The Story of Becky Jo Ch. 04 - The Final Chapter

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Becky Jo comes full circle.
13.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/19/2020
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I was at a crossroads in my life, in more ways than one. So, I kept racing for a while; mostly focusing on the short tracks, where my size wasn't such an impedance. My Dad helped me get a Union Job where I made a lot of money for not working very hard. I gradually built up a small fleet of cool bikes. I'd drive my van to the beach where I'd surf and sleep in my van with my Doberman dog, and just hang out. Life was sweet and I was enjoying it!

Of course, I had these two chicks too. And, on a somewhat regular basis I'd get lucky and pick up some chick at the beach and screw her in my van. All of that was pretty cool too. Except Jamie was high-maintenance. When she was around she needed a lot of attention. And, even though we were not exclusive boyfriend-girlfriend, she was very jealous and suspicious and had a terrible temper. I honestly have no idea why I stayed with her at all -- except the sex was very, umm, stimulating.

I, on the other hand, have a life-long habit of taking off, on my own, spur of the moment and just disappearing for days and occasionally weeks at a time. I'd just wander off and let life and the road take me to where ever I wound up, - sometimes racing at a few out of state tracks and other times just relaxing. Jamie could never understand that and she certainly never got used to it. In fact, when I'd wander off it'd make her mad enough to spit blood!

Becky Jo was easier. She didn't demand to know where I was and what I was doing all the time. She and I were closer to being in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship than I was with Jamie. Sometimes I'd take Becky Jo with me on a road trip and she dug it! She was an easy keeper and when an adventure took a wrong turn she'd just roll with it.

I liked her a lot. But, as I'll describe, her particular penchant for sex would eventually brake us apart. However, up until that point, for a little less than a year, I juggled back and forth between Jamie and Becky Jo -- with Becky Jo getting the larger portion of my time and attention.

I'd pretty much chosen Becky Jo, with Jamie still showing up and fitting into things, here and there, from time to time. Things got pretty complicated at times. And, it didn't help that Jamie absolutely hated Becky Jo because of all the teasing and catty remarks Becky Jo had a habit of making to Jamie.

I'll admit, having the two of them in the room, at the same time, was pretty amusing. Several times they were right on the verge of a physical cat-fight. I've no doubt Becky Jo would have kicked Jamie's ass and Jamie probably realized that too. So, after a short while, I did my best to avert those interludes, despite the amusement they provided.

So, after that first time Becky Jo and I had been together and I'd explored her deep, dark secret we didn't see each other for almost a week. It wasn't intentional. In fact, after the last time, I was very anxious to see where this was going to lead. She was incredibly sexy and had a gorgeous body and I could hardly wait to take charge of her again.

It was just circumstance that kept us apart for that week. And, by the time I asked her back up to my cabin, we were both more than ready for it. When she showed up, it was all I could do to restrain myself from immediately tearing her clothes off. But, I had another idea in mind and by then I knew she needed to be properly "relaxed" before she could let herself slip into her alter-ego.

I had a nice little campfire going when she showed up (virtually every house I've ever lived in has had a fire ring. It's just a way of life). I'd brewed up some more "punch." This batch was not as sweet and featured vodka as the primary alcohol, with just enough grappa mixed in for that extra little kick. We stood around the fire, sipped our drinks and talked casually.

It was a very strange feeling. She knew and I knew that in a relatively short time we were both going to be engaged in lurid, dirty, nasty sex; I was going to make her do those things and was going to demand that she comply. But, at first we had to ease into it - get her head in the right place. I was making a small dinner of venison steaks, red potatoes, and fresh onions. And, while that was cooking, we sat by the fire, alternately exchanging knowing and wanton glances, while pretending we weren't preoccupied with thoughts and images of what was to come.

Once I realized she was doing all she could to stay in the moment, I began to have fun with her. At first I pretended that I might have to take off right after dinner. Then I'd make occasional, thinly veiled sexual suggestions, and watch her try to refrain from squirming.

