The Taking of Susan


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"Bill this is Andre, I was just talking to your lovely wife down by the pool and decided to give you a call."

"Yeah, how can I help you Andre." I asked, a little upset that he was talking to Susan again and a little puzzled why he would call me.

"I was talking to Brenda, you remember her from the party. Latin girl pretty drunk. Anyway she was telling me what happened the other day in the apartment and."

"Hold it, hold it, Andre is Susan there."

"No Bill I wouldn't bring that up in front of Susan. No she's down by the pool, I'm in the apartment making us some Margaritas. Anyway Brenda told me what happened and I take it by your response that Susan doesn't know about your little tryst with Brenda. Didn't tell her about watching James and Amy doing the deed either I bet."

"Where are you going with this Andre." The man's tone was condescending almost like he was laughing at me."

"Nowhere buddy, just that you like to watch according to Brenda, even if your a little quick on the draw, and well I was wondering if you'd like to see your wife, say having sex with me. Cause if that thought appeals to you then I'm your man."

"What the fuck are you talking about man, first, I don't like your tone, second, I know Susan and she would never let a guy like you near her."

"Listen Billy, don't be talking to me like that or the next time I see you will be the last time I see you. I take threats real serious, so don't be talking shit." Andre's voice was calm, but menacing.

"Look I'm just asking if you would like to watch me with your wife, you obviously liked watching the other day. I heard a lot of white dudes get into that sort of thing. As for Susan, hell man she's got curious written all over her face, since the first time we met. Now I don't want to say anything to her about Brenda, so like I said, just calm down."

With no way to get a hold of Susan, I needed time to think things through. I didn't know how Susan would react if she found out about Brenda, but I was sure it would be very, very serious.

"Andre I apologize, just don't say anything about what happened." Man I hated having to say that to Andre, but he had me over a barrel.

"That's better Billy, Now Brenda is down there with Susan and she knows she's not to say anything, so don't worry. One more thing man, I'm not a bad guy, hell I'll keep your secret, I just thought you wanted to have some fun, you know a repeat performance like the other day only with me and the wife. But like you said, she would never let me near her, so you got nothing to worry about right.

"Yeah I guess so."

"Good so we understand each other, then let me ask you this, your not going to mind me dancing with her tonight at the club are you."

"Dancing no I don't mind, but we might not be able to go tonight."

"Now I thought we had an understanding Billy."

"What do you mean by that Andre."

"Your wife said you two were going, see this is what I mean, no mutual trust. What are you afraid of man that the wife might like something different."

"Alright we'll go but I can't stay late."

The phone clicked and I knew Andre had hung up on me. I cleared my desk and took off for home early. When I got home, I went by the pool first but no one was there, so I went back to the apartment. Entering I heard the shower running. I started getting out of my suit, when Susan came out in her towel. The last few days in the sun had left her with a dark golden tan. her white tan lines were very prominent and sexy.

"What a nice surprise, your home early."

Susan was using the towel to dry off and had lifted a foot on to the bed as she padded her leg with the towel. I had an unobstructed view of her neatly trimmed patch and her prominent vulva. Susan's dark nipples chilled by the air condition were thick and dark, contrasting against her tan lines. I felt myself getting excited just watching her dry off. I still hadn't decided what to do, but I knew at that moment I couldn't tell Susan what had happened.

"So cat got your tongue Billy."

"No just day dreaming is all."

"We're still on for tonight right, it's been so long since we went dancing, I'm looking forward to it a lot. I saw Andre by the pool again, talk about a good job, nightclub at night, pool by day. That girl from the other day, Brenda was here too, strange but nice."

"Yeah I guess, what time did you want to go?"

"I guess about nine if that's okay, you know that girl Brenda. I thought she was Andre's girlfriend at first, but it turns out she bartends at the club. Evidently she goes out with one of Andre's friends. Talk about sex crazy, all she wanted to talk about was how good her black boyfriend is in bed. God I couldn't get her to change the subject."

The last thing I wanted to talk about with Susan was Brenda or Andre. The topic making me nervous. Susan dropped the towel on the bed and walked over to me, so that she was standing very close, the scent of her shampoo, clean, tropical, filling my head.

