The Studio Ch. 08


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"Oh, it wasn't a suggestion," Patty responded. "I have something for you by the way." Patty handed Lani a fairly large box. The two sat down on the couch as Lani opened it up. She peered inside and at first was at a loss for what it was. As she pulled it up, it was a black wig!

"What the fuck?" Lani slipped as she pulled the wig from the box.

"Should be the right length and color," Patty shot back as it dawned on Lani what this was about. "So, you want me to do what with this?" Lani asked looking back at Patty.

"Well, you can wear it to class and no one would know the difference," Patty reasoned.

"And when I go swimming? Sex? What then?" she responded back. "Well, you'll figure it out," Patty reasoned.

"Look," Lani started, "If you required me to do something like a small know, or maybe a piercing. Hell, maybe pierce my nipples too. Well, maybe. But I'm not shaving my head. No way," she concluded.

"That's the point sweetheart. It's not about what you're willing to do. It's what you will do. What you are required to do as our slave."

"I don't think so," Lani said as she got up and walked back to her apartment.

Walking back inside she poured another glass of Titos and drank it. She rarely drank vodka straight up but in this case, she needed it.

A few more weeks passed and Lani looked forward to flying down to see Julie for her birthday. Students had a few days for the fourth and though Julies birthday was technically a couple of weeks later, Lani and Julie would celebrate early.

Laying in bed together after their first night at Julie's parents house Lani confided what had transpired between Patty and her. "You're fucking kidding! Your hair? She wants to shave you bald!!!"

"And what about her husband. I've never done anything with a guy," Lani shot back.

"Yea, yea...but bald. That's too fucking funny! You should do it! I think you'd be hot bald!" Julie exclaimed.

"Are you serious?" Lani smirked.

"Yea, its just hair. It'll fucking grow back," Julie reasoned.

"You're as nuts as she is..." Lani smiled pushing her down on the bed and then straddling her.

"I'd do it for you," Julie smiled as she pulled Lani down on top of her and kissed her.

"You would not," Lani responded. "Yea... I would" Julie retorted.

Lani raised up in bed and flipped off on her side. "Are you serious? You'd shave yourself bald if I asked you too?" Yea," Julie said back. Her eyes locked on Lani's.

"Fuck... you're one kinky girl," Lani smiled as she kissed her. "You made me that way!" Julie shot back.

"You won't even tell your parents about us?" Lani reasoned.

"Okay, I have a deal for you. I'll tell my parents I'm gay... their daughter's a lesbian... and I'm madly in love with you, if you let Patty shave you bald and become her sex slave!"

"Their sex slave.... remember.. it's not just her....Jim too," Lani shot back.

"Their slave!" Julie corrected herself.

"You two -- breakfast is ready," Julie's dad shouted behind the door as he knocked a few times for good measure.

Lani had always liked Julie's parents Bill and Sarah. While much more conservative than her own, they had always treated Lani well and allowed Lani and Julie to stay together. But it was assumed that the two were merely close. Neither had any idea just how close!

Just as Bill was getting up from the table, Julie told her parents she had something she needed to tell them. Lani was dumbstruck and couldn't believe it was what they had discussed.

"Well, you two know Lani and I are close...really close. I mean we've been roommates and all since that first year at school, but," Julie paused for a moment as she reached out and grabbed Lani's hand. "Lani is my girlfriend... we're in love."

Julie's parents simply stared at their daughter. "Honey, what do you mean, you're in love," Sarah asked.

"I mean I love her. I'm in love with her," she replied.

Bill sat silently for a minute and then looked back at his wife, before looking back at Julie, "Are you saying..." Julie cut him off. "Yes dad. Your daughter is a lesbian and I am in love with a woman."

Lani wasn't sure who was in shock more -- Julie's parents or herself. She knew this day would come, or hoped it would, but this morning... over breakfast.

"Lani, would you excuse us. We need to talk with our daughter," Bill asked.

"No, she stays here," Julie shot back.

Bill looked at his daughter and abruptly left the table. "Well, perhaps I better go talk with your dad," Sarah said as she rose and left the table.

I cannot believe you just did that," Lani smiled. "I think your dad is going to have a stroke."

"He'll get over it. He loves me. You on the other hand. It's likely to be a long day!!!"

Later in the morning Sarah asked if Julie would ride into town with her dad to pick up some items for dinner. Julie was leery until Lani encouraged her to let her dad vent. "You two need time together."

While Julie and her dad were gone, Lani slipped into a two piece bathing suit and went out to the pool. A few minutes later, Julie's mom joined her with mimosas in hand wearing a bathing suit of her own. Perhaps a tad more modest than the one Lani had on. "That was some announcement earlier. Mind if I join you? Truthfully, I've suspected something for some time. Simply the way you two look at each other. I suppose it's always been obvious to me," Julie's mom shared.