I have to say, once I caught the rhythm of tormenting her with off handed and seemingly innocent remarks that were riddled with vague sexual innuendo, while I pretended to be somewhat disinterested, it was great fun watching her writhe and fidget. We sat at the makeshift little table out by the fire and ate supper. By the time we were done, it was dark.

I made us both a fresh drink and added a little extra spike of grappa. Becky Jo, of course, produced a joint, for desert! She was wearing almost the same thing as she had the previous week. She wore tight wranglers that perfectly outlined her tight, round little ass and a tailored little snap-front cowgirl shirt.

Only this time, instead of a little push-up bra, she was wearing a little lacy tank top that snapped up the front. I could see that the tank-top was pretty sheer and very lacy. I dug it and couldn't wait to see it without the cover of an outer shirt.

I contented myself with sitting next to her. We smoked what she had and drank our drinks. I could see the anticipation building up inside her and her nervousness had become flagrant and conspicuous. So, I fanned that fire by maintaining the conversation in a way that inferred that I was vaguely disinterested -- while she squirmed in her chair, already beginning to shiver, just slightly.

Of course, I couldn't let this go on very long. It was already difficult for me to sit in the old lawn chair. They were old and kinda rickety and my dick was already so hard that I couldn't sit in that uncomfortable position much longer. So, as much fun as it'd been torturing her, I decided to move things along. We were out front of my cabin. A dim porch light was on and there was light from the fire.

I made a seemingly casual comment about her tank top. By now she was so nervous that she couldn't sit still. Her shivering was more evident and she'd already begun breathing in short, fast breaths that caused her chest to heave, just slightly. She tried to respond to my comment about her tank top, but her anticipation was penetrating her ability to respond. She was a sexual bomb, just waiting for me to light the fuse. So, I did.

While she stared at me, almost frozen with sexual anticipation and fear, without another word I told her "stand up." She didn't move. Her stare was fixed and she was almost frozen with a mixture of expectation and trepidation.

So, I locked my stare to hers and in a slow, but clearly insistent voice said, "I told you to stand up." I emphasized "Stand Up" and she slowly and very nervously stood up. Her eyes never left mine.

As soon as she was standing, I told her "take off you shirt." But, she was like a deer in the headlights, she was frozen with anxiety and distress and indecision. "I told you to take off your shirt, SLUT! - - I want to see what you have on underneath." I wanted to stand up and rip it open myself, but what I really wanted was to make her strip. I wanted to embarrass her and make her terribly self-conscious and I wanted to make her obey me while she felt all those things.

But, she was still standing there, staring at me. She'd moved her hands up to her shirt, like she was poised to unsnap it, but she'd stalled out. Her fast, deep breaths had become more palpable. Her chest heaved up and down and her eyes were big and unblinking, but she wasn't moving.

I just stared into her eyes. At first I almost commanded her to do it, but in the end I just locked eyes with her and waited. She'd been told what to do and I was waiting for her to obey. But, she didn't. She was openly shivering and shaking and her breathing had become deeper and more rapid, but she was frozen.

So, I stood up, walked over and stepped up in front of her so our clothes were just barely brushing against each other's. She was staring down, nervously fidgeting with her hands. I put my index finger under her chin and lifted, slowly, making her look up at me. Her eyes were big and very moist, almost like she was crying, but there were no tears. She was frozen with anticipation.

I was almost overcome with the need to tear her clothes off and manhandle her, in the way that I knew she craved, so deeply! Instead, I looked straight into her eyes and in a deep voice, without undue emotion I said "Don't make me tell you what to do again. You will do exactly what I tell you or you will wish that you did. Understand?"

I stared deeply into her eyes, and she locked her eyes on mine. Nothing else was said. Finally, she began nodding her head; slowly at first, then with a little more conviction. We understood each other. So, I stepped back, sat down, took a long slow sip of my drink, and watched her fidget.

"Take off your shirt." I said it slowly, in a way that made it clear that it wasn't a request; it was direction. She stared at me, just long enough to seem a little defiant. But, she was shaking and I could easily see that she didn't want to push it too far. After about 10 seconds she reached up and quickly began unsnapping her over shirt.

