The Switch


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Catching Rena's innuendo, Sara had to ask, "And what couple might that be?"

Rena startled herself back to reality and prefaced her comments with an apology, "Forgive me; but you and Snake are the only couple Rod and I know real well. I would not suggest anything you felt to be out of line or threatening in any way. All I'm saying is I would rather it be between two special couples like us. "

Sara smiled and eased Rena's uncomfortable predicament. "Don't worry about it. I sometimes fantasize about Rod fucking me when Snake and I are having sex. It's easy to do since we know each other so well. Let's face it. I think both of us have some very handsome dudes. Could you be comfortable with changing mates if somehow we could all agree?"

"I think so, and I don't think the guys would object at all either. I'm not interested in a free swinging situation where everyone is expected to fuck everyone else without any limitations. It would be because you and Snake are very special to us. Oh, by the way, does Rod get you off pretty good in your fantasies," Rena asked smiling?

Sara laughed. "Your Rod fucks me pretty good but when I get to the orgasm part all I see are fireworks flashing. When I'm cumming I just go out of control. It explodes into these pleasure spasms. I can't describe it. I can say that thinking about Rod helps get me there."

Rena stopped the conversation briefly, "Hold on. I see the guys driving in the driveway. We just need to get them talking about sex. I think we can guide the conversation to this subject. We need to make them think it's their idea."

As the guys walked in the door, Sara and Rena looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

{ Mixed Discussion }

The guys came in all sweaty and the girls asked them to take a shower, light the grill and get the steaks on. Rena informed Rod that she had brought him a change of clothes after he had showered.

After cleaning up, it didn't take them more than fifteen minutes to get the steaks on. The girls brought them a couple of beers. Sara reached up and gave Snake an affectionate kiss and said, "Happy Birthday honey. I love you."

With that playful exchange, Snake placed his hand on Sara's ass and asked, "When do I get my birthday present?"

Sara turned away from her husband and coyly remarked, "You might not get it if you don't act like a gentleman."

The two hungry couples settled into eating the delicious steaks along with a couple of glasses of wine. Everyone engaged in a bit of smooth mellow uninhibited conversation. Up until this point the conversation had been rather mundane. Then Sara asked, "Well guys; how was the golf match today?"

Snake almost choked on a piece of steak and Rod's shit-eating grin turned into laughter.

Somewhat puzzled Sara asked, "What's so funny? What were you guys up to?"

Rod interjected, "Snake, go ahead and tell her."

Snake tried to be nonchalant by answering, "Oh, it's nothing much, Rod beat me on the last hole for the match...that's all. I lost a small bet."

"Oh No, No, No, No...tell her what I won," Rod urged. "It was your idea to start with."

The girls were still in the dark. Sara's tone turned serious and with a degree of feigned anger she directed her comment to Snake. "You better tell me the whole story or your birthday pussy is going to turn into nothing."

Rena spoke in support of Sara. "Sounds like you guys better come clean and tell us everything. Otherwise, Rod's gonna be in as much trouble as Snake."

Rod looked at Snake and said, "You started it. Go ahead and tell them."

"OK but you won the won Sara." said Snake.

"Whaaaaaaaat," both girls shouted simultaneously in mock anger.

"Snake, you better tell Rena and me about the little game or I'm gonna make a Dwayne Bobbitt out of you. You will never be able to sleep comfortably again."

"OK, OK, OK, we had a little fun and we were betting on our wives granting a few favors to the winner of the little matches we dreamed up on each hole. It was all in good fun," explained Snake.

Rod interrupted, "And we also planned a way of defending our wife's honor into the game."

"Yeah, I'll bet you did," Rena commented with a sly grin. "Anyway, who won the match and what was won?"

"I won and I won the opportunity to have sex with Sara...we meant no harm," said Rod. "We knew you girls wouldn't follow through with the fantasy. Hell, if you two weren't our best friends we would not even thought of such nonsense."

Sara and Rena looked at each other and broke out in smiles. Sara said, "I don't guess that's too bad. At least I'd like to think someone else finds me sexy from time to time."

Succumbing to the effect of fine food and wine, Rena gathered a little courage and commented, "What if we told you guys we have some of those thoughts as well?"

