The Strip Club

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A mother and step-daughter venture into a strip club.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


This is a somewhat strange and erotic story I'm about to tell you. First, let me give you some background before I begin my tale.

My name is Elizabeth or Liz whichever you prefer. I'm forty-five years old and have a twenty-two year old non-biological daughter who is currently working on her Master's degree in Sociology. I was with her mother for almost twenty years. She passed away about a year ago in a freak accident. Lightning hit a tree, splitting it, causing it to fall into the road she was driving on. I was told she never saw it coming and was killed instantly.

Sandra, my daughter lives at home when not attending school. We have a great relationship and have become closer since her mother's passing.

My story takes place in June of this past year. Sandra was home from school keeping busy working part-time and taking online classes to help get her degree a bit sooner than planned. One of her friends, Charlotte, I think was her name was getting married, and Sandra was to be the maid of honor. Sandra had been searching for things to do for the bridal shower and hadn't come up with much beyond the ordinary things girls do at such functions.

I was no good at offering suggestions until we were heading over to my sister's place for her birthday celebration when we saw a billboard. I jokingly told Sandra that might be fun for the bridal shower. She looked up at the billboard wondering what I was talking about. On it stood a line of men, shirtless with great abs and cowboy hats. The ad read that they were going to perform at one of the strip joints in town next month. She did a double take and shrugged it off telling me I was crazy.

We went to the party without further discussion about the male strippers. On the way home we passed the billboard again, and this time she noted the dates they were appearing and realized it was the same weekend the shower was to be held. I could see the wheels turning in her mind wondering if it weren't such a crazy idea after all. Talking to herself quietly, she went through the pros and cons of working that show into her party ideas. I asked if she was seriously considering what I thought was a joke.

She nodded as a broad grin appeared on her face. "Can we stop by there and find out more about the show?"

I hadn't paid too much attention to the wording on the sign since I was driving, "Where is it? I'm not familiar with strip clubs, Sandra."

She dug her phone out of her purse and searched for the show. She named the club, but I still had no idea where it was. Then she typed in an address and got directions. It wasn't too far out of our way so I agreed to stop by so she could get more information on it.

It took us about ten minutes to find the place. The parking lot wasn't full, being a Sunday afternoon. The club was called 'The Body Shoppe' which seemed appropriate. I parked away from most of the other cars, shut off the engine then asked Sandra if she was sure she wanted to go in.

She looked at me, "You're going in with me, mom. I'm not going in there alone."

"Oh, I wasn't aware I was going to be your bodyguard. I doubt anything would happen to you in there. See that mass of humanity standing at the door? I bet there's one or two more inside that protect the strippers. I'm sure they'll protect you."

"My god, he is huge! His biceps look as big as my thighs. Oh, mom. Please, I don't want to in there alone," she exclaimed.

"That's why he's there, sweetie. I don't think there are many small bouncers. Really? You're twenty-two years old. They aren't going to do anything to you."

"Pretty please?"

I sighed, giving in to her request like most mothers do with their children.

She grinned, then opened her door and got out. Pausing to make sure I got out also. I did so with a sigh, closing the door and locking the car after she closed hers.

We walked to the entrance watching the bouncer as we did. I saw a sign that said, 'ten dollar cover charge.' I mentioned that to Sandra, and she shrugged it off. The bouncer smiled as we approached opening the door for us.

"No charge for ladies," he mentioned when we got closer, "I saw you looking at the sign. Enjoy."

We thanked him and walked into a dimly lit room, stopping for a moment just inside the entry to let our eyes adjust. Looking around I noticed the main stage with two circular stages. One was off to the side of the main, and the other was completely separate and had a pole in the middle. The stages were lit with spotlights focusing on the centers. There was a girl on each of them swaying to the beat of some heavy bass song I thought I recognized. The girls were almost nude, just wearing their bikini bottoms and what looked like money visible at the waistband. There was a long bar lit in purple fluorescent lights with a young woman behind it modestly dressed with more than ample cleavage popping through her top.

I glanced over at Sandra who stood in silence. Her expression was one of awe. We'd seen strip club scenes on television and the movies, and this was very much like those. While we were stood there getting our bearings a young Asian woman approached us, dressed in a thong, a tiny bikini top, and a camisole, carrying a tray. Her jet black hair reached the top of her buttocks. Her smile showed off her perfect teeth which matched her perfect body. The girl must work out religiously.

