The Summoner


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"I didn't know where you were." I wheezed hoarsely. "I ran around both of the floors upstairs looking for you, and was just rushing down here when you zapped me the second time."

Her frown disappeared and was replaced by a thoughtful look. "I guess we've just discovered a flaw in the system, and that one's on me." She finally offered. "Okay," She then continued after another long thought. "Here's the deal then. Whenever I want you when we're apart, I'll give you two minutes to find me after the first summons, three minutes if one of us is outside, before moving onto a more persuasive level." She stopped for a second, considering, "And after that, if there's still no response, I'll give you another two minutes before ... " She continued as she glanced down purposely at the remote, Her finger hovering lightly over the bottom button.

I winced, and then readily agreed. "That seems more than fair." I acceded.

"Good, it's settled then." She concluded.

A horrid thought suddenly occurred to me. "What if I'm on the john?" I implored.

Her mouth curved up into a small smile. "Then I guess that you're going to need to learn how to do your business in a hurry." She answered, with now a definite gleam in her eye.

Trust, with just the right amount of fear.

"Now, let's get back to why I summoned you here." She continued. "The water pump on the washer isn't working right, and I can't get the laundry done"

Clearly a job for an engineer. I set right to it, and had it fixed and running as good as new in a couple of minutes.

"Perfect." She complimented. "As I'm getting this next load of clothes in, can you get the clean ones out of the dryer, fold them, and put them away please."

"Right away." I said.

She beamed in response.

That night we enjoyed our most intense love making in ages. It began with my prolonged worship of Her divine derriere, followed by an exquisite gift of Her sitting on my face where I imbibed copious amounts of Her delicious orgasmic nectar to my heart's content. Finally, She rode me long and hard until I was permitted my one own awe inducing release. She had not been bothered or impeded in any way by the presence of the device, and even commented later that She rather relished the small lock tickling Her clit as She rocked back and forth.

For the rest of that weekend She experimented frequently with the use of the device in a wide variety of situations, and became more and more satisfied and impressed with it, as I never came close to Her first level deadline. She continued to do so often over the next month, but then progressively less when she noticed that I was beginning to be much more focused and do far more on my own initiative, and even anticipate and take care of Her needs before She had to ask. As time went on, we also both became aware that our arguments and any anger She would have at me had become almost non existent. We still disagreed at times, but it was now only about differing opinions, no longer due to my lack of attention or performance. By the end of the third month She found that the only time She was using it was when we were in different areas of our property and She had need of me right away.

One surprising area where She discovered increasing utilization for it however, was in the bedroom. One night during intercourse, in between my rhythmic thrusts, I was startled by a first level zap. My involuntary twitch inside her not only accentuated Her pleasure in itself, but She was also delighted by the muffled buzz that She also felt. She was much less enamored with Her test of this at a second level jolt however, finding that while my increased jerk was somewhat more pleasurable, the accompanying electrical current was far more uncomfortable for both of us, so She never tried that level again. Still, She came to revel in Her use of the first level button, often and fully at Her whim, and it became a mainstay in our sexual trysts. It also led to a significant modification in the device which I later incorporated.

After six months, both of us were in total agreement that my idea, concept, and the device itself were all an unqualified success. For us. It was at that point that She sat me down one night to pitch Her own proposal. My Wife is an executive in a large marketing firm, and She told me that night that She honestly believed that our product could be a very lucrative seller in the internet world. I immediately pointed out the difficulties that I saw in that, to be useful and effective, each ordered one would have to be precisely measured and custom made. She responded that She was sure that I could handle that, and the time and work effort involved would be reflected in the price which we would ask.

"This will be a specialty Boutique item for a very discerning clientele." She explained. "if marketed correctly, I have no doubt that there will be a very profitable demand." She exuded confidently. "I know it won't appeal to everyone, but I would like it to be available for others to work as magically as it has for us."

