The Sweet Slut In Training Ch. 02


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She returned the lusty looks from men and critical frowns from women with the same glowing smile that had earned her compliments all her life. She looked right back into their eyes with her own shimmering jewels, trusting the pretty, confident, light-up-the-room face that had always been her best feature. Of course, a lot of the looks were going to what most of the guys considered her best features -- her ass and her legs. They were displayed brilliantly in this outfit and most of the men didn't even try to hide their obvious interest and appreciation.

Nelson was smiling, nodding to familiar faces, leading Valarie to the bar. He got them both a drink and they continued mingling. They bumped into acquaintances and he introduced Valarie with pride in his voice, treating her with all the respect of a princess. A star, Valarie reminded herself, be a star. She greeted everyone with her sparkling eyes and warm smile, shaking hands and complimenting other women on their glamorous dresses. She was witty, charming and graceful.

"You're doing great," Nelson whispered to her as he led her to their assigned table.

He introduced her to the others at the table -- four other couples. Two of the woman looked openly hostile toward her, but the other two were civil, one of them even complimenting her earrings. For the most part, Valarie ate quietly, listening to Nelson and the other men swap fishing stories and discuss the woes of the local baseball team. She ate carefully, trying to make sure she got nothing on her dress.

As Nelson had promised, the food wasn't great and the speakers were boring. But after dinner, a live band started playing jazz and everyone started drinking and dancing.

"Come on," Nelson said. "Let's check out the silent auction stuff. I need to bid on something. We write a big enough check every year, I suppose, but I still feel like we need to contribute whatever we can."

They walked up and down the rows of tables, looking at the trips and expensive wines and other valuable items that had been offered up. Gaining confidence now, Valarie started leaning over the items, pretending to read the descriptions, study the bids or look more closely at an item. What she was really doing was showing off for Nelson and anyone else who was watching, which, as had been the case practically all day, was any man in the vicinity. As she bent over at the waist, she knew her dress was riding up, showing about half of her ass cheeks and, if the angle and lighting were just right in the now dimly lit dance hall, a peek at her barely covered pussy. Her long legs looked lean and toned, she knew, in her heels.

"Do you ever submit anything for the auction?" Valarie asked.

"No," Nelson said.

"You should sometime," she said.

Nelson looked around, smiling as if he just had a great idea. He noticed all the men looking at her, but instead of lust in their eyes, he suddenly saw dollar signs. Most of the men were here with their wives, but some were here with dates they didn't really want to be with or had come stag. There would be enough, he knew.

"That's a great idea," he nodded. "Let's do it right now."

"Now?" Valarie asked. "But what could you have to ...." It dawned on her what he had to offer. Her.

"Now, don't worry, I'm not going to prostitute you," Nelson said. "But I think we can let someone have a little fun in exchange for a big check to a good cause."

"Whatever you want," Valarie said, the words leaving her mouth before she had time to think about what she was agreeing to. He outlined it to her quickly.

"Do you think they will like that?" she asked. "I mean, it's pretty racy for a formal crowd."

"Someone will write a big check," Nelson said. "That's all this big crowd really cares about. And we write a big enough one they will listen to us."

He found one of the board members and laid out what he wanted to offer. The man looked at Valarie approvingly. "Are you sure you're up for this, my dear?"

"Anything for such a good cause," she smiled back.

"OK. Well, let me get my camera."

Five minutes later, a new auction item was added to the table. The item displayed was a picture of Valarie in her barely there white dress. Underneath, it said: "For bid, the Valarie experience. Winner gets to remove Valarie's panties and keep them. Winner receives one slow dance with Valarie and a kiss from Valarie. Winner gets to take up to 10 photos of and/or with Valarie. Minimum bid: $1,000."

"Do you really think someone will pay that much for ... me?" Valarie asked.

"I know it. Just watch."

Valarie and Nelson stood near the bar, sipping their drinks, watching as first one man, then others started gathering around the bid table. Valarie was stunned to see several of them making bids. She had assumed no one would bid and nothing would happen. Now, she realized, she would be paying up very soon. The auction was almost over.

The winner was a young man about Valarie's age. He was a bit chubby, but not altogether unattractive. "I'm Jeff," he said, introducing himself to Nelson and Valarie.