"You knew?" Lani asked. "Well, it was more of a feeling. Maybe something I thought you two would grow out of... I did," she added.

"Wait, you had a relationship with a woman?" Lani asked.

"I'm not sure you'd define it like you and Julie. Beth and I, well, it was a few years ago. Bill and I were having a rough time. Beth was divorced from her husband, and things sort of happened one night."

"Obviously, Julie doesn't' know," Lani shared.

"No, neither does Bill. It went on for several months but it was a physical thing. I wasn't in love with her. We just needed each other. But I know the attraction women can have for each other. It's a different kind of relationship from a man...or a husband," she added as she sipped on her mimosa.

"And how are things now?" Lani asked.

"With Bill?" Julie's mom asked. "I guess not much has changed but I've made my peace."

"So, you're settling?"

"No, I know he loves me. It's just not like it was. We don't have the thing we had when we were young. But I'm okay with that," Sarah smiled.

"Here, I'll get us a refill," as she turned and walked back into the house with the empty glasses. Lani watched Julie's mom walk back into the house. It had never occurred to her that her mom might actually have had feelings for other women. She thought her a very conservative woman who would naturally frown on her daughter having same sex relations. But she seemed totally okay with it if not actually supportive.

Sarah was at the kitchen counter slicing an orange for the mimosa when she felt Lani's hands reach around her waist. "What are you doing?" she asked without turning around.

"So how long's it been since you and Bill were together?"

"I'm not sure I should answer that and really not sure its your business," she added.

"Maybe not, but life is too short to settle. It's been a while hasn't it?" Lani asked as Sarah felt Lani's head resting on her shoulder.

"A while, but I'm okay," she responded. "I think you're just getting by, pretending..."

Sarah sat the knife and orange down. It had been some time since she had felt the warmth of another body next to hers. Yes, she hugged her daughter and the occasional kiss goodnight from her husband. But just the feel of another person, another woman pressing against her.

"Lani," she began as she turned. Sarah was shocked when she turned to face Lani and found she had removed her suit. The young twenty-two year old was naked. "Lani! No!, no, no. You need to get dressed!"

Lani let her hand wander down, resting and then pressing on the front of Sarah's suit. "No Lani, we can't. We cant do this..."

Lani didn't respond, she simply kept the pressure up against the front of Sarah's suit and leaned in and kissed the side of Sarah's face. Sarah turned away but Lani kept up rubbing the front of her suit. Sarah grabbed her hand but she didn't pull it away, just grabbed it, squeezed it. "Lani...Lani, we can't..." she kept on but a little more softly and less resistance.

The young coed had been in this position before. She was no novice when it came to seduction as she moved her hand up and then into Sarah's bathing suit. She could feel her bush and the wetness just below as she let her finger slide down and then in between her lips.

"Oh God, oh my God..."

Sarah turned her face to Lani and the young girl didn't hesitate as she closed the distance allowing her lips to lock on Sarah's. In moments they were locked in a soulful wet kiss.

Lani waisted no time in unhooking Sarah's bra and letting it fall. Sarah pulled it free and didn't resist Lani as she tugged down her bathing suit bottom revealing her womanhood. Sarah had a full bush of hair which matched her hair that fell to her shoulders.

Lani dropped to her knees and drove her face into Sarah's pussy. "Oh God, yes, yes,..." Sarah moaned as Lani licked and sucked on her clit. "It's been so long, so fucking long," she admitted as she wrapped her fingers in Lani's soft black hair. "That feel's so good."

Lani spread Sarah's legs and now took her time pleasuring the woman. She took her fingers and worked them into her vagina as she sucked on her engorged clit. "That feels so fucking good. It's been so long, so very long..." Sarah groaned.

Within just a few minutes she shook, her legs almost giving out, as an orgasm tore through her body. Lani stood up and led her by the hand to the bedroom that she and Julie shared. She lay Sarah down and pressed her body to hers, kissing, licking.

Sarah flipped Lani over on her back and slid down body. Lani was shaved smooth unlike Beth who trimmed but never completely shaved. Sarah tasted another woman for the first time in several years. They had begun their affair not long after Julie went off to college leaving Bill and Sarah empty nesters.

The affair had lasted four months but eventually Sarah broke it off when Bill began to be suspicious of her constant trips into town though he never accused her of anything.

She had missed the sex. Mostly she missed Beth but she tried to keep her distance and avoid falling into a relationship from which she couldn't turn back. Now she focused on Lani, returning the same feelings she had received. She was determined to give the young girl the kind of sensation she had just experienced.

