with the desire and anticipation.

Jason moved back taking the dildo with him and leaving Margaret with an empty feeling in her pussy. He went to the chair and sat to watch.

The women kissed again. Becky lifted Margaret's tit to her mouth to fondle it, to suck the firm nipple. She kissed her navel, her mons. She rubbed her face on the older woman's pubic hair. Her tongue licked at the swollen labia that awaited her attention.

Margaret put a pillow behind her head. She wanted to watch. It was something she had found erotic during the sessions with the other widows.

Becky rolled over Margaret's leg and laid between her thighs. She put Margaret's legs over her shoulder and pushed her face into the wet inviting pussy before her. Margaret gasped as she felt Becky's tongue slide into her pussy. To lick, to suck and bring Margaret to the first of many orgasms.

Becky had learned well from her mother. Mary had told her how to please Margaret; they had been frequent lovers after all. She found herself delighted as Margaret's juices flowed; delighted at the scent of her pussy, at the savory taste of her nectar.

She was ecstatic with the idea of eating the pussy of Jason's mother. She was excited that Margaret and Mary would both be in her future. Maybe some of the other widows from the group too; who knew?

She thrilled when she felt Margaret's fingers in her hair. She grasped Margaret's fingers to show her how to twist and hold her prisoner at the other's cunt.

Margaret understood. It was not new to her. Some of the ladies in the group liked to have their hair pulled and twisted. She knew what to do. She twisted just enough to cause the first tingling of exquisite pain, but not too much. She clasped her legs around Becky's body holding her at the pussy she was eating. Margaret pulled the young woman tight into her cunt and held her there as her tongue and lips brought thrills to Margaret's body, to her very being.

She could take no more, she would faint from the rush of pleasure engulfing her body. She pushed at Becky's head. Becky was reluctant, but she understood. She lifted her face from the older woman's wet cunt and smiled at her. She laid her head on Margaret's thigh and looked toward Jason with another smile.