"All that talk with Brenda made me a little horny Billy. You know she's there telling me that her boyfriends cock is this big." Susan using her hands indicated Brenda's boyfriend had a cock that was a good ten inches long. "According to Brenda he know how to use it too."

"Dam you girls sure got graphic."

"Like I said, that's all she wanted to talk about, and it made me horny, so could I interest you in some afternoon delight." Susan slipped her hand in my jockey's and smiled.

"See you like my dick, even though it's not big and black." I was always surprised at how fast Susan could make me hard.

"Well it might not be big and black, but it's all mine, right." Susan pulled my hard dick out of my underwear. I wasn't sure if that was a complement, but Susan was through talking.

Susan and I entered the club around nine-thirty, the band was warming up and there were already a few couples dancing. The first thing I noticed was that all the male employee's were black. there were several black women waiting on tables, but most of the women employees were white. Then I realized the same was true for the customers. Most of the men were black. Brenda spotted us first and called us to the bar.

"Susan glad you could make it and this is Billy right." Brenda extended her hand.

Brenda told us it was early and that in an hour the place would be so crowded we would be unable to walk in the place. Brenda made us a couple of Martini's and we sipped them while we people watched. Business did pick up rather quickly and by the time we finished our first round, people were two deep at the bar. The crowd with the exception of a few white women was predominately black. Brenda brought us another round and pointed at Andre on the stage talking to a guy in dreadlocks.

"Andre said this round is on him and that he will be right down." Brenda said placing two drinks before us. I wasn't to thrilled, but what could I do.

"Hey glad you could make it, what do you think of the place."

"Nice," I lied.

"Andre the band is really good, you were right. I love this kind of music,"Susan answered with enthusiasm. Susan always did like to dance, which unfortunately was never my bag, nor was the urban shit the band was playing.

"Good I'm glad you like them, lets dance, I'm sure Billy won't mind," Andre said with out a glance in my direction. Susan who was sipping her drink looked in my direction for approval. I contemplated hitting Andre with my glass, but thought better of the idea. Shrugging my shoulders, I let Susan know it was her choice. Susan finished off her second drink and set the glass on the bar as she stepped off the stool.

Funny I really hadn't noticed how Susan was dressed until right then. Black slacks which set off her legs and ass perfectly, heels, and a silk cream colored blouse, unbuttoned just enough show a hint of cleavage. Conservative but very sexy. Through the smoked colored mirror behind the bar I watched Susan and Andre disappear into the crowd on the dance floor. Turning in my chair I watched the crowd of dancers. Occasionally I would see Andre and Susan dancing. Susan was having fun.

Sitting there by myself, I had time to contemplate the situation. I realized that while I truly despised Andre as a person, I wasn't completely repulsed by the idea of another man seducing my wife. Maybe it was the liquor but I found this whole game that Andre was playing exciting to an alarming degree. Every time I wondered if he was right about being able to seduce Susan I would picture Susan riding a big black cock like the blonde from Andre's apartment. Inevitably this led to a hard on, just like the one I was getting watching Andre dance with Susan.

Susan came back to the bar with a big smile on her face and took the stool next to me. Brenda had brought us another fresh round of drinks, I was now one drink up as I started my fourth drink. Glancing over at Susan I noticed the button on her blouse had come undone. Susan's tanned breast's seemed to spill out of the contrasting white laced bra she was wearing. I wondered if the unbuttoning was an accident or something Susan had done.

"God that was fun, the music is great here, I wished you liked to dance Billy."

"Hey I'd rather drink," I shouted over the music trying to sound happy. I knew we were treading dangerous ground. The place was really crowded now as Andre squeezed himself between Susan and the next stool to her left. I wondered just how much of Andre and his horse cock was pressed up against my wife. Susan made no effort to move away, if anything she seemed to be leaning over to talk to him every chance she got. I wondered just how much of this was my fault.

I recalled several times over the past few years, instances were I had encouraged Susan to show a little more skin, wear a sexy swim suit, unbutton a button, dance with a guy, even lead that guy on. I told Susan it turned me. Now Susan seemed to be doing those very same things on her own, so how could I be angry with her now.

