The Tales of the Silver Wind Pt. 02


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"Sebastian," Amanda purred slowly pushing open his legs, "Don't you find me attractive?" she asked reaching down taking hold of his hand. Guiding his hand along her thigh, up her stomach, continuing towards her awaiting peak. Amanda released a soft moan as her hands held his against her heavenly orb. "Yes, don't you like how that tit feels underneath that strong hand of yours?"

"Amanda, what's going on, aren't you married?" Sebastian asked a little perturbed.

"My marriage to Richard ended long ago," Amanda said moving closer to Sebastian, "And Richard's no longer a factor, so don't let that worry that handsome head of yours," she said feeling her blouse becoming tight around her chest. "It's been so long Sebastian. Won't you make me feel what it's like to be a woman again," Amanda pleaded reaching down taking his other hand guiding it towards her lonely mound. "Feel me Sebastian, feel the heat just radiating off of that pussy," she cooed as his hand covered her paradise. "Please, won't you touch me? Feel those lips that hunger to be filled by something hard," Amanda said wantonly, reaching over her hand softly grasping his groin. "Something I know that hasn't been used too often since you been on board this ship. Fuck me on this bed, fuck me in the shower, I don't care just fuck me!" Amanda growled. Her lips inches away from his. She couldn't contain her lust any longer. She needed to know how those velvety soft lips felt when he was awake. Amanda moaned as her tongue twirled around his. "Mmmhmm," Amanda groaned as his middle finger ran along her slit. She could already feel her panties growing moist. She squealed surprisingly as Sebastian rubbed her clit.

Richard was never one for foreplay. He thought she should always be ready for him. Thinking that it was her job to be properly lubricated before he would forcibly ram that small tool into her. Yet now though, she was on the verge of an orgasm and Sebastian had barely touched her. Nevertheless, she wanted more, she wanted everything he could give her. Amanda wasn't that cold, she knew his body was still weak from his feat. She would never ask him to do more then what his body would allow. Yet that sleeping beast that was beginning to awaken wouldn't heed that.

"Let me see it Sebastian," Amanda whispered hungrily, tugging on his lower lip as her hand slowly lowered his zipper. She licked her lip as she stroked his growing phallus through his underwear. "Oh my! Mmm... Sebastian you have something that needs a woman's attention," Amanda said sinking to her knees. Her eyes flared in her unbridled lust as she worked his cock free from the garments confines. Her brown eyes glanced up at him as she ran her tongue up the back of his hard cock, circling it around the crown of his bulbous head. She loved how his pre-cum tasted on her taste buds. She loved that sweet salty treat. She lapped up every bead that crept up from the depths of his core. Her lips parted as the head of his cock inched into her ravenous mouth. Her eyes fluttered as that hard tool rested so perfectly along her tongue. Her hand worked in time with her bobbing head, while her other cradled his balls. Leaving a trail of saliva as she pulled away before looking up at him. "Does that tell you how much I want, no, that I need this?" Amanda asked all the while her hand still stroked his cock.

"I see. Well, I guess I should do what the Doctor ordered shouldn't I?" Sebastian asked smiling down at her.

"Mmm... yes, you should always do what the Doctor tells you to," Amanda said matching his smile, "Now, help me with this," she said tugging on the belt loops of her pants. "We can't bathe clothed now can we?" Amanda cooed as she slowly rose the hem of her shirt. Goose flesh rose along her skin as the tips of his fingers sought to chase after that lifting cotton fabric. "Yes, Sebastian, explore my body to your hearts content," Amanda said breathing heavily, as her shirt rose over her head. "Oh god!" she cried softly, as Sebastian gently sucked on her left breast. The only time anyone paid attention to her mounds was by her, and she was tired of being the one that got herself off. "Mmm... yes, Sebastian, they need your attention. Take all the time you need for the two of you to get acquainted," Amanda said trying to still her trembling muscles. Her eyes fluttered as his free hand reached up cradling her bare breast, rolling her hardening nipple between his thumb and index finger. 'Oh god! If he keeps that up I'm going to cum, and he hasn't even touch me where I need it most', Amanda moaned inwardly feeling her body on the verge of an eruption like none other.