I couldn't help but be drawn into her excitement, in no small part I'm sure by my own ego as it was my creation that She was extolling. As an almost ingrained mindset in my profession, I had obtained a patent on my schematics, which now would serve us in good stead if we went ahead with this. She went on to explain how She would set up a dedicated website with an exuberant advertising presentation that would entice even the most jaded. Swept up in Her vision I bought in completely, and She set about to put it all in motion.

I was less than thrilled however when I eventually learned what the 'advertising presentation' would entail. It would be a glossily produced, voiced over video detailing and demonstrating the device, much as I had done when I had first shown it to her. The only problem, from my personal point of view, was that the only available model for the video, and appropriate one she would point out, was me. Over my feeble protestations, She assured me that I would be wearing one of those full leather head masks, so that I would be completely anonymous. This didn't completely console me, as other than the device, that would be the only thing I would be wearing. In the end, Her enthusiasm 'convinced' me, and it was game on.

It took a while for Her to arrange for, and set up the production materials for the shoot. Two weeks later our living room looked like a mini movie set, with backdrop screens, arc lights, and a fully mounted video camera. I stood to the side, totally naked except for the leather face mask. As I waited, I was quaking inside. Although the hood would protect my identity, I couldn't help but feel as if I was just another piece of production equipment to be incorporated into my Wife's creation. I felt exposed, used, humiliated. But I also felt, in a very strange way that I could not deny, ... enthralled.

My Wife would do the voice over off screen for the entire video. She had shot some initial footage as an introduction using a model who was a friend and whom She had worked with before at her agency. The scene was at a poolside on a lovely sunny day. The model is reclining with her legs up on a chaise lounge. A long sheer robe mostly covers her one piece bathing suit. She wore large sunglasses and a wide brimmed sun hat, both of which served to obscure any identifiable facial features, which was part of the deal. She sips a long, cool drink through a straw, and the overall effect is stunning as my Wife begins her script.

"Ladies, does your husband, boyfriend, submissive, or slave, not give you all the attention you so richly deserve? Is his work performance in your service lacking or inadequate? Does he not meet your exacting standards in any way? If so, then we have the item that can be the answer to any and all of these annoying deficiencies, and can transform your life."

The scene with the model then fades, to be replaced by a stand alone shot of the device, as my Wife's narration continues.

"This is The Summoner. Its name describes its most common, every day use, but it can, and be so very much more. It is a remotely controlled, electronic stimulator and goad, that will have your boy jumping to your 'zap and call' at all times. But this is not your Momma's old fashioned, big and bulky, barely able to use cock shock collar. This is a sleek, state of the art, unobtrusive device that, except for periodic supervised removal for cleaning, is specifically designed for long term, even permanent use. It can be worn anywhere, any time, unnoticed unless expressly ordered and authorized."

The video now pans in on the apparatus, and my hands enter into the frame. As I silently point to each of the different components, She describes their composition and function much as I had to Her when it all began. The camera then pans back to reveal me in all my glory, with the black hood as my only apparel. It then slowly zooms back in as She offers a step by step guide as I apply it to myself. When I finally lock it into place, I hold out the key toward the camera as if to her.

"And once securely locked in place, it is impossible to be removed, except by the key and the keyholder. But that is only the setup, Ladies. Now for the fun and functional part."

The video once again fades to a new image; that of the remote controller.

"This is your remote control, each one uniquely programmed to its own unit." A feature I was able to add with a small additional chip in the circuitry. "It fits in the palm of your hand and can be carried in a pocket or belt clip, or easily in a purse or pocketbook for any desired use outside the home. It has a range of a hundred yards in any direction, which should satisfy most domestic situations."

She then continues. "As you can see, the remote has four different buttons." The camera now ranges back to me, standing in the middle of the room, the device in place upon me, as She explains each use. "The top one produces a gentle two second buzz, which while not uncomfortable, will clearly alert him that his presence, both mentally and physically, even if he is away from you, is immediately required. This is the summoning signal."