"Very nice to meet you, Jeff," Valarie said. "Thank you for bidding on me. I'm flattered."

"You're beautiful," Jeff said. "I would have kicked myself if I hadn't bid. So, um, where do we go to do this?"

"Right here," Nelson said.

"I get to.... Right here?"

"Yes. Valarie, why don't you show him his first prize?"

Valarie looked around, aware that circle of men was beginning to form. She took a deep breath and tugged her dress up the rest of the way over her ass cheeks. She hooked her thumbs in the straps of her g-string. "They're all yours," she teased. Then, biting her lip and pouting sexily, she said, "but I can't get them off by myself. Can you please help me?"

Men were groaning and offering assistance and Jeff beamed as he knelt down in front of her. With shaky hands, he grabbed the straps of her g-string and slid them down her thighs. The silky material clung stubbornly inside her ass cheeks and to her moist pussy, but gradually gave way. As it did, Jeff licked his lips and Nelson slowly tugged Valarie's dress back down over her ass cheeks.

Valarie stepped out of the underwear and Jeff stood up, waving it triumphantly to the group of onlookers, grown, professional men in tailored suits whooping and hollering like frat boys now.

"Care to dance," Jeff asked Valarie, holding out his hand.

"Of course, kind sir," she said, taking his hand and placing it around her waist.

On the dance floor, Jeff kept his hands on Valarie's hips and she had her arms around his neck. She whispered in his ear, "You can grab my ass if you want."

Jeff didn't need any further encouragement, quickly running his hands down her hips and cupping her ass. He gave her firm cheeks a little squeeze as their feet moved slowly to the music. Valarie knew everyone was watching them dance, could see her pressed closely to him, could see his hands on her ass and her not resisting. They could see him reaching lower, touching the bare flesh of the bottom curve of her ass cheeks, his fingers just inches now from her exposed pussy. Her nipples were hard now and she could feel them pressing against his chest. Everyone would be able to see them as soon as the song was over and they'd see her excitement and know she was aroused. Jeff surely already sensed that, from her hard nipples and the telltale dampness of the g-string that was stuffed in his pocket. He had to know. He was aroused too, she could tell. His cock was hard and pressed against her belly. She thought about Nelson's cock, about making it hard too.

The dance ended and Valarie gave him a big kiss on the mouth, not denying his tongue's entrance into her mouth. She felt his cock lurch against her and suddenly felt a pang of guilt to have made him so hard without offering him a release. But that wasn't part of the deal. They went back to the bar and the board member who had helped them before offered his camera to Jeff.

"Take the pictures and I'll give you the memory card to do with as you please," he said.

Valarie looked around for Nelson, but didn't see him. She knew he wouldn't be far away.

They stood before a curtained backdrop that had been used for the photos of the top fundraisers and volunteers. First, Jeff took pictures of Valarie posing for him, cupping her breasts playfully, sucking on her finger, bending over a table, straddling a chair. Then, he had the board member take pictures of her kissing Jeff on the cheek, him standing behind her, cupping her breasts, her bent over the table, with him behind her, hands on her ass. Finally, he had her stick her tongue in her mouth and make a fist with her hand as if she were offering him a blowjob, looking at him with her sparkling, naughty eyes. Then, for the last picture, he had her kneel down in front of him, his bulge noticeable in his pants as she licked her lips and put her hands on his belt buckle.

"Those are great!" he said, thanking her. Valarie stood up and smiled back at the group of onlookers, laughing, letting them know she was having fun. Kill them with sweetness, she thought. She was just giving Jeff a farewell peck on the cheek when she felt a hand grab her wrist. It was Nelson. He looked serious and started leading her through the crowd, not roughly, but quickly. They exited the banquet hall and entered a large concourse. Nelson looked behind them. There were a few people in the concourse, milling about, but not money. He led Valarie to a small door, grinning now. Valarie was too. On the door it said, "Janitorial Service." He wagged a key in front of her, then opened the door. Valarie scurried inside, Nelson right behind her.