"Fuck, fuck, yes!" Amanda screamed out in ecstasy as her hot cream flood her canal. Her thighs rubbed together as those hot juices saturated her panties. Her heart raced, her chest heaved to steady her ragged breathing, her mind willed her quivering muscles to remain strong. As the fun had just begun. Biting her lip as she felt his hand migrated southward. The snapping of the button resounded throughout the room. Her skin heated as his hands inched down her pants. Kicking off her shoes before stepping out of the garments that were hindering her. "Play with me some more before our shower, please?" Amanda asked pressing her naked body against his. How her eyes were glued to that twitching cock. Gasping as his fingers danced along her moist lips. Containing her predatory moan as she nodded to him as those magic fingers teased her womanhood. How her body shuddered as she felt them gliding through her sex. Tilting her head back as Sebastian took her right breast into his mouth. "Yes!" Amanda growled hungrily, as Sebastian slipped two of his fingers into her welcoming channel, "Yes, give it to me hard and fast," she said through waves of breaths.

Amanda felt how her folds welcomed those strange fingers that weren't her own. How they squeezed each finger in their loving embrace. Enticing them to explore every inch of her sex. Telling those sleek appendages to seek out the core of her heat. Her hands gripped Sebastian's shoulders tightly, her eyes bulged out of their sockets, her diaphragm convulsed as Sebastian found that small rough patch. "O...h!" Amanda couldn't utter a word as her mouth was frozen in place. Her grip became alarming as Sebastian pressed down hard on that special area. However, once his thumb rubbed against her clit that was the death nail. "Fuck yes!" Amanda howled tossing back her head as her core detonated. "Don't you fucking stop, Sebastian! Fuck me with those fingers!" Amanda demanded squeezing the life out of him as she held on for dear life. Biting his shoulder as her sex resounded loudly throughout the medical bay. Her legs refusing to support her. A huge smile was plastered across her lips, knowing that Richard could never to this. He had the simplest of trouble just giving her a minor one.

"Now..." Amanda said gathering her breathe, "I think its time for you to fuck me with this hard cock," she said her fingers ran up the back of that stiff tool. Pulling him behind her as she led him towards her shower. It was rather small, used for decontamination showers more then anything. However, they rarely handled anything that would require it. So once or twice a month she would have her own private shower. She always used the sonic shower, yet the warmth that the liquid one provided always soothed her soul. Yet she was wise enough not to waste the ships limited resources. However, Sebastian had other plans. As Amanda reached into the shower. She felt that hard tool running along her wet slit. It's blood engorged head ran though her dew laden lips. Bracing herself against the sides of the shower, peering over her shoulder, "Fuck me Sebastian! Stick that hard cock inside that insatiable cunt." A gasp escaped her lips as Sebastian thrust hard into her. Her grip tighten as his rod glided effortlessly through those hungry folds.

"Yes, Sebastian, right there!" Amanda panted as her breasts swung with every pump of his hips. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her mound savored every inch of that hard cock. Loving the sound of her juices dripping to the floor with every thrust. "You like how that pussy wraps around that cock?" Amanda asked looking back she knew she couldn't morph her womanhood like Lulu could. Yet she knew the months of not having a man to fuck her would be to her benefit. Amanda reached back gripping her ass cheek spreading it open. So Sebastian could view how his cock looked gliding in and out of her paradise. "Oh fuck Sebastian!" Amanda groaned as her womb liquefied yet again. "Yes, fuck me harder! Give me that cock with everything you got!" she growled smiling evilly as his balls slapped her clit. She knew soon he was going to need to cum, and she knew the perfect place for it. Her eyes light up as she felt the twitching of his cock. That 'tell' that all men have when they neared the end. While she still wanted to be on top of him impaling herself of that wondrous tool. Yet he had full filled one part of her daydream. However, the thought of his cum flooding her womb drove all thought from her mind.

Amanda looked back as she pushed herself back onto that hard rod. Smirking as Sebastian held onto her hips. Her tongue ran along her upper lip at how her cream must look coating that delicious tool. With one last thrust backwards on her shaky legs. Sending Sebastian's cock deep into her cunt, so that her womanhood could memorize every inch, every vein of that steel rod. All so that she could forever put Richard out of her mind. Howling in triumph as his hot white sticky seed shot forth filling her starving womb. Sucking in a breath as she eased herself of that stout tool. She knew she was going to be sore in the morning, yet she didn't care as she sank to her knees. Her eyes running over his cock, savoring every detail of how her juices coated it. Inhaling that deflating member she wasn't about to have her hard work be sent down the drain. Not when her mouth could clean it far better.

