The Taboo Transformation Ch. 03

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Jane and her nieces are nymphos!
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/13/2022
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Our story so far...Enraged when short-sighted bureaucrats put a halt to her investigations into genetic manipulation and biological enhancement, Dr. Jane Richardson takes the ultimate risk, deciding to use her new techniques on herself. Flat-chested and under-sexed, her goal is to achieve a body which matches current standards of feminine beauty.

She is successful beyond her wildest dreams. Her sex drive immediately increases, bringing her pleasure she never thought to experience. Her body begins to change as well, her hips and breasts gaining the inches denied her by the cruel laws of genetics.

One summer afternoon, she seduces her next-door neighbor, Jeff Sanders, a lonely widower. Happy at last, she thinks she has found the man she is destined to share her life with. Later that week, she sneaks over to his house, late at night, for a session of passionate lovemaking. When she returns the next morning, she finds her nieces, Colleen and Lillian, waiting for her. Somehow, they have guessed her secret.

Unwilling to deny her nieces the joy she has found, she agrees to use her technique on them. That same morning, Colleen and Lillian choose the women whose bodies they wish to emulate.

But the technique is not without its side effects. As the appetites for sex of the three women grow, emotional cross-currents begin to develop within the household. And when Jeff has to leave for an extended business trip, things threaten to spiral out of control. Late one night, after telling Zach their secret, Colleen seduces her half-brother. Shortly thereafter, Lillian and Jane become lovers, Lillian's bisexuality meeting its match in Jane's increased libido.

Out story resumes the following morning.


"You did it, didn't you?" Colleen asked. The two younger women were alone at the breakfast table. She shook her head from side to side in mock-disgust. "You went to bed with Aunt Jane. I heard you two last night." She paused. "All last night."

Lillian smirked smugly as she bit into a cinnamon roll. "If you can screw our brother, I don't know why I can't fuck our aunt."

Colleen chewed and swallowed. "That's not the point," the older girl said. "She's nearly twenty years older than you. Don't you feel a little embarrassed to be taking advantage of her that way?"

"Come on," her dark haired half-sister snorted. "You know Aunt Jane. Do you seriously think she would do anything she didn't want to? I might have started it, but she didn't say no. You're just jealous. Now we both have a lover who's a member of the family. We're even again."

Colleen sighed. "Right. As if this was a competition."

Lillian's face softened. "I bet you could have her too, Colleen, if you wanted. For someone who'd never gone to bed with a woman before, Aunt Jane was a lot better than I expected. It was hot as hell. And I'm willing to share her with you. Or even a little more." Her gaze ran up and down her older half-sister's body in frank appreciation. Her eyes were openly inviting.

Colleen closed her eyes against an unexpected jolt of desire. While Lillian had come out to them as bisexual a few days ago, until recently Colleen had been secure in her own heterosexuality. But it seemed the treatment designed to increase their bust size affected more than just their boobs and their sex drive. She was beginning to find other women attractive.

Especially the two female members of her own family; her half-sister, Lillian, and her brilliant aunt, Jane Richardson.

She looked down at her chest. Until only a few short days ago, she had been resigned to a life as an A-cup. Now, the material of her tank top was stretched taut over a pair of breasts which were a more than respectable C-cup. And if Jane was right, they would continue to grow until they had reached the D-cup size she desired.

She shook her head and picked up her spoon, looking at the large bowl of oatmeal with faint distaste. In order to create the necessary fat to make her tits bigger, her body needed lots of fuel. Over the past several days, their appetites had increased to an almost ridiculous degree, until the girls were beginning to think that they had transformed into creatures whose only purpose was turning food into boobs. Jane had assured them the process would slow down eventually, but for now she was getting tired of her constant, gnawing hunger.

What she wasn't tired of, though, was the increased sexual hunger her transformation had brought on. She had always believed she had a more or less normal sex drive. But ever since she had started the treatment, her libido had increased to an almost frightening degree. It had first manifested in a desire to be constantly masturbating and touching herself. But that had soon switched to a rampaging need for a man. A man with a big hard cock who could fill her up, and scratch the tormenting itch in her pussy.