Lani moaned her approval as Sarah worked her tongue into Lani's wet pussy. She had never gone down on a shaved vagina and found she really enjoyed how smooth it was devoid of any hair or stubble. Sarah took cues from Lani and pushed several fingers into her canal as she sucked on her clit causing Lani to raise off the bed.

"Cum for me baby. Cum for me. I want to make you feel like I felt," Sarah encouraged. Lani loved how eager and aggressive Julie's mom was and in moments the young girl bucked up and down as her orgasm wracked her body.

Sarah slid up her body, their breasts mashed together as they came together in a kiss. Sarah eventually allowing her head to rest on Lani's shoulder. "I cannot believe I just made love to my daughter's girlfriend," Sarah sighed.

Lani lay there for a minute before she got up. Sarah, as if on cue started to get up to but Lani urged her to lay back down. Then retrieving the strapon from a dresser drawer, slid the harness up her leg. "What are you doing?"

"Well, we didn't actually make love," Lani responded. "Now, we're going to make love."

Sarah's eyes were wide as she looked at the cock hanging from Lani's waist. All the times she and Beth got together it was strictly their fingers, tongue, vibrators and dildos but never a strapon.

Lani slipped down on top of Sarah and guided the shaft to her pussy, Sarah gasped as the phallus worked between her lips and then in completely as Lani started moving back and forth.

"How long has it been since you were fucked?" Lani hissed as she looked down at the woman looking back up at her. "A long time. I don't know. There's been a couple of times Bill started to, and then he just stopped. I don't know. Julie was in high school l think."

"Well, I'm fucking you now. I'm gonna' fuck that pussy good," Lani gloated.

Sarah grabbed the cheeks of Lani's ass and pulled her into her as their lips met in a slow passionate kiss. "Just so you know, I fucked your daughter this morning before breakfast with this cock," Lani chuckled.

"Do you always do the fucking?" Sarah asked with a twinkle in her eye. "Most of the time! We swap occasionally but Julie likes getting laid."

"So do I," Sarah shot back.

Lani picked up her pace and Sarah met it as the two went at each other until Sarah again came. This time she grabbed onto Lani and pulled her tight. "Fuck, fuck..." Sarah cried out as she tensed and then went completely limp.

Lani pulled her cock out of Sarah and slid next to the older woman. "I can't believe we just did that."

"I'm not sure what I'm going to tell Julie," Lani countered.

Sarah was quiet. "Yes, you have to tell her, but wow, I'm not sure what's she going to say to me."

"She'll be fine. The thing is, you need to take care of yourself. When was the last time you talked to Beth? Is she seeing anybody?" Lani asked.

"We chatted at a Christmas party several months back. She came with a guy but I think they were really just friends."

"Call her. Promise me you'll call her," Lani pleaded. "I will....and thank you," Sarah said as she kissed her softly on the lips and exited the bedroom.

Later that night Julie came into the bedroom. "Dad's not happy about it but mom convinced him to let us sleep together tonight! I'm not sure how she managed to do that."

Minutes later, after relaying the events of the afternoon, Julie sat back on the bed.

"You fucked my mother!!!!! I cannot believe you seduced my mother!!! You are one crazy woman! And I love you. I love you so very much!!! But remember what we said!"

"What do you mean what we said," Lani quizzed. "I come out to my parents and you let Patty make you their sex slave! And you do everything she tells you and I mean everything including this," as she pulled on her hair.

"Oh, and one more thing," Julie added.

"What's that?" Lani shot back.

"I want it all recorded on your iPhone when she shaves you. I want to see it all and afterward we'll watch it together.

Lani simply looked at her, then closed the distance and kissed her.

As Lani held Julie in her arms that night, her thoughts raced to Patty. Not since Cheryl had anyone dominated her the way Patty had done in their last afternoon together. Patty didn't want to just dominate her, she said she and Jim would own her.

Lani reached down and felt her own sex. She was wet at the thought. As much as she was scared of what they might do, she was also excited at the possibility. Just as she had changed Sarah's life that afternoon, she was about to enter a world that would change hers.

Tomorrow she would head back to school and she would let Patty know that she was ready to accept her terms -- completely and unconditionally. As she looked over, Julie's head resting beside her, she knew she loved that girl as no other could but she also knew that she had a desire that burned deep inside. A desire that Patty and Jim would soon unleash.

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GoldustwingGoldustwing2 months ago

A nice touch with the seduction of Julie’s mum and the shaved head, looking forward to reading the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice stories. Oops! Now I absolutely love the hunt for an older straight woman, if she's a mom it's even better. I love giving them that first orgasm and receiving one back from them. Women's Lib! Haven't done any head shaving but we've shaved each others pussies, wonder what their husbands say about that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story! Keep the chapters coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Head shaving is hot hot hot. Can't wait to see Lani shaved totally smooth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow. This is hot! When will we see Melissa again ? Love your writing !!!

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