"Now, a proper shower is in order," Amanda said winking at him as her tongue flicked out teasing the head of his cock, all the while she felt his semen mixed with her own juices running down her thigh.

"Am I well enough to run some checks on the engine?" Sebastian asked as Amanda ran the bone re-generator over his shoulder blade after their long steamy shower.

"As long as you don't over work this shoulder," Amanda said kissing along his neck, "I told you not to hold me with this arm," she teased as she pressed herself against her back.

"I didn't hear you complaining as you rode it," Sebastian shot back mischievously.

"True, you do have me there, as I recall I did beg for didn't I?" Amanda asked as her hands ran down his chest.

"That you did. Now to see what the Captain has done to my engine in my absence," Sebastian said hoping off the medical bed.

"Sebastian?" Amanda called out as he reached the door, "Come back in say three hours or so and well see if we can't do something about those nanites, okay?"

"Sure thing doc," Sebastian said waving at her as the doors slid closed.

"Sebastian!" Akasha shouted throwing herself into his arms as he entered the intersection of the corridor. "I thought I lost you," she whispered as she rubbed her cheek against his.

"I'm not dead yet Akasha," Sebastian said wrapping her in his arms.

"Good, don't you ever leave me," Akasha growled low in his ear before her lips brushed against his. She knew the women of the ship would flock to him. She didn't mind. In Candarian culture it was a common thing for men and women to have other sexual partners, as long as they weren't Candary themselves. However, she wouldn't take another to her bed, human males were too weak to endure her rather physical mating practice. It wasn't unheard of one or both partners breaking a bone of two during it. "Come, the Captain wants to see you."


Two and a half days ago...

Nestled deep within the crater scarred satellite that orbited the terraformed 'L' class planet. One of the few bastions left of the Venus Oculari Empire. Dark Matter converter arrays dominated the surface. Their antennas gathered the abundant material that made up the universe. However, in that Nebulae, it was so rich with it, the leaders had ordered the construction of the outpost. Giving Lieutenant Commander Marshall the honorable task of overseeing it's construction. However, at the time, she had thought it was punishment. Yet how little did she know that one order would have saved her. When the Polorians used their space folding technology on fifty warheads armed with enough neutron bonds fueled by antimatter to destroy a star. Fifty star systems were obliterated in an instant. One which she was stationed before this assignment. Yet the Venus Oculari Empire was long gone and she was no longer a Lieutenant Commander. Since the fall of Rykus she had lead these few. Even expanding their thousand strong to well over ten thousand in such a short time. Some by cloning, others by natural birth, yet all were well taught the knowledge of their home world.

Elizabeth (as she was called now), stood underneath the shower head glad that the most talented scientists of the time were sent to that part of space. She knew without them they wouldn't be half of what they were. They had even enhanced the nanites that were currently coursing through her veins. While she didn't want to subject her people to the horrors of the implantation, they needed every able bodied person to ensure they wouldn't go the same way as their ancestors. Yet they had lost the techniques that made the more elite of her people. Those secrets died when the Imperialists were cut down. She, unlike those elite soldiers, was just a common soldier. Her nanites weren't as advanced as those that were implanted into those skilled warriors. How she had hunted countless years to find just one of them. She would give anything just to study one. To allow her people to examine them to their hearts content. She wouldn't kill them. No. That was out of the question, she knew even if they tried, half of her forces would be cut down before they killed the person. That wasn't something she was eager to face.

"Commander?" the voice of her com officer came over the intercom.

"What is it Norbert?" Elizabeth asked as she ducked her head into the hot stream of water. Her brunette hair slipping from behind her ear as the hot water flowed down her back.

"Ma'am, we have a strange signal coming in."

"So? Don't we get dozen of those coming in here every week, and doesn't it always turn out to be some derelict warship?" Elizabeth asked as her hand ran over her ass.

"Yes, but ma'am that's the thing it isn't coming from sector 20782. The signal originated 94 light years away in the Orion quadrant."

