The Summerhire

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She was temp help for the hot, hot summer.
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My life has been a series of almost but not quite since I have been thinking about it. Starting with high school where I ended up as salutatorian (a whole .017 points behind the valedictorian); to my day’s running track (seldom finishing first, but always second); to my higher education where I ended with diploma in hand and ranked third in my class; – always close, but never at the top. So it came as no surprise when I was finally offered a job with Hancock, Anderson, Olsen, and Associates that after 8 years, I was still the Associates part of the firm. True others had come and gone, but a couple had been elevated to junior partner over me. Always the same story – the managing partner would call me in to tell me the same story “Well Stan (my name for the record), you have been doing well, but Brock or Biff or whoever the hell, has been a little sharper so we have promoted him over you. No hard feeling – maybe next time. And keep up the hard work, we really appreciate it.” Yep, always the same, always right there just not the top – YET.

The Friday staff meeting was normally the end of another long week and the regular folks hated them, even the upper half. But for those of us underlings, it was really bad. Those meetings normally told of the folks who were being promoted (or not) and any tid bits we could savior over the weekend. But the meeting held on June 2nd is the one I will keep in my memory for a long time.

This particular meeting started as did all the rest with Mr. Hancock taking the floor with his normal rhetoric – “thanks for the hard work, we are looking good, yadda, yadda, yadda” and by the way, starting on Monday we will have a summer hire coming in. This is only a temp position and come September the position will be vacant. But if it works out well, we may think about having a temp position full time, as the need arises. So without further ado, I would like to introduce Samantha Thomas. Samantha, could you come in please?”

Samantha came into the room and the light grew in intensity. Here was an absolute beauty of a woman. She stood five foot seven inches tall, was well dressed in a businesswoman’s attire and she had just the right amount of make-up. Her hair was strawberry blonde in color and fell gracefully framing her face. Accentuated by high cheekbones, lips that were full but not pouty, and eyes capable of melting an iceberg and of the brightest blue I had ever seen. Her smile was both disarming, and business like with a hint of curiosity or mischief. Her presence could be seen as well as felt. A hush came over the room as Mr. Hancock let his eyes roam over the beautiful woman standing before us. I glanced around the room quickly and saw I was not the only one taken by the woman before us. Most of the others were sitting with mouths ajar or outright lust all over the place. I must admit I had a scramble going on inside my slacks as well. Seldom does a woman command such attention, yet here Samantha stood, making us all wish we were younger so we might be attractive to her as well. Little hope for me, just the lowly associate, but I could dream.

“Miss Thomas is here for the summer and will be returning to college for the fall semester. Her plans are to continue law school and specialize in civil actions and domestic problems. We wish to welcome you Miss Thomas. Stan could you show the lady to the seat next to you so she might join us for the meeting?”

My mouth was dry as I rose from my chair and tried to smile toward her. Even being older by several years I was the one having difficulty with her being close to me. As she moved in my direction at the end of the table, I saw the first of her smiles that showed a genuine friendliness. Immediately the rumble could be heard from everyone else as to where she was sitting, but it was obviously the spot where she would be most likely to fit in. Watching her walk toward me I felt that familiar stirring again in my slacks and was thankful I had worn a newer pair of jockey shorts that morning. I felt the fiber being stretched and knew I would have been embarrassed if my arousal could be easily seen. Bad enough I knew it was there.

My hand reached for hers as I pulled her chair out with my other hand. As soon as her hand touched mine I felt blood rush to my face. Her smile was one of reassurance as she gave it to me freely and glided into the chair I had provided. A polite ‘thank you’ was spoken and I heard her voice for the first time. As expected she was blessed with a wonderful voice as well.