Not far behind this goddess was a cute blonde with a pixie cut and a pair of breasts that seemed to want to explode out of the tiny top she was wearing. I knew they were fake, but the thought of them made me swallow hard along with a tingle between my legs. It had been way too long for me, and I was missing my love, Lacey with each bounce of those breasts. Not that Lacey had big breasts, but this girl's were begging to be suckled.

"Hi, I'm Mika. Can I get you ladies something to drink while you decide where to sit?"

Sandra was still gawking. She focused on the blonde who arrived to ask us the same question. I replied to them that we were here to find out more about the male review. My daughter was the maid of honor, and she thought the revue might be fun to stop by for a party she's planning.

It was then Sandra returned to earth and told them about the bridal shower. They grinned, escorting us to the bar where the flyers were kept. We were each handed one as the two dancers finished up their routines, two other girls taking their places.

Sandra asked the blonde, "What exactly do they do? I've only seen things on television, and I'm sure it's a bit more risqué than that."

"Well, they strip down, then show off a bit, teasing and focusing on showing off their muscles. The ladies have a lot of fun putting dollar bills in their briefs, touching and things like that. They do lap dances also if anyone is interested in that."

Sandra cocked her eyebrows, "Lap dance? What's that? Do they sit on the ladies lap? Aren't they too heavy?"

The Asian girl answered with a sly grin, "They know what they are doing. Tricia and I could show you both if you'd like. No charge."

Tricia confirmed Mika's response, "We've shown some other ladies who were thinking about seeing the show. They were a bit naive too. We don't mind at all. We have a private room we could show you and your mother."

Sandra looked at me for approval. I told her, "It's up to you Sandra. I've never had a lap dance, and free is a good price. But, you're the one who thinks this is a good idea."

She thought about it for a moment, the blonde's breasts rising and falling in front of her.

"How long will it take? It's free, right? We don't have to book the party right away?"

Mika answered, "No, there are tickets still available but, there are going fast. No obligation on your part and yes, it's free. Shall we?"

Both Mika and Tricia slipped their arms around Sandra's back to gently guide her to a private room just off the end of the bar. Mika turned her head and looked back at me, "Come on, mom. You can watch too."

Being here felt weird and sexy at the same time. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought about being in a strip club with Sandra let alone watching two women give her a lap dance. I followed the trio into the private room with some reservations. Tricia closed the door behind us then showed me to a seat so I could watch the show.

Mika took the lead as Tricia sat next to me. She went over to the wall and looked around for a bit then started up some music. It was slow and sensual. I could see her swaying, her eyes focused on Sandra who was gawking at her. She walked back to Sandra who was seated in the center of the room. My darling daughter glanced over at me, and I could see her swallow hard and fidget a bit. I nodded and smiled to help encourage her as Mika faced her. The stripper moved directly in front of my girl blocking her from my view.

The music was soft enough that Tricia and I could converse comfortably. She began asking me about the two of us as Mika swayed inches from Sandra. I told Tricia that Sandra was my recently departed wife's daughter and she still lived with me. We'd been a couple for a little over twenty years. Tricia offered her condolences, and I thanked her. She kissed my cheek then sat back watching Mika dance for Sandra along with me.

Mika reached up for a brief moment after bending over to whisper in Sandra's ear. I could barely make out Sandra's nod just as Mika straightened up. Her tiny top then dropped to the floor as her hands slid up and down her sides. She spent a few moments in front of Sandra massaging her taut body as Sandra sat watching. I assume she was rubbing her breasts as Sandra stared upwards at Mika. My heart was racing as I watched Mika from behind, her tight little ass and those taut calves looked so good to me.

Mika turned, looked directly at me then bent down, her hands resting on her knees. She used one hand to move her long black mane from her back to drape it over her right shoulder. It hung down almost to the floor. She swayed side to side, and I think she twerked for Sandra. I could see my girl's eyes widen as Mika's body vibrated rapidly. Mika looked back at Sandra and must have said something because the next thing I knew Sandra had both hands on Mika's cheeks. She was a bit reluctant at first shaking her head 'no', but Mika kept looking back at her until she finally placed her hands on the stripper's ass.