Within seconds, her dress was around her waist, her legs were around his waist and he was all the way inside her. He pinned her to the wall with his hips and he grabbed at her dress, pulling it until her nipples were poking out of two of the holes. He immediately started tweaking and pulling them, then put them in his mouth while he put his hands under her ass and started lifting her up and down. Valarie seldom made a lot of noise during sex, but she was breathing hard now, groaning with each hard thrust. Nelson, too, was grunting. They bumped into trash cans and stacks of paper towels and bottles of cleaning supplies, creating a racket and drawing a small crowd outside the door.

Valarie had her legs and arms wrapped around Nelson, clinging to him tightly, molding her body to his. Valarie had never really cooled down after her orgasm with Coco. In fact, she'd be on edge, aroused, ready to go all day. Every second of the day had revolved around sex in some way shape or form and the sum total of the evening's events had made her every bit as horny as Nelson. She came suddenly, a quick shriek followed by a long, low whimper as she clung to him. She knew if anyone was outside, they would have heard her. She didn't care.

"Someone's having a good time in there," she heard a deep voice say from the other side of the door. Couldn't argue with that. Nelson doubled his efforts now, dropping her down onto a table, throwing her legs over his shoulders and driving his cock down into her. He came inside her in a torrent of white, creamy jism, a loud, triumphant grunt announcing his accomplishment to the world outside.

Afterward, they clutched each other tightly, giggling as they listened to the people outside, speculating who was in there and what was going on. Naturally, many mentioned the "girl in the slutty white dress" and she knew they suspected that she was involved.

They put themselves back together and prepared to go out and face the crowd. Nelson led the way, leading Valarie by the wrist. There was a little applause, some laughter, some sneers and some disapproving looks. Valarie and Nelson didn't care. The smiles on their faces were genuine and nothing could wipe them away.

Nelson led Valarie to the nearest exit and out to the car, opening the door for her, always a gentleman.

In the car, Valarie looked at Nelson, drawn not only by his appearance, but his confidence and charisma. "Coco called you Jimmy before," Valarie said. "Is that what you would like me to call you, sir?"

"Well, certainly don't call me sir away from the office," he chuckled. "But no, I don't much care for Jimmy. I let Coco do it because, well..."

"She's Coco," Valarie nodded.

"Yeah," Nelson said. "But you can call me a James or Jim if you like. Or stud."

"Stud it is," she laughed. "No, I like Jim. Thanks for a wonderful time tonight, Jim. Thanks for all the clothes, Jim. Thanks for fucking me silly, Jim. Yeah, I like the sound of that."

"The way you say it, I like it too," Nelson said. "And I don't just mean your accent."

"I just can't believe I did all that tonight," she said.

"All what?"

"You know, showing off like that, auctioning myself off, having sex with you in the janitor's closet," she said. "I just... I never thought I'd do anything like that. And I didn't think I would, well, like it so much. It's such a turn-on, but it's so scary too. I just can't believe it all happened."

"Well, I hope you don't think we're done for the night," Nelson said.

"Oh no," Valarie said quickly. "Coco warned me about that."

"What did she say?" he smiled.

"Not to expect much sleep," Valarie laughed.

"I'd say that's true," Nelson said, putting his hand on her thigh. "You've got me thinking all kinds of naughty thoughts."

"Really?" Valarie said, flattered. "I never thought I made men think that way."

"You sure do," Nelson said. "Lots of guys going home from that banquet tonight might be fucking their dates, but they'll be thinking about you."

"Oh dear, you really think so?"

"I guarantee it."

When they got back to his house, Coco was there and so were all of their purchases from the day. It was getting late, but Coco was used to late hours and Nelson and Valarie were far too high to think about slowing down. After a quick tour -- as quick as you can tour a 5,000 square foot home -- of his home, Nelson led Valarie into his spacious living room where Coco had made arrangements for the fashion show and photo shoot. She had the clothes laid out and Nelson's camera and tripod set up. A straight-back chair, baby oil, lollipops, a hard wood bench and bottles of water were among the props nearby.

"How was the banquet?" Coco asked.

"Great," Nelson said. "Valarie made a very large donation to the cause and I made a very large donation to her pussy."

"And I didn't fall on the broomstick!" Valarie laughed.

"Sounds like a wonderful night," Coco said. "I can see you're ready for more, so let's get started. I have picked out a sampling of some of the clothes we bought today. Valarie, you will model them for Jimmy and he will probably take some pictures, ask you to do a few poses. When you get to where you can't wait any more, you two can go fuck like bunnies and I'll call a taxi. Sound like a plan?"