"You've got to be shitting me, I don't believe it," exclaimed Snake, "surely not, the sweet and innocent Rena."

Rod replied, "Oh Yeah, don't let that 'sweet and innocent' fool you. Rena did a lot of fucking before we started dating."

Rena playfully slapped Rod on the arm and said, "Please be quiet, they might think I'm some kind of easy slut the way you're talking."

"Let's quit kidding ourselves, the truth is, all of us were doing the deed before we met each other," Sara exclaimed. "And, if we're honest about it, we all think about some of those times to put some extra spice in our sex lives. What's wrong with that?"

Always trying to push the envelope, Snake asked, "Have you two girls ever thought about fucking our opposite mates and be honest about it?"

A silence fell over the four of them. They looked at their mates and then across at their friends. Rod, finally urged, "Say something girls."

Both of the girls shrugged their shoulders as if they were considering the possibilities.

"Oh, I don't know," replied Rena. Saying it and doing it are two different things."

"You've had other men before we were married. It's not like you've never done it with someone else," Rod recalled.

"I know that," said Rena, "but I wouldn't even know how to start now."

With some false bravado Snake chimed in, "That's what we're here for."

Sara responded after a few brief moments of contemplation, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Snake, you're all talk. If we really want to consider this, it's going to take some serious discussion."

"Sara is right," Rena echoed. "This is something we've never done since before we were married. What would it do to us as friends? What would it do to our marriages? Could we handle it?

Always the serious one, Rod agreed. "Rena raises some issues that need to be thought out. We would have to think it through very carefully. If we did, there would have to be a commitment on everyone's part that there would be no blame, or guilty conscious. Most of all we would have to make sure that it would not adversely affect our marriage in any negative way. If there is the slightest doubt in anyone's mind, then that would be sufficient reason to forget it. On the other hand it is exciting to think about and I think it would put some excitement back into the sex.

"I must admit that it is exciting to think about," Sara replied. "I see it as something that would strengthen the friendship between the four of us. You two are very special to us and something like this would bond us even further. Maybe if we started off real slow with no sex at first?"

"What do you mean by that," Snake asked?

I mean why don't we think about it for a week and maybe opposite partners can go out for dinner next week and discuss it further. Then after dinner we'll come back here and discuss the possibility of hooking up the following weekend. Then, if we're 'good to go', waiting another week will make it all the more exciting.

"That's sounds like a good plan to me," said Rena laughing. "At least you guys won't be jumping into it without some serious thought; no pun intended."

"Damn," said Snake, "I was hoping I'd get some strange tonight."

Sara shot back, "if you're not careful, you might not get any familiar tonight. So be patient."

"So, why don't we go together and share the cost of a babysitter next Friday and then opposite partners go out for dinner at separate restaurants. We can separately talk about it there. We'll meet back here at nine o'clock and see where we go from there," Sara commented.

"If we all agree, why don't we just do it Friday night," Snake asked?

I agree with Sara," Rod said, "it will give us time to make sure that we want to do this. We can go back home and discuss it privately. We all have to agree to it without reservation."

"And if we do, just think how turned-on we'll be to wait another week," Rena interjected.

"Can't we, at least do a little making out, maybe a little foreplay," Snake asked.

"Maybe a little," Rena responded, "but we have got to absolutely promise that we're going to wait until the following Friday."

We can't do too much or it becomes hard to stop, Sara said. If we meet back here at the house at nine that ought to keep us from going too far. Surely, we won't get screwed between 7 and 9. We've got to make a promise. Knowing you guys, I know it's up to the girls to keep the brakes on.

"Just like always," Snake said. "Whoever's got the pussy controls the screwing."

"And don't you forget it. Just remember I've got you birthday present right here," Sara said pointing between her legs.

Rena and Rod laughed at the little display their friends were conducting.

{ Their First Date }

After getting the kids settled at Rod and Rena's home with one shared babysitter, they arrived promptly at 7 pm at Snake and Sara's.

As they entered everyone gave the other a welcoming hug.

"Is everyone as excited as I am," Sara asked.

"I am indeed," said Rena. "I'm really nervous. It's the first time since we've been married that I've even thought about something like this. If I thought Rod would not be comfortable with it, I wouldn't consider it. But he seems eager to proceed on." She turned and asked, "Snake, how about you?"

