The Summer of '78


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Lauren picked that moment to lightly squeeze her butt, which caused Barbara Ann's neglected pussy to tingle. "Your round little butt is so tight!" Lauren whispered in her ear.

She knew she should move to the front, but being in the beautiful redhead's lap and feeling her hands on her just felt too good. Against her will, she snuggled a little tighter.

"Doesn't she have the cutest little feet and the most gorgeous legs you've ever seen?" gushed Kara, who had placed both of Barbara Ann's feet in her lap. "I love the dark red nail polish with your tan!"

The way Kara was looking at her increased her tingle. On key, Kara reached over, rubbed her flat stomach, and exclaimed, "Oh my! Your abs are like steel! You haven't really had three kids, have you?"

The intense scrutiny of her body parts embarrassed Barbara Ann, but their unabashed admiration bolstered her self-esteem. After all, she was older than everyone except Theo, but they all seem to see her as the most desirable.

She grinned and told them she worked out a lot.

"Yeah, wait until you see their workout facility!" Theo interjected. "Most people have a shed or something: they have a complete facility! And you can tell she uses it, too!"

"I don't want to ask how old you are, but I'm 23 and Lauren is 24, and your skin is in better shape than either of us, even though you are older and in the sun a lot more. Let me rephrase: you look younger than either of us, but we know you are older based on what Theo has told us about your past history together."

Barbara Ann frowned; Kara saw it and quickly rephrased again, "No, I mean based on how long ago you met down here! He hasn't said anything else about, you know, y'all being together or anything!" Barbara Ann could tell she was fibbing and cut a hard look at the rear view mirror; Theo's eyes were locked straight ahead.

She took another drink and tried to put her words aside, but another illicit memory was now floating around in her mind, along with Judy's. She knew both were mistakes, but at the time, they felt so right...

The fingers of Lauren's hand had been lying over the portion of her butt that remained exposed with the bottoms rolled, but now she slid them under the fabric to encompass her cheek. Barbara Ann looked over her shoulder to see if Doug was watching, but he was facing away.

This was wrong, but it felt so good she let it feed the tingle.

Kara had begun tenderly rubbing her feet, but now was using her thumbs to manipulate her tension, like a reflexologist. She hit a hot spot, and Barbara Ann moaned lightly.

Lauren handed her drink to Barbara Ann and asked her to hold it while she looked for something. She moved around a bit, but then placed her freed hand on the inside of her lap bunny's thigh. Barbara Ann tensed, but Lauren was looking around as if watching the people on the beach.

Her busy fingers, however, were discretely alternating between tracing little circles on Barbara Ann's sensitive inner thighs and squeezing them erotically.

Kara was watching Lauren's manipulations and the emerging lust on the pretty brunette's face. She moved her massage up to their pretty prey's ankle and then to the calf of the same leg Lauren was playing with.

Barbara Ann took another drink to prevent another moan, one that would disclose just how turned on she was getting.

They were nearing the pier, with Lauren's fingers caressing the cheek of her ass and her inner thigh, and Kara "working the knots out" of her calf. After being so horny for weeks, Barbara Ann was quickly succumbing to the pleasure the two beautiful young women were bringing her.

When Lauren's hand left her ass, moved slowly up her side, slipped under her arm, and squeezed her tit, it made her hard nipple ache; she stifled a telling moan and covered the hand with the arm holding Lauren's drink. She then took a drink of her own and looked into Kara's eyes.

Kara was watching her with a knowing smile; she artfully created a distraction by turning and pointing at a fisherman pulling in a shark on the pier. Lauren used that opportunity to slide her other hand up Barbara Ann's leg and press the thumb and forefinger tightly against the wet fabric covering her pussy. Kara used it to reach under her bent knees and massage the back of Barbara Ann's shapely and sensitive thighs.

The hot little lap bunny moan quietly in response, and took another drink.

A few seconds later, Theo ran over a bumpy area of sand where a paved road intersected the sandy beach road, and the bumps gave Lauren the opportunity to put her hand over her pussy and rub quite forcefully; Barbara Ann couldn't control the louder moan that escaped this time!

"Hey, be careful! We're crowded back here!" Lauren exclaimed, to cover the loud moan.

The men, quite suspiciously, were studiously ignoring their manipulations and the sounds from the back seat. They were looking around, as if fascinated by the sand dunes they were passing to their left, or the breaking waves to the right.

