The Story of My Telepathic Life Ch. 05

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Shelly helps aliens take control of Mom & younger sister.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/14/2023
Created 10/03/2023
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The Story of My Telepathic Life

by Gary LM Martin

The next step.

"We are going to bring your female family members into Us," said Joe.

"Wait a minute! Joe, you said that if I cooperated, my family would be spared. Well, I cooperated!" I rubbed my belly meaningfully.

"That was before we knew whether your genetic type was compatible," said Joe. "Now that we know it is, we need to expand our numbers."

"Why... why don't you just get me pregnant again?" I asked, gritting my teeth as I said it.

"You will be impregnated again, Shelly, many times. But your body needs time to recover between pregnancies, and we wish to increase our numbers more rapidly," said Joe. "If your DNA was compatible, it is highly likely that the DNA of your female family members will also be compatible."

I swallowed heavily. "You... you want Claire?"

"And Audrey. You have two sisters, Shelly."

My mind raced frantically. "They're both married. Their husbands are going to notice them missing."

"They will serve us as well... in a different capacity," said Joe. He glanced at the people hanging from the ceiling, experiencing near continuous orgasms which fed the Revered One.

My dear sisters! I had to save them. Maybe I couldn't save Audrey, but Claire--"Claire is pregnant!"

I saw Joe's expression fall. "How far along?"

"Eight months," I said. "I don't think there's enough space inside of her for another baby."

Joe considered. "We could remove her child, but her uterus would require time to recover. Perhaps we should wait until she gives birth."

We were prepared to kill Claire's baby if it suited them. And now they were planning to take Claire right after giving birth to her first child!

"The needs of Us are paramount, Shelly," said Joe. "You should have learned that by now. Your sister, and your mother and aunt, will serve us."

"Wait a minute! You're going to take my mom and aunt?"

Joe nodded.

"My mom is too old to have children!"

"Not our kind of children, Shelly. All she needs is a wet and warm uterus which is genetically compatible."

My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to spare Mom. I couldn't, but-"Aunt Tamara, she, she's not as closely related to me as Mom and Claire are."

Joe considered. "That is true."

"Wouldn't be more... more efficient to wait and see if my Mom and Audrey are compatible, before taking Auntie?"

Joe nodded. "I know what you are trying to do, Shelly. The love for your Aunt is strong in your mind. We will spare her for now, but not out of sentiment. But We will take your mother and younger sister."

I felt the conflict within me.

You will love it. You will love. You will love it. You will love it-

"No I won't!" I yelled.

Joe squeezed one of my breasts. "Shelly, We find your defiance... intoxicating."

"Thanks," I said, not pulling away as he fondled my teat. He knew exactly how I liked to be touched!

"But your sister and Mother will be taken. At this point, your cooperation and even your participation is no longer required," he said. He paused. "But wouldn't you rather your family members be made part of Us with a friendly face to help them adapt, rather than strangers?"

"Why do you care about their feelings?"

"We do not. But you do."


I cannot fucking believe I am doing this! I was helping Us take over my Mother and Audrey. Truthfully, I didn't care all that much if Mom became part of Us. All her life she had been singing the praises of the fucking World Government and the importance of fucking Community and fucking global togetherness and all that other fucking shit. Joining Us would just be another step forward for her. But Audrey... even at 26, Audrey was still my kid sister. I felt incredibly protective of her.

I cannot fucking believe I am doing this!

You can fucking believe you are doing this, Shelly, the Voice insisted. You will help Us bring your mother into Us. And then you will help Us take Audrey. And at a later time you will help Us bring in Claire and your Aunt Tamara.

I hate you.


We took Mom first.

Mom greeted us with an unsuspecting smile as I came home. I had told her that I was coming home with a coworker named Alph from my new job. I had told her that my new job involved Social Justice, and Mom was naturally excited to hear all about it.

Alph. I figured if I told her I had a coworker named "Alpha" even Mom might have become suspicious.

"Come in, come in," said Mom, as she hugged me and looked at Alpha.

Oooh, he's handsome. Does Shelly have a new boyfriend?

No, Mom, he's my alien child I just squeezed out of my cunt three days ago, and he's come here to fuck you, insert an alien virus in your mind, and make you want to fuck a giant footlong monster cock!