Somewhat amused and exasperated Snake replied. "Are you kidding me, come here." Snake pulled Rena into his arms and gave her a much more intimate embrace, making sure he felt her breasts press into his chest.

Not to be outdone, Sara pulled Rod into her arms and gave him a sweet tongue-filled kiss and as she backed away her hand clutched his rising erection. "Very nice start," she said. "Are we ready to go?"

Rod good-naturedly cautioned, "We'd better or we won't be able to stop this. We've got to stick to our plan."

"Since when did you become the voice of reason," Snake said somewhat teasingly.

Sara inquired, "Is everyone Ok with this so far?" After a brief pause she said, "Hearing no objection we'll see you guys back here at nine. No cheating now."

Dashing in out of a late afternoon spring shower, Rod and Sara chose to be seated in a dimly lit corner of the restaurant. "This is nice and cozy," Sara said. After ordering their meal, they settled in with a couple of glasses of wine. "Well what do you think? Can you believe we are even thinking about this?"

"That thought has crossed my mind," replied Rod. "I'm glad though, I've always wished I could make love to you."

"Well, thank you sir; that's sweet and I take that as a compliment."

Rod continued the conversation, "I've always thought that people get too uptight about sex when it leads to separation and divorce. To say that we have to be monogamous just denies our natural sex drives."

"I hear Snake say the same thing and I try to understand. But you guys have to realize that women have this nesting instinct and want to be protected and provided for. Men have that capability. Women don't and when they find that someone, they give everything to one man. It threatens our existence to lose that security. I think to do it this way would strengthen our relationship and security. We depend on each other in times of need and I see this as reward for being able to trust another couple as close as we are."

"But, nowadays women are getting more independent and more self sufficient. I think that's why we're seeing the divorce rate at almost 50 percent," Rod said. Couples haven't quite figured out how to accept their partners seeking something new and different. Men don't like losing their special mates, but they will risk everything on a different piece of tail. It doesn't make any sense. I know it's a contradiction but, it's a sense of adventure and conquest with a man. Again, in my opinion, men will risk everything for something new and exciting."

"In other words, something strange," Sara commented. Are you saying men think with their dicks instead of their brains?"

Rod agreed, "Precisely."

The waiter brought the wine cart.

Rod said, "I'll have red since I'm eating steak. What about you Sara."

Displaying a little devilish grin Sara said, "I'll have red also, I'll be eating red meat tonight."

Rod and the waiter looked at one another and flashed a knowing smile.

Sara looked back at the guys and shrugged her shoulders in a feigned display of innocence.

After the waiter left, Rod mischievously stated, "I thought we agreed that there would be no sex this week."

Sara flirted back saying, "Nobody said we couldn't eat a little meat."

"I don't guess a little would hurt anybody, and how do you propose doing that," Rod asked?

"If you'll be a good boy, maybe a taste in the car would be a nice treat. Uh...oh, the waiter is here with our meals," Sara said.

As the waiter left, Rod pulled Sara over and said, "A little kiss for a new beginning." Their lips met and they slowly enveloped their tongues in a lingering tantalizing engagement. "You know what that's doing to me don't you." She allowed her hand drop to the inside of his thigh. "We had better slow down."

"That's going to be difficult if you don't quit," said Rod. He returned the favor as he prolonged the pleasure. Her legs spread beneath her skirt allowing for more.

They pulled themselves apart and started with the food. "That was hot. I haven't had any all week just waiting for this evening," Sara commented.

"I almost got some last night, but Rena and I made the same promise, so we didn't finish it."

"You're pretty horny then," Sara asked?

"Damn right, I hope you don't change your mind," Rod replied.

I don't think you have to worry about me, but how about Rena. Sometimes it's hard to know what she really thinks."

Don't worry about her," said Rod. "She's never had the need to be possessive. Sometimes I wish she were more so. But that's just the way she is. She's so easy-going that she can take it or leave it. But make no mistake she is a real sex machine. When Snake gets in her pants he's going to be in for a real ride. I don't worry about her because we are very comfortable with each other. She already knows how to separate love and sex. I think it was all that screwing she did before we were married."