We developed a strange relationship. I certainly won't say that I never did feel like she was my girlfriend - because for awhile I began to think of her that way. I certainly had affection for her; I cared for her quite a bit. I watched out for her. But the relationship was mostly physical. When we went places together and did things, we both always knew the end game was going to be sex. And, with Becky Jo, the end game was always going to be unpredictable and wild and immensely satisfying.

Then, after whatever sexual event had transpired, it was always a little weird. We'd spend a little time together, afterward, then she'd go on her way and I'd know in a few days, I'd go find her or she'd show up, and we'd both know why. Things kinda went along like that for a few months. But gradually, I was beginning to see her in a different light. I was beginning to really enjoy her company, and not just as the red-hot dirty little fuck that she was.

Sometimes I saw her fairly regularly, other times I was off racing (or fishing or hunting, or?) and a couple weeks might pass between our meetings. But, mostly it was at least once, sometimes twice a week for 6 or maybe even 8 months before it was all over -- I can't really remember. It was a long time ago.

At first, after she'd confided in me what had happened that night after the drive-in movie, she always needed to talk about that before she was ready for more. It always kinda turned me on hearing about it. But it became kinda repetitive and I didn't really need to hear it again and again -- I knew what had happened to her and by then I also knew that after she got over the initial distress, she craved for it to happen again. I didn't need to hear it over and over. But, she did. It got her juices flowing. It was part of foreplay for her.

After awhile, she sort of stopped talking about what had happened before, how that had affected her, and sort of justifying her need for what had developed between us. Then, one night, a few months into our relationship, she started talking about it again. We were sitting around, having a few drinks late in the afternoon and I was already thinking about what was to come, soon. So I just sat there, sort of half paying attention, and let her talk.

When her talk started to focus on when she was getting it by two guys at once. She talked about how it had felt when the two guys had screwed her in the front of the pickup, both of them using her at the same time. Then she went into great detail about how it made her feel when the two brothers used her so hard. I usually just let her talk. I never knew what was going to pop outta her mouth. Sometimes it was pretty interesting.

I admit, I haven't always been the quickest guy to catch on when a chick has been trying to give me hints. There was a time when I was with another girl and I thought she was trying to tell me that she wanted something -- wanted me to do something to her, and I was wrong; way wrong. So, ever since then I've kinda waited for them to pretty much spell it out.

Also, some girls seem to talk a lot. And, I'll admit, sometimes I didn't always pay the closest of attention when they were talking. Then they'd say something that caught my interest, but I wasn't always completely sure where they were coming from.

That night, with Becky Jo had been like that. She was talking and talking, and when she started getting into sex, I'd heard it before and my mind started wandering to what I was going to do with her later; sort of laying my plan, in my mind.

Suddenly I kind of focused in realized that she was trying to say something. I asked her a few leading questions -- and it all seemed to center around her being used by more than one guy at a time. So, finally, I just came out and asked her what she was getting at "are you trying to tell me that you want to have more than one guy at the same time, again?"

She almost looked like a child that had been caught doing something she shouldn't have been doing. She looked at me for several long seconds, in total silence. "Well, there was just something about that I can't seem to get out of my head -- don't you think that would be hot?"

I wasn't really sure what to say. She'd really caught me by surprise. I mean, it wasn't like I was in love with her -- it wasn't like the love of my life was telling me she wanted to get fucked by a bunch of guys. Becky Jo was just a passing ship, I'd thought -- a very horny passing ship that I was having fun with. But somehow, without my really realizing it, I'd grown pretty attached to her - I liked her, a lot and I wasn't wild about the idea of sharing her.. A month or so earlier and I would have been thinking "hell yeah, I'll get a couple more guys and we'll bang the hell outta you." But now, even though our relationship was almost entirely sexual, we'd been spending time together, had gone on a couple of weekend trips and I'd had a lot of fun just being with her. It'd snuck up on me, but I suddenly realized that I liked her, a lot!

Still, I hadn't even considered the idea a 3 way or a 4 way and was sort of sitting there, not knowing what to say, or even how I felt. I knew I had to say something. She was looking at me like she was in trouble and I didn't want her to just shut down and wall herself off again. "Well, geeze, I've never thought about that before" I said.