Andre leaned over and whispered something in Susan's ear and in response she laughed. Susan then slid off the stool, her body pressing up against Andre as they made there way to the dance floor. They were gone long enough for me to down another drink. Brenda was making them pretty strong and I knew I was at my limit. When Andre and Susan returned I told Susan it was getting late and that we needed to get going. Susan was clearly disappointed, but started to gather her things without objection.

"You don't have to leave yet do you." This was Andre, with a bit of a warning for me laced into the question.

"Well buddy I have to work and if I have another drink I'll feel like piss tomorrow." The buddy was thrown in there with my own sarcasm attached.

"I tell you what, if you don't mind I'll drive Susan home later."

I knew that was coming, so I put it on Susan. "That's up to Susan," I said, knowing she would refuse the lift from Andre, but Andre didn't give her a chance.

"Good then it's settled, Susan come on lets dance." Taking Susan's purse Andre shouted at Brenda to put it behind the bar.

"Wait, wait, you sure this is okay with you Billy," Susan shouted over the music as Andre pulled her to the dance floor. I hesitated, then with another nudge she was gone. I remember walking out to the car, kicking myself for trying to force the issue. I had tried to show Andre that he had no chance with Susan, but the plan backfired.

"That worked real fucking good asshole," I said to myself out loud. There I was trying to be the macho guy, and all it got me was my wife alone with the dude. I had no choice but to drive home and wait.

Three hours and a bottle of wine later, I heard keys in the front door. Between the drinks at the club and the wine I had had while waiting on Susan I was pretty drunk. I had purposely left all the lights out and was standing by our bedroom door which I left slightly cracked open. From my vantage point I could see the foyer and front door. The door opened and there was Susan fumbling with the keys. Andre was right behind her. Susan was swaying a bit and I could tell she was pretty loaded. Andre had both hands on her waist as if to steady her.

"Shhhhh I don't want to wake Billy, he has to work tomorrow," Susan slurred, as she turned to face Andre. The two of them were silhouetted by the light from the parking lot. Andre towered over Susan a good foot. Without warning, Andre took Susan in his arm's and kissed her. Susan arms were at her side, then came up to Andre's arm's as if fending him off. My dick stirred as I watched, Andre hands moving up and down Susan's back and ass, his kiss lingering. In the low light I saw Susan's hands grip Andre's shoulder's as if pulling him down, then she broke the kiss, her chest heaving against Andre's.

"Andre I told you in the car, please, I can't do this, besides Billy is right in there asleep."

"How can you tell me that after what happened in the car Susan, how can you tease me then tell me no." Andre closed the door and flipped on the small over head light in the foyer.

Tease him, now I wondered what had already the fuck happened. Susan glanced towards me and I ducked behind the door. Funny I wasn't jealous, not a bit, probably because I didn't consider Andre a threat. After all, I was a successful man, happily married to a wife who wanted to have my children.

"Andre I don't know what came over me in the car, I've never done that before, I'm not trying to lead you on, I'm sorry."

"Never done what before Susan, had a man cum in your mouth, or having a black man cum in your mouth. You told me no in the car and then the next thing I know your swallowing my cum like so much of a tease." Andre was still holding Susan close, the slight grin on his face evidencing how much he was enjoying himself. I waited for a denial from Susan, but it didn't come.

"I'm married Andre, is what I mean and yes like I told you, I've never been with a black man."

"You liked it when I came in your mouth didn't you. What did you tell me, you've never seen a cock that big, seen so much cum, you said that didn't you."

"Yes I couldn't help it I was so excited."

"You had an orgasm just sucking my cock didn't you Susan. that's what you told me. You didn't make that up Susan, did you?." Andre's hands were cupping Susan's ass pulling her into his cock. Leaning over he nibbled on Susan's neck. I couldn't believe it actually excited me to watch Susan lean her head over giving him easier access to her neck.

"Yes, yes," Susan moaned, "I've never met anyone like you before, god I can't believe I'm doing this," my wife whispered as Andre's hands moved up to cup her breast. Then they were kissing again and Susan's hand dropped to the front of Andre's pants as she fumbled with his belt. I couldn't believe my eye's, my wife was in lust over the guy right there in our apartment. Suddenly Susan broke the kiss and started walking towards our room.