Samantha gasped her chair on the sides as if to pull it forward and it moved easily as I assisted from the back. Again her smile and soft ‘thank you’ was music to my ears. The meeting continued and I tried to stay focused on the subjects. This account, this case, that case, that situation, were all a dull buzz in my head. Every opportunity I got I found myself glancing toward Samantha. Well dressed to be sure, but still with so much to hide, not all could be concealed by her clothing. The skirt portion of her suit had moved upward and even with only mid thigh showing, the sight was very pleasing. As my eyes scanned over the material of the hose covering her legs and ended with the starting of the bottom hem I was in awe of her. The skin appeared so soft and smooth, yet firm, whether by youth or exercise or both I knew not. But the sight was stimulating as apparent by the small mound at my front. Comfort was not the issue as my member strained to rise. I found myself moving this way and that trying to gain some relief, but no use. Finally I gave up and decided to just move further under the table. Another mistake unfortunately. As I moved forward the bottom of the table was lower than thought and grabbed me causing the mound to grow upward. I was trapped with nowhere to go, so I sat, hoping Samantha would not look down.

My eyes moved upward, fearing she was looking in my direction and hoping she was looking as well. Slowly my gaze traveled upward, over the bottom of her coat, up over the swell of her breasts, flashes of material showing between the buttons of her blouse, to her neck, so smooth and soft, to her face, without blemish or mark, and finally to her eyes. When I focused she was glancing downward at my lap and as if she knew I was looking her eyes darted upward to catch mine before I turned away. Blood rushed forward to my face and caused a sudden shrinking of my member, a good thing, but bad in that anyone looking in my direction would know something had embarrassed me. Hopefully no one would know just what.

Finally I returned my eyes to her face and found she had an almost sympathetic look and concern written there. Immediately I felt better, this goddess had made me feel comfortable, even if we could never mention the situation again.

The clock moved fast and slow at the same time. Meetings always move slowly, but the fact that I was next to the goddess made it move quicker. Then at 5:15 p.m. the meeting finally ended. I was about to speak to Samantha as a person and not as the guy at the end of the table when Mr. Hancock spoke up, “Miss Thomas, could I see you in my office for a moment to take care of a couple of personnel issues?”

“Yes sir. I’ll be right there.”

She turned and walked away and I watched as her movements caused all conversation to stop in her wake. Every eye in the room watched as she went by. Comments could be heard under the breath of many and nearly every male in the room completed obvious ‘adjustments’. When she disappeared through the double doors a combined ‘whew’ went up. Comments such as “you see that ass?” “What a rack!” and others bounced off the walls. Then there was the one that made me angry with others, and myself “Hey Stan, get a good whiff and cheap feel from down there? Makes me wish I were just an associate again.” The last comment came from Doug, a junior partner who had been promoted ahead of me.

I left for my little office and gathered my things up. Just then I saw the Anderson file on my desk with a note for some research to be done. Needed ASAP (aren’t they all?), so I put my things down and went to the library to get the materials for the case. Not much to do, but then again it was my job and one I did very well. Within 45 minutes I had the items together and went for the door once more.

Walking down the hall to the elevator I heard the faint clicks of a ladies pair of shoes. I turned the corner and saw Samantha walking toward me. Still the picture of professionalism, but a bit different. As we drew nearer it was obvious she was upset. Then at the elevator she paused and looked toward me, a smile coming to her face as easy as rain falling from the sky. But the smile could not over shadow the redness of her eyes. She had been crying. I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her but knew she would be made to feel even more uncomfortable. Instead I waited for her to speak. Finally she did.

“Guess you are wondering why my eyes are red, right?”

“Actually Ms Thomas, it is none of my business, but since you mention it, yes, I am wondering why such an attractive woman appears to have been crying on her first day at work.”

“Well, first off, please call me Sam. Second I just got off the phone with my ex-boyfriend, Stephen. He told me it was the biggest mistake I had ever made to leave him and he would see to it that everyone at my new job knew just what type of woman I was. That he would even call the CEO and tell him I was nothing but a cheap whore that relied on my looks and talents ‘out of the office’ to get me where I wished to be.”

I could tell she was really upset about it so I offered with a half smile, “Well, I can say I would be upset also if you had left me. But for the record, I am NOT someone who can advance you in the company, so you AND your reputation are safe as long as I am around.”