Barbara Ann closed her eyes and leaned into the redhead, who continued rubbing the wet fabric over her clit. Lauren blew into her ear, and then licked it. Kara's 'massage' had reached a point only inches from that same fragrant pussy, and Barbara Ann was clearly nearing an orgasmic crisis.

Lauren brought her to the very edge of climax, and then suddenly stopped rubbing her pussy and tit. She got her drink back from between Kara's legs, looked the flushed brunette in the eyes, and said "Cheers!"

She looked at Kara, back at Barbara Ann, and licked the thumb and forefinger that had been rubbing the wet pussy. She winked, and Barbara Ann's needy pussy clenched.

With Doug still looking away from them in one direction and Rod the other, Lauren pulled her pretty head the remaining few inches, whispered "You are so yummy!" and licked her ear again. Kara squeezed her hamstring and winked, then removed her hands.

Theo pulled up to the liquor store; Adrian collected money from the guys, and went inside. Barbara Ann sat quietly, still discombobulated by the raging hormones and her throbbing clit.

Theo proposed, "Why don't you move back up front now, Barbara Ann? You can hop back and torture college boys if we find anymore, but you can be more comfortable until we do."

Glad to have a reason to escape the sweet torture she expected on the ride home, she quickly agreed. Forgetting that the straps were off the top of her swimsuit and the bottoms were rolled down, she began climbing over the seat. Her luscious perfectly-shaped tits promptly fell out, right in Theo's face. She shrieked and tried to cover them up; meanwhile, Rob, Doug, and the girls were admiring her largely-exposed ass, which was laying over the seat while she struggled with getting her tits back in the top!

Kara reached up and gave her a pop on an exposed cheek, and she heard everyone in back laugh. She promptly slithered over and lay face down on the front seat, when gave Theo a look at her prime, partly bare ass as well.

She flipped around, put her feet on the floorboard, and hurriedly secured her tits in their holsters; she pulled the shoulder straps back in place, and raised her ass to roll the bottoms back up.

Once done, she stiffly took her seat in the middle, amid giggling and laughter from the four in the back, and from the leering guy beside her.

"What did I miss?" Adrian asked as he climbed back in with two sacks of booze.

"Nothing but Barbara Ann showing off a little!" Lauren crowed, and everyone but Barbara Ann burst out laughing. She pretended to ignore them, but blushed furiously, even though being exposed like that made her wet pussy throb even more!

Adrian crowded her closer to Theo; the two large men took up a lot of space, and she felt the heat of their big bodies. The smell of testosterone was as strong between the men as the estrogen had been between the women, and the sex pheromones were equally as strong. She wiggled in her seat, and wished she could grab her husband and fuck him silly -- right now!

Adrian draped his arm along the seat behind her and let his hand hang with his fingers touching her shoulder in a mildly possessive move, but the ride back was otherwise unremarkable.

Lauren and Kara were impressed with the Beach Shack from the moment they parked. They stood outside the car looking up at the building and around at its surrounding while commenting quietly among themselves.

They finally paraded up the stairs and joined the others in the Shack, where Adrian had made fresh drinks for everyone. Barbara Ann marveled aloud at how his drinks just tasted better, and again complimented him for his skills. He sluffed off her praise with pretended humility, but he couldn't hide the prideful grin. 'Men are so easy!' she thought.

When everyone had a drink in hand, Barbara Ann began 'the tour' by showing Lauren and Kara her bedroom. The men heard them laughing at the personal information she was disclosing and joined them, which stopped that conversation!

From the master bedroom and bath, she took them back into the kitchen, pointing out where the plates, glasses, and various utensils were stored. She then leaned over to open a cabinet door to show them the set of stainless steel pots, pans, and skillets she was so proud of.

Seeing her bent over, ass in the air, Theo winked at the girls, and quietly tapped the counter as he said, "This big room includes the kitchen, dining area, and living room. Lots of great parties and fantastic things have happened right here!"

Barbara Ann stood up and whipped around to face him, but he was innocently gesturing around the open area with one hand while his other lay on the counter. He then turned and pointed at the second bedroom. "Kathy and I used to sleep in this bedroom. I loved it because when I needed sustenance after a couple of rounds, I could slip out here and grab a bite. Heck, sometimes there would be a couple of us out here eating in the middle of the night!"

He looked at Barbara Ann and smiled; she blanched and hurriedly led them toward the third bedroom and the hallway to the new addition.

The men decided to stay, find some good music, and enjoy the view, so the three women were on their own for the rest of the tour.