Mika looked over at me with a smile, winking she then turned back to Sandra. Within a few seconds, Sandra managed to untie the two strings holding Mika's bottoms on. They dropped to her ankles as she vibrated her cheeks inches from my daughter's face. A bit more encouragement from Mika and Sandra was massaging those tight cheeks looking over at me with a puzzled look on her face.

I mouthed, "It's okay."

Sandra shrugged and continued feeling Mika's ass as Mika looked back at her. Then a smile appeared on Sandra's face. She seemed to enjoy massaging Mika's rear end until the stripper stood up and turned to face her.

I was getting aroused watching Mika dance for Sandra. I kept crossing my legs and rubbing my thighs as my heart raced wishing I was the one Mika was dancing for.

Tricia must have noticed my reactions because she leaned into me whispering in my ear, "Does mom want a lap dance too?"

I turned slightly, looked at her and those amazing breasts, "Yes, mom does. If it's alright."

She smiled, "Oh, it's more than alright. We were going to double team your girl, but we can do that later. Also, men are not allowed to touch, but you're free to if you want, Liz."

When she got up, I could see Mika now sitting on Sandra's lap. Sandra was nodding at me and glancing at me, a smile still on her face. She apparently was feeling more comfortable about the situation as she looked back up at Mika. Her hands now on Mika's hips saying something to the Asian beauty I couldn't make out. I grinned, as Tricia stood in front of me now blocking my view. I smiled up at her then focused on her golden globes.

She began removing the tiny pieces of fabric that covered her nipples. I swallowed hard and squirmed in my seat. My attention focused on her.

As Tricia swayed before me, she asked, "Did Lacey have breasts like mine, Liz?"

I gasped aloud when she completely removed her covering, "Umm, no. She had rather small breasts, Tricia. Yours are amazing."

"Would you like to touch?"

"Yes, I would."

She came closer straddling my legs so I could play with her breasts. I was like a child with a new toy wanting to touch and play to my heart's content. As I thumbed her nipples, she turned her head to look back at Mika and Sandra.

Giggling she mentioned in a whisper, "I think Mika has your baby girl sold. She can be quite persuasive when she wants to be."

I paused looking past Tricia to see Mika still in Sandra's lap. They were talking as Sandra massaged the small of Mika's back. Sandra glanced over at me, I could tell she was blushing. Mika must have said something because she immediately returned her gaze to the Asian goddess. I grinned and went back to exploring Tricia's amazing breasts.

"Would you like to suck on them, Liz? I don't mind." She smiled.

I looked up at her and mouthed a 'thank you.' I peeked once more at Sandra and Mika. Mika had leaned into Sandra's neck. I think she was whispering something in Sandra's ear. My girl's eyes were closed, and her head was nodding. Returning to Tricia, I covered one hard nipple with my mouth. Happily sucking away, I took my time and played with each one with my tongue. Tricia encouraged me enjoying my little playtime. The time seemed to fly as I fondled and licked Tricia while Mika and Sandra were busy. I was lost enjoying the sensation in my mouth I hadn't felt in quite some time along with the warmth between my legs.

Tricia, aware of the time, gently stopped me after I'd mouthed both breasts a few times. She got up, kissed my lips then went over to join Sandra and Mika. Tricia approached them tapping Mika on the shoulder, then leaned in to kiss her as Sandra looked over at me. She shrugged with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back glad that she was happy.

Mika whispered something in Sandra's ear, kissed her cheek then got off her lap. Sandra nodded and giggled. I could see Sandra saying 'yes' as Mika stood. Tricia took Mika's place offering her breasts for Sandra to touch as Mika walked over to me. I noticed her bare pussy as she approached with a gleam in her eyes. She was like a tigress on the prowl, and I felt like the captive prey about to be eaten. I could see Sandra falling under the spell of this gorgeous woman. I could easily fall too. She had a fantastic body, and now I was going to see it up close.

She sat on my lap smiling, "You have an adorable daughter, Liz. She's decided to make reservations for the men's show. Will you be joining the party?"

Her finger gently slid over my cheek drawing small circles and tracing my jawbone as she softly talked to me. I was checking out her small breasts and ripped abs while she sat toying with me.