I thought about it for a minute and then said "I'm not so sure how I'd feel being naked, in bed, with another couple of guys - sharing you." I thought a bit more and said "do you have some guys in mind, people you know?" She looked at me, her eyes wide open "oh God no, I don't know anybody -- I wouldn't want to do that with anybody I know."

So I said "is this something your thinking about doing by yourself -- just going off somewhere and finding a couple of guys to screw you?" I was pretty sure that wasn't what she meant, but I wanted to put the turd back in her pocket, see what was on her mind before I said anything else. Besides, I the more I thought about it, the less sure I was that I liked the idea. Sharing her was a big part of the problem but being in bed with a couple other guys just wasn't my thing.

I mean, I'm sure, at some point, most guys have thought it would be cool to watch some chick get gangbanged or even participate in one. I'd seen some very explicit 8mm films when I was a lot younger, so I knew what it was all about. Watching a film and fantasizing are one thing, but being in bed with a chick and a couple other naked guys -- I don't know -- I'm very protective of the women in my life and I was pretty sure one of them would do something to her I didn't like and I'd wind up kicking his ass. I'm not proud of it, but I've done more than my share of ass kicking.

Becky Jo answered immediately "Oh hell no, I'm not going to go off and just find some guys to do that to me, of course not. I thought, I just thought that, you know, you might want to do that and you might know someone..."

We took a few minutes, drank our drinks, looked at the fire and thought about it, in silence. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it might be pretty hot. Then, when I thought about it some more, I wasn't so sure I wanted to be rubbing my dick around in a pig-pile with a couple other dudes, taking turns sticking our cocks in chick that I cared about. Even though I had no qualms about treating her like a slut when we were alone.

I mean maybe, in the right circumstance, but I didn't know anybody that I'd wanna do that with and I was even less sure that I wanted to see a couple of other guys doing IT to her. I certainly didn't want to ask a couple of buddies over to bang Becky Jo. I don't know why. How would I bring it up? "Hey Steve, why don't you and Dan come over next Saturday? We'll have a few drinks, eat some venison, and I know this chick who wants us all to gangbang her, whatta ya think?"

As usual, when Becky Jo got nervous, especially if sex was involved, she whipped out a joint and lit it up. We each took a couple puffs, then when she tried to pass it back to me again I just put my hand up, like "no thanks, I've had enough." She knew I didn't usually have much, so she just sat there, in deep thought, sipping her drink and puffing on the joint, until it just went out.

Finally she said "so, I take it you don't like the idea, I'm sorry, I should have never brought it up." I started to say something, but before I could she said "I mean, it's just been something I've been thinking about, you know, ever since you and I have been together and you've helped me fell OK with what I wanted -- after having it eat at me all that time, it's suddenly been OK for me to say and do what I feel, I just..."

Even I could tell I'd hurt her feelings and I was afraid she was going to crawl back into her shell. So, without really thinking about what I was going to say, I just started talking, knowing I had to reel her back in fast, before I lost her. I mean, I was a horny guy in my 20's, having more fun with a girl than I'd ever had before -- with no strings attached, I could just fuck the shit out of her and she liked it. I didn't want to loose that; not yet, at least - maybe not ever, there was something about her.

So, I got up and moved over close to her. I said "look, don't get upset. You didn't say anything wrong. I'm not mad or even upset. I was just surprised and honestly, when you said that, I didn't know what I thought."

But, it was almost too late. She said "No, no, just forget it. I was stupid for saying anything. I don't know what's wrong with me. I hated what happened to me, and now I'm saying I want it to happen again, what the fuck is wrong with me?"

I had to think on my feet, at fast. Hell, if nothing else, I didn't want her to get her tail in a knot and get up and leave. I was already horned up and I certainly didn't want her to leave without being able to fuck the hell out of her. So I said "just hang on a minute, lets talk about it."

"No, no" she said "It was stupid, I should have never said anything. I sure as hell don't wanna just go out and pick up a couple guys at a bar -- I just thought, you could, you know, find a way to make it happen, so you'd be there and it'd be under control, you know." Then she said "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm sorry."