Kara and Lauren were suitably impressed by the Shack, and were completely blown away by the new addition. As she pointed things out with great pride, they petted her, rubbed her, and otherwise showed their appreciation and affection for their new friend.

Behind her back, they winked at how accepting she had become of their touches and caresses. Tonight was shaping up to be a good one!

The men had barely noticed all the photos of her family as they toured, but the two girls made a fuss over each one. In each picture they complimented her beauty and that of her daughter, and raved about how handsome her sons look, but basically ignored her husband.

Against their will, that suddenly changed when they visited the workout room. As soon as they entered, the two girls froze in place, fixated on a poster-sized picture on the wall in front of them. Barbara Ann had taken that picture of Caelan just after he finished the final set of a trying workout. Standing, staring at her with a focused look, he was shirtless and sweat soaked, with bulging, swollen muscles standing out from his neck to his ankles, and his wet shorts clinging to his cock. The look he was giving the camera was both intimidating and decidedly erotic.

"Oh my god, Barbara Ann! Is that your husband?" Kara blurted out, pointing at the poster. Lauren was staring with her mouth open, and looked like she might swoon.

She didn't mean to, but Barbara Ann giggled; her Adonis still had the same effect on females of all ages!

"Yes, that is Caelan. Kind of a hunk with his clothes off, isn't he?"

"No wonder you are in such incredible shape! He would destroy you in bed if you weren't!" Lauren said with awe. Then she leaned toward Barbara Ann and quietly asked, "Tell me he isn't really as good as he looks!"

With a wink and a smirk she answered, "No, Lauren... he's much better!"

Kara said, "Stop that -- you're making me drip!"

Lauren said, "I've been dripping since I first saw that poster! You are one lucky bitch!"

They looked around at the equipment, and at the other photos around the room. "Don't my friends Paula and Judy kind of look like you two?" Barbara Ann asked as they surveyed a picture of them with Mark and Danny.

"I see the resemblance, but, of course, we're prettier and sexier!" Kara proclaimed.

"So, Barbara Ann, why did Theo warn you about redheads and mention Judy? There must be a story there, because you turned beet red!"

"Lauren! Don't embarrass me! That's not a story I'll tell!"

"I'll bet I can guess!" Kara exclaimed. "She got you up here and taught you how good girl-on-girl can be! Am I right?"

The deepening blush that covered her body verified Kara's 'guess.' Actually, it wasn't a guess: Theo had told them all about it in their planning sessions, and this was a great chance to take the next step, so Kara pounced.

Putting her hand on her targets bare arm, she squeezed lightly at the same time she said in a low, flirty voice said, "You know blondes are actually more fun than redheads. Have you ever tried one of us?"

Lauren disagreed. "No they aren't! That's total fiction. Everyone knows redheads are the best in bed!"

"Wrong! Ever heard the old saying 'Blondes are more fun?'"

"Hah, it's blondes HAVE more fun, not give you more fun! And that is false too!"

"That's not what you say when I'm between your legs, sweetie!" Lauren laughingly took a swipe at her.

Barbara Ann was looking back and forth as they argued, giggling at the content of their argument but alternating being appalled and turned on by it. She was older, and yet here they were arguing about which hair color could please her more!

"Okay, I have a solution!" Lauren crowed. "We'll let Barbara Ann decide!"

That got her attention and she started shaking her head and saying "No, no way! No!"

"I don't mean going all the way! I mean you give each of us a two-minute kiss, and then choose the best!"

"I'm willing," Kara stated, "because I'm sure I'll win!"

They surrounded the brunette with smiles and inundated her with pleas. "Come on, girl! It's just for fun! We won't get mad if we don't get picked."

Both were stroking Barbara Ann's body, and Lauren cajoled her in the same deep sexy voice Kara had used, "Please, Baby Girl. I know you were willing to kiss me in the car in front of everyone; here it's just us girls!"

Her heart was pounding and her pussy tingling at the idea of being kissed by the beautiful and sexy younger women, who were as tall as most men, but she was conflicted. "I'm a married woman; it wouldn't be right!"

"Didn't your husband know about Judy? He didn't ever do anything about it, did he? See, he won't mind -- we're just kissing!"

Lauren was right -- her husband did indicate he knew, but he never brought it up! He certainly didn't react like he did after her brief tryst with Theo. Still, she equivocated: "I don't know..."

Lauren turned her until they were facing. "Kara's going to turn off the lights so no one can see us, and I'm going to kiss you for two minutes. Get ready!"