I grinned, looking up into those dark brown eyes. "You talked her into it, obviously. She wasn't sure when we walked in, congratulations. Sorry, I won't be attending. I wasn't invited, it's the bridesmaids only."

"I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be. I threw in a round of drinks for the party to seal the deal. I'll give her my card before you both leave. She promised to get the tickets online, and I trust her. You should come anyway. Would a very private dance help persuade you?"

"From you? I'd want more than just a dance. I was starting to get a bit jealous watching Sandra with you, to be honest. It's been a long time for me."

"I'm flattered, Liz. Sandra told me briefly about her mom. I'm so sorry for your loss. Are you dating yet?"

Her fingers still tracing my face, she arched back slightly offering her breasts to me without saying a word. I thought about devouring them. Instead, I slipped my hands to cup her glutes. They were just as I imagined, firm and delectable.

"No, I've been out on dates but never twice with the same person. It's difficult to get back into that mode."

"I understand," she nodded, "I'll give you my card too just in case you decide to drop by on your own some time."

I blushed, "I doubt I'll be back Mika. I am very impressed with your body though. If I came back, it would be to watch you move. I adore fit women. Tricia's breasts are beautiful, but your entire body makes me all warm inside. If you don't mind me saying so. Lacey loved CrossFit, and I loved that she did.

She smiled, "I don't mind at all. I work at it, and it's nice when someone besides a horny old man compliments me. Maybe we could talk the next time you visit. You're in pretty good shape yourself, Liz."

"You are tempting, Mika. But, I'm not one to hang out at strip clubs. This was a fluke visit. A pleasant one but, still a fluke. Thanks, I enjoy working out, it just gets a bit harder as you age."

I smiled at her longing to lick those taut abs and suckle her small breasts. I refrained since Sandra might see since Mika was smaller than Tricia. She was very preoccupied when Mika was dancing for her. Now she was intermittently peeking out from Tricia to see what I was doing.

Mika sighed mentioning our time was up; they only allow so much free time, She and Tricia needed to get back to work. She kissed me softly on the lips then left me to rejoin Tricia and Sandra. The two girls gathered the bits of clothing off the floor as Sandra stood watching them. Soon they were all standing, Sandra, talking to them as I removed myself from the viewing seat.

As I got closer, Sandra looked a bit flush as perhaps I did also. She cleared her throat, saying her goodbyes to both girls. I thanked them as we followed them out of the room. I noticed Mika getting something from the bar then handing it to Sandra. I assumed it was the card she mentioned. She also handed me her business card something I didn't realize strippers had. On it was written 'One Free Lap Dance.'

We walked out to the car in silence after thanking the bouncer. I wanted to go home and masturbate this nice feeling into a delicious one. As we drove, Sandra just stared out the window.

After about five minutes she looked over at me, "Mom, how did those girls make you feel? I mean were you aroused?"

I coughed, "Yes, I was aroused. That's their job to arouse men. Since I'm a lesbian, their charms worked on me too."

"Oh, okay. I was a little aroused too. I know that doesn't make me a lesbian, but it was quite a different feeling. I enjoyed it."

"That's fine, sweetie. You're young, and I know we haven't talked a lot about sex. I left that up to your mother. Just be yourself and enjoy what you like and makes you feel good. It took both your mom and me a long time before we realized we preferred female companionship."

"Okay, I told Mika I was going to book the show. I think it will be fun."

"That sounds good."

The subject seemed to end there, when we got home, Sandra took a long shower. I had a feeling she was relieving herself under the warm water where I couldn't hear her. I waited until she was asleep that night, picturing Mika's tight body in various positions as I licked and suckled her, worshiping her.

The following month Sandra and her friends attended the show. It was a hit with the group, and it was all they talked about Sandra said up until the wedding. It was about two months later that the really weird thing happened.

I'd taken a day off work to get my car serviced. It needed some minor work beyond an oil change. Sandra had been out late the night before and was tucked away in her room. I got up around seven, my usual time and headed into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Before walking into the kitchen, I could have sworn I smelled coffee. I figured I was just anticipating it shrugging it off to my imagination. When I entered the kitchen much to my surprise and shock, I saw Mika leaning back against the counter sipping from one of my favorite cups.