It was perhaps inevitable that her eyes should settle on her brother, Zachary. However, what had begun as a desperate ploy to stave off her carnal urges had transformed into something approaching true love. Since they had become intimate, they had spent almost all of their time together, and she was beginning to wonder what they would do in the fall, when he went back to school in Wisconsin, while she would still be in Minnesota.

"What?" she said, realizing that Lillian had asked her something. With a faint sense of surprise, she realized one of her hands had dipped below the waistband of the sheer panties she was wearing. She sighed contentedly as her finger gently rubbed her nubbin. It wasn't as if she needed to masturbate, she told herself hazily. It just felt so damn good. She wondered if Zach was awake yet, and whether he would be ready for a good-morning fuck. She thought he would. Since they had become lovers, they had not yet found the bottom of their desire for each other.

"I said if you and Zach ever get bored with each other, you are more than welcome to hop into bed with me," Lillian said. Her eyes twinkled with avarice. She had made no secret of the fact that she was jealous of her sister's relationship with her dark-haired twin.

"Don't be greedy," her aunt said, drifting into the kitchen, clad only in a sheer nightgown that was practically transparent. Her newly-acquired curves made Colleen's mouth water. "And Colleen, don't masturbate at the table, please. I don't really feel like cleaning your pussy-juice off the seats, no matter how good it smells."

Colleen gaped at her aunt while Lillian snickered. Pussy-juice? A few weeks ago, Jane would have dropped dead of mortification before she said something like that.

Of course, she told herself, a few weeks ago Dr. Jane Richardson had been undersexed, flat-chested, with narrow hips more like a teen-age boy than a woman, and as far as Colleen could tell, had never been in a serious romantic relationship in her life. Now she had a body out of a high-school boy's wet dream, with proud, jutting breasts that looked like they had been the happy recipients of cosmetic surgery, sweetly curving hips, a delectable rear end and a sinfully flat belly. And she was happily screwing their next-door neighbor, Jeff Sanders, who Lillian and Colleen had not-so-secretly drooled over ever since they realized that boys actually served a purpose. It was only Jeff's absence on an extended business trip which had driven her to Lillian's arms. Otherwise, Colleen suspected, they would be spending every free moment wearing out their mattresses.

"Yes, Aunt Jane," she said, withdrawing her hand from her panties with a faint sound of regret. To compensate for the loss, she spread her legs wide and ground her nether-lips down on the hard wood of the chair seat, trying to make the motions inconspicuous. A gleam in her aunt's eye hinted that she was not as successful as she might have hoped, but at least she didn't make any further comments.

"It tastes pretty good, too," Zach said, appearing through the open door that led downstairs to his bedroom.

"Zach!" she protested, her face flaming, but Lillian and Jane were giggling.

"Must run in the family, then," Lillian commented. "Because I can tell you that Aunt Jane tastes fantastic."

"How would you..." Zach blinked as the obvious sank in. "Oh. So now it's you two, huh?" He sat in a chair at the table, looking up at his aunt in bewilderment. "Good grief, Aunt Jane, what's going on? I can understand how your treatment is making your bodies change. I can even understand how your sex drive is increasing. But why are the three of you randy for each other?" He paused. "And me, too, I guess."

His aunt bent and kissed his cheek as she went to the fridge. "I think it's a matter of trust, sweetheart." She poured herself a glass of orange juice, her voice falling into what Colleen had always thought of as 'lecture mode.'

"Our bodies have changed, true. And our libidos..." She shivered happily, her hand reaching into the gap of her nightgown to cup the burgeoning swell of her breast, heedless of the three pairs of eyes avidly watching her. Her eyes closed, and her lips parted in a breathy moan as her fingers expertly fondled her mound, her pink nipple rising perkily erect. "Well, you've seen the results.

"But despite what our bodies want, our minds are still in control."

"Barely," put in Lillian, with a smoldering glance at both her blond half-sister and her dark-haired, olive-skinned twin brother.

Jane conceded the fact with a nod. "The point being, however, that we aren't going to go to bed with just anyone. No matter how good-looking that person is, or how horny we are. So we look, unconsciously, for someone we already love and trust. Colleen chose Zach. With Jeff being gone..." She sighed in disappointment, "Lillian and I chose each other.