Despite what I just said a few paragraphs above, I was in no way happy about the prospect about my Mom, my very own Mom, being FUCKED RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and put under alien mind control. But however terrible it was going to be, the thought of my not being involved and trying somehow to lessen the blow to Mom felt even worse.

We sat down at the dining room table. Alpha sat strategically next to Mom. I sat opposite her.

"So nice to see you, Shelly," said Mom.

Really, Mom? Will you still think so when you're made to fuck a giant one-eyed carrot with an enormous schlong?

"And who is this?" said Mom.

"Alph works at me with the Eternal Social Justice Project, Mom."

"Oooh, Eternal Social Justice, it sounds so fascinating, Shelly!"

It would.

"But tell me, you bring a handsome man over to my home, that can't be all there is to it, can it?"

"No, Mrs. Diggler, it can't," said Alpha, speaking for the first time. He took Mom's hand and started to rub it. To rub it with that oily residue that I knew only too well.

"Shelly and I are involved together, deeply involved," said Alpha.

"Oh, I'm so happy to hear it," Mom smiled. She started getting hot as the pheromone seeped into her skin. "Where did you meet?"

"I was working inside of her," said Alpha.

Mom looked puzzled.

"Inside the department I work at," I said, giving Alpha a warning stare. Alpha was now rubbing the oily residue into Mom's lower arm. Mom thought it was a bit odd that this man was rubbing her arm, but her thinking was quickly becoming befuddled as she felt herself becoming increasingly aroused. Alph was so handsome! She looked at his luscious lips, and his strong, muscular body. For a moment she imagined him making love to me, bringing me passionate pleasure.

You're close, Mom. But I'm not the one Alpha is going to be giving pleasure to. You are.

"You two make such a handsome couple!" Mom said. I could see her erect nipples sticking out of her shirt. She was perspiring and I sensed her clitoris had the painful tension building up in it. She was almost ready.

"Shelly is very pretty," said Alpha. "But you, Mrs. Diggler, are even more so."

Mom tittered. To have a handsome man half her age compliment her was like a fantasy. But suddenly she felt incredibly aroused. She felt a burning between her legs, a burning needing to be filled, a need she hadn't felt so strongly since Dad was still alive.

"Excuse me," Mom said, starting to get up. "I think I need a glass of water."

Alpha held her hand tightly, preventing her from leaving. "You don't need a glass of water, Mrs. Diggler. You need me."

And then he leaned forward and kissed my Mom. It was a long kiss, and Alpha took the opportunity to rub pheromone into her face and neck. When he was done she was gasping.

"I... I...."

"We don't need words, between us," said Alpha, pulling her to her feet. "Soon we will be so close that we will never need to speak words again."

And then I watched, in horror, as Alpha slowly undressed my Mom and made love to her.

My mother Maureen must have been in her early 50's at this point. She still had a good body, but her titties sagged a lot more than mine. She let Alpha take off her clothes and then watched with great longing as he took off his own.

"What's happening to me, Shelly?" she asked, sounding bewildered.

"He's going to make love to you, Mom. He's going to make love to you and give you a special gift."

"But... he's your boyfriend!"

"No. He's my son."

Mom looked startled, and was about to ask something else, when Alpha, now wholly nude, pulled her down to the couch. He rubbed his body against hers. "You are so sexy, just like your daughter."

Mom tittered. "Is this all right, what we're doing? Does Shelly mind?"

"Shelly loves it. She wants you to be happy," said Alpha. He rubbed his erection against Mom's vulva. "In a moment I am going to give you a gift."

"A gift? I like gifts!"

"And so you will like this one. You will prize this one above all others," Alpha promised. And then, as I watched helplessly, Alpha inserted himself into Mom's vagina.

"Ooooh!" Mom cried. The pheromones had stimulated her tremendously, and she was enjoying the ride. She had never imagined having such a young handsome lover inside of her.

As an alien baby who came out of my vagina pounded into my Mom on the living room couch as I watched, I thought: I'm glad that Dad isn't around to see this.

Mom gasped with pleasure as Alpha made love to her. Her eyes briefly found mine. She looked so helpless, so lost in lust as her heavy breasts bounced back and forth with the taking. And yet, a small part of her mind still registered the impropriety of what she was doing.