I smiled as innocent of a smile as I could and hoped she would see the humor (as intended). Her look at first told me she had not, then as the logic took hold; she smiled a brilliant smile that shook me to the core.

“All-right Stan, guess you are the lucky one tonight then. I am out to prove I do not sleep with men just to get to the top.”

I knew she meant it differently than it sounded, that she would be sleeping with me tonight, just to prove someone wrong, but the thought went into my head and stayed there. The effect was almost instantaneous as a bulge began to appear in my slacks once more. I smiled a weak smile and opened up my arm a little and she quickly moved her own arm inside of it. A friendly touch, but the most I had had with this beautiful of a woman in my entire life. I was ready to take on the world.

Arm in arm we went toward the parking area just making idle chit chat. We ended up beside her car, a small and cute import. I immediately held her door and resisted the urge to watch her get in. Once inside she reached for the door but I made sure I closed it for her. Another beautiful smile was my reward. Then the voice, “Thanks for listening Stan, I really appreciate it, and the escort. No telling what menace was lurking out there waiting for me.”

I smiled back, “my pleasure. See you tomorrow.”

With that she drove off into the night. I looked around, found my older model Volvo and got in. Not the best looking car, but very reliable. I drove home with a new focus and renewed interest in the firm. I actually was going to enjoy working there, for a while anyway.

The weekend flew by as I had made plans to get the car maintenance done as well as take in an art exhibit by a local artist named Samuel Parkerton. Very interesting stuff – NOT when you do it alone. Anyway the weekend drew to a close and I was looking forward to the week. Monday morning I arose and decided it was time to do something with my couch potato body. Not that I was a blob or anything, but I could be in better shape. I selected a nice outfit for the day and packed my gym clothes. May as well take advantage of the free membership we had through the firm. With a spring in my step and a smile on my face I went to work and had to suppress a whistle as I walked.

A good day is any day you do not get called on the carpet. That was the old Stan thinking. The new Stan decided a good day was any day I could see Samantha, oh yes, Sam. I wondered what she would be wearing and what perfume she may have on? Where she would be working and for whom? Would she be as friendly today as she was last Friday? Or was she just looking for a friend because of the day and I was handy? Time would tell.

I had just parked and gotten out of my car when I heard her voice. “Stan. Over here.”

I looked over and there she was, walking toward me at a rapid pace. Her heels clicking and her smile beaming. Guess that answered the friendly part and if it would carry over. My feet rose off the ground, almost.

“Good to see you Sam. Good weekend?”

“I guess. Sure wished I could have remembered your last name or had you number. I would have loved to go see the Parkington exhibit this weekend, but didn’t want to go alone. A real shame too. I heard it was wonderful.”

I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at her. She for her part stopped walking and looked right at me. “What’s wrong Stan? Did I say something I shouldn’t have? What?”

My voice slowly came back to me – “Actually I went to the exhibit this weekend, if you mean the Samuel Parkerton art display. And I must say,” I paused for effect, “it was boring.”

“What? You went? No, tell me you are kidding me! You are kidding me, there is no way it would have been boring.”

I smiled as my lips trembled “it was boring, but only because I went by myself. Otherwise, the show was wonderful.” Again a long pause, “you do know they held it over another week? The response was too good.”

Another long pause and then the nerves subsided, “I don’t suppose you would accompany me next weekend, to see the exhibit?”

Her eyes lit up once more, “I would love to. Its’ a date.”

With that she reached over and gave me a quick peek on the cheek and my heart skipped so many beats I thought I would collapse right on the spot. But I held my ground and we continued into the office.

A date! I was going on a date! With a beautiful woman no less. How much better could it get?

We walked into the building together and chatted like we were the best of friends. I could feel the eyes on us as we walked by several of the offices. The partners and secretaries alike were all abuzz. I loved it, but Sam seemed to pay no attention at all. When we came to my cubical I stopped and thanked Sam for walking in with me. It was as I was putting my little gym bag down that she caught the type of bag it was.