The lights went off; it was darker, but the moonlight meant they could still see each other quite well. Lauren bent to kiss her; Barbara Ann closed her eyes and pursed her lips in anticipation, her heart racing and hormones churning. The pretty woman's lips were softer than a man's, and she spent a lot of time brushing against and then across her mouth and lips. Lauren's hands were kneading Barbara Ann's shoulders, then moving down and around her back; she took her by the hips, put her leg between Barbara Ann's and pulled her pussy tightly against her own leg.

Barbara Ann's nipples were again bullet shaped and bullet hard as Lauren rubbed against them. Lauren's tongue suddenly plunged deep into her mouth; her hands left her back, slid across her ribs, cupped her big tits, and then tweaked her nipples! Barbara Ann whimpered.

"I thought we were only kissing!" she murmured into Lauren's mouth.

"That wouldn't be a true test, would it?"

"One minute" Kara announced.

Lauren's hand left her tits, unhooked the top, roamed across the bare skin of her back and ribs, and returned to the now-bare titties. She manipulated and squeezed them until Barbara Ann's tongue was dueling hungrily with her own.

Lauren's mouth suddenly detached and dropped to the bare titties; one at a time, she licked the whole tit, sucked the nipple with her lips only, and then tried to suck and swallow it! Barbara Ann cried out in pain and passion.

"30 seconds."

Lauren slid her hands under the mom bikini bottoms to squeeze her ass cheeks, and then probed for her little asshole. Barbara Ann was holding Lauren's mouth on her tits, and flexing her ass against the squeezing hands. When the finger found her sensitive backdoor, she moaned quietly.


Lauren reluctantly released the turned-on sex kitten, kissed her softly, and gestured for Kara to take her place. Barbara Ann stood there, topless, breathing heavily.

Knowing her top was off, her guard was down, and her pussy was molton, Kara attacked. She gave her pretty prey a tongue-twisting French kiss while her hands pulled the bikini bottoms down below her butt, then caressed, kneaded, and pinched her ass cheeks. Barbara Ann whimpered and wiggled her hips; Kara drew back her right hand and spanked Barbara Ann's left ass cheek, hard!

"Oh!" she yelped, and Kara spanked her right cheek, and then her left again.

Her head was spinning now, and the tingle in her pussy had turned into an electrical charge. Each time Kara spanked her, it shot it up a few volts! She was moaning and whimpering into Kara's mouth, but then the mouth left and affixed itself to one of her heaving titties. "Oh, god!" the kitten proclaimed.

"One minute." Lauren announced.

Kara redoubled her efforts; spanking and rubbing her ass, sucking her titties wildly... Barbara Ann was lost in the feelings. "OOOOOOOHHHHHHH" she cried in support of Kara's efforts.

Kara dropped to her knees, and roughly pulled the bikini bottoms down around Barbara Ann's ankles while she tongued her belly button. A finger dipped from her ass into the morass dripping from her pussy, and scooped some up. It returned to her crack and wiped the slick liquid around her backdoor.

Kara's mouth dropped to Barbara Ann's barren slit and licked. "Nooooo!" she protested. "Just kissing!"

"Shhhh, Kitten. It's okay; she just wants to taste you, like I did earlier" Lauren whispered in her ear while gathering Barbara Ann in her arms. She kissed her neck while Kara kissed all around her molten pussy, and she played with her tits while Kara fingered her backdoor.

Barbara Ann leaned into Lauren's embrace and thrust her hips at Kara's mouth, wanting her tongue to lick her clitty. Lauren pinched her nipples; Kara stuck a finger inside her, covered the area around her clit with her mouth, sucked her juices, flicked her clit with her tongue, and held on while Barbara Ann climaxed with a keening cry.

Her body was shivering and shaking, her insides quaking, and Kara and Lauren were stunned by her heat and passion. Lauren was holding her sagging body up; Kara stood, put her hand on the beautiful face aglow from the orgasm, and kissed her softly.


Several minutes later a tie was proclaimed, and a promise was made that this would forever remain their secret. They walked arm-in-arm to the stairs, giggling and laughing. Kara turned Barbara Ann loose and Lauren walked her up the stairs with her arm holding her ardent friend tightly. Kara followed, and halfway up she said in a low voice, "Damn, Barbara Ann! I see why the guys like to follow you everywhere; watching those gorgeous legs and magnificent ass flex and relax makes me drip harder!"