And with the camera full on me, I suddenly twitch and bend forward a bit at the hips for the two seconds.

"This will usually suffice in bringing him to you post haste for your bidding. If for some reason it does not, or if you find his response to be laggard or in any way unacceptable, the next button down will be far less pleasant, and will more certainly spur things forward more to your liking."

With the camera still on me, my entire body now jerks and spasms for a second, and I actually take a small involuntary hop.

"If, for some inexplicable reason, this level does not produce your desired result, there is then the bottom button, which when used might lead the device to be more aptly called 'The Enforcer'. Once used, I truly doubt it will ever be needed again, unless you so like it for other purposes."

This last phrase she had added to possibly expand our potential purchasing public, although we both viewed such a use with distaste. We were, however, trying to advance a business.

While the demonstration of the first two levels had been genuine and real, we had agreed that I would fake, as realistically as possible, the effects of the highest level. I had thought that the mere memory of it was seared into my psyche enough to bring it off. Still, it took four takes though before She was satisfied that my anguished yelp, which she would include in the audio, was sufficiently believable, as I pitched forward onto my knees clutching and clawing at my genitals.

"And so, Ladies, you've now seen how this wonderful unit can help you ensure prompt and perfect service. But we also think that it should never be all work and no play. With that in mind, we have added an extra feature, activated with the side button, that we call Dance Mode."

This was the latest modification that I had incorporated into the device several months earlier. When activated by pressing the side button, it produced a series of fairly rapid but irregular pulses, set between the first and second power levels. While any individual pulse was not particularly potent and never painful, the cumulative effect and rapidity of the pulses soon had one jumping and jerking as if doing a little jig. It continued as long as the button was held down. Offscreen, my Wife pressed. Before long, on camera, I was helplessly hopping to and fro, almost hilariously so, at least to those viewing for whom it would be intended.

"As you can see, with this mode you can always have your boy dancing to your tune for your amusement. And if you so wish, for the entertainment of your friends as well."

Fortunately, She only kept it going for about 30 seconds as She narrated. In reality She was not particularly enamored with this feature for its named purpose, and had only tried it once before as such. But She had found a place for it where She did immensely enjoy its use ... in the bedroom. It soon replaced the first level zing during our lovemaking. She would utilize it in short bursts to stimulate even greater passion and performance leading up to our combined culmination. But She also especially appreciates it after I am spent. Following our usual soaring duel climax, even after my ejaculation the ring keeps me enticingly engorged and erect for an extended period for her further enjoyment. She remains straddled atop me, my manhood now mechanically kept rigid and buried deep within Her, twitching and throbbing involuntarily by the leisurely flick of Her finger on the remote, always bringing Her further waves of exquisite pleasure, and very often leading Her onto yet another exuberant, soul satisfying orgasm, after which she finally slides off me to drift into a very contented sleep, nestled within my arms.

"For the more adventurous, there are many more exciting uses for it which we're sure you will discover." She added.

The video would now fade back to the model lounging by the pool, continuing to sip her drink, the remote in her other hand resting on her lap.

"As we're certain that you all can now see and agree, The Summoner can be an essential part of providing that 'spark' to your relationship which can help it become all that you want, and need it to be."

She then goes on to explain the pricing and all of the minutia of ordering. This all, and the entire narration, She would edit into the finished product later. My role in the video was now over, and She turned off the camera.

As She did so, I remained standing, rooted in the center of the room. It all suddenly came crashing down upon me. Would this be the only way, flimsy mask and all, that I would ever and forever be seen and marked by any and all in the eternal cloud? Despite what I now knew to be my inner essence, was this all that I had become, and am? My insides continued to quiver like jelly.