"Shelly... should we be doing this... in front of you?"

I shrugged. "I could go get a piece of cake from the kitchen, Mom, but I think you're almost done."

As his stiff ass cheeks flexed and relaxed with every thrust, Alpha also looked my way. "You see, Shelly, we make wishes come true. We are making your mother happy, as we will bring happiness to all men and women on the planet Earth."

"That's the Social Justice you promise? The Social Justice of mind control?"

Alpha grinned. "It's the social justice of.. ahhhhh... becoming part of a... ahh..... greater whole.... Aaaaahh!" His entire body went stiff, and Mom cried out, and I knew what had just happened.

He had just infected Mom with the Serum.

Mom, who was still aroused, frowned. "I feel a burning, down there."

"I know," said Alpha. "It will feel good, really soon."

"The burning feeling... it's rising into my belly." Mom looked up at me.

"Shelly, what's happening to me?"

"Mom.. you....." I found myself at a loss for words.

"You're becoming part of a greater whole," said Alpha, as he continued to pole into her.

A few moments later Mom grabbed her head. "Shelly! Shelly! There's a burning in my head!" She stiffened, and appeared to faint.

"Mom!" I cried.

"Your mother will be all right," said Alpha. My alien love child pulled his long penis out of Mom's vagina. God, how I never thought I would be in a position to write such a sentence!

Mom's eyelids fluttered and she moaned. "Mom, are you all right?" I asked.

"Contact... contact has been made." She sat up, and looked around.

"What are you?" Alpha asked.

"I am part of Us," said Mom.

I felt so incredibly sad to hear those words come out of Mom's mouth!

"Put on your clothes. You are required elsewhere."

"I understand." Mom got up, ignored the fact that she was completely nude in front of me, and lifted a leg to put her panties, showing off her stretched pussy lips.

"Mom, I'm so sorry for what just happened."

Mom's face was blank as she put on her pants.

"Mom, I'm really sorry!" I said again.

"We are required to serve," said Mom.

What's happened to her? She's acting like a robot.

She has joined Us.

I joined Us and I don't act like a fucking retard!

Mom got dressed and obediently got in the grav car with us. Alpha drove while Mom sat in the back seat.

"What is my function?" she asked.

"You will be inseminated, impregnated, and will give birth to the next generation of Us."

"I understand," said Mom.

"Mom, you understand?" I said. "Are you still in there, somewhere?"

"Of course I am, Sweetie," said Mom. "But Our priorities are my priorities now."

I shuddered. I at least had resisted. Joe had had to schlong me with three doses of happy juice before I gave in. And even as I submitted, I still retained something of what made me, me.

But Mom seemed totally subsumed in her new identity as a breeding cow for an alien species. She had always loved the World Government and collectivism; I suppose it should be no great surprise that she was giving in to this.

Your mother is happy, Shelly. And if you allowed it, you could be Happy to.

Fuck off, Voice!

We dropped off Mom at the warehouse after Joe assured me that she would be well taken care of. Well taken care of? She was going to be impregnated!

Alpha and I were going out again to collect Audrey. I asked Joe to at least wait until I returned before... starting... with Mom. He agreed.


For some reason Sylvie went with us this time.

"I am for Henry."

Henry. I hadn't even thought about Audrey's husband. Add another name to the list of victims I was creating.

Do you think I'm being too harsh on myself? If it hadn't been for me, my family would be safe and sound. It would have been far better, for them, if I had never been born. Claire, teenage Claire, would have been pleased; Mom wouldn't have had a daughter she was so disappointed in; Dad could have turned his loving homicidal thoughts to Audrey or Claire; and as for Clay and Audrey, well, perhaps they would develop a closer relationship without me being around as the glue which held our family together.

I had called Audrey earlier in the day and told her I had something important to tell her. She readily agreed to meet with me without any hint of suspicion. And why should she be suspicious? Audrey and I had always been close. She had no reason to think that I was coming over with a space alien I had given birth to who was going to fuck her senseless and put an alien mind control virus in her head.

Audrey will be happier once she is part of Us, Shelly.

Fuck off, Voice!