“So, what’s the gym stuff for? You are not going to tell me you have your lunch in there, right?”

She giggled a little at her own humor. I smiled back and told her of the gym membership we had at the club two doors down. The bag was brought in to remind me later in the day. I figured if I went all the way outside and then saw the bag it would stay in the car and the gym would be in my rear view mirror. May be the case anyway, but this way I would have to look at it all day and then maybe even go down.

“Maybe one of these days I can bring my stuff and we can go together? Could we maybe do that, or do you have to be a full employee or something?”

“Actually you are required to be a full employee, but hey, you can come as my guest. No one would say anything I am sure. Besides, gyms are a lot like bars, right? Young good looking women get in regardless of membership.”

“So, you think I’m young and good looking?”

I blushed a little but tried my best to sound more confident. “As a matter of fact it is considered a fact that you are both, yes.”

“Well, who am I to argue, but I did not go to college right out of high school. I did several things for a couple of years before starting. So, chances are I am close to your age. What do say to that?”

Restraint never was a strong point of mine. I almost laughed out loud. Here I was nearing 38 and she was maybe 23 or 24. “Why thank you, but I think the age thing is a little further off than you think, but you do get high marks for trying.”

Sam giggled and said she had to get to work.

I watched as she walked away, her skirt moving back and forth as she did so. I felt the heat on my back so when she was out of sight, I turned and found a couple of the staff just staring. The grins on their faces indicated a lot, but just in case it was lost, one commented, “Damn, if she’ll talk to him, just think what she would do with a partner.”

Yep, always the dig so I just returned to my desk to get to work. I had been at it for a nearly four hours when my buzzer went off.

“Stan here.”

“Stan, this is Sam, what would you say to having lunch with me today? I really have no idea where to go and despite all the offers, I would prefer someone of intelligence to take me. What do you say?”

My mouth fell open I know. I regained enough control to ask when and she said, how about now? Looking at the clock and at my work I knew I was well ahead of schedule so I agreed. She made some sort of sound and then said see you in 5 minutes at the cooler. She hung up and all I could do was smile.

Sure enough we met and had a wonderful lunch at the small deli across the street. Maybe it was my imagination, but I just knew all the men in the place were staring at Sam. Her outfit for the day was a summer style dress, flowing and a bit on the thin side, but she had on a chemise and a half-slip. Nothing was showing, but she still received all the attention. I felt like the cock of the walk so to speak, if anyone even noticed.

Sam told me about her life in high school. A cheer leader of course, but she was also on the debate team, a member of all the academic clubs, was student council vice president and numerous other things to try and show she was not just all looks. Then after school she had tried several things before going back to college. She had worked at Wal-Mart and even tried her hand at being a secretary. That had ended badly as she was never taken seriously because of her looks. The ladies thought she was just a bimbo and the men thought she was there to find a husband or at least a sugar daddy. So she had finally turned to law as a way to prove herself and to be able to legally take care of any problems she had in the future with problem men or women. Smart lady.

I told her about myself, always in second or third place, the missed promotions and so forth. She then asked me something I was not expecting.

“Do you have anyone special in your life Stan?”

“No, but why do you ask?”

“Well, we are going to the gym together I hope tomorrow, we are having lunch today, and we are going out on Saturday. I would hate to step on any ones toes.”

“No, there is no one. Has not been for some time I guess. I was always told that I had champagne taste and beer looks, so I figured it was best to not bother, rather than compromise.”

“So am I a compromise Stan?”

Silence filled our little area. I was too astonished to even speak for a few seconds. Finally I was about to speak when my beeper went off. As a gopher I was ‘allowed’ to wear one. Actually it only meant that someone higher needed something and I was the one selected to get it. I read the message and told Sam I had to go. She looked so disappointed but at least we were finished with the meal.

We were half way back before I remembered her question. Walking in the middle of the cross walk I stopped and reached out my hand. She paused and then offered hers tome. Taking it in my hand I used my most sincere voice and tried to look into her eyes.