My Wife shut off the arc lights, and then came over to me. She stood before me, gazing at me intently. Though the mask concealed the emotions roiling furiously within me, somehow, She knew. She wrapped Her arms around me and hugged me tightly, for I will never remember how long. Finally, She pulled away and softly brought Her hands up to unzip and remove the hood. She guided me to the couch, and gently pushed me down on my back upon it. She knelt down in front of me and brought Her face to my groin, still, as always, in the grip of Her Summoner. She then proceeded to reward me with the most exquisite oral experience I had ever had.

She began with the tip of Her tongue, exploring the entire expanse of my sac, paying special attention to the areas around the metal band nestled between my now rapidly retracting testicles. With slightly more tongue She slowly moved up the underside of my shaft, finally reaching the head, which She then enveloped with Her lips, and swirled Her tongue lusciously around it, eliciting from me an almost anguished groan. Her lips then pressed lovingly up and down my super erect pole, again and again and again, with increasing speed and ardor, until She sensed that I was about ready to erupt. She abruptly stopped, and now in a different and more agonizing way I twitched and throbbed helplessly before Her. She repeated this process a number of excruciating times more, bringing me ever closer but never over the brink, as I began to gasp and pant and beg and plead. But She would only chuckle each time that She ceased. As She continued yet another sublime onslaught, I did not know if I could any more survive such sweet torture, and my hands clawed so hard at the sides of the sofa that I feared that my fingers might begin to bleed. It was only then that She suddenly took me fully into Her mouth. With the full length of Her tongue She furiously laved my manhood as Her head bobbed frantically up and down. And I was no longer a sentient, rational human being, but rather a raving, rutting animal, as I exploded uncontrollably into Her mouth.

Unlike in the past when She had gifted with oral, where She would pull away immediately to let her hand finish the job and let my spray fall where it may upon me, this time She continued to suck and slurp, while Her fingers lovingly massaged my proffered jewels, as if trying to coax every last exquisite spasm, and extract every last drop of my spew. But She did not swallow. When She was satisfied that I was completely spent, She rose and brought Her lips up to mine. She opened them as I did mine, and our tongues twirled passionately together as She imparted to me my share of my seed. Our lips and tongues finally parted, and we each then swallowed our own measure of that treasure.

She then lay down upon me and rested Her head on my shoulder. After allowing long moments to collect ourselves, She whispered in my ear that while we would always be husband and Wife, we were now also partners in business, and would always share equally in the spoils of its success. Her promise had just been sealed with that special kiss.

During the next two weeks we put the finishing touches and polish on the video, and set up the website. I had been of the opinion that our proposed asking price of $999.00 was far too high. The cost to us for materials was under $100 per unit, and would become significantly less if we were able and needed to buy in bulk. It initially took me between two to three hours to assemble a device once I had the measurements, and it would be much less time on each if I could do a number at one time. It just seemed to me that the price was unnecessarily inflated and would needlessly discourage sales.

Nonsense, my Wife insisted. Ours was a custom made, personalized product, which was designed for a select and astute clientele, and the very price itself would further reflect and attest to its quality, value and worth. It would find it proper patrons, She assured. As is most often the case, Her arguments won the day.

As we launched the site, our emotions were mixed between tremulous anxiety; me, and giddy excitement; Her. There was no activity for the first week, and as this continued well into the second, my Wife did begin to fret a bit. Then, at the end of the second week we received our first order. We immediately sent out instructions for the precise anatomic measurements needed, and by the time that first finished unit was being shipped, we had received orders for two more. At the end of the third week we had another four, and by the end of the first month, there was a total of twelve.

In the middle of the second month we got our first online review. It was an extraordinary rave, extolling the many virtues of The Summoner. Our sales spiked even more after that. By the end of the third month we were averaging this under 30 orders a month, and by six months well over 50, and every minute of my 'free' time was being spent on our enterprise. Given its apparent success and my increasing difficulty in keeping up with all the demand, I took the plunge and quit my day job to devote myself fully to the production end of our burgeoning business.