"Perfect," Nelson said. "Well done, Coco."

Coco handed Valarie an outfit and showed her behind a small curtain she had set up. "I don't get to watch?" Nelson moaned. He had taken off his jacket, tie, shoes, socks and slacks and watched in the comfort of an unbuttoned dress shirt and his boxers.

"Easy, tiger," Coco teased back. "You get to play dress up and Barbie doll and whatever else you want with her all night. Let the girl have some peace and get a chance to show off a little for you before you start ripping her clothes off again."

"All right, fair enough," Nelson chuckled. "But I'm horny and in the presence of two beautiful sluts. I'm not responsible for my actions."

"Neither are we," Coco teased again.

The first outfit was a sexy piece of lingerie. On top was a sheer white scarf that tied loosely around her neck with a frilly bow at her throat. There were no sleeves or back to it. Instead, the ends hung loosely like a pair of drapes over either breast, leaving bare the smooth skin between her breasts and her belly. A matching pair of sheer white bikini panties and some white stilettos completed the picture.

Valarie strode confidently across the floor, her long, strong legs carrying her athletic body sensually. She turned and let him see from the back, then faced him, hands on hips.

"Outstanding," Nelson nodded. He stepped forward and touched the soft fabric, lifting one side of the top to expose her breast, then letting it fall back down in place. "Pose for me."

"How?" Valerie asked, ready to serve.

"However you want," Nelson said. "Tease me. Show me what you have. Think about centerfold and swimsuit models you've seen pictures of."

Valarie realized he was testing her, to see if she had learned enough yet to understand how to display herself for him and the others. Right now, she had to think about it, arching her back to make her breasts stick out, pinching her nipples to make them hard, keeping her legs straight and slightly spread when she bent over to give the best view of her ass, pussy and legs all at once. She had to think about how to purse her lips or pout or smile, how to suck on her finger or cup her breast to demonstrate arousal and desire. It wasn't easy, but she did it without instruction from either Coco or Nelson. The camera snapped repeatedly and she trusted that was a good sign. She could see now she would have to practice this, however, to become so natural at it that displaying her body in its most sexually appealing way would become second nature.

The next dress made her hole-filled, skin-tight dress from the banquet look like a ball gown. It was black with spaghetti straps over the shoulders and hung down to her knees on her left side. The hem, however, was curved, angling sharply up her body. The slinky garment covered her right breast, but there was no right side to the dress. Her thigh, ass and side of her breast were completely exposed and one needed only to "pull back the curtain" to see the whole show. In effect, it was like a single curtain draped over one about two-thirds of her body, leaving one entire side bare. The clingy material wrapped around her firm round breasts and the dark dress matched her silky black hair. Black stilettos were the only shoes for this dress and Valarie's had a pair of sexy thin straps around each ankle.

Again, Nelson nodded his approval and took many photos. Valarie used the open side of the dress to her advantage, putting a leg up on the coffee table, showing off the curve of her legs and ass, the smooth skin of her belly and the tantalizing roundness of her breast.

The show-stopper outfit, though, was the most extreme mini skirt Valarie had ever scene. It was bright red, six inches top to bottom, with a five and a half inch slit up the side. She wore it low on her hips to cover her pussy, leaving a wide bare space between her navel and the top of the skirt. The slit, which was on one side only, left her thigh exposed and was an invitation for a gentleman friend to reach underneath. The top was no less appealing. It was a deeply scooped cowl, the same bright red color and stretchy, soft satiny material. It tied behind her neck and the loose, low hanging scoop neck reconnected just above her belly button, where the top came to an end. It wrapped tightly around her waist, accentuating the curve from her breasts to her waist. Red pumps matched perfectly.

Nelson took dozens of pictures, occasionally touching his hard cock while Valarie teased him with her legs and ass and her stunning eyes. She stood, legs far apart, and bent over at the waist, showing him her bare ass underneath that tiny skirt. She got on all fours on the bench, reaching back to grab her heels, showing off her curves and her flexibility at the same time. She straddled the hard back chair, arms supporting her chin on the back of the chair, legs spread wide, looking long and lean and inviting.