"Shelly!" Audrey gave me a big hug as soon as I stepped in the front door. I felt nauseous about what I was about to do to my kid sister who I loved so much.

Audrey stepped back and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

Alpha stepped forward. "She's just nervous. I'm Alph, Shelly's fiancee."

"Fiancee?" Audrey gave me a long look. "Shelly, you've been holding out on me!"

"She has," said Alpha. "But now she wants to share everything with you. Don't you, Shelly?"

I gave a weak smile and nodded.


Alpha rubbed oily pheromones into Audrey's hand and arm as we talked. At first she thought it a bit odd that my "fiancee" was rubbing her arm, but she was quickly charmed by Alpha's good looks (He gets all his looks from me, and not his father, as far as I am concerned), and then of course the pheromones quickly took over, and Audrey became aroused.

Extremely aroused.

I could see Audrey's nipples sticking out through her shirt, even through her breast control collar. With her red hair and high cheekbones, she looked so sexy.

She is sexy, Shelly. And soon her sexy body will serve Us.

When Alpha thought she was ready, he kissed her. Audrey blinked rapidly. She felt intense arousal, I knew; her clit felt incredibly stimulated, and she felt an enormous aching between her legs, a tremendous need to be taken, to be used, to be filled.

And so when Alpha started undressing her, she only blinked and said, "What's happening, Shelly?"

"Alph is going to make you feel good, Sister. Really good," I said, wiping away a tear. I watched Alph slowly and methodically strip Audrey of her clothes. When he was done, I ogled my younger sister.

Audrey was gorgeous!

I hadn't seen my little sister naked since I took her shopping for breast control collars when we were teenagers. I remembered the first time I had taught her how to use a tampon applicator. Her titties had been tiny, and she only had a tiny growth of hair around her vulva.

At the age of 26, however, Audrey was in the prime of life, a flower in full bloom, and I gasped as I saw her naked body.

Audrey was gorgeous!

Her breasts were full, and round, and firm, without a hint of sag, not sloppy eggplants like mine! Audrey had the biggest areolas I had ever seen, and her nipples looked longer than mine had ever been. Between her legs she had an incredibly thick and curly crop of gorgeous pubic curls. Her labial lips were thick and fleshy and engorged, perfectly framed by her muscular dancer's legs.

And her face! Audrey had high cheekbones, and piercing green eyes just like me. Her hair was bright red and combed forwards giving her an incredibly soft, feminine look. As I looked over her entire body, I realized that Audrey was the most beautiful female I had ever seen.

"You're so beautiful, Audrey!" I couldn't resist saying.

Audrey blushed. But all her attention was focused on Alpha, who had just finished taking off his clothes. Alpha was erect, which got all of Aud's attention.

"He's so big!" said Audrey.

"Only because you excite me so much," said Alpha. He gently took Audrey in his arms and kissed her.

Audrey, her nipples proudly erect and her breathing ragged, looked more than ready to be taken. But some part of her resisted. As they kissed, she said, "But... I'm a married woman. It's not fair to Henry!"

"We will be very fair to Henry, I promise you," said Alpha soothingly, as he pressed his naked body against her and kissed her again.

Audrey groaned with intense need. Under normal circumstances, she would never sleep with another man. But circumstances were far from normal. She felt intense sexual desire. She needed sex now. Consequences could be handled later.

And so she let Alpha take her to the couch and lie her on her back. She was too excited to resist as he got between her legs and aimed his penis at her vulva. But a flicker of doubt remained. "Shelly, should we be doing this?"

Alpha glanced at me.

"Yes, Audrey. You definitely should. It will feel good and you'll really enjoy it." What else could I say? No, Audrey, you'll hate, especially the part about being put under alien mind control and fucked by a giant monster cock? Audrey's fate was set the moment she absorbed the pheromone.


Her fate was set the minute I was born.


Audrey gasped as Alpha slowly inserted his rod into her. I knew it was just a matter of time before he filled her with Serum, before my sexy younger sister joined Us.

Audrey was lost to the sensation of Alpha's penis moving in and out of her. "What's happening to me, Shelly?" she gasped.

"Alpha's making love to you, Audrey," I said, feeling thoroughly rotten inside.

"He feel so good," said Audrey slyly. "I know he's your man, but can you share him with me?"