"And it's obvious that Lillian wouldn't mind going to bed with either Zach or Colleen."

"I'll say." Lillian stood and hiked up the thigh-length t-shirt she was wearing, keeping it just below her hips. Suddenly she spun and sat on her brother's lap, wiggling seductively. "How about it, Zach? Have a taste for a little twincest?" She leaned close, her new-minted breasts flattening against his chest. While they wouldn't be the D-cups that Colleen was getting, they would eventually be a pair of very presentable C-cups, "borrowed," if the term could be used, from an LPGA golfer, just as Colleen's came from an astrophysics professor at the University of Texas.

"Lillian." The word was flat with warning. Her niece looked up, her eyes hazy with lust. "Boundaries, darling. I don't remember Zach inviting you onto his lap."

"But he wants me." Her voice lowered. "I can tell." Her hips rocked slowly, teasingly. Glancing down, Colleen could see Zach's cock standing erect, even through the pair of flannel sleep pants he was wearing on this cool Minnesota morning. Only a thin barrier of cloth kept their two bodies apart, and she suddenly wanted to see the two of them make love. To see two of the people she loved more than any in the world give each other pleasure. She closed her eyes, her breath coming in deep, rapid pants, fighting for control.

"His body might." Janes's eyes twinkled with suppressed humor. "That doesn't mean that he does."

"And Colleen actually, you know, asked permission, Lily." Zach's eyes were thunderous, and Jane had to hold back a sharp gasp. Her usually mild-mannered nephew looked furious. "I'm not a fucking dildo, you know. Get off." Gently, but firmly, he grabbed his twin's wrists and pushed her away.

"I warned you," Colleen said in the sudden silence, as Zach grabbed a bagel and bottle of juice and stalked back downstairs. "But did you listen? No.

"It would serve you right if he slept with everyone here but you, just out of spite. When are you going to learn that you can't just wiggle your ass and have people give you what you want? Especially him. He knows you better than anyone, Lily. And he definitely knows when you're trying to fuck with his emotions."

Her sister sighed. "I know. And it's not his mind I want to fuck with. It's his body. But Jesus, I'm so fucking horny. It just doesn't stop. Not even after what Aunt Jane and I did last night. I still want Zach. I try to tell myself that it's not right, that he's my brother, and that I don't even like him that much, anyway."

"Right," Colleen scoffed.

"And he looked so good right there, all rumply and sleepy. I wanted to make love with him and take a nap, feeling him wrapped around me in bed, then wake up and do it all over again."

"Then ask him." Jane's voice held an unusual note of asperity. "He loves you. You know that. And he thinks you're attractive. He's said that. But no one likes being taken for granted, or appreciated just for their body. Remember how you felt when people ignored you just because you had small breasts? How much that hurt? Imagine being Zach and thinking that the only reason you want him is because he's got a cock." Her tongue wet her lips briefly. "A lovely, lovely cock."

"All right," Lillian said. "It's going to be weird, though." She gave a sudden, throaty, giggle. "I mean, seducing my brother? What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know," Colleen replied. "But it's wonderful."


After breakfast, Jane climbed the stairs up to her bedroom.

Horny. Horny. Horny. The sound was an insistent whisper in her mind.

Feeling flushed and feverish, she lay down on the bed. Her eyes closed as she fought the feelings inside her.

Despite the beautiful lovemaking session she had shared with Lillian the night before, she knew she was not a lesbian. Her body ached for a strong man and a hard cock. Jeff Sanders, her new boyfriend, had fulfilled her needs with cheerful enthusiasm. But now he was gone, and would be for several more days.

And her body wanted a man.


Zachary, her body whispered to her treacherously.

No. It's not fair to him. Or to Colleen. They have each other. They can be happy together.

Tears crept out of the corners of her eyes. Following the treatment, her sexual urges had exploded, and she had long since passed the point where the outmoded ethics of conventional sexual roles held any hold on her. The relationship between the two half-siblings was one she accepted with a cheerful shrug and a wish they be careful and happy. She had paid just as little consideration when Lillian made her feelings for her plain. And if Lillian managed to drag Zach into bed, or if Colleen decided she wished to experiment with her aunt, her only qualms would be about whether each person in the relationship was willing.