"I need to check on Billy," Susan whispered as she made her way to the bedroom. I literally lunged into the bed throwing the sheet over me and managed to bury my head in the pillow as the door opened.

"Billy, Billy honey, you awake." I tried to control my breathing when I heard Andre speak in a fairly loud voice.

"It seems Billy boy did a little drinking when he got home. I don't think he's going to wake up, are you Billy." There it was, my moment of truth, my chance, all I had to do was stir, get up, say something, instead I didn't move a muscle. I heard the door close and waited for what seemed like an eternity before moving. No way I could risk opening the door so I walked out on to the balcony which the bedroom shared with the living room.

The sliding glass door was open and with the curtain partially open I could see Susan and Andre clearly. They were facing each other and Susan had her hands on Andre's chest as if to ward him off.

"Andre this is crazy, my husband is in the next room, you really need to go. Please don't make this any harder for me. What happened before, it can't happen again."

"Oh you mean how you teased me. Now your telling me that what happened in the car, didn't mean anything to you. I can't believe that." Andre was slick alright, I had to admit that much. The way he turned things around, making Susan feel guilty. At the same time Andre stroked Susan's waist his hands moving up her sides his thumbs brushing over her breast's.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, but really I can't do this." Susan never finished her sentence as Andre smothered her with another kiss. My dick was so hard it hurt. I watched Susan try to fend off the advances of the big black man. Susan broke the kiss trying to catch her breath like a person drowning. Turning, it appeared Susan was trying to walk away, but Andre's powerful arms encircled her. One of his huge black hands grabbed a handful of her breast and began unbuttoning her blouse, the other went between her legs.

"Andre wait, oh god what are you doing to me." Andre had once again leaned over covering her neck with kisses. Andre's hot breath and busy hand's were clearly overwhelming Susan's obligations of fidelity. I watched, helpless, seduced by the erotic scene unfolding before me. Andre partially unbuttoned Susan's blouse and with one swift practiced motion unclasped Susan's bra. An audible sigh escaped Susan's lips as Andre's black hand roughly squeezed her full breast.

"Undo your pant's Susan,"Andre commanded as he pinched Susan's nipple again. I could no longer contain myself as my own hand slipped into my jockey shorts. Susan's hand deftly unbuttoned her slacks as Andre wasting little time, slid his hand into her panties. Susan arched her back as Andre's fingers found their way to her clit and began rubbing it. Susan no longer in control reached behind her and grabbed Andre's cock.

"Do you want me to stop now, Susan or do you want to feel what it's like to have a real man, a real cock, a black cock in that sweet pussy of yours. That's what you want isn't it?"

Susan with eye's smoldering turned to face Andre, her hand's unzipping and pulling his pants down, in answer to his question. Andre was busy with Susan's cloths and in moments they were standing in my living room nude. Locked in a kiss with Susan, Andre had his back to me, her white hands were caressing his ass pulling him to her. Breaking the kiss. Andre led Susan to the couch and took a seat, his cock fully erect appeared large even from my vantage point. A good eight or nine inches long, Andre's cock was really remarkable for it's girth. Andre's cock was not only longer than mine it was easily twice as thick. Pre-cum oozed from the massive cock head as he squeezed his cock in anticipation of fucking my wife.

"Come here baby, look what I have for you, look how hard you've got this big black cock," Andre said stroking his shaft. "That white pussy of your's looks so good, come here and squat down on this thing. Get over here my ho."

I never talked like that with Susan, yet there was no mistaking the effect on her. Susan knelt down on the couch, straddling Andre's cock and with her right hand guided the massive cock head into her slit. It was Susan who suddenly stopped and got off of Andre.

"Hey what's up." Susan went to the drawer of the end table and pulled out the remaining condoms from the other night.

"My god I was so excited I almost forgot, the last thing I need is to get pregnant" Susan purred.

"You mean your not on the pill or something."

"No not right now," Susan said kneeling down at Andre's feet as she placed the condom on Andre's cock. Susan labored to get the condom to slid over Andre cock head.

"Your so big I can't believe it. Your cock is beautiful."

"You keep saying that," Andre said gloating, "after what I saw the other night, or should I say what little I saw I wondered why you married the guy. He dosen't last to long either does he."