"Wait! What?" Elizabeth asked surprised that anyone from that part of space knew how to contact them, or had the means to signal this far out from the point of origin.

"That's not the strangest part ma'am, the signal it appears to be ours ma'am yet it's old."

"How old?" Elizabeth asked her interest pegged.

"Ma'am, you're not going to believe this but after I ran a check against our database. The computer ran it through all known civilian and military signals that were stored before the fall..."

"Get to the point Norbert!" Elizabeth growled sharply. While she loved his eye for detail she knew if she didn't stop him she would be standing there for hours.

"Right sorry Commander. It appears to be a emergency subspace beacon."

"And!" Elizabeth grumbled.

"It's Imperialist ma'am." Elizabeth was at a lost for words. She questioned the timing. Was it fate, luck, or was it a trap?

"What does the message say?" Elizabeth asked eager to know if she could finally quench her pet project.

"That's the thing ma'am I can't decode it. It's requiring a Lieutenant's authorization code."

"Send it to my terminal Norbert," Elizabeth ordered hastily shutting off the shower, "And find out if you can pinpoint the exact location of the beacon. If you can then see if you can make contact. Inform me the moment you do."

"Yes, ma'am." Elizabeth quickly dried herself off. Her mind raced as to whom the signal belonged to. Her face lit up knowing how common the error ways in the model of nanites that were implanted in his regiment. Given their medical advancements they could easily repair his nanites. They could even upgrade them as well should the man agree to her terms.

"Commander?" Norbert's voice came over the line.

"Yes, Norbert, what is it?" Elizabeth asked as her fingers rand down the screen.

"I have located the signal. It appears to be moving at ten times the speed of light. One can only assume at such speeds the carrier is on a ship. Shall I try to make contact with them?"

"Not yet Norbert. Give me five minutes and we'll see who is the owner of this curious transmission," Elizabeth said rising from her desk as Sebastian's message flashed on the screen.


"Ah good, I see that you're well Sebastian," Lulu said spinning around as the doors rolled open, "We have received a curious transmission and I was wondering if you would possibly know what it means," she said waving to her left for him to enter the bridge. "I do hope it's something that can help you," Lulu whispered as her hand ran down her forearm as he passed.

"I have to say man, even half dead those nanites do work wonders," Nathan said amazed at the difference a few hours made. "Kind of makes me wonder if I should have it done."

"They have their usefulness, even if you have to get nerve ends set on fire metaphorically speaking, of course," Sebastian smirked at his friend.

"Right, of course," Nathan whistled low. He didn't know if he could have gone through all that, "And I can keep this handsome mug for what a hundred, two hundred?"

"As far as I remember the oldest altered solider lived to the ripe old age of six hundred and fourth three," Sebastian said as he rested his arm on the back of Adriana's chair.

"Hello Sebastian, I'm glad you're feeling well," Adriana said sweetly, as she watched him moving his hand over the control panel. "I'm hoping you'll be able to help me with a little project. You have heard of the matter converter RX-176?"

"Yes," Sebastian said glancing sideways at Adriana.

"What is it?" Adriana asked studying his face as Sebastian scanned down the transmission logs.

"It's a Venus Oculari food replicator," Sebastian said matter-of-fact, arching an eyebrow as he saw the hundred and fifty year old secret military code used in the Imperialist.

"How do they work?"

"They reorder the molecules in the air to create nutrient rich food for those living in space. Also, if the need arises, field rations," Sebastian said reading down the coded text. "Quite tasty actually, though after a year on the battlefield actual real food is a god send."

"What about this?" Adriana asked pointing to the other screen.

"A prototype, from what I remember it sort of blew up along with half the moon they were testing of on," Sebastian said memorizing the frequency to contact the remnants of his people.

"Aww! And I so wanted to see it too!" Adriana pouted slumping back into her seat.

"You have, you live on the test site," Sebastian chuckled at her shock look patting her shoulder as he passed. "Captain, permission to use the coms?"

"Granted. I assume you understood what that message meant?" Lulu asked her eyes ran down his body.

"Yes," Sebastian said he alined the subspace antenna. He knew he had to be precise given the vast distance between the two. "Gil, can you come to a dead stop."

"Sure," Gil said firing the forward thrusters bringing their momentum to a dead stop.