But none of that served to dampen the storm of desire in her loins, or what she felt for her nephew.

Zachary. Zachary. Zachary.

Her cleft was hot and slippery, and a low, hungry ache grew in the pit of her stomach. The desire for her black-haired nephew, only son of her beloved sister, was becoming unbearable.

I have to talk to someone about this.

But who? Who would understand what she was going through? Who had the experience of juggling multiple relationships, and laughing off the condemnations of polite society?

Suddenly, she knew. With a muttered curse, she jumped off her bed and reached for her purse, sitting casually in one corner of the room. She dug through it until she retrieved the item she was looking for. It was a card, much like the ones mid-level managers handed out by the dozen at conferences and trade shows. But rather than titles and fax numbers and e-mail addresses, it held only a single name, printed in stark black letters on a white background, and a ten-digit phone number.

Hands shaking, she dialed the number.

Please answer. Please answer. Please please please-


The voice was warm, low, and sultry, with a hint of a Spanish lilt, and a sense that the owner was not entirely pleased to be called so early in the morning.

"Hello." She swallowed. "Is this Valentina Belmonte?"

"It is." A suspicious note entered the woman's voice. "Who is this?"

"I'm sorry. We met a few years ago. I doubt you remember me. My name is Dr. Jane Richardson. You helped me in an experiment I was working on, and-"

"Jane!" There was no hint of suspicion or sleepiness in the woman's voice now. "How wonderful to hear from you! Are you in town?"

"Which town? I'm not in Vail or LA, I can tell you that."

"Oh. Well, I'm actually in Toronto, darling. Shooting a new movie with Ron Howard. Luckily I have a late call, so I can sleep late."

She laughed shortly. "No, I'm afraid I'm not there, either." She raked one hand through her hair, wishing she was in the same room as the glamorous movie star who had been one of the first women to contribute to her project. "Listen. This is going to sound insane, but I need your advice.

"My project was canceled several days ago. And when I found out, well, I kind of lost my sense of proportion. I decided to use the treatment on myself. How it happened was this way..."


When she finally ran out of words, there was a long silence on the other end of the line.


"Quiet." The voice was unusually subdued. "I need to think for a moment.

"Do you have a laptop, Jane?" Valentina asked at last. "Or something you can use for a video chat? I need to see exactly what you've done to yourself."

"Yes, I do." It was only a matter of seconds before she had opened the function up on her laptop. She set the machine on her lap, her eyes widening as what could only be Valentina's bedroom came into view. The woman herself was lying in the middle of a gigantic four-poster bed. She was completely nude, and the mid-morning sun struck highlights from her warm brown skin.

"Hello, Jane," she smiled. "In case you were wondering, you're on television. Well, only mine, right now," she amended. "It's amazing what a properly motivated computer geek can do," she said with a lazy grin which made Jane's heart beat faster.

"So let's have a look at you. Stand back so I can see you. All of you. Now, turn around. Oh," she finished, her voice suddenly very different.

"God damn," she swore softly. Through the screen, her eyes gleamed. "You weren't pulling my leg, were you? And I can tell those tetas of yours aren't made of silicone. Trust me. Spend enough time in Hollywood and you get real good at being able to tell the fake ones from the real thing.

"So," she said, reclining back on her pillows lazily. "You used my DNA to give yourself a nice set of titties and all the rest. Good hips, a gorgeous ass...

"Not that I'm angry about it, by the way," she continued. "I mean, I knew what you were planning when I gave you my blood. I just didn't expect you to look like my gringa twin the next time I saw you."

"I'm sorry to bother you," Jane said. "But I didn't know who else to turn to. I think..." She hesitated, her face burning, then went on. "I think there is something in the genetic sequence I used that affects sex drive. It's happened for me, and for the girls. We're so damn horny we can't stand it, and we're trying to adjust."

Valentina nodded. "Yes. The hunger. The heat in your cuca that makes you want a man so bad you think you will die."

The lovely woman smiled wickedly. "It's wonderful, isn't it, chica? The power? The knowing that you can have practically any man you want, with just a wiggle, a giggle, and a smile?

"But it's also scary. The way your body threatens to overpower your mind. Instead of the body being the mind's servant, the mind can be the body's slave, if you aren't careful."