As they neared the end of their meal, Rod pulled Sara into his body and began a slow sensual kiss. His hand dropped to the inside of her thigh beneath her skirt and began a slow caress toward that intimate juncture. Sara legs splayed slightly and her hips slid down in the seat opening up more for his exploration. When the tip of his fingers reached the panty line he asked, "May I?"

Sara sucked in a deep breath and said, "Please...Oh yes, Please." She too, laid her hand in Rod's lap and squeezed. "But you know we promised them; not tonight. I want it as bad as you."

Rod moved his fingers over that intimate, panty coved spot and whispered, "You're so wet. Do you think we can wait till next Friday?"

As difficult as it was, Sara pulled away and said, "We have too; pay the bill and let's get out of here."

As Rod drove from the parking lot, Sara slid over next to him and started by placing her hand over his cock and began a gentle stroking. "How does that feel," she asked?

"I'm so hard, it might explode," Rod exclaimed.

"That would be neat," Sara whispered. "I know it sounds weird, but I love to see that first shot of cum shoot out the end of a guy's dick. I can hardly wait to see this one shoot."

Rod tried to concentrate on the road ahead. The feel of Sara's hand lowering his zipper urged his passion higher. Her hand continued the massage outside his briefs.

As her hand reached inside his fly, she teased, "There sure is a big wet spot on these shorts,"

Rods hips slid down lower in the seat. The feminine touch of her slender tantalizing fingers encircled his cock and raised the ecstasy level even further. Sara's hand felt new and different. The liberal flow of pre-cum juices made the stroking easy and the idea of another partner was overwhelming.

Sara sensed the sudden intake of Rod's breath and an arching of his hips. She slowed her movement.

In a passion filled voice Rod uttered, "Damn! that feels so good."

Sara continued the slow caress.

With one hand on the steering wheel, he tried to reach Sara's crotch to no avail.

She admonished, "Keep your eyes on the road," knowing her denial would excite him further. "You sure are pumping out a lot of pre-cum. No wonder your shorts are so wet."

"That' makes for good fucking, don't you think," gasped Rod. Suddenly he felt a pair of lips encircle his glans and create a sucking sensation almost like someone drinking from a straw. "Please...Please help me come."

"Remember our agreement," Sara pulled up and teased. "There's no fucking tonight."

"OK...OK...but I need some relief. My cock is so hard and my balls are so full. Can't you at least help me get off one time," Rod begged.

Sara continued the slow oral caress up and down the length of his shaft. Reluctantly she pulled off and in a baby-talk tone quietly said, "Oh you poor baby, I would love for you to fuck me. You know I want it as bad as you, but I can't; remember our agreement." Sara kept a firm squeeze on the base of his cock. She didn't want him coming. But she did want to have him intensely excited just before they arrived home.

Exasperated Rod said, "The hell with our agreement, can't you at least help me come one time. We're almost there. I can't stand it. We don't have to tell Snake and Rena; please."

Smiling to herself, the plan that she and Rena had agreed too previously seemed to be working. If the timing was right, Sara knew that Rena would have Snake in about the same state of arousal. She had a difficult time controlling the tempting urge to seal the deal with Rod. She wanted him right then; right there.

Rod felt ready to explode as Sara played his genitals like a skilled seductress. He lingered right on the edge just short of an orgasm. It was so frustrating. She watched his face and slowed when his excitement almost reached that point of no return and then she stopped.

"Hurry up and finish me, we're almost there; God it feels so good," Rod urged again.

Sara smiled, pulled away and tucked Rod's cock back in his pants and said, "I've got to stop. You know we promised. I would love for you to give it to me right now but we've got to wait till Friday."

"The hell with that, I can't wait any longer," Rod exclaimed. Please...please...get me off. I won't tell Rena. My balls are hurting; give me some relief. Damn, we're home."

Sara smiled and gave Rod a parting kiss. Her desire was still raging as she slowly pulled away. She gave his balls a final gentle squeeze. "Take Rena home and give her pussy a fucking she'll never forget. Let's just say it's the last one you get from Rena before getting into mine. You're not going to change your mind are you?"

"Gosh, I hope not. But you know that Rena has to be OK with it."

"I think she will," Sara responded. "Now let's go inside." They ran to the front door to avoid the rain that had started falling. She looked down at the front of Rod's pants, smiled and said, "Can't you make that thing go down; Snake and Rena will be here any minute."